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Three teenagers try to live their lives while handling the stress of unordinary problems. |
Super powers, something people would only associate with fantasy. For me, I've always wanted to be in a world filled with fantasy. Everything just seems to be a lot more interesting with the inclusion of magical powers and dealing with villains all over the world, well except for the mega super villains that could probably kill me. I'm sure we've all heard of those villains that aren't idiots and actually kill the superheroes. But I guess things like that will have stay in my imagination. Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Fang Chau, and I’m a sophomore at Theodore's Institute for Gifted Individuals. I always thought the name was a major rip-off of the X-Men, the comic book series of humans with superhuman abilities, but apparently I'm the only one that thinks it. This place is pretty much like any ordinary school except it's for people that excel at academics, the fine arts, or athletics. I excel in fine arts. I'm a photographer, I use my eyes to capture moments and I'm very knowledgeable when it comes to lighting. However, when it comes to the other fields: academics and athletics, I'm not too sharp in those areas. I mean it's still a school so I still have to do well in academics to stay but I wouldn't say I'm a mastermind with numbers or literature. And as for athletics, I'm pretty good at running but anything else I'm just awkward. Here, there are leads in each field. Me, for example, I’m the head of lead of the fine arts department. The other lead, the head of academics, her name is Zoey Marks. She is exceptionally intelligent. I have all of my academics with her and she is quite intimidating. I remember one day during Freshman year English when I had to partner up with her; all I said was hi and she already told me that she was going to do all of the work because she said I was going to mess up everything if I put in any of my own work. She's what all the girls in this place would call a perfectionist, well actually they call her a bitch but I think that's a bit much. Sure she has a cold attitude and always insults the people below her, well that is everyone except for the professors so wow I guess she is a bitch. Wait did I just call her that? Okay moving on. Then there's the athletic lead, Tony Ace, the star in every sport that's offered here. Football, basketball, baseball, track, soccer, volleyball, tennis, wrestling, you name it; he's the star of it. I've never really talked to him. Well, except for the occasional “watch out!” that he yells at me whenever I get in the way in gym but that's pretty much the only thing. Actually I think I've heard him talk about my photography before, though he wasn't saying it to me directly, he said he thought it was pretty wicked. He seems like a nice person when he's not trying to be number one, which is never. How funny would it be if we three became the best of friends by the time we graduate? Pretty crazy right? I mean Zoey would be the levelheaded and highly intelligent person in the trio, Tony would be the tank and could protect the both of us from danger, and I would be the dork that would add flavor to the trio so there would never be a dull moment between us. I guess I'm getting a little too carried away with imagining the impossible, right? I seem to do this all the time and I don't know why; I just keep rambling like there's no tomorrow. I guess it's because out of this entire institute I don't really have friends. I'm still unable to make any real friends here at all. I'm just too weird for their tastes, I guess. Oh great I've rambled on so much that I forgot that this is a story. Well, I'm going to shut up now, and let you guys read this story. I really need to stop talking so much. Today marks the first day of my second year here at TIGI and everyone and everything seems to be the same. Walking into my chemistry class, I noticed I was the first person in the class. Strange, I'm usually around the middle when it comes to people in class. Maybe people haven't adjusted to the new time schedule for classes and everyone is still sleeping in their rooms. I guess I can just chill here with my mp3 player. Plugging in my earphones, I began to do my little dance as I enjoy my music. Pop music is always so upbeat well except for the occasional “oh no, I'm too happy so I need a sad song” song. As I danced with my eyes closed, I felt someone's finger pressing against my left