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Rated: ASR · Novel · Fantasy · #1782064
more than just a game
"And your total is $8.49."
"Same as ever, here you go Dolly, keep the change I put on a bit extra just for you," he winked, something that might have looked inappropriate to anyone passing by but it was a joke that had been going on between them since she started working.
"Have a nice day."
The door chimed as he left, " There goes the most exciting part of my day." It wasn't that Dalleena liked him, he wasn't exactly good looking and he was well into his twenties while she was still a young teen. Since she never had any classes at this time of day, she used it to work at a small eat in or take out food joint that wasn't far from her school. None of her classmates ever came here ton eat so she felt safe from any teasing which she knew would easily come to someone like her. She wasn't an unattractive girl but put next to the made up, plastic faces of the other girls at the private school she attended she was downright boring. Not that she had time to devote two or three hours to her hair in the morning. Her life was divided between school doing household chores that her mother couldn't do due to both her parents working full time. Her only leisure time was spent in the world of fantasy stories where elves, magical beings and talking animals dominated the landscape. Maybe she hadn't grown out of it yet but it was her escape, her sanctuary from her strained life. The other children at her school were there due to their immense amounts of money or their parents influence. Daleena had neither off these. She was going because her parents wanted her to have a better life than they did. Daleena was grateful to them, she really was but she would have preferred if they simply had time to be together. Everyone wants to save the world, but Dalleena had come to the point where she doubted she could ever do something so spectacular, or that she even wanted to. She had learned that if you wanted something you had to put in the effort of work for it, and what you wanted didn't always line up in value to what was required.
"Alright Dolly, off you go, you don't want to be late for class."
Daleena smiled at Dallas and took off the apron, "I guess so."
"Hey don't forget your share of the tips. You've got to pay those student dues somehow." She smiled slightly as they divided the money. There were no real student dues unless of course you were unlucky enough to catch the attention of one of the mini-gangs in the school. This money always went to one place and that one place she visited so often that she was recognized by face and about ten pet names; by name The other world's bookstore. Here she was most at home amongst shelves of every fantasy that had been created along with a few exclusives kept in stock by authors that wanted to give the press in the back a bit of a workout. She had briefly considered availing herself of this as well but her talent remained in remembering and keeping an account of the stories and worlds she read rather than creating and telling them.
"You know you're the only one that looks forward to my class?" Her literature teacher said in a near mourning tone, "As a result you're the only one that comes early. Do you want to do another quiz?"Daleena nodded absently and sat down to work. This was the third time this month that she has been given a quiz that would give her extra credit and a few additional points on her GPA. "Five minutes late," the teacher observed looking from his watch to the proficient pupal that was just finishing up the quiz he had set down, " I asked the school board and they said I can award you an extra three credits for doing a couple extra curricular novels in your studies. I'll assign you one and you can pick the other. They did say you could do it on a movie but you strike me as some one that prefers the written prose over the silver screen." Daleena nodded. "Just make sure that you don't let down your studies, your going the right way for a very promising academic career."
Daleena thanked him and they waited a few minutes in silence for the rest of the class to file in.
On a typical school day, Daleena would go straight from school home to start supper and get the first few things on the cleaning list done.
Today she had enough for a new book. Since she had a repertoire of meals that she could easily prepare and have ready for her parents what they came home that would take a small enough amount of time make to allow her a trip to the bookstore, she wasn't particularly worried about not going home directly. Student pass in hand she made her way tot the bus stop. This routes driver was also well acquainted with Daleena.
"Hi there, Buttercup, off to the bookshop again?"
Daleena nodded and took hold of a pole beside the driver's seat. At this the route always seemed rather dead, and this driver rather enjoyed conversation even if he was the only one speaking. Today his conversation was occupied by his three year old granddaughter and her baby brother. He had had similar ravings before so it was no stretch for Daleena to know when to smile, nod and laugh or make a remark about how cute she was and how lucky he was to have her.
After the space of about five minutes, her relief got onto the bus. This elderly lady loved standing by the driver and chatting it up about the kids . Daleena went back and sat across from the side exit. Her stop wasn't very far away, she had to make a very conscious effort to remember to pull the cord since she had went too far on account of daydreaming on more that one occasion. Some times this wasn't nesseccary since the driver remembered her stop. But her riding was haphazard enough that, though not giving him enough time to forget her, it didn't give him enough practice to make it a habit.
"Thank you," she called as she lightly jumped off the bus. Now on to the new dilemma, whether to do the project on one of the books she already owned or to get an entirely new one and start from a blank state. she'd have to ask for a time limit on how long she had to complete the project. If it was for the entire school year then she got the impression that she should start something now and journey through it as a way of doing the report.
"Good after noon, sweetheart, we don't have anything hot off the presses, but some older novels that were brought in might suit your taste. I can get the box if you'd like."
"Oh, is Dali here." The store managers rambunctious teenage daughter burst in from the back room, " You're not going to try to convince her to get one of those ratty torn up books that you got in are you?"
"She looks perfectly willing to be talked into it."
"That is beside the point," she leaned over the counter and looked sharply at Daleena, "you should get into gaming, its a way better waste of time than reading all that boring stuff."
Daleena chose not to point our thee obvious faults in that statement.
"Here," she roughly scribbled a web address onto a scrap of paper and thrust it at Daleena," Go there they have a lot of fantasy type games that I'd bet you'd find interesting," she then rushed off like a dust demon in the desert as another young person from her school entered.
The manager indicated to her to wait as he went to the back room. He returned with a thick leather bound book, " this is a set up book for some other story. It explains a bunch of stuff about some magical world, I haven't come across the story that its a companion for yet, but you'll be the first to know when I find it."
Daleena nodded and bought the book, it was slightly less that the ones she usually bought. The manager said it was because he knew she would be buying another soon. Noticing that the girl was giving her a near scowl she smiled and held up the piece of paper to show her that she has it. This appeased the other girls wrath rather nicely. Daleena tucked the paper into the pages of the book. They were yellow tinted and appeared to be mouse chewed on the edges.
"See you later Dali, do you mind if I ask where you're off too?"
Daleena smiled slightly, " would you believe the library?"
"Now I'm more than convinced you need a new hobby."
The library was easy to reatch being only a short run over the hill behind the store, it was a steep incline that lead down to the building bit Daleena had run it so many times that it was a wonder she slowed at all during her decent.
"Good after noon, Belle." She was called this of course in reference to the fantasy charatcer from beauty and the beast, " Here for personal or acedemic purposes?"
"Both. Is thare a computer available?"
"Certainly is, Shall I put you in for an hour?"
"Yes Please."
"Alright...done, go ahead."
Daleena walked over to the consol and put her bag down beside it. The passwordd was the same as always and in moments her email was opened in front of her. The bulk of the messages were taken up by thank you's for the reviews and encouragment that she routinly submited to various authors of varying skill levels. One was from her olfer sister, one from her cousin and one, the one she had come most particularly to check for, was from her exchange p[ertner.
In her fist year of grade school on the other side of the of the country that had assigned a random individual with a made up name to every willing party. Daleena and her partner who she knew as Tali, had been faithful in their correspondence leading to the exchange of email addresses as soon as they had aquired them.
Tali was also very intonfantasy and reading and they often spent a good month disscussing a perticular book that hed both read, amidst recommending others that they might enjoy and even playing a little line by line.
WEell aside from writing to you I'm trying out my friends newest fantasy game , it isn't bad bit I've played better. I cant wait till they design one of these for the people that like the story more tham the how huge they've made the girls chests. It's somewhat morbid but I guess guys are suppossed to be into that. Ewww. hAVE YTOU EVER CONSIDERED GETTING INTO GAMING? Tali
Daleena hesitated after pressing reply then grabbed another window. She rubbed her head then pulled the piece of paper to read due to the cryptic handwriting w but after decifering it s meaning Daleena was found in a directiry of a very nearly every fantasy game ever created. She recognised some of the names from random conversations aournd the scholl and most she was not interesrted in trying. A "new" sign caughher attention. The page directed her to a siggn up sheet filled out after reading their privacy polocy and observing that it didn't require a credit card.
The game was called fantasy of another world, and from the description followed a story linje that could only be discovered by playinf it. It looked interesting but not only was there no price there was also no trial version.
"Not that I could use one if there was one," she answered the user poll onf the page and closed the window.

I've been considering trying out games biut I don't know which one I;d like. I saw one that looked interesting but I don't even knoe how much iot cost but then I don't have a computer at home either. Oh well. something for me to add to by list of thing thsave up for. How's your dog? lenm

after replying to her other mail she pulled out her flash drive and finished off some of her proje ts to print off later. She also got half of a paper that was due the next week done.
"Alright Belle, times up, you'd best get going before you miss your buss, oh and here, " he passes her a stack of papers containing groups that here staped together, " We're doing a contest for writing fantasy ans I thought you might like to be a judge."
Daleena thanked him and left, This wouldn't be the first time she was a anonomous judge for one of these contests. the library had one every yseason and she had been asking her to help ever since she was in the library more often than the librarians.
"I thinkn I'll make a hamburger noodle bake, that ground beef if probably still in the fridge."
The house was silent as she entered. It was not a very large house but it serves the purpose of housing she small family. It was clean and neat, whisj mattered to her mother, it was their own spacve which mattered to her father and it had a large bedroom for Daleena tthat could house her books. She added her new book to the nearest pile, every year for her biurthday she asked for a book shelf, severy year she didn't get one, She had bought herself a small one at the second hand store but in under fit the books she already had she would very nearly have to cover all her walls uop with withb shoelves. She didnt think it was a bad idean but she knew tha that muc sheklvine would const a loif. Abandoning her bag on her bed/sofa she went down stairs to make supper.

"Daleena there's a package for you,."
Daleena walked to the door with a puzzled expression on her face. Had she ordered anthing? she frequented a fair number of web sites that sold books but that was mostly since she reviwewded what she had read. Could this be a perk to all thereviews she had sibmitted?
She was slightly thrown by the size of the package. Being the size of a microwave box bit havine the compareable waight to a box half filled with colthes ot automatically rulled our the possibilityt of being full of books.
Puzzled as to it;s contents Daleena took it to her room. A letter knife made short work of the tape holding it shut.,. The true contents of the box were even more strange that the random imaginings Daleena had thoiught up to explain the presence of the box. It contained what looked like a box formed computer modem a weird circlet crown like what you see in fantasy movies and paintings along with a weird rabbit stuffed animal. The only think that made sence was a tletter tucked into the side of the box.

Best wishes and good playing. See you soon.
The team

The letter explained laess than it told. All Daleena mumbled to herself before closing the box and placing it to the side was, " I should look up what a mi, ri'jab is."

"Good morning Daleena please tell me you arent going to start cuting my class like the other students."
"Did you not have any students this morning?"
"Oh, Did I say Morning? Well I guess that tells you huh?" he laughed half heartedly," If they aren't going to show up then why don't they just officialy drop out of the subject."
Daleena sat down in her customary seat in the front row.
"Make sure you ask uestions to your heartts delight, if it's only you this will be a very short lesson. " tHEWY BOTH LOOKED UP AS THE DOOR OPENED. sTANDING IN IT WAS A TALL BOY WITH LONGER BLACK HAIR AND A HALF BORED HALD HOSTILE EXPRESSION.
"And here I thought I might be disturbing class."
"Please be seated Mr. Andrews." he headed in the direction of the back of the class. " Beside Miss Blacklaws if you please."
the look the boy gave the teacher as he took the empty seat beside Daleena was positively venemous.
“Alright that concludes our lesson. Mr. Andrews would you be so considerate as to come to class in the morning when your supposed to be here. Daleena as always.”
She nodded back and left the room. Her arm was instantly ensnared by the boy.
“What are you doing let go!”
He paid no attention to her protests and simply dragged her to a deserted hall way.
“Look I’m failing in literature and my parents are starting to get on my back about it. You obviously have no problems in that subject and more than enough time on your hands so you can write my reports.”
“No I can’t…”
“It isn’t cheating it’s just helping.”
“No you don’t understand, the teacher would recognise my writing style.”
“So you’re sayinf I would be caught?”
Daleena nodded slightly, his cold tone didn’t bode well. He stared atr her the icy glare that clothed his eyes stealing all the warmth from Daleena’s body. His eyes were ice blue very fitting.
“Alright then you can tutor me, you’ll caom over twice a week until my grades improve,” he grabbed a pen out of her hand then grabbed her arm, rolling up the sleave, “ you start tonight this is the address,” he skribbled it onto her arm,” be there at 6:30, no later.”
“But I don’t…”
“Do you know who I am? If you’ve ever lifted your head long enough to see anything you would have noticed the royal club of whichI am king. I can make your life very eary or very hard. Which do you want?” With those words he walked away. Daleena clenched her fists, she relly didn’t need to add getting bullied to her life, she had enough problems.

