Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1779953-ADDITIVE--about-me-Bio
by Gim
Rated: · Other · History · #1779953
I, J. Lee Cooper-Giles am a bless-divine lifelong political, religious, social activist!
The positively-progressive REALISTS (the critical-thinking and innovative creators of all value-production): particularly, the Christ-Man Progressives (e.g. both President Barack Husein Obama and The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church USA) are always in conscious-contension with their own counterparts, the tryranically-dogmatic ILLUSIONISTS (the dire-advocates for a neo-fascistic ruling ELITE): i.e. all the unethical-business entities (e.g. Enron and Bernie Madoff and the Wall Street Financial Institutions') recent fiasco who always advocate and perpetuate the policies and practices for the enhancement of "all" the empirically-imperialisically legislation that these so-called pro-business, non-union and the total annihilation of federal- employee-safety-protections and entitlements must forever be deviously-enacted at the very top of these entities empires and/or spheres-of-influence : these mendacious-miscreants have eternally been the "elitists neo-fascists, who've always battled via their 'm.o. and propensity' to orchestrate and implement mass confusion and deceit (the early 1950s American-Cummunisit's Scare, mendacious-character-assassinations, falshoods and outright-lies, and their masterfully-disingenuously-partisan, propaganistic-BS-rhetoric toward the downthrow and opressive-persecution of the mass-designated unworthy-minorities and underserving-undesirables. These human-vultures are the bonafide-majority -- both firguratively and literally disingenuous neo-fascist, mendacious-pundits and spin-doctors, and robber-barons who've been elitist- forever international imperialistic universal-tyranical-terorrists...

"... You will Know Them by Their DEEDS! Their 'Actions' speaks louder than their 'Words'! They always 'talk' the 'talk, BS that is;' however, they never 'walk' the 'walk' so they are documentally-authenticated and designated as the very influential hypocritical-fascistic-thugs that they truly are!"

Often,these thugs claim that they're so-called Compassionate-Conservatives and born-again-Christains; but actually, they're status-quo elitists with neo-fascist-attitudes and propensities, who want to maintain their "influence-of-power" and control over the masses... Also, mostly these people are adamant-advocates for smaller government and less government interference in citizens lives: nevertheless, their modus operandi (m.o.) truly exposes their disingenuous and doublespeak and mendacious tactics to confuse and deceive, to divide and conquer, to deregulate monitary and employee-safety initiatives, to mandate their family-planning policies and criminalize abortions, to oppress and persecute gays and lesbians and other designated so-called minorities and undesirables, and retain their unscrupulous grip on big-business and corporations and the economic-engines and legislative agencies and bodies which enhances these elitists finances and social positions: they're authentic and absolute new century "fascistic-robber-barons and imperialistic-tyrants, who forever castigate and rob and sometimes kills and annihilates the creative-value-producers!"

"... And that's the 'real' deal!"

Finally, my blog @ www.blogger.com, my new websites @ www.ebokkcafe.com, and www.writersmanual.com, and www.writing.com, www.WriterOwnWords.com, and www.cushcity; facebook; my space; and youtube social universally-oriented networks and materials; an www.powell-books.com; and many-other unknown-entities by me, and my forthcoming website, www.the-cooper-giles-chronicles.com will introduce the public to the new content and theme of my many attempts at satirical-social-writing . And finally, my non-fiction narrative, "The Christ-Man Chronicles," an evangelistic-muckraking tale of expository "truth-telling" rendering empirical-facts and unaltered-evidence that delineates the differences between the "parasitic-illusionists and the progressive-realists;" unconditionally-dispensed to the worldwide-public promoted and published by www.authorhouse.com, 4 June 2010...

" God bless you til next time..."
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