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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1781952
Chapter Five!!!
The Taking of Silesia: Chapter Five
Prussia was right, I'm his now. I never want to go back never again. Suddenly I thought: Would I be betraying Austria and Mother and the others if I don't want to leave? I tried to get the thoughts out of my head but nothing works. I love Prussia so much I couldn't stand to leave him. Even though he took me by force, I've learned to love him but I yet again can't stand betraying Austria and my friends. I was thinking to send Austria a letter to let him know that I was okay, so I went down to ask Prussia to see if I could. "THAT'S MY DAUGTHER, YOU BASTARD!!!" I heard an exetremly loud voice, that was undoubtfully my mother's voice. As I was coming closer to the drawing room I could hear things smashing against the walls and floor. "She's mine!! I told you she would be!!!" I heard Prussia getting angry at Mother. I slowly stepped into the room and watched the horror go on. They were trying to kill each other and were shooting but their shots often landed in unintentional places. I was so terrified that I accidently knocked into Prussia knocking us both down. "Silesia!!" Mother and Prussia yelled together. I was now clinging on to Prussia terrified what would happen. "Let my child go NOW!!!!" Mother screamed at him and I hid my face in his coat. "Well it seems like your mother is trying to scare you." Prussia said sarcastically with an evil smirk. I began sobbing into his coat and he looked down at me with pity. "What's wrong?" He asked gently and quietly. "I don't want to leave you!! No one can't make me leave you!!!" I screamed out. "Why? Why daughter? Do you really want to live with this bastard?" She asked me in a state of shock. "I do want to live with him!!! Because I love him!!" After I screamed that I dug my face back into Prussia's coat. "It's all your fault!! I'm going to lose my daughter because of you!!" Bohemia still yelled at him. "Bohemia, let's stop this nonsense and make peace. Well, for today at least." He said calmly. "Oh so now you're not being the smart-ass and obnoxious little bastard." Bohemia said sarcatically. Prussia suprisingly paid her no attention. I had stopped sobbing and now was trying to climb out of his arms. "Mother, please I beg you!! Let's stop the fighting!!! You of all people should know that I hate fighting." I told my mother. "I'm making peace with that bastard!!" Bohemia growled. "That's it, I've had enough of that bitch!!" Then Prussia stormed out of the room dragging me aroung with him. "I'm going to war again!!! It's like Silesia is wanted back home!!" Prussia yelled out so all the world could hear it. Of course that night and the nights after that were spent planning and planning.

Two Months Later...
I tearfully fixed Prussia's uniform for the upcoming battle he decided to start with Bohemia and the others. He looked as happy as he could be going to do what he loved best. Fighting. I already knew from the beginning that he was going to win because Austria couldn't even win against Miss Hungary. Prussia sighed and looked at me with the most serious face he could have that day. He touched my face gently and said something I couldn't hear. He then kissed me deeply and held me close to him. Later while we were walking with the main officers and generalrs he asked me a question. "Are you going to see me off?" He asked me. I knew he wanted to make me proud and make his people proud. "I wish I could but I'm not feeling well today." He looked at me and said: "Ahh, well that's nothing!! You'll see me when I get back!! You and our people will be proud." He said joyfully. Our people. He thinks we're already united doesn't he? I asked myself that question but soon the end came all too soon. I was forced to say good-bye to my love and I watched him leave from the inside. I saw Violetta and her older friend waving good-bye and laughing as some of the men did wierd things. I haven't been feeling well this past few days, I better go see the doctor. I kept deciding in my head until I reached my bedchamber. "I'm going to the doctor check me out!" I said happily to myself.

The doctor examined me and he said I looked okay. "But this is strange. I've never felt this ill days in a row." I told him urgently. Well, there is one possible explantation. But I'll have examine you a little more first." He told me. Was I dying province? Was I dying? The question kept popping up in my head and I tried to shake it out but nothing worked. I closed my eyes and unknowningly I fell into a deep sleep. I had the worse nightmare ever. I saw visions of Prussia dying on the battlefield blood running down every inch of his body and everybody laughing at him. I also saw visions of a woman giving birth to a beautiful baby girl but disapeering leaving the poor girl alone in the darkness. "Silesia!! Miss Silesia!!" The doctor called me back to consincness. "I'm so very sorry about that!" I apologized to him as best as I could. He just smiled at me strangely. "Is there any good news?" I asked curiously. "Perfect news to be exact. You are pregnant." The doctor stated simply but I just stared at him in my state of shock. I couldn't believe this, I'm pregnant with Prussia's child!!!!
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