"Hello, um, I;m here to tutor..."
"Oh yes, he said a nice girl had offered to tutor him in lit, I had imagined you to be prettier but I think I perfer you this way."
Daleena wasn't sure if that really qualified as a complement but she thanked her anyway.
"Max is up in his toom."
"No I'm not."
Daleena looked up from where she stood taking off her shoes. Max stood at the top of the stairs, dressed more formaly in a nice shirt and pants than Daleena had been prepared for.
"We will be though and I don't want us disturbed for any reason and I do mean any reason."
His mother nodded, " It's nice to see that you're taking such an interest in your school. Have a good time and call if you need anything."
"We will," Max signalled for Daleena to follow him. She followed thouhg slowly. As soon as she was in the room he locked the door and took off his shirt.
"What are you..."
"Oh relax, I don't want an ugly girl like you. Shoot, I'm going to be late, can't you walk faster next time?" Daleena turned away, her face flushed and her mind in a million directions.
"I'll be back around 9:00 and I'll paraphrase a version of your homework. Or you can write one for me, I'll paraphrse that and no one will be the wiser to it."
Daleena stared at him," that's the only reason you asked me to..."
"You think I'd be caught dead being tutoired by a nerd? Don't be so uptight. You get benfits. You'll be under my jurisdiction so you won't have to worry about any bullies at school."
Daleena could have pointed out that she wasn't but this would have proved counter productive.
"You can use my computer or work on your home work or whatever. I don't care as long as you don't rifle through my stuff or leave this room." he opened the window," get it?"
"I got it."
He dissapeared.
Daleena sighed and put her bag down." I guess it's a good thing I decided to bring all my homework."
The offer of using the computer was decidedly tempting and Daleena took advantage of it to write "Max's" paper. She firmly believed that cheating was wrong but she also dind't want to have a hard time at school. She had therefore put on the guise of a character she had recently read about and written an opposing view to what her own paper would be about. She dind't relly feel that this got anywhere near around her consious but she didn't really see another way. Wouldn't being bullied by one person be better than being bulied by the entire school?
Talico; well, well, wwhat's this? it's rather odd to see you on at the same time as I am.
Daleena stared at the message that had bliped onto her screen She was signed into her email, she hadn't been expecting it though.
Talico; hello? did you just leave yourself logged on?
Daleena quickly moved her ouse to the dialog box
Len; yeah I'm here, I was just surprised to se a message from you
Talico; how long are you going to be on
len; oh are you needing to sign off don't let me hold you back
TALICO; I refuse to answer based on the fact that iut may incriminate me, but seriously, algebra and english, critical essays...i could live without them
len; I don't find them that bad
talico; you review for a living I on;ly do it if I have time
len; I do not\
talico; what have you read that you haven't written a review or done a paper for?
Daleena sat back and chuckled
Len; lol ok so I can't think of any
talico; any tips for me
Daleena froze
len; I don't really know no ones asked me for tips before
talico; comes naturally to you does it? Dont strain yourself. i'm good at them I just hacve other things I'd rather be doing
len; like reading or playing a game
talico; or talking to you. You're a lot easier to talk to than most of my other friends
len;' you'd think it would be the other way around
len; i mean that you'd be able to talk to someone you've met in person before better than some one that you've never seen
talico; not really, you can't really feel that you're being judged based on your appearence when you can't see them
len; you also can't judge them, but you might not be sure that you can trust them
talico; do you have that issue with me?
len well no, not really
talico; I rest my case. Most of my friends don't believe you could possibly exist when i tell them about you
len; lol
talico; what do your friends say when you tell them aboutbme?
Daleena's smile faded
Len; I'm not sure that I have anyone that I'd classify as a friend, I've almost never stayed in the same school for more than a grade and my focus has always been on my studies
talico; well that sucks, no wonder books are your world
Len; what's your excuse?
Talico; point taken. So what are you up to?
len; just checking my email now, I was going to write a review on
Daleena glanced at the clock
len; Crap! how did it get to that time; I'll have to talk to you at some other time, send me an email
talico; a'ight, night len
len; later tali
Daleena closed the IM logged out of her email pulled out her flash drive and exited the internet a moment before hearing a bang as the window opened.
"That was a little longer than I had anticipated." Max looked tired and Daleena was sure his clothes were rather dirtyt despite being all black. He strod over, put one hand on the back of her chair and the othe ron the desk and leaned toward the monitor, " so what's gotten done?"
Daleena brought up the minimised file containing the report.
"Very smart, no one will be able to fuigure out that you wrote it."
"Please don't ask me to do this again."
"I have something more important to do than these silly reports. You enjoy them and you get an evening to do nothing but them. Oh and don't do anything stupid to my computer."
"i'm not that kind of girl," Daleena leaned forward in the chair to pick up her bag, " I don't approve of what your doing. this is an essay that you can study for form and structure. I don't want to know what you'll do to it." Bag in hand Daleena got up and walked to the door.
"I'll see you on thursday, same time same place, you can just come straight up to my room."
SAhe left the room, her head whirlying slightly she was his cover for going out to parties and to top it off she was essencialy doing his homework.
"Hello Miss..?"
"Ah a levely name, " Max's mother smiled, " you must have worked up an appetite getting him to recite passages and editing his work. We do so appreciate that you're doing this," she offered a plater," Take a couple cookies."
"That order will have to be to go," Max was suddenly beside her, changed into his previous apparel and with his coat on, " I have to walk her home before her curfew."
"That's so caring of you. if your father had been like that..."
"Sorry sweetie," she grabed a handful of cookies and put them into a paper bag and offered them to Daleena. Max used one hand to hold Daleena's coat while she got into it and the other to hiold the cookies.
"I'll be back in about twenty minutes."
"Ok honey, take your time."
Max closed the door behind them, " She's kinda clingy but she's a good mother."
"I can walk home by myself."
"Not while you're in my neighborhood, besides, I'd like to know where you live." Daleena kept walking not acknowledging that that knowledge was what she had been hoping to prevent. She walked briskly hoping to eliminate as much of their time together as she could. " Do you always walk this fast? No wonder no one ever talks to you."
"No one talks to me because none of them have common interests with me."
"Let me take a random guess, you're into books."
Daleena nodded stubornly, she was easily cutting the comute time in half. Though she was honestly unsettles by how close they lived to one another.
"You shoulf have picked a school with a literary club."
"And you think I didn't.." she had to stop since a cookie had been shoved into her mouth.
"That's a good cookie, macidamia nut and cashew, savor it. I'll pay you ten bucks a night for tutoring, I'll even let you fluff your college application by saying that you tutored in school. I'm being very generous with you so don't get snappy. There are a great many worse things that could be happening so get over it."
Daleena was silent. She was silent because she was angry. With him, yes, but more so with herself for letting this situation happen in the first place. She walked faster as soon as her yard came into view. Max simply lengthened his stride to keep up.
"Ok goodnight."
"Wait." She tunred her hand on the handle of the door.
HGe held out the bag of cookies, " you forgot these, I put your payment in there. See you tomorrow."
She took the bag without a word and went inside. Her parents were already in bed. She locked the door and went up to her room, since the blinds were open she walked over to close them. On the street outside she could just make iout Max's silhouette. he waved and left.
"What kind of trouble am I going to get into by assosiating with him?"

“Mr.. Andrews, this it not your class time.”
Daleena looked up fro her work in time for Max to drop his bag beside her.
“This is the class in the time slot that I got my last assignment from, therefore it is my class.”
“Are you aware that you are insinuating that you have already finished your project?”
“Yes, sir, that was my intent.”
The teacher shook his head,” if it had been Daleena I would have believes it but in your casse…”
“Daleena is my tutor. She came over to my house last night and I worked on it till it was to her satisfaction.”
Daleena couldn’t help figuring that he only made this anouncment since the rest of the class was again absent.
“In that case you may turn it in, and resume proper studies at your proper class time.”
“This time suits me better.”
“Mr. Andrews.”
“I’ll keep showing up at this time regardless of what you say.”
“If you’re going to participate in this time slot, then at least come on time to it.”
“Yes sit.” the way he said this made it sound like the whole thing had been his idea. Which might not have been so far from the truth.

Her rom was a welcome change of scenery after the somewhat draining day, the next project tpo be completed in lit was rather extensive so Daleena was putting work between her project and her”example” project. For as hard core as she was about getting her homework done as quickly as possible, working for close to four hours straight on two projects with the same goal was trying even for her. Her gaze wandered to her acquisition at the bookstore. Really it looked more like it belonged in a museum than in a stack in her toom. Putting some clips on the work she was presently doing, she got up and picked it off the stack. She was tempted to blow pretend dust off the cover.
The store owner had been right about it being a background for some story. A very extensive background. Over forty kingdoms were described by their political structure, treaties, blood lines, trade, agriculture, markets, armys, history, land, climate, fauna, flora, and anything else you could possibly want to know. Daleena was amazed by the volume of information that had been stuffed into the pages.
“if magic exists, it’s been used to put all this in here.”
One set of pages caught her eyes rather one passage.
Mi-ri’jab’s are a peculiar creature that no one has had any real luck figuring out. In appearance they resemble a rabbit, yellow in color with black tips on their ears and tail as well as a black spiral horn in the center of their heads. They are accepted to be magical though what makes them this way or what they are capable of has yet ti ve determined. Misterious and stubborn they have no master, nor would any ant to be considered as such to such a creature since unrefutable bad luck follows any that keep a mi-ri’jab. They are very secretive and hard to find.
Daleena went to box and pulled the stuffed animal out. It matched the description given perfectly.
”Must be the games mascot.” sfe held it in front of her face like she would a puppy, “ youu don’t look so scary to me. Are you sure you’re responsible for all the bad stuff that’s happened to my?” she tucked the animal into her lap and continued reading until it was time for bed.

“Good you’re on time, I’ll make an effort to get back a little earlier this time. Same rules apply.”
Daleen didn’t bother saying goodbye as he was already half way out the window. Since she had already finished her own homework she set to work on typing the other. She was a rather fast typest and soon had al she had written in hard copy imuted into the digital world. After attaining this point she gave into the desire to check her email. But first she went to the game website to see if there was any information on this trial version. There was no mention on it, in fact there seemed to be less information than Daleena had remembered.
Talico; look what I found
Daleena smiled as she sent the other window to a different website
Len; or did I find you
Talico; I wonder…so what are you up to tonight
Len; writing more reviews
Talico; do you know what spare time is?
Len; what’s that supposed to mean?
Talico; there are people that get paid to write reviews
Len; I don’t think I’m old enough to start working in that field
Talico; there are probably lots of authors that already know who you are
Len; I doubt it
Talico; have any of them ever written back to you to thank you for your reviews?
Len; yeah
Talico; well there you have it
Len; I’m trying not to get puffed up
Talico; good luck with that, it isn’t denying your talents that makes you proud
Len; if you say so, oh I should go
Talico; we’ve got to coordinate ourselves better
Len; sure bye
Talico; hey do you play games?
Len; can I answer that next time
Talico; well alright when is next time going to be?
Len; probably next Tuesday or something
Talico; I’ll try to be on, I really enjoy talking to you, I’ll send you a message bye
Len; goodnight
Daleena logged out and started closing windows.
“Don’t I get to read that now?”
Daleena turned and watched Max finish squeezing in through the window
“Don’t you have to take me home?”
“That was awefully sarcastic for you to say to your master.”
“I’m not your servant.”
“You have a better way to describe our relationship?”
Daleena was silent.

Daleena picked up the stuffed animal from where she had left it on her bed,” he is so fustrrating. He thinks he’s entitled to everything and can get away with anything. I can’t stand him.” She petted the lifelike fur. They had done a good job on this toy. If it hadn’t been for the eyes she might have believed that it was really, well that and the horn. “You are one funny looking animal. Maybe I should do a report on you and use you for a visual aid.” her hand continued to stroke it, “ a name for you ehh? Well, we’ll say Kirimi for now and call that good,” she looked over her shoulder at her alarm clock, “ I’d better go to bed.”

Daleena’s Saturday was consumed by chores and reading since the summer job she had had for Saturdays was now over.
“I can do some of that Daleena.”
Daleena looked back at her mother, from where she stood dusting the pictures, “ that’s alright mom, I know you’re tired, I can handle this.”
“If your sure. I’m going to take a nap, could you wake me when it’s time to make supper.”
Daleena’s mother really wasn’t the best cook so Daleena waited till supper was ready before waking her.
“It was very nive of you to let me sleep but I wanted to help you with supper since it seems like youre always doing everything around here for us."
"I enjoy it and it's a way to give back for all the thins you do for me."
"Well don't hesitate to ask for help."
"If I need it I'll ask."
"You are going to make someone a very good wife!"
Daleena kept her blushing to a minimum.

That night Daleena was only a step away from being asleep, the click of her window alerted her a second before she feld a hand over her mouth.
"Quiet, I have a very particular favor to ask you."
Daleena squirmed but Max held her still.
"Don't move and listen, If any one asks you what you did on SSaturday night tell them that the two of us oulkled an akkbughter ti finish out lit projects. Got it?"
Daleena nodded."Good, I'll see you on Monday."
Daleena didn't get much sleep that night.

"You lookd tired, buisy weekend?"
She nodded and yawned as she took her seat.
"Judging by that stack of homework, it looks like you didn't waste much time."
"No sir," she passed him the stack of paper.
"Do you want mine as well?"
Daleena had to give it to him, Max was doof at unnoticed arrivals.
"Are you done it?"
"I certainly am, me and Daleena pulled an all nighter on Saturday and finished them."
The teacher nodded to Daleena, " I'm impressed with both of you. If you keep up this rate of work you won't fail."
Max took his seat. Daleena found a note pressed in her hand as soon as the teacher wasn't looking
If anyone asks where you were on sunday afternoon tell them that I took you to a concert, I've included a ticket stub.
Daleena sighed, tucked the half ticket into her pocket and crumpled the paper. How long was this going to go on?