arm. Pausing my tunes, I turn around and there's Tony Ace sitting next to me. My eyes widen and I accidentally bang my head against the black tabletop. “Hey are you alright?” he asked as he put his right hand on my shoulder. “I'm fine; I just didn't expect someone like you to sit next to me. I'm just a little frazzled,” I said rubbing my forehead. “Someone like me?” “Sorry that came out wrong; I just meant I didn't expect anyone to sit next to me. No one usually sits next to me because I'm not exactly the best lab partner. Well I'm not always given the chance to show how good of a lab partner I am since I never have a partner which makes a lot of chemistry labs difficult but I’m fine.” “Wow you do ramble a lot,” he laughed as he took off his backpack and rested it on the table. “I'm Tony Ace,” he said introducing himself. “Oh I know who you are. I'm your crash test dummy in gym class. What do you mean I ramble? Are people saying that I ramble a lot because it's not like I try to ramble a lot it's just a—sort of like a habit for me then not to my knowledge I keep talking and talking—I'm doing it again, aren't I? I'm sorry I forgot to even introduce myself, I'm Fang, Fang Chau.” “Whoa calm down dude.” “I'm making a complete fool of myself.” “Yes, yes you are.” “Thanks, asshole.” “Will you two quiet down? I’m trying to read here,” Zoey said as she stood up from her seat. “Hi Zoey! I didn’t know you were here,” I said. “Well if you quit flirting, you would.” “Whoa, flirting?” Tony asked. “Oh Zoey, you’re such a kidder!” I laughed nervously. “Right, kidding.” “So I wonder who our chemistry professor is. I heard Theodore is good friends with him, they’re practically brothers” “I heard Theodore had to drag his sorry ass here cause he was sleeping around for money just so he can shoot up.” “Hey now, it’s not as bad as you say it young lady!” a voice said from within the lab closet. “Well that definitely puts a new twist to being in the closet,” I joked. “Can someone possibly open the door; I seem to have locked myself in here.” “Who would ever want to go into the lab closet let alone any closet? Oh right Fang would,” Zoey laughed sitting in her seat. “I would very much appreciate it if someone would just open the closet door, please!” Tony Ace stood up and walked to the closet. With both hands, he gripped the cold metal handlebars and pulled down. A man in a classic white lab coat stood in the closet with sweat dripping from his chin. He had brown messy shaggy hair and grey eyes. He had a muscular build like Tony and was a little bit taller which begs the question why he couldn't just bust the doors open. “Well thank you Tony,” the man said as he walked to his desk. “Do I know you?” “Only briefly,” the man said walking to his desk and looking at the class roster. “By this class roster it says you’re Tony Ace, star player in all the offered athletic teams. That’s quite impressive. “It has stuff about us in that?” I asked. “Yes of course,” the man turned the page and his brows furrowed. “Fang Chau, the rambling artist.” “Oh okay—wait what?! I don’t ramble!” “I already know what it says about me so no need to tell these two,” Zoey said confidently. “Well then, shall we start class?” “Start class? But it's only the three of us. You can't possibly start class with just the three of us,” Zoey said. “And yes I can! Because I'm the professor here and there are only three students here on my roster.” “Only three? That doesn't really make up for much of a class. And this is chemistry, right? Because you don’t look like someone that would teach chemistry, more like P.E.” I said as I stood up with my arms crossed. “Never judge a book by its cover, young man. But it’s true; I’m not going to teach you three about chemistry. I’m going to teach you three, something more exciting and fun.” “So this isn't chemistry?” “Nope, that's just a tool to fool the other students so they wouldn't be suspicious.” “Suspicious? Suspicious of what exactly?” Zoey asked standing up. “Why don't the three of you just come up to my desk and that way I can show you rather than tell you.” I looked at Zoey and Tony and I watched them as they walked up to the professor's desk so I followed. “Okay now that I have you all here, I want to ask you all a question. I want you all to answer it in all seriousness. How do you feel about superhuman abilities?” “Impossible,” Zoey said. “Dangerous,” Tony said. “Awesome,” I said with so much enthusiasm. “Of course you'd say that, all you do is read those children's magazines,” Zoey scolded me. “They're