Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1781090-Novel
Rated: E · Chapter · Teen · #1781090
This is the first draft of my first novel.

OK, I know, summer vacation hadn’t even started, so why was I working on my summer homework? I guess it was because I was bored, and didn’t have anything else to do. There wasn’t anything on TV, and since it had been raining all day and I was stuck inside, I had already studied my butt off for the math final I had the next day. Because of this beautiful weather, none of my friends wanted to leave the comfort of their own warm rooms, so that left me alone and dying of boredom. So I decided to take out the assignment sheet our Creative Writing professor had given us for the summer homework.
“I know I have been telling you all semester to ‘write about what you know’ to write your fiction this semester” Professor Mere was telling us on the last day of class, “But now, you really have to apply that. You will be writing your first piece of non-fiction.” He handed us each the assignment sheet as we walked out into the warm spring air. Now I was sitting at my desk reading the assignment.

You will create a non-fiction story of a life changing moment.
The only rule is that it has to be a true story, where you must use real people, places etc. Take what has happened to you, and write it in a way that is interesting for your readers.

Well shit, I thought. My life was definitely not exciting, and now I have to pick a life changing moment that is interesting to my readers? Maybe I should go back to studying for my Math Final.
My first I decided to check my e-mail. A bunch of spam, a few humorous forwards from various family members, my daily singles horoscope, and one random message I decided to look at-hay not all spam looking e-mail is in fact spam. The subject line read: Eclipse Premiere Contest Winner. Not having anything else to do, I decided to see who the lucky bitch-I mean girl-was.
The message was official looking, with the company’s logo at the top and various mumbo-jumbo-stating that you are responsible for airfare and other expenses not specifically states in the terms and conditions-before it got around to announcing the winner. I read, or rather skimmed through it all and final got to the good part.

Will Receive
Each receiving a Twilight Saga: Eclipse gift basket and two tickets to the Hollywood Premiere.

Amber Kunis
Megahn Giles
Steffani Loggins
Melissa Jankins
Miley Truist

Will Receive
A Two Day/Three Night stay at the Roadway Inn Convention Center and two tickets to the Hollywood Premiere of Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

Christina Write
Natalie Miles
Sarah Golden

Will Receive
Airfare for two to Las Angeles, CA and Hotel acclamations for Six Days/Seven Nights at the Ritz-Carlton, Two Tickets to the Hollywood Premiere of Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
(Other prizes included: please read terms and conditions)


OK, so to be honest it took me a minute to realize I had just read my name under GRAND PRIZE WINNER. And then when I did realize it-and yes went back to double and triple check that yes it was in fact my name-I freaked out! I mean who wouldn’t? Almost knocking over everything in my way I ran around my apartment, hoping to find someone, anyone, to tell. But of course my room mates were nowhere to be found. Then it hit me. Who would go with me? Well of course: My best friend Rachel! I reacher for my purse, which was now spilled out on the ground next to me, franticly searched for my cell phone and fumbled excitedly through my contacts until I came to her number-I never really got the hang of speed dial.
Rachel has been my best friend since we met in Mrs. Aepelbacher’s Fourth Grade Class, and I could not think of anyone I would rather go with. We did everything together up until I moved out of state, and even being 800 miles apart we have remained the best of friends.
“Pick up! Pick Up The Phone Rachel” I coaxed while listening to the ringing. She didn’t answer the first time, when her voicemail answered I hung up and dialed again. I did this three times until she finally answered. We always knew it was SUPER important if the other doesn’t stop calling. Its like our own signal.
“OHMIGOD. Katie, you know I’m working to…” I didn’t let her finish
“Rach! Shut up and pack your bags! You and me are going to the Eclipse Hollywood Premiere!” We squealed on the phone together for about 5 minutes until her manager had come to yell at her. When we hung up I sat back down at my desk and noticed the assignment sheet still sitting there.
“Well,” I though “If this isn’t going to grab my readers attention I don’t know what will!” I just didn’t know how right I was.