"That does sound like a problem, that's why people come up with ways to escape, games books,m shady locations, they';re all ways people escape. If he bothers you ytou could try punching him or telling a teacher. Tali
Daleena doubted that a punch from her would do any good, and as for telling a teacher, there weren't very good chances for that either.
After she had gotten to her room she fell back on her bed, " I hope this just goes away on it's own."
Daleena got up and stared at the living stuffed animal. The small thing was sitting up with both its front paws rubbing furiously at its eyes. She picked it up. It grunted and resumed its pawing when she held it in her lap.
"Kyu, kyu."
Daleena slipped the edge of her nail under and pulled off the fake eyes. The creature sat still with its ears down as she peeled it off. The adhesive hadn't been very strong so there was minimal hair loss. The other one was a bit trickier but with some patience it gave way. The beast rubbed and scratched its head vigorisly before opening its large red eyes to look at her.
"Um, Kirimi?"
The little beast stood on it's back feet to look Daleena straight in the eyes.
"Kirimi is you."
Kirimi hit Daleena's nose with her paw.
Kirimi jumped off her lap and went purposfully toward the window.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Kirimi positively glared at her. She then jumped into the bax crawled into the circlet and looked angry.
Daleena sighted, "well, if you're alive I guess I'm going to have to as my parents if I can keep you." She got up and walked toward the door, " Kirimi, you should come too."
Kirimi looked away with intent.
"Kirimi, let's go!"
"Kyu!" the mi-ri'jab let out a happy squeal. The circlet started to glow.
"Whoa!" Daleena grabed the circlet, " Is this the game?" She roughly put the crown on her head. When she opened her eyes the light had gone there was a gentle breeze blowing and she was in a forest.
"Hey!" Daleena ran after Kirimi, who was headed purposfully away. " Where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be my guide?" She chased after Kirimi for nearly an hour. Very little changed about the forest aside form the trees. thick foilage let very little lihgt in Daleena couldn't tell if it was high noon above the trees or dusk. " Kirimi, stop."
Kirimi whirled aound and growled menasingly at Daleena, "Kyu." theu paused a minute Kirimi erupted into an angry series of kyus and kicked up enough dirt to make a dust wall around herself.
Daleena sank to her knees, " Kirimi, please I really want to go home now, I don't understand this game, I don't know where you're taking me but this isn't very fun. This isn't the escape I wanted."
Kirimi's angery" Kyu" was the only responce she got.
":Let me go home please."
Kirimi looked away.
"Kirimi, Let's go."
Nothing happened. Tears formed in Daleena's eyes, " I want to go home."
Kirimi stared at her one ear raised and a slightly amused look on her face.
"Jusat send me home."
Kirimi stared with a glare on her face.
"I don't really want to be here anymore than you seem to want me here. Can't you just send me home."
"Fine, my name is Kyu, I'm a rougue that has all and no recognisable skills and horrid tendancy to get into trouble."
Kirimi erupted in laughter, ,well as much as the kyu noise she kept making could sound like laughter.
"What are you laughing at?"
Kirimi looked sharply to their left and continued running.
"Oh please stop soon."
Kirimi still seemed put out be Daleens's precence bit she seemed to ber baring with it better since she wasn;t blatantly trying to outstrip her. Kirimi jumped pff the narrow barly visible path thay had been following and scrambled under a bush. Daleena squeezed amoungst the roots as well.
"Kirimi what's going on?"
The rabbit like creature's chest heaved slightly, both it's ears upright and swiveling to listen to every direction.
Then Daleena saw it a snake probably close to six feet in lenght, very robust, with a triangular head. All the clasic characteristics of a poisonous snake. She looked back at Kirimi. Wouldn't such a small animal be vounerable to consumption by such a large reptile? Now the questioin was how to deter such a lare snake without being struck. She eyed a stick beside her. Maybe that wasn't such a giod idea She put her hands on Kirimi, running was the better option, Her eyes went back tot eh snake, her expression warry.
The scaled began to shift and the form changed. Dalena watched in amazement as the snake melted into the form of a deformed short muddy black man.
A floating orb appeared before him, his mangled broken voice gave his report, " there is oine one here master, they are not making as fast as the last group I will go further and report when see anyone."
Kirimi looked as though she was about to explode. The man, if that is what he could be called reverted back into a snake.
Daleena picked up the stick. She highly doubted that shis being would be on her side. kirimi perked an ear at her then, rushed out in front of the snake. Daleena stiffeled a cry as she rushed out after the rabbit. The snake distracted by Kirimi was oblivious of Daleena's precence until she had landed a full force hit on the serpents head, driven by adrenalin Daleena continued her assault till she had felt bones breake multiple times and all obvious signs of the snakes life had left.
"Finally, my magics back."
Daleena stared at Kirimi," you can talk now?"'
"You really are stupid. Do you mean to tell me that you haven't been able to understand a word I've said to you since you woke me up?"
"All you've been saying is "Kyu"."
Kirimi smiled," ah so thats why you said your name was pet."
"So why can you talk now?"
"Don't know, don't care," she turned, " have fun surviving." She took a jump and another straight into some kind of barrier. "You've got to be kidding me." She turned her scowl back to Daleena, ' I guess I'm stuck with you>"
Daleeena looked at the sort of bubble around them, " are we both stuck here?"
They stared at each other for a moment. Daleena sighed, " any ideas how to get out of it?"
About a minute passed in insilence.
"There's no way I'm doing it."
"Doing what?"
"This is the only place I have access to my magic, other wise it's all connected to you!" Kirimi yelled.
Daleena droped her shoulders, "is that wwhy you hate me?"
She sighed," there must be a way to get back here."
"There is."
Daleena looked at the rabbit, " how?"
"Just say stats"
"I suppose that when we het out you won't be able to talk."
"I will be able to talk to you. But becaues of what you chose that won't be veryt often."
"What do you mean?"
The mir-ri'jab sighed and got comfortable, " let me explain this to you, I'll use common language so you'll be able to understand. This land if called Rythoth it is not a game and everything here is real. My Magic has been stollen and is makeing things seem like a game to you. Thus you caN level up and lean new attacks. I can talk when you do this or at times when you require information."
"So how does what I chose affect that?"
"You said your name is Kyu, it is now your game name or how everyone will refer to you here. Your occupation is rouge."
"That doesn't realy explain it." Daleena sat down beside Kirimi.
The rabbit just looked at her," if you had chosen a swordsman then all ypou would have had to do would be fight, if you had chosen a magician all you would do would be stumble onto some new magicword, if it had been a princess or a scholar you ould need diplomacy or information if you..."
"I get it. So what about a rouge?"
"You have to aquire a small bit of everything before you level up. You do have one advantage though you can carry over experience."
"So how am I doing?"
"You have an unexplained rediculus amount of knowledge, of just about all kinds. What you need are motor skills."
"So everytime I level up you cane talk to me."
"Yes and other times."
"When are the other times?"
"As I already told you everytimme you say Stats iof puts you in a time frozen bubble with me and if you say options, I can give you some, It's supposed to be determined by your level, but I'm consious so I maybe able to transend some of those rules."
Daleena's eyes narrowed," why do you suddenly seem eager to help me?"
Kirimi fixed her eyes on Daleena, " Don't get me wrong I still hate your gutts for being the one my magic use is totaly dependant on, but I hate the magicians of this land far more for making it that way in the first place."
"Um thanks."
"You are now up to level one, your first magic word is Xanth, you can use a level one stick to fight and tyou are credited with the intelegence of the village idiot, your allowence is one hay penny an hour."
"Are you serious?"
Kirimi smiled," I think I may enjoy this."
"So who was that snake guy?"
"Can't tell you that."
"Why not?"
"You aren't at a high enough level."
"So what was that bit about being able to surpass that rule?"
Kirimi turned to look at Daleena over her shoulder," that's when I want to. iN THE MEAN TIME aLL i'LL TELL YOU ABOUT HIM IS THAT HE ISN'T your friend."
"Kirimi, how do I..."
"Just say resume to go back to my world."
"Kirimi, how do I go home?"
Kirimi scowled at her, " why on earth ould you want to go back there? There's nono magic and it's downright boring."
"Well, then let me go hoime and you can stay here."
"I wish I could," Kirimi snapped, " but since we're tied together by that stupid circlet that you've now got stuck on your head, I have to be the same place that you are."
"So you're sayin g that I'm stuck here."
"Resume." the bubble shimmered and popped.
The bubble reformed.
"What now?" Kirimi asked angrily.
"Does time that passes here line up to time that passes in my world?"
Kirimi stared at her, " I'm not sure there are variables but either way it doesn't matter since you don't have to worry about going home."
"Resume." She surveyed the forest, very few of the flora seemed familiar but she got the impression that she had seen or read about bthem before but then sith the amount of fantasy she had read that wasn;t much of a stretch.
She sighed, " options."
Kirimi's ears gave an interested-in-spite-of-herself twitch, " level up."
Daleena looked at her, " so how long is that going to be the only option?"
Kirimi shrugged.
"I guess that's the only one you're obligated to give me."
One of Kirimi's ears twitched backwards.
Daleena knelt beside Kirimi as they both looked in the direction the latters ear had twitched. " I ssomeone coming?"
Kirimi nodded," Kyu."
Daleena looked around, there wasn't really all that much for cover around. She looked up," well, be safest in a tree." she looked down at Kirimi, " I guess you can't really climb." Daleena snuck boht her hands around Kirmii's stomach. Daleena climbed up as quickly and safely as she could with a rabbit in her arms.
After nearly a quarter of an hour by Daleena's watch, Daleena turned to Kirimi to inquire whether or not someone was acctually coming. Then she started to her a slight noise. She turned her attentiuon in that direction and after another cramped minute, the group appeared. There was about six of them as grotesk and vile in appearence as the first but without any apparentt charm as they merely grunted in place of making noise. She carefully made her way down the bottom of the other side of the tree. Her stick was down here. If all she needed to do was knowck out a couple of these black creatures to level up enough to get Kirimi to let her go hoime then so be it.
Of course she wasn't going to just run them with no strategy. That would be just plain dumb. Especially with her level one stick handling skills. The plot was one swift blow tot he temple from behind disappear hit the next one and repeat.
Kirimi found it facinationg from her perch in the tree she had an excellent vantage point. Though Daleena was still clumsy in her movements and her noise was masked oinlt by th that of the creatures she was handling. She kept track of Daleena's ascending levels, but didn;'t inform Daleena of the fact by using the magic released to instead make her movements quieter.
"Up six levels in five minutes. Where did she get the knowledge from?"
Kirimi's ear twitched she looked away. Out of reach of human sigh on a ridge bsbarely visible through the leaves stood a man. He was like the other snake man, though more human in appearence. Kirimi's eyes darted back to Daleena for a moment. From where the man was it would be difficult if not impossible to see the girl, All he would likely see would be th men falling. Daleena went up another level. Kirimi assigned the magic to making Daleena faster. The man pulled out a orb like the one the other had had. Kirmii focused more intently at him. "Rouge" and "Unknown" were all the words she could properly distinguish since an inconvenient scream from the lasrt creature Daleena was attacking warded off alll other sound.
"Kirmimi say Kyu twice if there are any more."
Kirimi watched the snake man change and slither off in the oither direction. He ccertainly hadn't seen Daleena.
Kirimi looked down the tree to where Daleena stood with her arms outstretched. TGhe little rabbit's Kyu sounded decidedly sarcastic and unyeilding.
"Common Kirimi, do you really want me to climb all the way up there to get you/"
Kirimi turned her back.
Kirmii was in no way prepared for Daleena to kick the tree, Effectively knocking her from her perch. Not much surprise then that when Daleena caught her from the air Kirmi propmtly bit her.
"You sure can be one nasty little bugger." Daleena held kirimi in one arm while sucking on her bitten hadn with the other.
"Can I go home ow?"
Kirimi hit Daleena har dwith her two back feet. Yhn one of her ears twitched.
|Stats." the bubble formed, " is that more of these black things coming/"
"Let's get back in the tree and I'll tell you in about five minutes."
Daleena sighed and started her acent back to their perch. " I will dub this location, the nest."
Kirimi grunted.
"It isn't more of the black things, though there are some of those in the area, this time it appears to be players. Probably on a sort of training field."
"Good, I can join their group and they can tell me how to go hme."
Kirimi shook her head," I wouldn't count on it you're level one remember? And from what I heard of their conversation you have been declared a rouge that is to be killed on sight.
"If I die here do I go home?"
Kirimi's look was one abbached by the stupidity of what she was hearing., it then turned to unbridled boredom, " As much as I'm tempted tp say yes, the probably truth is that if you die here you die there. You;re only hope is to take them out and use their levels which would be added onto your's and take out the fools behind this whole conspiracy."
"Are you crazy! you said yourself that I',m only level one."
"I am aware of that."
"What aer their levels?"
"Say resume and when I say ok bring the bubble back.'
Daleena sighed and complied, waioted until Kirmii said kyu and then returned to the bubble.
"What's the verdict?"
"Don't get all familiar with me, I'm looking forwar to leaving you whenthis is ocver. Their lowest is level four and their highest is level twelve."
Daleena sighed, " there is no way I can take them one."
"It may sound like a big deal but the one you 'd have the most difficulty with would be the level twelve. There isnb't much difference between you ad the others the differenc somes mostly in tntervals of ten."
"Oh that's comforting," Daleena mirrored Kirimi's tone.
"Do't mock me, " Kirimi said slowly, " if you do I'll make sure you never go home again.'
"So you're saying that if I do this then you'll take me home?"
"I'll think about it."
Daleena crossed her arms, " That's not good enough. I won't attack any more people unless you give me your word as a mi-ri'jab that you'rr take me home."
Kirimi stared at her," it appears we are at an impass, you won't do what I awsnt ans I won't do what you want. I'lll make you a deal if you defeat the level twelve, I'll take you home, if you don't, well then , you'd better get used to living here."
"Do I at least get a weapon upgrade/"
"Level two blunt stick mastery. Congradulations."
"Any new magic words?"
"Your energy recieved and used for your first one is increased."
"And that's it?"
"Your salary is increased to a whole penny. Aren't you happy?"
Kirimi smiled, however much she might not have liked Daleena, she had to admit the girl was smart. Since she believed herself to be at a lower level she would imput more strategy into her plan and not rely on the numbers. That would be the key to winning this game. Kirimi was a strategist as well, and she had no intention of losing.
Daleena watched Kirimi's ears closely. They were most often focused behind her, that would be the direction the people were coming from. She had already fuigured out and suspected from the start, that Kirimi's sences were far more tuned than hers. Kirimi might not be volunteering these services, but if Daleena could get any help in this area she would take it no matter how small. Now all that was lfet was to take out the players. Daleena's eyes opened a little wider."EWait a minute, I can't kill anyone."
She shoved the good sence to simply whisper this rather than shout it for any and all passers by to their presence.
Kirimi looked at Dleena with a threatening expression. Daleena swallowed it she didn't so this Kirimi would never let her go home. She quickly decended down the tree. Prehaps if she just knocked them out, maybe that would count as defeating them.
"Implimenting a similar stratregy to your last? how unimaginative, but I guess you know it works," Kirimi cocked her head to the side as she interogated Daleena's school uniform with her eyes. |" That will never work in this world, you'll stick out like a sore thumb. Don't worry my pet," Kirimi chaneled some of Daleena's level up energy," you've got more than enough magic for me to cast e simple illusion. Something where they won't be able to see your face or tell if you're a boy or a girl. a very mysterious rougue."
Though Kirimi could see the illusion in her minds eye, She was not capable of seeing it, neither was Daleena, which was all the better since she didn't know about it.
Daleena watched from where she was hidden in the foilage, with any luck the ones with the lower levels would be taking up the rear. Luck must have been on her side as they filed into view.
"Ray," one of the last ones wined," what are we looking for? I thought we were done for the day. Isin't it time to go home?"
"I don't think the bonus objective will still be here tomorrow," Ray, the one in front who carried a staff and sword, said to the other, " And you need the levels."
"I'm pretty sure you cheated on most of the levels." The first to speak, a boy dressed in rich clothing returned in a grumble.
The boy directly in front of him, who carried a bag of scrolls, looked over his shoulder at the first, " we all watched him level up fair and square, you're just jealos because you failed pretty much every diplomacy test."
"Yeah and taking out some rogue isn't going to get me up any levels. Ray, Corin and Thunder are the only one that will benefit from this!"
"Did you forget that we can gain experience by being here?"
"I'm getting tires and hiking through this forest is boring. Isn't there something we can say or do that will put us directly at the objective?"
"They tell us there are no shortcuts."
"Every game has shortcuts or cheat codes."
"You've played games like this one before?" his voice dropped heavily with sarcasm.
"Well, no..."
Daleena's movements were swift enough to keep their clumsiness from being noticed as sghe hit botht he rear boys in the head with her stick. She tossed in an extra swing and took out what appeared to be an archer before dissapearing. She worked to control her breathing.Yes she had successfully taken out half the group but row the rest was on alert and the remaining three seemed to be more the more vertraned of the group. Two now held their swords at the ready and the thrid a gril with only a stick had it erect and ready for either a bash attack or for some form of magic. Dleena kept as quiet as she could as she got into a position.
Kirimi saw Daleena's intent. "I guess I overestimated her company. What fools, that arrangment would only be effective against a rogue if they stoof back to back," Kirimi couldn't really help but show an interest when Dleena picked up a larger rock, |"What is she planning..."
Kirimi nearly laughed and fell our bof her tree when Daleena threw it at one swordsman as she hit the girl in the head with her sttick. Kirimi gathered more energy and used it to enhance Daleena's reaction time and strength while Daleena turned her stick on the first in the group, Ray.
Daleena had expected that the last one would be the most difficult since it wouldn't be as easy to sneak up pon. Which is why she had endovered to take out two at once. She counted herself lucky that the rock she had thrown had done anything now she was acctually fihgting. All she had been doing before was ambushing. She briefly wished that Kirmi woould help her bu took it back when she fuigured out that Kirmii very likely wouldn't let her go home if she had to help.
"You hace got to be the most difficult challenge I've had to face so far."
Daleena made a poiint of not listening to him. Listening would resulf inn lot concentration and lost concentration in a lost fight.
"Careful, with that stick kid, are you trying to kill me.\
Daleena ducked the swing of his staff and brought her stick up knocjed him out. The angle wich she did this forced him to block with his sword and staff.
"Hmm, looks like we're at an imp..."
She only saw the surprised look on his face for a mement before a blinding light engulfed him.
She looked up at Kirmi, who sat with very satisfied look on her face. "Welcome to level three. Your magic had more effect, you hade level three blunt stick mastery. You get two pennys an hour. I guess I should tell you that you can gain levels by training."
"I just killed a player."
Kirimi gave her a dry look," Not likely. There is a powerful magic fail safe tht takes the magic for one level away and transports them back to their " home" You've made this tree your home, so it you ever get killed you'll be right back here otherwise you'll appear right where you left."
"Does that mean you're goin to let me go home now?"
Kirimi smiled," Say "Home Kirimi."
"Home Kirimi."
The light came from Kirimi's horn and filled the bubble, when it subsided she was back in her room. It was dark outside, " Is it the same day?"
Daleena sighed there was one easy way to find out. Walking quietly downstairs so as not to disturb her parents she grabbed the phone. She smiled when she saw the date. It had only been a few hours, "Oh shoot I still have some homework."