not magazines for little kids, their comic books.” “Same thing to me, they're completely useless and only let naïve children like you believe in the impossible. Those books should be burned to ashes.” “You must be related to the person that burned all of my comic books when I accidently left my dorm room open—hold on a second, are you the one that did it?” “And if I am?” “You are such a bitch!” “Just because I'm smarter than you doesn't mean I'm a bitch, thank you very much.” “It's not about smarts, it's about other's personal property and your personality and attitude just brings the mood down.” “Children, children settle down now. This language use is a bit unbearable.” “Fang, Zoey, just shut up.” “Fine!” we both yelled. “Okay now the reason why I asked you three about that is because it ties in with this new program that Theodore himself wants to experiment with and who better candidates than the best in show?” “Are you saying that we're going to have superhuman abilities? Is that even possible? I mean I've only read them in comic books and watched it once on TV but I never imagined that it could actually happen.” “He's obviously pulling your tail because having superhuman abilities is highly improbable.” “Where's your proof in that, little girl?” the man asked. “Science of course!” “Well science isn't always correct and neither is religion,” the man said pointing at Tony's cross around his neck. “So you're saying it's actually possible for us to have superhuman abilities? That sounds a bit dangerous, don't you think?” Tony asked concerned. “Yes, yes it is but Theodore trusts you three with this experiment. We are all hoping you will try it out. Think of how it could be like to be superheroes, to defend the world against evil, to be famous, to be recognized as the best the world has to offer.” “Defend the world against evil?” I asked. “Be famous?” Tony asked. “Be recognized as the best in the world?” Zoey asked. “Yes all of that can be achieved if you all agree to be in this experiment.” “I'm so in!” I said pulling out a pen from my pocket. “Where do I sign?” “Whoa, you'd actually do something like this? I mean sure it sounds cool when he says it like that but think of all the dangers and consequences that could come with it. What if you get an ability that completely deforms your body or you go nuclear.” “Tony, all I've ever wanted in my life was to be a superhero. Having the life of a superhero was always more interesting than the life I've always had. If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly the most interesting and appealing person here. I usually get overlooked by everyone, you've even done it.” “Okay so I'm guilty of that but—.” “No buts, this is the only way to make me seem more interesting. My art can't even do that.” “Then I'm in as well,” Tony said grabbing a nearby pen on the man's desk. “Are you both crazy? This is obviously a trap to test our intelligence and you both just failed.” “Will you pull out that thick pole out of your ass and just take a chance for once?” I asked annoyed. “Fine, if this will shut you all up and prove that I'm right, I'm in as well,” Zoey said crossing her arms. “Well it's settled then, no need to sign any papers. Just come with me.” “Hold on!” Zoey yelled. “What is it now, Zoey?” I whined. “Can you at least tell us your name?” “Oh I completely forgot to introduce myself; I'm Professor Cappel Zeppel.” “Well isn't that a name,” I laughed. “And Fang Chau isn't?” “He has a point,” Tony laughed. I copied Zoey's usual cold glares and gave one to Tony. His eyes widened and he stepped back and put up his hands. Professor Zeppel led us to the same closet that he was recently trapped in. He went in and shut the door. He didn't come back out so Tony opened the door and Zeppel was nowhere to be found. “Did he just disappear or was that just a magic trick?” I asked. “Maybe that's his superhuman ability, the ability to trick the mind's of naïve little children.” “Real funny Zoey, real funny,” I joked rolling my eyes. “Maybe there's a switch in the closet.” I stepped in the closet and closed the door. “So?” Zoey asked. “I don't see any—holy shit!” I yelled as the closet's bottom board released and I fell through. Sliding through the darkness, I heard a loud crash above me and then I heard Zoey and Tony screaming above me. I guess they must have followed me. Who's the idiot now Zoey? I noticed there was a red laser that dispersed into a square grid and it seemed as if it was scanning or screening my face. As I was about to open my mouth