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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1781354
Eliana's fantasy is fulfilled when she agrees to go on a ride with Jesse.
Jesse's Girl
Written by J. Marie Ravenshaw

Eliana didn’t usually go out alone. Tonight was the exception; it was a spur of the moment thing. Everyone was busy or had made other plans. She really needed to get out of the house after the week she had. So, she got dressed and decided to head out to the local watering hole.

It was a rough bar; the usual clientele was big, burly bikers. It has such a masculine atmosphere and she loved it. Every time she’d pass by the rows of perfectly lined up motorcycles, she’d visualize having her way with a burly biker on one. She shuddered at the thought and continued her sojourn into the bar. It was busy; as usual.

As Eliana walked in, catcalls ensued. She was dressed in her favorite skinny jeans tucked into a pair of calf high biker boots that laced up the side. She wore a plain white fitted v-neck tee under a black leather jacket that was left open. Her dark brown hair was left down, curls trailing down to the curve just above her ass. Her lips curled up into her best seductive smile as the catcalls continued. She didn’t sit down, just squeezed in between the two empty barstools. She made eye contact with Joseph, the bartender. In no time, a whiskey coke was placed in front of her on a perfect white napkin. She looked up from her drink to find Joseph standing in front of her on the other side of the bar. She smiled, “How you doing Joe?”

“I’m doing real well. How’re you doing Ellie?”

“Great, needed to get out.” She took a sip of the whiskey coke, tipped it to the side and asked, “Where’d this come from?” 

“Guy at the end of the bar…” he gestured toward the gentleman.
She smiled toward the man, lifted the glass, and tipped her head in thanks. The man reciprocated by blowing her a kiss. She turned her attention back to Joe and noticed out of the corner of her eye that another patron was beckoning.

He smiled back and said, “Looks as if I’m needed.” Eliana shrugged as he went to help the man out.
Glass at her lips, she took a large swig. Then she turned around so she was leaning against the bar. Scanning the crowd, she noticed a man that was sitting alone at a high top table nursing a beer. His eyes were focused on the TV that was tuned into the local news. He was dressed in usual biker gear: Fitted leather pants and a white ‘wife beater’. His heavy, black, leather jacket draped over the back of his chair. 

Eliana recognized him instantly. He had driven his bike past her place on numerous occasions. It was a beautiful machine. However it was the man that sat upon that machine that held her interest. They had never been formally introduced. But they sure as hell have met in Eliana’s dreams and some of her favorite daytime fantasies. He was one of the best looking bad-asses that she had ever seen. His name is Jesse.

She sighed and looked down at her glass, took a small sip, and slowly let her gaze return to Jesse. Surprisingly, his gaze had shifted from the TV to her. She smiled as she looked into his beautiful amber eyes that were surrounded by lush, thick, black eyelashes. His wavy, black, hair was worn loose, tucked behind his ears, and came to just below his shoulders.

He smiled back, showcasing a dimple in his right cheek and perfectly straight white teeth. He had a beautiful smile and flawless olive toned skin. She turned and sat on the barstool next to her. She smiled again and swiveled toward the bar. She glanced in the mirror behind the bar and noticed that Jesse was standing up and donning his leather jacket. He lifted his eyes toward the bar; Eliana quickly looked down to her glass and took a small sip. She looked back to the mirror, no sign of Jesse. ‘He must have left, missed my chance to finally meet him,’ she thought.

A warm, masculine voice behind her startled her from her thoughts, “Hi, I’m Jesse.” She looked into the mirror behind the bar to find that he was standing directly behind her. She smiled and slowly swiveled toward him.
Her senses instantly came to life as she faced him. He smelled faintly of cologne, Escape, one of her favorites. He laid his large, warm, hand softly on her arm and asked, “What’s your name?”

Eliana sat silent for a minute basking in his closeness, breathing in his scent, relishing the warmth of his hand resting on her arm. Her heart was racing as she thought of all the fantasies she had entertained with him in the starring role. Those fantasies didn’t hold a candle to being face to face with him. Things low in her body tightened in response to all her lusty thoughts. Her voice came out slightly roughened, “I’ve seen you around. Nice to finally meet you Jesse; I’m Eliana.” She smiled coyly.  Gesturing to the barstool next to her, she said, “Have a seat.”

Jesse smiled and said, “I’d love to sit down next to a beautiful woman; but, what I really want to do is take you for a ride.”

Eliana looked at him inquisitively, he immediately responded, “On my motorcycle…I didn’t mean to imply…”

She stopped him by placing her hand firmly on his arm, smiling widely, and shaking her head side to side she said, “No, no, I understand. And I’d love to go for a ride.”

He smiled again, and cocked his head to the side indicating the door, “Let’s go then.” He held his hand out to help her off of the barstool.

She linked her arm with his and asked, “Where are we going?”

He smiled devilishly and glanced over at her as they walked toward the door, “I know a place. It’s quiet, beautiful, and just…well, perfect.”