"Hello, Daleena, you're looking a little tired today that's unusual."
"I got distracted by someting last night."
"Good, that means you're mortal," Max sat down besides er," I hope you won't be too tired for our study session tonight."
"I'm glad to hear that you are getting along well," The teacher inserted," but if you wuold finalise your plans out of the classroom we'll start the lesson."
Daleena looked around at the empty seats around them ," um teacher, where are the other students?"
The teacher barely glanced up from the papers on his desk," half officially dropped out, I've had to fulunk five and another five," he looked p at Max with meaning," Keep showing up to the earlier class because they say it's more convenient and the others," he shrugged, " they won't come no matter whahow many times I call their parents.
"Mr. Teacher."
"Yes Max."
"About that extra credit project I heard you taking aboto Dolly about."
"Don't tell me you want to do it too?"
"You read my mind since she s tutoring me I don't think it ould be that much of a stretch to add it to ehr program."
The teacher sighed, " Fine bit do it on different subjects at least."
"Could I do it on a story game?"
The teacher looked to be near total defeat, ' Alright but make it good. I don't want to have to cover my face with a coat everytime I go to a meeting."
"It will be anything but boring."
"Daleena have ouy decided on your subject yet?"
Daleena raked her brain, she could say no, but that wouldn't be like her and what with Kirimi she wasn't sure if she was going to have any time to do an extra project at all...
"I'm also thinkning of doing one on a game but I highly doubt that ist's the same one."
"Good enough for me, " he straightened a stack of papers, " write effectively and I'll be able to brag ato my teenage daughter how much I kjnow about games. Now if you will bring your attention to the board we'll start our analisis of war and Peace."
"Nie hair.'
Daleena whiped her hand up to her head, had she forgotten to take of the circlet, she didn't remember takin it off she didn't feel it.
"It's in a ponytail if you forgot," Max simply stared at her from his position beside her statacking his homework.
Daleena droped her hand andn sighed.
"What did you lose a baret or somethin?"
"I hope so," prehaps it had come off when she ha sleeping with any liuck this meant that Kirimi couldn't force her to go back to the magical world.
"That is a weird answer," he put a hand on her shouloder," I'll see you tonight."
"What but it isn't..."
"Does that really mater? I'll see you tonight don't be late."

"Alright, let's go."
Well at least some foog came from being forced to study at Max's house, " Not tonight Kirimi, I have to go over to Max's house to study."
"This Max is your significant other?"
"|What? No!"
"Well then it can't be that important."
"But I lost the circlet."
"Oh common what kind of an excuse is that? You must have noticed that you had absorbed the circlet after you were transported."
"I did?"
Kirimi jumped up and slapped Daleena's cheek, " You are so beyond dense."
"I have to go, If I'm late it doesn't go well."
Kirimi rolled her eyes, " oh please if you don't take charge of thing you'll always be pushed aroiund./"
"Like what you do to me?"
"That kind of comment is not appreciated."
Daleena looked away, " home Kirmimi."
:NO way."
Daleena scowled," Home Kirmimi." The light appeared and shee was back in her room, she picked up her dag," Let's not foget one thing in my world you're nothing more than a rabbit."

"Took you long enough, you're almost five miuntes late, how long can it take to walk such a shot distance?"
"Nice to see you."
"What you have aweful parents or something.?"
teh dry sarcasm did nothing to lessen the impact of such a statment.
"Is that your guest Max?"
"Yes, mom, we're going up to study, don't interupt us."
"Of course not, you have to fucus."
Max grabbed Daleen's hand and half dragged her up the stairs.
"I hate being late, be more punctual next time."
"Yes sir."
Max patted her head, " that's what I like to hear now you be a good girl and be quiet and feel free to talk out loud when you're reading."
Daleena watched him leave.
"Well, I guess I'd better start."
"Ahh, ' Daleena put her hands over her mouth so she wouldn't scream too loud," Kirimi what are you doing in my bag?"
"Kyu," Kirmii hopped out to reveel the completely empty confines of the bag.
"You are one little bugger."
"Kyu," Kirimi's tone was decidedly put out.
"I told you I'm not playing today." She turned on the computer," I'll simply type up the reports and that willl be that, I dind;t have any homework that was due son anyway.'
Kirimi jumped up and sat on the keyboard.
Daleena looked at her then picked her up, Kirimi successfully butted hheads with her. Daleena pit her tongue and tried not to cry at the searing pain in her forehead.
"You are such a pain."
Daleena checked her watch," I can go with you fand train for a half an hour ofter that I have to come back and finish this or I'll go anywhere with you a gain."
"Kyu,"| Kirimi seemed satisfied.
"Let's go Kirimi."

"How can trainign in a game make my arms stiff."
Daleena rubbed her shoulders as she settled in to type. Kirimi had had her throwing rocks for the last half hour at various targets at different distances. For all of that Daleena had gone up one level, Kirimi lay curled up in Daleena's bag. Daleena suspected that she was sleeping buit she didn't want to chance doing something in retaliation. Who knew what kirimi could concokt to get back. Daleena shuttered she didn;t even want to think about that.
Talico; we've got to stop meeting like this It would be nice to say we planned it for once.
Daleena smiled.
Len; if I'm slow to answer it's because I'm writing a paper.
Talico; what about( and if it's any consolation I am too...or rather I'm supposed to be;P)
Len; war and Peace
Talico; that's some heavy reading I hope that's not all you're doing in your spare time.
Daleena saved the half paper, she was done before replying.
Len; no I've taken up a bit of
she hesitated
len; gaming
Talico; really? May I ask which one?"
Len; fantasy of another world, oops, I'm not supposed to tell you that
Talico; lol relax I'll keep your dirty little secret if you keep the fact that I'm playing it as well a secret
Len; that's funny, maybe I'll run into you."
Talico; are you playing in the online mode
Daleena's eyes moved from her work to the pop up," better fake it or I'll get laughed off the internet.'
Len; yup, I'm not in a group though
Talico; you must have only just started playing then, don't worry you'll be assigned to one soon enough
Len; what do you do in a group?
Talico; mostly train to gether to get up levels and combnine different talents. We aren't perfect yet. We got our tails kicked earlier, our leader was very put out.
Len; what you're not the leader?
Talico; no I don't have the right abilities to be a leader one of the guys in our group chose the best occupation to have a claim on being the leader
len; that's too bad for you
Talico; its ok we get around, Hey I thought you didn't have a computer, how are you online?
Len; I'm at a
Again she paused looking for the right word
len; a friends house
Talico; what was with the pause?
Len; it's sort of complecated relationship I 'm more of a cover than a guest
Talico; bummer, at least your not confused about it
len; what do you mean?
Talico; nothing...oh, I've got to go or my mom might kill me. Later Len
Len; by tali
Daleena was not in possession of shabby typing skills and a momnet before Max returned she saved his document and finished putting her typed report into her bay around Kirimi.
"Done? good, I might have had to fire you if you weren't. Have you considered doing history reports?"
"Those usually take longer."
Max smiled," I have plenty of free evenings."
"I don't," Daleena put her bag over her shoulder carefully, " I'm hard pressed to find time for our study sessions as it is."
Max leaned on the doorway, effectively blocking her path, " I'm sorry to hear that, pray tell me what, all important activities consume your time, I bet I can knock them all off your list of excuses."
Daleena attempted to move around him. " What I do with my time has absolutely nothing to do with you."
"Oh, I think it does." He put his arms around her shoulders, " I'd bet that anything you're going to do at home can easily be done here or left till saturday."
Daleena attempted to pull his arms off," let go of me. What will your mother say if I scream?"
Max pulled her closer, " She'll think that I'm a healthy teenage boy. Come every evening and you can simply do all your homework here."
"And if I don't?"
He put his mouth closer to her ear," then I'll tell every one what you do in your spare time."
Daleena hit his ribs with her elbows, failing to dislodge his arms though she did give herself more room to breathe.
"You don't even know what I do in my spare time."
"That doesn't matter, the other kids know that I study with you, given that information it's natural to assume that I know your sckedule. Now what shouldnI say your occupation is? MaYBE YOU STAND IN A STREET CORNER OFFERING EVERYONE THAT COMES ALONG FREE..."
He gave her shoulders a squeeze before releasing her from his hug, " I wouldn't want that anyway, It would be too easy to get caught."
Daleena stoped midstep, " So all I really am is a cover for you?"
Max smiled, " You're smarter than you look."