to reassure Zoey and Tony that I was below them, I crashed into a brightly lit room. Quickly getting up, I rolled forward as Zoey and Tony crashed onto the white floor. “Get off of me, you animal!” Zoey yelled kicking Tony off of her. “Sorry, but I didn't really ask to land on top of you,” Tony said getting up. “Whoa where are we?” “It's obviously the basement,” Zoey said as she got up as well. “It doesn't look like any basement I've ever been in.” “Well what else can it be?” “Perhaps it really is an underground facility just for that experiment that we're now a part of. And how can you explain that weird red laser in that dark slide we were all in? That's right you can't,” I justly said. “NOW COMMENCING TRAINING LEVEL FIVE,” a monotone computerized voice announced. “Training level?” Zoey asked. “What does that mean?” “Well anything that has to do with training my body, I'm fine with.” “If it's anything like the X-Men, I'd say we're in trouble.” “What do you mean?” Zoey asked. Suddenly automated gun turrets popped out of the white walls. A hatch appeared in the middle of the floor and robotic drones walked out with soccer ball sized fists. Their square, bright red eyes seemed to stare at us and they all positioned themselves in an assortment of fighting styles. “This cannot be good,” Tony said as he began to step back. The turrets suddenly began to target and shoot at Zoey and Tony and they both ran around in circles barely dodging every shot. The floor began to shift and cover points were created in which Zoey and Tony dived and covered behind while I just stood there as the robotic drones circled around me. “Fang, get out of there!” Tony yelled from behind his cover point. “There has to be a reason why they're attacking us! Maybe they see us as a threat!” “Does it matter? How the hell are we going to get out of here?” “Maybe we already have powers! Remember how Zeppel said that we didn't have to sign a single paper? That means we're already in the experiment. That red laser must have given us power or something.” “There's no way!” Zoey yelled. “You keep saying that and yet look where you are now! I'm pretty sure any school with gifted students would not put them in this kind of danger!” The drones moved closer to me with every word I spoke. My breathing space was thinning out sooner than I thought. “I must already have powers, I have to try,” I thought. I closed my eyes and thought of destroying every single drone hoping that I could possibly just wish them to be gone. As I opened my eyes, they were still there and moving even closer to me. “Oh crap!” “Hey don’t forget about me!” Tony yelled as he ran up to them. The turrets missed every shot at him. Tony dragged his right arm then clawed upwards to attack only to be surprised by seven pillars of pointed rocks shooting out of the ground smashing most of the drones in pieces. Tony abruptly stopped in front of me and looked at his hand. “What the hell? Was that me?” “Oh yeah, that was all you!” Quickly a few of the turrets began shooting at Tony and he didn't notice a single thing. “You don't feel that?” “Feel what?” “You're being shot at!” “I am?” Tony asked slightly turning head only to have a bullet bounce off his face. “You have the power of Earth and you have tough skin! Sweet!” “This is a lot to handle at one time.” “You just took out most of the drones. Do you want to possibly take them all out?” Tony looked at the remaining drones; they were backed up against each other. Even robots could feel his power. Tony put both his hands out and two slabs of Earth appeared out of the walls. He then quickly brought his hands together and the two slabs crushed the remaining drones. “That was totally wicked!” I cheered. “Oh it was nothing,” Tony said scratching his head while blushing. “I would love to celebrate too if I weren't being shot at!” Zoey yelled still at his cover that was quickly diminishing. “Zoey you must have a power too! Stand up and try it out!” Tony yelled back. “Tony don't be an idiot! There is no way that I have a power! No way!” Zoey yelled as a bullet stopped right in front of her. “Okay, I'm pretty sure these things don't do that.” “Zoey, you have to be telekinetic! Take out the turrets with your mind!” I yelled at her. “I will do no such thing!” “Are you begging for a death wish?” “Fine!” Zoey stood up and glared at the turrets. The turrets all fired at Zoey. She then held out her hands and the bullets stopped in midair. “I told you so! Now take them out!” “With pleasure.” Zoey pushed the bullets back at the