As they neared his motorcycle, he reached over and pulled a helmet off the seat, turned around and handed it toward her. She flipped her hair back, deliberately arching her back to showcase her frontal assets, and gathered her hair into a ponytail. She pulled a rubber-band off of her wrist and wrapped it around the hair she had gathered at the nape of her neck. Eliana smiled at Jesse and grabbed the helmet from him.

He watched intently as she slowly licked her lips and bit down on her lower lip before she placed the helmet on her head. He got onto the bike, started it, and held his hand out for her. She grabbed onto him as she hoisted her leg over the seat, letting go as she sat down behind him.

Butterflies flitted around in her stomach as the vibration of the engine stimulated her nether regions. Motorcycles have always been exciting for her…in more ways than one. Her thighs settled around his hips as she moved so that her chest rested against his leather-clad back. She wrapped her arms around his waist, leaned in, and held on tight as he revved the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. She thought, ‘Maybe my wish will come true…”

They had been cruising on the open road for about five minutes. Her hair was whipping against her neck; the wind roaring in her ears. The sun, in the process of setting, was beautiful. Jesse shifted his weight in front of her. She felt his hand wrap around hers. He pushed his jacket and shirt up and placed her hands over his bare stomach, then returned his hand to the handlebar. It was such a sweet gesture…she thought. She assumed he just wanted to make sure her hands stayed warm. 

Eliana had been absently toying with the hair on Jesse’s stomach that trailed down in to his pants. She realized what she was doing and stopped. Jesse shifted again in his seat, turned his head slightly toward her, and said loudly, “You doing okay?” She nodded her head in response. He nodded and said, “We’ll be there shortly, okay?” She nodded again.

Five minutes later, they pulled into a secluded parking area that butted up to an uninhabited lake. There were no houses in sight. The sky was pink and purple with sunset, those colors reflecting in the lakes placid surface. Jesse killed the engine as she took the helmet off. He sat there for a minute, admiring the view, he said, “Beautiful isn’t it?”

With the helmet cradled in her arms she said, “Yeah it really is.”
He put the kickstand down, stood up, turning slightly toward her holding his hand out. She stood and placed the helmet on the seat behind her. Eliana wrapped her fingers around his hand and lifted her leg over the bike. She walked toward the lake and looked up toward the sky. She hugged herself, breathed in the fresh country air and said, “God, this place really is beautiful, quiet, perfect…”

Eliana could feel his warmth behind her as his voice rumbled, “Beautiful, like you Eliana.”

She turned to look at him as he sidled in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. His warmth enveloped her; his scent enticing her. She turned her head to the side and absorbed his profile as he looked outward toward the lake. She felt compelled to slowly move her head toward his neck. Her lips brushing against his jaw, she felt him stiffen in response. She drew a deep breath in through her nose and said, “You smell…mouth-watering.”

He pulled back so he could look into her eyes, a deep masculine laugh escaping him. His eyes smoldering as he said, “Why, Eliana, do you plan on tasting me?” He had a mischievous smile on his face.

Eliana looked into his beautiful amber eyes, shrugged her shoulders, and simply said, “Yes. Yes I do.”

She turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Burying her fingers in his hair, pulling him toward her, she leaned in and kissed him. His lips were soft. She kissed him softly at first, lips barely brushing against his. She turned her head to the side to deepen their kiss. Her tongue slid against his lips, asking for permission to enter. His arms were warm against her waist as he tightened them around her, pulling her in closer, reciprocating her actions.

He opened his mouth to her, their tongues meeting, twisting, and dancing with each other. The kiss became desperate, Jesse growled into her mouth as he grabbed onto her hips and ground his into her abdomen. She groaned in response. He was not a small man, as evidenced by the hardness that was pressed tightly against her abdomen.
He curled himself toward her body. His hands slowly moving up her sides, inside her jacket, lightly brushing against the curve of her aching breasts, her nipples hardening in response. His hands ended on her shoulders, pushing her jacket off. She disentangled her fingers from his hair and let the jacket slide down her arms and fall onto the ground.

He pulled the ponytail out and tossed it to the ground. Pulling her shirt out of her pants, he broke the kiss and said, “I have to have you…please say yes.”

“Yes…,” she said breathlessly.

In one smooth movement, he pulled her shirt off, threw it to the side, and stood looking at what he had revealed. His amber eyes ablaze with desire he said, “You are beautiful Eliana.” He leaned in and kissed her thoroughly; placing quick soft kisses on her highly sensitive skin; trailing from her mouth, jaw, and down to her neck. Eliana arched her back and tilted her head to allow him better access. He placed kisses over the area below her ear, his tongue snaking out and capturing her ear lobe. He bit down lightly. She shivered in response. His lips latched onto the offending earlobe as his tongue tormented it. Her face flushed; a moment of pure bliss that ignited the passion within her.

His lips returned to her neck, working their way down to the top of her now heaving breasts. He looked up at her as his arms wrapped around her and unlatched her lacy, white bra. It slipped effortlessly to the ground as his hands cupped both of her breasts. He leaned forward and wrapped his lips around a pink taut nipple; her head fell back in ecstasy as she moaned her pleasure.