"Let's go Kirimi."
The moment they were in the other world Daleena shouldered her stick, " Stats."
"Wow, you seem rather eager to fight today."
"I am seriously ticked off with that guy."
"I don't really blame you he is a jerk but you've got to admit that he gets things done."
Daleena ran a hand through her slightly curly hair. She sighed, " Any way what are we training for today?"
"What no retaliation to my comment, no spirited negative..Do you like him?"
"Heck no, can we do something that will burn a lot of energy quickly?"
Kirimi smiled, "Agility and advanced stick handling it is then."

"Excuse me."
Daleena looked up to see three girls from her class that se next to never spoke to." Yes.'
"Is it true that you and Max the king of the school, have been studying together?"
Daleena sighed, this was the second time this week, "Yes."
"How dare you! a good looking boy like that shouyld be free to look on any girl in school."
Daleena dotted a period to finish her home work," it is a strickly professional relatiohship and it was his idea he's free for any of you to like."
The girls stared at Daleena with scowls on their faces before one of them finally relented," well, I guess with your looks he couldn't really like you anyways."
Daleena tried not to look to angry but she made a mental note to ask Kirimi for more agility and hard core training before, during and after she went to Max's tonight.
"Fine, You're not a threat, let's go girls."

Kirimi smiled as she watched Daleena. It had been nearly three weeks sinve she had started volunterily coming into the other world as a way to vent her fustration and it was having considerable effect on her body. If she would take the time to dress up a bit she would be more than averagly attractive. Kirimi smiled, " that and addition of her being very near level sixty would make things rather interesting later still."
"Stats, How am I doing Kirimi?"
"You're doing well, but I would like to caution you not to allow your emothins to affect your ability to fight. For that reason I'm going to switch up your training routine."
"So instead of just venting..."
"You'll be dealing with your fustration in what would probably be considered a more healthy way. Plus if you can be furious and still fight like you're in the calm of a storm it will make you far more dangerous."

Daleena picked up her midterm papers and and brought them forward before exciting. She was more than aware of the many stares that were aimed at her with various degrees of hatered, amazement, disbelief, and wonder. Kirimi's training as having an extra effect. not only had she been nore than able ti rean perfectly calm during all her midterm tests, enough to turn them in esrly with the confidence of a perfect score if not the vey least a very high mark, but she was able to focus her energy more efficiently inton her homework and chores as well as her study sessions and jobs.
"Daleena, if you get any more effitient at theis, they'll fire me because you can do both jobs."
Daleena smiled back at Dallas, "I've been working on being consistant regardless of my mood."|
Dalllas closed the refrigerated table where the ingrediants for the sandwiched were kept," I woiuld have described you that way before, Now I'd say you're super girl, keep up the good work. Man the front while I do some of the dishes would you?"
Daleena nodded and started whipping down the tables. It would be Chrisdtmas break soon, then she wouldn't have to worry about studying with Max, school or even a couple of her part time jobs. She intended to read through the old book she had gotten again. It was strange, it never seemed tol end and many of the concets and things described she was sure she had headrd Kirimi mention. No matter though, It might be something soneone had written about an earlier version of the game, She hadn't shown it ti Kirimi since she had a feeling that the little moi-ri'jab would be rather offened by the passage on her kind.
"Back to school with you, Daleens, have a good weekend and I'll see you on Monday."

"Son did you get involved in a game?|"
daleena smiled at the girl accross the counter as she passed over her purchace and the money for it,"I did, it's ben a bit of a release for me, but, as you can see, I stile get into books."
The girl punched the button for the recipt, "Well, I've broadened your horizons so I;m happy. May I ask what level you're at?"
Dalena's smile was alittle nervous, " Level twenty I believe."
"Well that's not too bad, mayt I ask what game it is?"
"Um another fantasy world, or someting like that."
"Sounds like something you'd be into. Well enjoy that. HAVE A NICE DAY."

"Ok, so your blunt stick mastery skills are pretty much mastered as well as your rock throwing. So today you're going to lean to use a slinng and we'll use this oter stick like a ooden sword."
"What do we do when I need a real one."
Kirimi smiled, "Well first we'll get your urban agility up a few ranks then you'll find someon with a sword preferably a leveling sword and you'll just take it."
Daleena stared at Jirimi," I am not a thief."
"You are a rougue you're suposde dot be able to do stuff thime this."
Daleena shookm her head, "Couldn't I just buy one."
Kirimi's look was of dry iron y, " buying one would take about three times what you presently have in you possesion," this wasn't sompletely true snce Dakee a actually mace close to a hundred times what Kirimi told her she did.
"What about a regular sword?"
"You'd hace to get a leveling sword anyway."
|You really aren't going to let me off the hook for this one are you?"
"Nope, besides it will be a good test of your skills against a reral player instead of just drils."
"But if the other person is a higher level..."
"That's wher the real worl that this place truly separated intsel from the game that it holda as its illision. Shall I explaing it again? I so so enjoy mmaking oyu feel silly for not understanding yet."Daleena looked angry but sAID NOTHING.
"Fighting here is just like fighting in real life witht eh addition og some magical prompts that take the skills you've mastered and can make you perform them like a reflex. Which is prettty musch all there is it it. What isn't explained tot eh other players..." Kirimi put a paw up to stop Daleens's question , "Don't ask me how I know that and what gives you an advantage is this area that these prompts are not always cporrest and come can leave you open fot attack. Evn people int eh three didget levels are vonerable if they rely on the magic too much. I want you to next to never rely on the magic, the more you do the more trouble you'll be in. If you watch for an opening and condition yourself to take advantage of thm the moment they appear you'll be able to take on peaple that are ten times the level you are."
"That would be very upliftin and motivating speach if you'd give it with the impression of actually talking to someone of intelegence."
"I'd have to be talking to someone of intelgence to do that."
"I guess I walked into that one"
"Walked into it? You practically ran into it waving your arms and screaming , Hit me Hit me!"
"Aren't you a merciful person."
"Just for that you'll have to fo up three levels before I let you go home ." Going up levels when you just start with a new weapon is rather simple, fast and easy, but of coure Kirimi wasn't going to tell Daleena that. In truth she went by Daleena's watch since she knew that it would be goof for Daleen to get a decent abmount of sleep that night since they had agreed to spen a large portion of the next day training.
Kirimi was in truth impressed by the speed at which Daleena was leveling up, but what intrigued her most was how little knowledge she had to give Daleena. Daleena’s game intelegence which related to maic, diplomacy, culture, fiscal rewards, people, histort, fawna and flora was unrivalled by all her skills in fighting. It was a such a level that Daleena only needed to master one movement of combination of movements to go up a level. As good as that was doer whne Kirimi would finally choose to take Daleena out for the purpose of fighting the creators it was dis heartening to Kirimmi not to know where she was getting all this knowledge from.
“Alright Daleena,” Kitimi said after the level bubble formed, “That’s enthree.” She would keep the fact that it was really fourteen to herself, “You can go home now.”
Daleena nodded, “Thank you.”

Kirimi stared out the window as Daleena went to her part time job. Daleena’s traiing alone in the woods wouldn’t be avle to last much longer and her unrban training was near the same level due to the previous. This presented a problem. Daleena still refused to steal a sword and that would be the only kind of training that would save their individual training, Kirimi considered, was Daleena ready to face the game masters? As the only true rogue in the game she had a better chance than many of the other players but there was more than one game master and they had a considerable amount o magic. That was another puzzle, kirimi was able to surpres the knowledge of the magic that Daleena had receive but she could still only really use it as it related to Daleena. And somehow the game masters had still failed to detect their precence. Kirimi had just enough magic to be able to tell if they were being watched.
“I have to figure this out.” Kirimi’s eyes narrowed, “But what if she joins a team?”

Daleena was on the verge of sleep when she though she heard her winfo open. What was Kirimi up to now. The idea of it being Kirimi vanished when Daleena felt a large human hand over her mouth.
“If anyone asks what you did on Saturday night, tell them you went to a concert all night with me.” Max’s harsh whisper surprised her even more than his request. “ There, I jusrt put a ticket stub on your night stand, it has the right date and time, I’ve also put a sheet there with a couple of things you can say about the concert top make it more convincing.”
He slowly removed his hand ahd returned to the window,” As for the truth, that’s on a strictly eed to know basis.”
“Good, I don’t want to know.”

“Alright Kirimi whats on the agenda for today?”
“Will you do what is necessary for your training?”
Daleena put her han ds on her hips, “Are you asking if I’ll steal from someone else? IF THAT THE CASE THAN NO.”
Kirimi’s eyes narrowed, “Finee if that’s your choice you’ll spen the rest onf the week in a rather different king of training since you are going to put yourself on the market as a rogue.”

“Hey we pulled an all nigter on Thursday night to let you know.”
Daleena looked at Max, they were in a more or less deserted Hallway after their literature class.
“You aren’t going to be able to use me as an excuse much longer, not without everyone thinkning that you’re stupid.”
“I could say I’m tutoring you.”
“Too many people know that I have foog grades. You’ll have tio find someone else to take your cover.”
“Or just a different reason why I’m spending all my time with you.” He grabbed hold of her harm and dragged her to one of the clubrooms. “Hello ladies and gentlmen.”
“Hi, King, whose the girl?” a boy from a different class who in the cliub went by prince saif, being the fist to look up from what he was doing.
Max smiled and put his arm around Daleena’s shoulders. “Feel free to distribuute throughout the school and confirm the rumors that I, Max Andrews, is dating this girl, Daleena Blacklaws.”
The prince, Mhathew, dropped his pen and stared at Max with his mouth open. Daleena looked at the other members of the royal club, they were similarily posed most having literally dropped what they were doing and staring with amazement at their leader/
“Dude, are you serious?”
Max smiled,” I most certainly am, I also request your help keeping the girls from being hostile towards her.” He turned his smile to Daleena, “I’ll walk you home from school, babd, wait for me be the front enterance.’