turrets and they burst into flames. “TRAINING COMPLETE.” “Wait complete? It can't be complete, I haven't figured out my power yet!” “Why don’t you try and figure out your power? What do you think is your power?” “I don’t know. I mean what fits with personality?” “The power to annoy anyone you have contact with?” Zoey laughed. “I’ve never heard of that before,” Zeppel said. “She’s just being an ass,” Tony said. “I would call that a power.” I glare at Zoey and she glares back at me so I quickly shut my eyes to try and activate my power. “Fang, what are you doing?” Tony asked. “I’m trying to activate my power, what else does it look like?” I snapped at Tony. “Sorry, you just look constipated to me.” “Same here,” Zoey laughed. “Why don’t you just relax and it’ll come to you,” Zeppel said. “I’m trying to fly!” “Don’t you have to have your eyes open for that?” Tony asked. “I don’t know! I’ve never had a power before!” “Can we speed this up? I’m pretty sure we’ll be here for hours if we keep this up,” Zoey asked tapping her left foot. “Yes, let’s speed this up. I am getting a bit tired of this,” Zeppel said. “Great the guy that’s obsessed with superheroes can’t even figure out what his own power is. I am such a disgrace!” “Now, now don’t be so hard on yourself. People experience their activation of their powers differently. Like me for example, I—.” “No one cares about your story, can we just get on with this?” Zoey interrupted. “But it ties in with the—.” “And no one cares.” “You’re going to be a difficult one,” Zeppel said as he put his left hand atop my head. “Hold still.” “What are you going to do?” Tony asked. “You’re telepathic aren’t you?” I asked. “Yes now quiet,” Zeppel demanded as his eyes turned pitch black. “This is creepy,” Tony said. “Shut up, Tony!” I yelled. “I said be quiet!” Zeppel yelled as he pulled out a knife from his lab coat and stabbed me in the gut. “Fang!” Tony and Zoey yelled. Tony and Zoey suddenly became enraged. Tony tackled Professor Zeppel while Zoey lifted a spare part from one of the crushed drones with her mind. As she was about to send it to Zeppel, Fang stood up. “Fang?” Zoey asked puzzled. “Dammit, I have the lamest power in the world, well super spit is worse but still,” I whined. “You’re okay?” Tony asked. “He has tissue regeneration. His tissue—.” “How are you fine?” Tony asked getting off of Zeppel and putting his hands on my shoulder. “Tissue regeneration. It’s pretty simple. So if I get hurt, my tissue just regenerates and it’s like I never got hurt in the first place. It’s nice to have but I can’t hurt anyone with it so that’s why it sucks,” I explained. “So if I stabbed you right now, it wouldn’t hurt?” Tony said as he covered his forefinger and middle finger in jagged stone and thrust into Fang’s stomach. “Fuck!” I said as I pulled out Tony’s fingers. “It still hurts Tony!” “Oh, my bad,” Tony laughed. “So that’s it? That’s my power?” “Tony, stab him again please while I summon a droid.” “Hey, I’m right here! You are not going to stab me again Tony. It hurts!” “I wasn’t going to, pussy.” “Have you ever been stabbed in the gut twice?” “No.” “EXACTLY!” “Are you two done arguing?” Zeppel asked as a drone walked to Zeppel’s side. “Now Tony, I want you to stab him and step back.” “He is not going to stab me! Just because I can regenerate doesn’t mean I can’t feel pain! I have a low tolerance for pain. Like this one time, I dropped one of my film canisters down the stairs outside and the stairs were iced over. I cautiously took one step but I still managed to slip and roll down the frozen stairs! I cried my way back to my dorm!” Tony looked at me annoyed. I looked at his right hand; it was tightly gripping the knife. I tried to take a step back but I couldn’t. I looked over at Zoey; she had her hands out towards me. “Zoey, you bitch! Let me go!” I cried. “Look if this is the only way we get to find out about your second power, I might as well help out. Hurry up, Tony!” Tony stepped in front of me holding the knife to his chest. With a swift thrust, I found myself gasping once again. But this time, Tony let go of the knife and stepped back as the drone stepped forward. “Fang, right as you pull out the knife I want you to say blood needle.” “Why?” “Just do as I say.” I quickly pull out the knife and screamed, “Blood needle!” Suddenly my blood formed into a long sharp needle and pierced through the drone's faceplate. Seconds later the blood returned to its liquefied state and jumped back into my gut as my tissue sealed the wound. “Okay now that was cool.” |