Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1781177-Love-that-was-Lost
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Other · #1781177
My entry for the CSFS May 2011 poetry contest.
Was ever there another time
When loving someone was a crime?
A love so dear, so tender here…
Yet her blue eyes would fill with tears.
Never had I cursed my fate,
my soul, my body, with such hate.
For when her eyes looked into mine,
They lost their beauty so divine;
That beauty that had pierced my soul
And captured it and made it whole.
Those eyes would look upon my head
And fill with something worse than dread;
Her hate so strong it rent my heart
and tore its toughest strings apart.

I cast a curse upon my claws,
Those things that did naught else but cause
My only love to shake in fear,
refuse to let me hold her dear.
I scowl in shame at darkened scales
that cover me from head to tail;
their hardened touch have made her cower 
and back away from my great power.
I close my beady, piercing eyes
And feel naught else but pure despise;
Let boldened arrows strike me blind
And shut away her hate refined.

I spread my wings so that I may
Be killed by bravest sword today.
She lays in sleep upon my palm
In blissful, briefest sleep of calm.
How sad it is that ‘til this day
All she’d done was turn away.
My heart is done, my soul is drained;
I feel no hope and only pain.
I see her waited lover now,
He comes to make good on his vow
To save fair maiden from the beast
That holds her captive for a feast.
His sword is drawn, his footsteps firm,
his lowered gaze seeks to affirm
the safety of his maiden fair
while she was held in dragon’s lair.
Now with a shout, he calls my name,
“Great Dragon, let you rot in shame
For daring take my precious love
And add her to your treasure trove.
This moment here shall be your last,
Your soul into the fire be cast!”
His words ring loud, the maiden stirs,
His tender gaze delves into hers;
And at that moment, on her face,
A smile comes up to take its place
on such a beauty to behold,
I feel my heart turn warm and cold.
I never saw naught else but tears;
Her face had always held such fear,
Yet now that hero calls her name
She beams and sighs as lovely dame
And holds such faith in her blue eyes
I can’t declare my choice unwise.
The warrior runs, his sword swings high,
He raises loud and righteous cry,
I lower my gaze to see delight
In maiden’s eyes for her great knight
And last I see is flashing sword
That ends the life of Dragon Lord.

My body lies in endless sleep
Amid my blood and treasure keep,
While maiden who had stole my heart
Departs to face a brand new start
Alongside man whose weapon slew
the evil Dragon, through and through.

Was ever there another fool
Who gave his life of lordly rule
For sake of love whose love was lost
No matter what the price or cost?
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