Kirimi’s kyus were of such a curiiuys and near amused tone when Daleena got into her room that the left her no doubt that the mi-ri’jab gad seen Max wal;k Daleena to the door. She very much wanted to throw something at the rabbit.
“Let’s go Kirmi.”
“So wahts with the guy? Is this oine of the keep your friends close and tour enemies even closer things, or do you seriously like the guy?”
Daleen atried not to spit her ords, “ He’s changed my cover from tutor to girlfriend.”
“Do tou think he’s serious?”
“Heck no!”
Kirim chuckled, “This is hilarious, has he tried to kiss you yet?”
Kirimi shook her head to clear her ears,” wow, that was loud. If he’s going to make this girlfriend thing stick he’s going to have to kiss you some time or other.”
Daleena sat down on the nearest stump and put her head in her hands. “I hope you aren’t serious.”
Kirimi jumped onto a log beside Daleena,”don’t you thinkg I would know how to pull off something like that?”
Daleena parted her fingers to look at the rabbit, “For you, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised, and I bet you’re finding this wildly amusing.”
Kirmi smiled, “ that I am, but I’m afraid we’ll have to break with it for now.”
Daleena started to look relieved.
“But don’t worry we’ll revive the subject as soon as it’s convenient.”
Daleena’s look faded.
“Now today we’re going to attempt to put you on the market as it were,” Kirmi smiled, “But first , Kyu we’ll have to cement your attire.”
Kirimi’s horn glowed.
“What the..” warmth covere Daleena s the strangest wordrob appeared on her. Multiple levels of shirts filled with tones of hidden though lighteight waepons. Large worn out lookin leather gloves that appeared stained in blood removed any femine shap from her hands and arms. And over these was placed aneven heavier pair. Belts, chains several slings, some random plants and a vast array of pockets and trinckets went into place on a somewhat loose and yet constricting leather vest. This was covered by another shirt with was followed by a heavy cloack. Her feet were weighted in boots that Daleena was just about sure were to big for her. She became aware of some kind of head covering. A scarf obscured the lower part o her face and an eye patch that she could somehow see through apparently completed the look.
Kimimi jumped into the the base of her hood.
“Not bad eh? You’ve had the illusion of looking like this for quite a while. Now the cloths are real bit,” Kirimi’s horn glowed again and all the sensatino of wearing the absurd desguiise faded though she was still aware of it. “now you’ll be able to move with the same ferocity as before. And. Since these were created by magic, they will automatically make room for you.”
“Are you serious?”
“Do you need a mirror or abother practice session?”
“How the heck am I supposed to go around like this and not have people think I’m a weirdo?”
Kirimi pulled the hood over Daleena’s head, completely obscuring her own form from view, “we want you to be different from everyone else, and , despite hat you may think, you won’t acctualy be thet much different from sone of the people you’re about to see.”
Daleena lost no time in triping over her own two feet, Breaking her fall iwwht one hand, she used it to pivot over and land in a crouch and be upright in a split second. She caught a slight smile from Kirmi. The rabbit had told Daleena to never let herself land on her knees, as dooing so put you too much at the mercy og your oppenent and it would also automatically surrender one of you own levels to your opponent whoever they may be. This was part of the code of conduct Kirmi had made sure that Daleena would never forget, during their training thoughout the past week. Now would ne the test.
Daleeena approached the village of the gamers. This would be interesting, She didn’t pause to observe her surroundings as she noticed some of the other players that were apparently new to the area were doing. Kirimi had made sure that Daleena knew how inefective and counter productive pausing for dramatic efect would be. She took a deep breath as she walked and strode purposefully toward the tavern. She found that imagining that she was simply in her regular clothes seemed to make the effect of what she was wearing basically ineffective on her. If there was anyone she would want in her group, they would be here.
The tavern was the universal place for people to go that were not in groups a number of them liked it that way and just came for information, some were there just to form groups and sometimes a group scout or even a whole group would come looking for someone to join them.
She entered again she didn’t pause, she simply took in the scene in a glance as she walked neaing the counter she pulled some ready change out of her pocket. Barely catching the bartenders eye she tossed it down the counter and strode off towrs one of the back tables. The money she had paid was exactly enough to bap for a very specific drink one that was the signal for a member for hire.
Kirmi had told her to sit at the back so she would ne able to see the comings and goings of the players. She also had one other set of instructions. “Stats.”
Kirmis stuck her head out from under Daleen’s hook. “Alright, there aren’t any high level players here yet, but I’ll be expanding your pitiful knowledge now. You’ll be encountering three different kinds of people, single jobbers, multiple jobbers, and specialty jobbers.
“Single jobbers are the ones with one occupation there will be your straight mages, swordsmen, princes ect. You by title are a single jobber.
“Multiple jobbers are, obviously the ones with multipe jobs. Witch kings, worrier princes, princess interagator ectera. They usually have two combinations since it takes longer to get up levels when you have more than one job. You’ll probably run into a lot of these. In practice you a a multiple jobber.
“Specialty jobbers as the ones that have traded something to be batter at another. See that guy right in front of you? The one with the eye patch, yes. She gave up the vision in his left eye to be a better swordsman. That guy who was just coming in covered in the cloak and obviously grosly misshapen is another, he gave up his good looks for magic. These are often the easiest to spot and the most difficult to face. But all specialty fighters with out exception have a weaknes where thy paid for their ability. You look nlike one of these.’
“Oh was that your puspose behing the outfit/”
“That and as a girl you’d get walked all over and not taken seriously.”
“ASnd what about my voice? As sooon s I speak they’ll all know that I’m a girl.”
Kirmi smiled, “ Oh I’ve already taken care of that.”
“What did you do?”
“You sound like yourself to you and me, but to everyone else you sound like a boy..”
“You can’t be…”
“Of course I’m serious. I’ll kick you with me back foot if someone approaches thay tou sheour tak eup with.”
“Slrright, resume.”
Daleena watched the people move around. Many converations melded to gether to make for an iritating buzz. The barender approached wioth her drink.
“Well, sir, you look threatening enough, try not to scowl or you’ll scare everyone out of my establishment.’
Daleena focused her “good eye” more sternly at him, |”Are you tryiny o make something of it?”
The man wnet pale and after muttering an apology hussied away to return to his plac.
A nudge and Kyu from Kirimi alerted Daleena to a man coming through the door he looked vaguely familiar. Her attention was stolen by someone approaching from the other side. They place a goblet on the table, that was the opening of the negotiations.
“my name is Rael, I’m a level twelve swordsman what is your level and occupation?”
Dalena fingered her cup. If she wanted to end this interview, which was what Kirmi seemed to want, she would have to take a drink from her cuP. Doing that with a mask on was not the easiest thine to be imagines.
Had Kirimi really forgotten to cover this base? As though to test the vainest hpe, she put her hand to her mask somehow stumbled onto a slit in the fabric. Apparently Kirmi wasn’t such a forgetfull tactition.
As gracefully as Daleena could manage she took a swig of the picy brew.
The boy in front to her looked disappointed but got up without further protest.
The near slaming of the wine glass in front of her almost made her jump.
|”Saving this spot for me?”
Daleena looked up a Ray. Winve glasses weren’t for negotiation they were the means of challenging some one to a dual.
“My business here is not concluded.”
He snotted slightly, “that doesn’t affect me. I’ve been looking forward to this remach for too long for you to deny me.”
“Wow, this guys really got it in for you.”
“It’s probably because I cut him off the last time we fought.”
Kirimi sighed, “ one of the ‘I’m in a game wold so I’ll be dramatic types’ eh. And he was a good fighter too.”
“Not if he could be beat at level twelve by someone that’s level two.”
Kirimi didn’t say anything.
“So what are my options?”
“|You’ve got three, Run, stand down and never get into a group, or fight.”
“You’ve eliminated the second option, in this setting running wuild be rather difficult , so I’m left with fighting.”
“May I recommend that you figh without a weapon, this guys a mage swordsman, and since he tried the ssword last time he’ll want to work nwith magic not.”
“Wonderful the one thing I know very litle about.’
Kirmir pocked Daleena repeatedly with her claw, “If you were really that ignorant then you wouldn’t keep levelling up.”
Alight already, I don’t know how I’m gooing to use Xanth to both pary and laungh attacks.”
“You’ll figure it out.”
“And you’re so helpful, resume.’
Daleena got up and moved her mug around, “Leave this here, I’ll be baack for it.”
“So your reset point it close to here is it?”
Daleena made a point ot visibly ignoring him as she walked off to the exterior of the building.
“Let’s keep this clean and quick, I hace other things to do tonight.”
“Alrihgt, ‘\ he mutteren something and pointed his staff at her.
Reflexes allowed Daleena to get out of the way, “Was this the purpose of you throwing rocks at me whenever we trained?” Daleena whispered to the rabbit in her hood.
A magically assisted jump placed Daleena on the nearest rooftop to avoid the jet of flame that arte the grass where she had been standing.
“Are you going to fight me or play runaway?”
Daleena fliped off the roof, this fight should not punish the innocent living in the area.
“Stand and fight!” he aimed his next attack. A glance behind informed Daleena of the gathered crowd.
“They’re too close.”
Kirimi;s angry Kyu demanded her attention back to the battle.
“But if I move the others will be hurt.”
“Take this!”
I need some way to…” Daleena put her hand straight out in front of her, “Bresai!”
Ray’s magic exploded behind the wall of Daleena’s defence. He wound up for another attack. Daleen arolled jer jand, Somehow pulling the dissipating spell into her fist she pointed two fingers at Ray, “Xanth, “she whispered.
Ray shouted as the blue fire hit him back. The buble appeared around Daleena.
“Congradulation, of level forty thirt individual, you’ve some up and used a magic word I’ve never told you.’
“You don’t sound very happy.”
“You would have gone up more levels if you had used Xanth ith more force.”
“It would have been a fatal attack and I didn’t want to kill him.”
“It would have suite my purpose just tine where did you learn that word anyway?”
“I read it in a book. Maybe a previous player used this world as a base for a fantasy story.”
“Possible, this game has been around for thousands of years still…”
Daleena watched Ray get up, “ Beat twice by the same person, but next time I spar with youI will win.”
Daleena folded her arms so that her form would be completely engulfed by her cape, “you have no wayof knowing that there will be a next time.”
Ray came over and offered his hand, ‘As long as your in the game I will look for you, I didn’;t cocare much for the games objective, I’d rather make you my objective, my goal. What is your name?”
“I an the rogue, Kyu.”
“Kyu, huh? Funny name it’s cute. Was part of your price have ing a menacing appearance and a lame username?”
Daleena stared at him with her good eye, “Do you want to make something of it?”
‘No, no, “ he put his hands up, “not until I’m up a few levels at least.”
“Well., I won’t let you win the next one after that comment.”
“|Let me? Aare you implying that I’ll never be able to reach you?”
Daleena’s smile reached her eyes.
Ray sat back, “oh it that howit it? Well, I’ll be most happy to dissapoint you kno that your every attempt to intimidate me will simply result in my greater courage and determination to defeat you.”
“You hace fun with that.”
He looked around the room, “ so what are you here for? Is the rogue oinr ro start a group? Doesn’t that defeat you title?”
Dalena looked ip at up from her drink, “I don’t intenf to join a group, mearlky to travel with them or rather have thm travel with me.”
“Woun’t any group represented here do?”
Daleena shook her head, “ No, they need to be of a higher level.”
“Why?” Ray took a drink.
“I’m going to beat the game.”
The liquid that Ray spewed form hi smoth soaked a near by strong man. Upon turning all thought of revenge fled as he beheld the culprits. In stead he apologised and moved to a different area.
“Are tou crazy, Kyu?” Ray asked in a harsh whisper, “I’ve heard of four didget levls that still can’t find the hidden record.”
“Is that the objective of the game?”
“What do you mean is that the ob..of course it’s the objective. The record crystal holds all the knowledge of the land . Magic everything contained in that crystal. How can you not know that?”
“I didn’t say I was going to win it I said I was going to nbeat it.”
Daleena looked around nd leaned closer.”There is something very wrong with the magic in this game. It’s stolen, I’ve been asked to beat the game and put things back to the way they were before the game.”
“What is that a secret objective?”
Daleena sighed and sat back, “ I guess they were right about no one believing me.”
“Who said that?”
Daleena smiled, “ That’s for me to know.”
Ray sighed, “ now I wish we had an interogator in our group.”
“Have you considered that this game might not be just a game?”
“There are people making noise about that but it did say in the letter that this is an advanced virtual reality.”
Daleena looked over at the door. A group had jkust walked in they stood at the entrance drawing as much attention as they could.
“An they paise for dramatic effect.”
Daleena glanced briefly at Ray.
Ray barely caught her eye then pointed at the door, “Thoseguys have been making peole spread rumors about themselves all over the place here for a week. They keep demanding that those of the highest level here challenge them to prove their superiority. I’ve heard that they aren’t really that good They just cound on those with higher levels being gone on missions and higher objectives.”
“Well it’s certainly true that theu aren’t that threatening, Thgeir highest level is only twenty, granted that is a little bit higher than most players here.”
Ray looked at her in amazement, “ How can you tell whet level they are?”
Daleena almost told him that she could see their level number floating above their heads, but this was probably an extra of Kirimi’s doing and that didn’t need to come out. “Another things that’s for me to know.”
“You’re very mysterious Kyu, ot fits you.”
Daleena wanted to say, it fits my image not me.
Ray and Daleena looked over as the group walked up to a table about three strides away from them.
“Move Kids, the ultimate team needs this table.”
The boys seated at the table looked back defiantly buit their confidence was clearly not behind thire looks.
The leader of the ultimate team leaned forward toard the boys, “Do you really want to try it? Do you know who we are? Have you not heard of the ultimate team? Well we’ll have to do something about that then won’t we.” One of the team members grabbed the boys.
“We should stop this.”
Ray leaned closer, ‘How? I haven’t trained that much against other people.”
“If you can range the group I can take out the individuals.”
Ray pulled his staff around to the front, “Sounds Like a plan, though it will be a bit more difficult If I fon’t want to damage anything.”
The leader pulled out a sword, “ Let’s se how welll you remember your reset point.”
“Shoot,” Daleena whispered as she reached for the hilt of her wooden sword that was on her back.
“Xanth!“ he screamed amid a laugh as he brough the now flaming sword toward the captve players.
The magic between the two spells exploding feuled Ray’s magic attack on the rest of the group.
Daleena stared at the frozen magic figures and general scence before her. The blue movement of the buble told her roughly what happened.
“Kirmimi, what can’t I move?”
“Because you’re in the middle of a fight, if you could move then it would be kkuke cheating. Don’t worry, I’ll be able to override that once you’re reached a higher level.”
“Kirmimi, I don’t want to cheat.’
“Relax, would you, at that point you probably won’t neet it.”
“So did I go up a level?”
“You did, but you’re not the only one.”
Daleena looked at the hands. Her wodden sword looked more refined and had silver vines threaded through it.
“Apparently since you levelled up so many times with just this wooden one and you hust chanelled magic though it, its become a levelling sord. I don’t know if it bwill turn all to metal but it should be more effective ow and, “ she sighed with relief, “You won’t haeve to get another one.”
“Wh are tou happy? I though you wanted me to get another one.”
Kirimi fave Daleena her best think ypour a complere idifo look, “ with the sword tou buy that have a maximum number of times they can level up before you have to get a new one. If this one is doing what I susect then it shouldn’t have a limit, or if it does I should be able toi remove it.”
“|You have a very one track mind.”
‘I like being in charge. Oh, you should try getting into the middle of their group, doing one of those crazy combo attacks I made you practice and use the magic word Yoloth.”
Daleena sighed, Braced herself to throw the attacker off, “Resume.” Her throwing him back surprised almost more that her having blocked his blow. He wasn’t pleased.
Daleena ducked as he swung his sword purposefully at her. She rolled, she was nead the center of the group. Allowing them to get closed she followed Kirmii’s advice. Everyone in the room starred at her and too the same degree at Ray. Ray had had the good sence to put uop his magical barrier between the general patrons and the group of fighters.
Daleena walked over toward Ray and Sat in ther seat, “Good thinkning with the barries sorry about not giving you more time.”
Hey don’t appologise, you were awesome those guys will probably wonder what hit them when they’re back at theis reset points.”
Daleena smiled beneath her mask, “Did you get any shots in?”
“One at the same time I put up the barrier, iy tou hadn’t used magic to break his the way you did I wouldn’t have had enough power.”
“Your welcome. Where’s your group anyway?’
“We ran into something so I’m waiting here for them so we can regroup.”
“I see, may I wask what you ran into?”
“I small dragon,” Ray considered a moment,smiled and turned to her, “Now don’t you get any I deas. We would like to take care og this without outside help.”
Daleena smiled slightly.
Kirmimi patted the bak of Daleena’s neck, the agreed upon signal that it was time to go hoe.
“Well, it’s been fun, but I’ve got to go, I have other tings to do tonight.”
“Will you be on tomorrow?”
Daleena shrugged,” Possibly, but I’ll make no promises.”
“Well, I’ll be looking for you, I’d like you to meet my group.”
Daleena smiled under her mask, but it idn’t rech her eyes, she then got up only saying, “night” and left.