He turned his attention to the other nipple as she looked down at him. His beautiful amber eyes met hers, his fingers tracing the contours of her abdomen and moving ever lower. Her muscles tightened in their wake. He effortlessly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, as he kissed his way down the firm roundness of her breast to her stomach. His large, warm, hands encircled her waist and started their decent, caressing her skin as he gazed up at her. His eyes filled with, hunger, desire, and lust. One word…need.

His hands moved lower, pushing her pants and panties along with them. He stopped when he noticed her boots and quickly unzipped them and removed them. His hands returned, one to each flank, feverish against her skin. Her pants were to her ankles, he slowly lifted each leg free. She felt suddenly vulnerable. There he stood with every piece of clothing intact, and she with nothing, in the middle of an uninhabited area.

He must have felt her apprehension. Abruptly he stood from his position on the ground, removing his jacket and ‘wife-beater’ in one fluid movement. He grasped the back of her neck and brought her face to his. Their lips met, his tongue thrust desperately into her mouth. She sighed at the taste of him. Their tongues dancing, twisting, exploring each other as his thumb explored the already glistening core of her. He was kissing her with a passion so strong, her own desire flared even stronger.

She hooked the fingers of one hand around the waistband of his fitted black leather pants. Her other hand was busy cupping and stroking his manhood that was straining against his leathers. A low growl escaped him at the contact. She broke the kiss and turned her attention to unbuttoning and unzipping his leathers. She had barely pulled the zipper down when his hard, hot, swollen cock sprung forth into her hand.

She stroked his length as she gazed into his hunger-filled eyes. She smiled coyly as she leaned forward to kiss him briefly. She explored his broad chest with her fingertips, feather light caresses trailing down his chest and abdomen, creeping toward his throbbing cock. He watched hungrily as she knelt in front of him.

Maintaining eye contact, she flicked her tongue out and circled the head of him. Lifting his cock toward his navel, she ducked her head and gave a languorous lick from base to tip. She wrapped her lips around the whole of him and took him in as far as she could go. He made a sound low in his throat and buried his fingers in her hair, thrusting his hips forward, encouraging her to take him in further. He released her. She slid her mouth up and down the length of him, quickly…over and over.

He abruptly pulled her up from the ground using her hair as a handle. He released his hold, kissed her thoroughly, and pulled her over to where the motorcycle sat. He set her on the seat so that she was leaning into the backrest, her legs hanging off one side. He knelt down in front of her placing one of her feet on the gas tank and draping her other leg over his shoulder. He leaned in and wrapped his lips around the core of her pleasure; her head fell back in complete and utter ecstasy.

As he sucked the nectar from her wet, pink flesh he moaned at the heavenly taste of her. He continued to suck her nub rhythmically, she strained against him. She curled her fingers into his hair as his tongue worked her masterfully. She was almost there, aching, needing penetration, when his fingers entered her opening. He continued to torment her with his tongue as his fingers moved quickly inside of her. She screamed her pleasure and her entire body became tense.

Her chest was heaving, arms contracted, fingers splayed in his hair pulling him even closer to her core. Spasms of pleasure overcame her, she released. He released her when he was sure he had wrung the last spasms of orgasm from her and rose from his position on the ground. A very satisfied, masculine grin spread slowly across his face as he positioned himself at her opening.

She gazed into his amber eyes; he leaned over and kissed her. She could taste herself on his lips. She could feel the head of his manhood rubbing against her core. She shivered in anticipation. He groaned, shifted, and plunged into her, she gasped at that feel of his hard, hot, cock buried deep inside of her. He stood up straight pulling her onto him by wrapping his hands around her thighs roughly, his fingers digging into her sensitive flesh. She screamed her pleasure as he pistoned in and out of her, his rhythm becoming more frantic.

His neck muscles straining as he kept the relentless rhythm. The rhythmic sound of flesh hitting flesh resounding in the uninhabited woods that surrounded them. He threw his head back and screamed his pleasure as his body strained and spasmed within her. She closely followed, with a primal scream of release; she could feel herself tighten around him. Her body writhed against him. He released her thighs and relaxed his footing, almost toppling the motorcycle.   

It was then that they realized how precarious their positioning on the motorcycle had been. He grabbed onto her hands pulling her to a standing position just as the motorcycle fell onto its side. Her eyes wide as saucers she turned back toward Jesse and exclaimed, “Holy shit!”

He pulled her into an embrace. She could feel his chest shaking, and a low masculine rumble reverberating. She looked up to him and asked, “What the hell is so funny?”

He shook his head from side to side, a big grin spread across his face as he said, “Nothing, nothing at all. That was just…fucking amazing. That’s all.”

She looked into his amber eyes as her lip curled into her best seductive smile, “It was, wasn’t it?” She paused, tapping her chin, stopped and looked him dead in the eye, “You want to do it again?”

The End

Word count:3130

Written for: "Erotic Tales of Pleasure & Pain~closed! June 2011
Prompt: Picture prompt= man and woman on a motorcycle in an embrace.
© Copyright 2011 J. Marie Ravenshaw (bean2031 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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