I looked out the window and watched Elmira, New York fly into view. I watched as we passed over the vibrant, green hills, eyeing the beautiful two story houses scattered in clearings throughout. I noticed the Dandy Mini Mart and my High School. Longing filled my heart when I was able to see the neighborhood I had grown up in. I enjoyed looking to see what I could recognize as the plane descended over a town I once knew. Granted, I had grown up in the small country town, but it seemed that so much had changed that I really didn’t know much of anything anymore.
I had lived there for fifteen years before my dad had decided to uproot me and move over eight hundred miles away to bright sunny Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Or, well technically Little River, a smaller town about half an hour outside of Myrtle Beach. I guess that exact geographical location didn’t matter much. I hated my dad for doing this to me. Yes, he had moved me to a place where the lo in the winter was 50 degrees and yes I now lived right next door to my grandma, Meme, as (only) I called her, who was the one person who meant more to me than almost any other living soul. But I was fifteen. I was forced to leave my friends and the life I had grown so accustomed to. Yea, it is safe to say my dad wasn’t my favorite person.
That was until at seventeen I decided to move back to New York. I finished out my senior year of High School there and that was enough for me. I realized that Elmira didn’t have anything there for me anymore. I realized that Myrtle Beach was my home now, and I loved it there. New York was now just a nice place to visit. I have more opportunity in South Carolina to be something great.
Excitement replaced the longing I had felt as I watched the small county airport zoom into view. I felt like a five year old watching from the backseat as the mother pulled into the Toys-R-Us parking lot. But this excitement wasn’t for being back in my hometown, but for knowing that in just a few short minutes I was going to see my best friend and that we were about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
Rachel Nichols had been my best friend since the fourth grade. We were nearly attached at the hip until her parents moved her to a new school. We kept in touch the best we could until one thing or another happened and we just stopped talking. If it had not been for our third musketeer Jessica Stevens, we would have remained that way. Jessi reunited us when we were seniors in high school. Rachel and I seemed to pick up right where we had left off, and now-minus our slight obsession with jamming out to Backstreet Boys (hay we lost a few years, those were our only childhood memories)-we acted and seemed like we lost no time at all. The only thing separating us was the fact that she still lived in New York and I was in South Carolina. But we didn’t let that stop us. We would travel to see each other quite a bit. We had no idea, but when Rachel came to visit in October 2009, some life changing events would be set into motion.
We were spending a day at the mall and decided to go see Saw VI. I was putting butter on my popcorn when I heard Rachel yell over to me “OhMyGod! Katie, look at this!” She was gawking at something on the concession stand. I put my movie ticket in my pocket, grabbed my popcorn and soda and went to see what she was so excited about.
“What is it?” I asked when I was close enough to her where I didn’t have to yell.
“A Contest to win a trip to Hollywood to see the premier of Eclipse!” She almost screamed with excitement.
“Hell yes!” I exclaimed, “Let’s fill a few out!” Ten minutes and twenty entry forms (each) later, we headed for the theatre, chatting away about how cool it would be to be able to go see the Eclipse Premier in Hollywood. We chatted about who we would meet and what we might say to them. We then got into a disagreement over who was hotter: Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner. We talked about this until the lights dimmed and Saw VI started. Then as any normal people would, we forgot about the contest. We didn’t think about it again until six months later when I checked my e-mail instead of studying for my math exam.
My excitement grew as I felt the wheels of the small plane making the joyous reunion with the runway below. OK, so I was probably the only person on that plane who would go to the extreme of calling it joyous. But then again, I was probably the only person on that plane who was just hours away from what promised to be the best summer vacation ever!
The slow moving line to get off the plane did little to curve my enthusiasm as I impatiently awaited the flight attendant to open the doors. As soon as she did, it took all I had not to take off running into the airport where my best friend was waiting.

© Copyright 2011 Marie Miller (miztheatre at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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