Daleena sighed as she opened her bag, beside her somehow completed math homework as Kirmi. Apparently just awake from a short nap and raring to go. “Kyu, kyu.”
“Kirimi,”Daleena rubbed her head, “I told tou that we would only be in for a coupld of hours this afternoon because I had to study tonight, I’ve got to essays for me to write one for me and the other for Max, plus the math homework which I am now less sure of since you did it. You aren’t going to be with me on test day so I have to know how to do this on my own.”
Kirimi put her ears back and growled.
|”I’ll obligue you thi sonve nit only for n hour at most, understand?”
Kirimi looked slightly put out ad satisfied at the same time and nodded.
“Let’s go, Kirimi.”
Daleena grabbed Kirmi, “Stats.”
“You are hurting me stupid human.”
“What do you want from me? There was no one here that you wabted me to team up with an hour ago, what makes you think there is now?”
Kirimi flipped out of Daleena’s graso, “Dum human, we aren’t here for you to join up with someone we’re here for that dragon.”
“|Oh no we’re not, Ray asked me…”
|”And who is Ray that he has any claim on your word or the ability to put restriction on you? He’s pitiful compared to even your meger abilities.”
“That stile doesn’t give any reason why I should attack a dragon that took out a whole group.”
“Not w whole group, and if tou really want to know, you’ve reached the threshold level for levels you can attain by training, now it you want levels you will have to fight for them. Literally, and since you dislike killing players so much, I’m putting you on dragons and other creatures that the game has robbed of their intelegence for the purpose if stupid objectives.”
“I shouldn’t have to kill anything to get levels.”
“Correct all you have to do is subdue them but that would be more difficult in a dragons case than just straight up killing it.”
Daleena stared at Kirimi, “ you’re a magical ccreature, how can you have no scruples sending me to sttack other magical creatures?”
“|You mistake me or you simply don’t hear me. The magic used,” Kirimi spoke as though she was talking to a small child, “to create the game was stolen from the magic creatures along with their intelegence and given back to them in a small measure so thet they can be controlled by the game.”
“It’s stile a horrible punishment to give too a creature being held against its will.”
“Oh, stop being so idealistic, many of the dragons and other beasts would welcome the escape, having given up hope of ever being free or just forgetting what it was like to be free in the first place. The young ones born into the game, just want to get out any way they can and have cime ti blame the humands for their captivity. Somewhar understandable now isn’t it; why they hate the humans.”
“I don’t believe in mercy killing.”
“I supose tou don’t believe in avengers wrath either but both are very real and true in this world.”
Daleena leaned towards Kirimi, “Do you stile wonder why I don’t want to stay here?”
“Et tu, Daleena? I don’t want to be in your world where any one can do anything because they have no fear or an inefficient law.”
Daleena crouched, “Let’s fo home Kirimi.”
Kirimi’s horn glowed as she dispersed the magic, “No way, we came here on a mission.”
“One I have no wish of completing, I didn’t want to be here.”
Kirimi smiled, “Did you say the magic words?”
Daleena started.
Kirimi laughed,”you want ti blame me for your reaction? I presented you with an opportunity you were the one that took it. That is a principle that is true no matter where you go. Now about that dragon.”

Daleena scowled as she closed the flap of her bag over the again sleeping mi-ri’jab. She has only hald the time to do what she had sloted. She sighed at the math homework she had taken out of her bag. It was probably all correct, but there were new problems that she hadn’t completely got up to sped on you. How on earth had Kirmimi done them? Better worry about that later. Daleena didn’t stay logged into her email after checking it. As nice as it would have been to chat with Tali, she had far too much on her plate to do it.
The essays went rather quickly something that Daleena was quick to thank God for, stile it as almost time for Max to return and she still hadn’t taken a decent look at the math homework. Completing the saving and sending her documents to print she turned to the mess of numbers. And found that, though Kirimi had showed all the work necessary to completely show her answer to be correct, she had filed to use the metho required to get full marks on the assignment.
Daleena jumped and looked over her shoulder at Max who was wrapped up in the parusal of her homework.
“How on earth did you bdo that?”
“Honestly I don’t know, it worked but I didn’t do it properly.”
Max looked over at his clock, “Well if I hurry you home you’ll have enough time, or you should have enough time to get in a goof hour to figure it out and stilll get to bed at a good time.”
Daleena refused to say anything about obligation, Max was probably horrible at math anyway. She picked up her homework and grabbed her bag.

It was more than slightly unerving the next day in history class here she couldn’t find her report.
“Did you perhaps put it in your locker?”
Although Daleena appreciated the teachers attempting to be helpful she knew that everyone in the class was holding back chuckles.
“I wonder it I did, I’ll have to check.”
“Well it isn’t due for another two or three days, “ He looked past her, “handing in homework early is a goof habit to get into.”
One or the girls in the front let loose a sassy smile, “but doesn’t that mean that you actually have to turn it in?”
The muffled laughs of the class was beyond aggravating, Daleena felt like she was going to die from embarassment.
“Hey babe, “Max snuck his arm around her shoulders. The class stared dumfounded when had he gotten there. Max smiled at the teasher, “Hey, Mr. S.”
“Aren’t you a little early today?”
“Oh, I’m coming at the right time, I just got permission from m other teacher since I found out that I’ve got s couple of my girls assignments,” he passed Daleena her two essays, “you forgot there last ight when you went home.”
Daleena smiled as genuinely as she could, “Thanks.”
“Hey anything nfor my girl.” He Kissed her forhead, “I’ll see you later.” He nodded to the teacher and released Daleena’s soulders. “Mr. S.” He waved and Daleena robotically responded with a similar motion. The class was silent.

“Hey you.”
Daleena looked ip from her position in the line for the microwave. A bunch of girls stood there looksing angry.
“Can I help you?”
“Yeah, you can tell everyone that that absurd bit about you hooking up with Max isn’t true.”
Daleena stared at them, her surprise evident in her fce.
“You terrible wench do you really think that you’re goood enough for him?”
Daleena put her lunch in the machine and tried to ignore them.
One of them stuck out her hand and pressed the open door button, “You’v got some nerve, is your food really that interesting?” Daleena tried not to look to affected when they opened the container and threw the contents into the garbage. “Lets see you eat that now.”
“Actually,” one of the girls in the back said, “that would be an interesting sight. Let her eat out of the garbage like the pig she is.”
So much for Max protecting her from bullies. One of them reach out a hand to grab Daleena. The surprise of the present party can hardly be imagined byt the offending arm being grabbed by the well groomed and cared for hand of the queen of the royal club.
“Come now girls, you honestly believe that you can haras ans bully the girlfriend of the king and not have anyone interfere?”
Jilll the queen, was a rather prominent individual whose beauty and brains paired with a naturaly kindhearted disposition had made her an easy noimination fot the queen position. She drew Daleena’s arm within hers, “Cine, Max wants you to eat with us.”
“But, the king and queen are supposed to be together!” one of the girls blurted out.
“Jill smiled at her, “THat uis niot a se in stone law of the club. It isn’t based on couplying its passed on position. The king is free to like whom he choosed just as the rest of us have the same freedom of choise. Come ,Daleena, we’ve saved a spot for you.”
“But I don’t have…”
Jill pate her hand, “Don’t worry about it, besides I think Max wants to treat you.” Here she swinked, the other girls looked to be in absolute dispare.
Jill led Daleena out of the cafeteria to the designated clubroom. Really they were the student council, they just had the names of the positions changed to make people more likely to join, participate and listen.
“Back already, Jill?” the prince asked, “I take it she wasn’t difficult to find.”
Jill took one of the seats that the boys had pulled out, signaling Daleena to take tje other.
"Max is impecabble with his lunches."
"So they were trying to bullly her?" the princess asked in a moment.
"Well call in the brute squad for her protection."|
"But wouldn't they be as much if not more likely to bother her?" the princess sounded alarmed.
The prince shook his heasd, "Nope, they enjoy being gaurdians, it tends to curb their desire to um...assert themselves."
Max didn't look up from dividing some of his lunch onto another plate, "So is the reason why she has no food because of the other girls?"
"Yes," Jill returned, "I'll talk to the gaurdians before lunch is over then there shouldn't be any more problems."
"With you interfering," the prince chuckled, "We may not need them anyway."
Jill looked squarly at him, "I'm not going to permit bulling at my school, but I'm nwell aware that there are those that do it behind my back anyway."
"Your serious about this aren't you?"
Max distracted Daleena from the others conversation by touching her hand, "you aren't allergic to anything are you?"
She shook her head no.
"Good," he placed a fork on her plate and passed it over, "If you nrrf more than that let me know."
"Thank you."
"You can talk like a normal person, we are all mortals."
"I'm not really comfortable here, I don't really belong."
"Eat your food, I'll walk you to your class afterwards."
Jill somehow convinced Daleena to play a few rounds of pictionary with her before it was time to go.
"You seemed to start enjoying yourself near the end, in time I thnk you'll get along just fine with the royals. Why don't you bring lunch for me tommorrow, I'd love to try your cooking."
Daleena turned to look at him before he opened the door, "How far are you going to carry this whole pretending to date thing?"
He smiled at her sad tone, "As far as it takes to be convincing."

"Are you sure the dragon went this way?
"Positive, and pay attention, you should be learning how to track as well."
Daleena laughed and made a point of watching Kirimi closer. The dragon had moved on, but Kirmimi was stile determing to use it as a training and level up test.They had been tracking it for nearly two days. Ray woun't be to happy about her not coming.
"Hang that other guy, we owe him nnothing."
"Stile as cheerful as ever, but dare I ask how you reasoned what I was thinking about?"
"It's written all over your stupid face, now let's go catch this thing."
"As you wish, resume."
Kirimi took off at a furious pace, stoping occasionaly to look at the ground unser the surrounding shrubbery. She would frequently thump her back feet as a way to tell Daleena to hurry up.
"I'm coming don't be impatient."
Kirimi bared her teeth.
"Why am I not alowed to be sarcastic?"
Kirimi uned and began to hop away.
"Thump once if we are getting close."
Kirimi gave her a dry look but thumped.
Kirimi continued hopping.
"Owe," Kirimi, who was in the middle of a hop jumped square into the wall of the bubble, "you stupid inconsiderate..."
"Yeah, yeah, I got that past what I haven't got is how I'm suppose to fight a dragon."
Kirimi looked ar daleena, the fac that she was still angry pasted all ove her face, t" there is no particular way to fight a dragon you just hae to keepo up your gaurd and remembber that a fragin has esednially si limkd if vsn use fr attack, where you only have four."
|"Ism't that comforting. Resume."
Now it really was game mode, anoying Kirimi hen ther y were alone was sa semi-fun way to apass the tme since she was slready sure of getting it dished back at her, biut once another player, creature or A.S.I. wa involved it was a different matter, and a fragon certainly was differednt.
Daleena got lover both eyes carefuillt examinging the are, one hand of the gound at the chance of feeling the beast move and a near constant attention to her rabbit companion. Kirimi proved an iriplacable watch, with her sences so much mor acute than Saleenas, her ears fraced in more of less one directionm ony turning back at the sudden noise of a bir in a tree or another small anims in the are, saleena fiped the ande of her sword being careful that ther leather coves didn't scream at the sffort.. Kirimi motioned with her head and contunued on at a slower pace. Rabbits are acctualy quite food a t stalking.
Daleena shortly found out that the stories about dragons having brilliant jewel colored scales were not true. Due to Kirimi's indication she discovered the dragon as a dead leaf and moss color, barely distinguishable from the forest around it. Really that made more sence fo rht e dragon to be a more neutralk color for hunting than a bright saphifre blue.
Daleena couln't tell wether it was sleeping or not, sure it had it's eyes closed but ut was a very easy to close ones eyes for the purpose of remaining not easily seen by trepassers. Daleena was convinced that ththat was what Kirimi did half the time when she was sleeoing. Ot would be best to try and win this quickly regardless.
Daleena circled the clearing til she was at a point that would be closer to eht edragon's head. It reallt wasn't a very big dragon, being perhaps the size of a doberman pincher. Stil a big punch could be packed into a small creatue, of which Kirimi was the perfest testimony.
Daleena drew her sword, one definite advantage that a wooden sword provided over a metal one was thet the wooden one didn't make the same kind or amount of noise as a metal one. it sounded more like a branch being rubbed against one animal that a sword being drawn.
Daleena whispered a bit of magic into the sword, shw wasn;t sure how well fire magic would word agaist a dragon, but she had very little experience with any other kind.
Kirimi had a slightly ticked off expression, no doubt caused by her preception of Daleena's hesitating. Daleena sighed, took a breath and charged. She already had her sword drwn into a position so she could easily plunge it into the dragon's head, but she had not left her awarness in in the bushes and it was a good thing too.
Daleena jumped as the large tail swung at her. It was amazingly resiliant and strong as it carried her upward as she had landed on it. Nearly out of reflex she swung her sword down at it. The hard impact told her that the tails about dragons haveing hard scales was true.
"Foolish child." the dragon would have continued speaking but Daleena was in no mood to deal with sassy magical creatures. CHanging the angle of her sword she drove it between the scales. Black blue blood erupted from the wound as Daleena pulled her sword out. The dragon screemed and pulled it's tail out from under her. This would have been more effective if she hadn;t already been in the process of jumping off. She kept moving to avoid being impaled by the spikes that decorated the ends of the dragons wings. She ducked as the tail made another pass at her/ "Apparently they have eight limbs to attack with."
The dragon lunged at her, Daleena used her sword first to block it then to frow it away. Not waisting a moment for breath she charged again. An inconspicuus ung in the ground successfuly triped her up before the length of tail coiled around her body.
The dragon's raspy laugh indicated that at the very least she had givenit a work out."puny mortal, you are persistive and not devoid of skill, but I have not lived through this game so long just ti be defeated by an underdeveloped girl like you. If I had known that you'd makje yourself such a nuisance I wouldn't have let you get as close as you," here the dragon stopped so they could shriek as Daleena had taken the oportunity to rub some poison ivy that she had grabbed when she fell, into it's already wounded tail.
It had the desired effect and Daleena was on the ground with her sword returned to her hand. She aimed it at the dragon's chest. The dragon grabbed the weapon, including her hand and prt of her arm. Giving her a rough jerk the draong sat on her.
"You are such an annoyance, I'll hand it to you though you are very resourcful. I'll give you a hint, I don't have what your looking for."
"What would I want from you?"
The dragon looked amused, "An interogator? could have fooled me. Don't you think your skills are a little under developed to use that as your occupation."
Daleena stuffed a pointed rock between a set of scale on its tail.
"Why you little!" Flames billowed out the sides of the dragons mouth.
"Bresai!" Daleena watched the flames scotch the grass on either side of her.
"What? the mortal can use magic as well? You'll be omore than trouble if I let you live." the dragon roared again as Kirimi embedded her horn into it's damaged tail. Daleena roughly kiked what was left of the draong's weight off her and put her swordhild down by kirimi so the ha d that was reahing for the rabbit yould do very little in defence from being pierced. Again the tail wrappe around her, this time pining her arms to her sides. The dragon's good hand reached for Kirimi.
"Dirty tricks."
"Here's one more!" Daleena kicked one of the wounds hard. Daleena landed on her hands and flipped onto her feet. She ran for her sword.
"Ah uh," the dragon's tail connected to her side and sent her across the clearin. She recovered quickly and rejoinede her pursuit. The dragon grabbed Kirimi's tail, "Jada little mi-ri'jab, what did I do you to you?"
Kirimi was quick to turn and bite. Her teeth were rather strong and the draogn yelped and released her.
"Well now I know where the child got her training.."
Daleena's assalt with her now reclaimed sword was met by the dragon's agile tail. Kirimi sat by and watched the almost fencing match. She was having a great deal of fun assigning Daleena's powerupgrades,
"One more level and I'll let her stop."
The dragons face turned sharply to Kirimi. She had very little time to react befor e the dragon had cleared the clearing to stand over top of her. "You're going alon with this game? Here I thought the game wouldn't be able to control miraj magic."
Daleena stopped before plunging her sword into the dragon's back, "You're entient?" she looked at Kirimi, "why didn't you call me off?"
Kirimi atood unblinking and unrepentant at them. "Kirimi!"
The dragon looked back at Daleena, "This little one is not where near innocent enough for that name. This one's Jaded."
"Literaly or figurativly?" Daleena sheathed her sword.
"Both," the dragon returned, "though if you want ta more ironic name, feel free to call her innocent.'
"Is that what Kirimi means?"
"In this language yes.I'm surprised she's woilling to help you, she wouldn' even.."
"It isn't exactly what you'd call helping. Ordaryin, blackmailing, and perstering are more suited words that come to mind."
The dragon smiled, "That fits with her character."
"Are you aquainted?"
"In the shadow of a momoey yes. You see Jaded once...oww"
Kirimi was gnawing uite happily on one of the dragon's fingers. Daleena grabbed her and pulled her off. "Stats."
"Let me go, I have no more oatience for stupidity than for a dragon's loose tongue."
Daleena draped her.
"Inconsiderate, stupid..."
"Right back at you. How could you let something like that happen to another magical cra=eature?"
"That was a royal waste of time. Lets go back to that tavern and get a group together. I'm getting more sick of this game as time goes by."
Daleena smacked Kirimi's rump, "you really are unfeeling."
'Oh cut the crap, what do you know."
"Fine, resume."
Daleena looked up at the dragon, "what is your name?"
"You can call me Grace, it's not my name but a name isn't somethign that you give out freely anyway."
"I guess I can understand that, since it can be used in magic spells. Grace could you take e tot the village that's about two days wwalk from here, or at least close to the general area."
The dragon spread it's wings, "Alright, but I'll warn you it won't be a very comfortable flight based on our comparative sizes. "Grace grabbed Daleena under her arms, "How good are you at drp landings?"

Ray was style hopeful of meeting with Kyu, even when his groupm insisted that they move on from the village they were using as their base. The new village would better reflect their respective higher levels. They never had found the dragon which was the purpose of going there in the first place.
His surprise can then be somewhat imagined when Kyu literaly fell on him.
Daleena recovered instanyl and moved to help hhe poor player that had served to break her fall. She snuck one last wave at Grace, a dragon's scale sewn into her glove so she could summon the dragon if she really needed to.
Her reflexes had been sharpened by the fight nd subsiquent magical assistance so she was able to mee the blow that was aimed nearly for her head. Her sword, being tucked away, gave way to her fists and in a matter of moments she was surrounded by the unconcious forms of her attackers. Laughter brought her more securly into her situation.
"Kyu, that was beautiful, but if I may warn you, you're going to have a hard time befriending my group if all you do when you see us is beat us up." He looked at the surrounding trees. "Did you take to thieving and that is why you're trying to ambush people? How did you even get up there?"
Daleena thought it would be better not to tell im that she had been flown over by the dragon that they had been trying to catch, "my buisness is my own."
"Suite yourself," Ray roughly picked up one off his companions, "Care to give me a hand moving there guys to a more sheltered area?"
Daleena stared at him for a moment as though she was going to say no before picking up the nearest of the group and following Ray under the spreading leaves of a nearby tree.
"Just put him down anywhere."
Daleena dropped him as gently as she could. If not for Kirii's training and the games magic, Daleena would not have been able to life anyone half his size. As it was her arms only hust.
Ray rearranged the boy into a more comfortable position, "Well that's one way to do it."
Daleena walked out to get the next one, Ray ran to intercept her. "Um, on second thought, why don't you start up a fire, and I'll more them."
Daleena was tired from the dragon fight, flight and subsequent falll so she didn't really mind the reassignment.
She picked up a stick and placed it in the center of an arrangment of stones, there were a great manty in the area so gathering them wasn't goint o be a problme. "Xanth." the fire caught on her kindling and she placed a larger log on top. One of Kirimi's ears twitched under Daleena's hood changing her focus.
Ray was just draging over the last of his companions.
"Hey look easy levels." A group of about fifteen approached. Kirimi brought her ear in, this was a little strange, normaly a group consisted of six to seven individuals, unless this was two put together, there must have been something up.
Daleena glanced on top of their heads, their level numbers glowed happily proclaiming that their levels were all between twenty five and thirty.
Ray placed the two her was carrying beside and nearly on top of the others. He moved his had to rest on his sword. He glanced sidways at Kyu. Thsi ogue washiw only chance to protect his commradas.
Kirimi slithered out from Daleena's hood and hoped to the edge of the buble to look at the group, "five swordsmen, three warrior mags, one princess interragator, two prince swordsmen, one mercinary, two archers and a sorcerer," Kirimi looked over she shoulder at Daleena, "oh yeah, you can take them easily."
"Should I take out the archers and mages first?"
An interesred sparkle flashed in Kirimi's eyes, "Tell nme your stradegy."
Daleena shrugged, "I just don't want an arrow or spell on mt when I'm trying to take out a swordsman."
"It's a strategy, "Kirimi smiled, "Let's find out how well it workds."
"The ones that need levels can go first."
The girl in the group shrieked as Daleena whiped past her, sinking the end of her sword into both archers in minimal time. Blocking one swordsman she kiked him our of the way before going tin pursuit of the mage.
Kirimi chaneled Daleena's magic to act as a sheild while inflicting area damage on the victims.
Ray worked on taking out a couold of the swordsmen. It was easier than h expected but he also had to factor in thar they were still shocked and amazed by the ferocity and efficientcy that Kyu was demonstrating in taking them out. ray had to work himslef to not get caught up in the rogues behavior.
"This is impossible," one of them yelled, unfortunatly for him he gave Daleena an opening at the same time.
Ray finished off his two, turned to take on the next and found only the princess left standing. Where Kyu was he couldn't tell.
"Sir, what is your name, won't you join my band?"
Evan Ray jumped as a sword appeared around te girls throat.
"Don't listten to her. She'll just drop you the moment she finds someone better."
The girl turned in Daleena's grip, "There couldn't be anyone better than you two,, now pleasetell me your names."
"Not a chance lady."
"Ray? what's gonit on?" one of the other members of Ray's party camr into consiounsess.
The girlk smiled over her shoulder, "So you're Rya hhuh, that's goodsto know," she turned her attention to Dallena, "And you?" She put her hand up to try to slip one of her fingers under Daleena's mask, "who might you be?"
Ray and three of the now alert group stared as the princess dissapeared in Daleena's arms.
Daleena looker over at Ray as she sheathed her sword. "Speak as little as possinle when talking to an intterogator and if that doesn't work, take them out quickly."
"Hey, you're that rogue!"
"What rogue?" one asked, it was the one Daleena had takeen out before all the others the fist time they had met.
|"The one that we were on a mission to find when we all got our butts kicked."
The boys attention and fury were all on Daleena, "How dare you show yourself before me again! Ray, Take him out!"
Ray sighed, "care for a bit more sparing Kyu? I've just gone up a few levels and wouldn't mind testing out my abilities."
"Alright, I'll stop before I kill you."
"What about hurting?"
Daleena's smile lite her eyes, "Aren't you supposed to be able to prevent that?"
Ray laughed as they wlked towrd the open area around the road.
"Did I miss something, " The boy asked.
One of the others smild, "Only alot, but don't worry," his tone became more serious, "I think we did too."
He walked down the corridor the serious expressioon on his face preventing any salutations from those he passed for fear of breaking his concentration. He reached out and grabbed the handles of the door. With more focused intent he threw them open and passed through before they slammed shut again."Forgive my intrusion."
"Cornelius," the man remained at the window, bis back to the intruder, the light of the rising moon casting a glow over his outline, "you have little cause for fear, I've had you in my service long enough to know that you woulnd't come anywhere near my quarters without a good reason, or rather without something that I'll find interesting."
The other man nadded ad though his superior could see him, " It's the rogue we noticed seceral months ago, it seems they've reappeared."
The man turned so the edge of his profile could be seen in the gaining silver light.
"We still have no read on them but they are drawing a great deal of magic."
"A 'glitch' prehaps?"
"We are looking into it, but for the time being we will attempt to kep them under constant observation." Cornelius handed him a crystal, "Should I tell the mage master?"
The man held up the crystal to the light, the two fuigures fighting in it reflected in lifelike shadows in the room and floating atop the crystal. His teeth showed as he smiled, "Not just yet, there is no poingt in crying wolf and we don't knoww if this child is any real threat. Let us watch for a time."
Cornelius bowed and left, the other continued toward the crystal.
"Come my rogue, show me all of your ability."

End, Game start; continued in Rules of the Game
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