Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1779106-A-kiss-is-Just-a-Kiss
Rated: GC · Assignment · Erotica · #1779106
A professor and two coeds have an encounter after class
WC 1168

A Kiss is just a Kiss

Class was over and the last of the students filed out. It had been a long morning and I pulled open my desk drawer where I had lunch stashed. I was getting it out when I sensed I wasn’t alone.

I suppose it was Tanya’s scent. It certainly wasn’t her good looks although she had a warm and wholesome quality. Her body radiated heat and she was shifting from foot to foot. Something was on her mind and her nervousness told me she was burning calories for a reason. A bead of sweat ran down her forehead beneath a lock of blond hair and she gave me a smile that had an invitational look.

“What can I do for you Ms Jenkins,” I asked in a tone that conveyed we were into my time and the class was over.

“I wanted to talk to you Professor about the “C” you gave me on yesterdays assignment. Was it really that bad?”

“It wasn’t that good,” I answered…..“The central character must be “central.” The protagonist must stand in the middle as the world revolves about. Were you asleep when I repeated that point at least three times Monday?”

“And you don’t see that happening with Melissa…?”

“Melissa is standing on the edge of the story….not only is she not the central character, she’s almost innocuous. It’s her Mother, Adriana who’s the locus.”

She came around the side of the desk….The smell of lilac perfume took my breath and rattled my willpower.

“How can I square things?“ she asked with a demure look.

I stood. “Make Adriana the central character….Melissa’s problems are trivial. It’s her mother who faces the struggle.”

Tanya stepped closer, the tips of her breasts almost touching my shirt… Our gaze connected and her look was intensive. Her cleavage made my heart clutch and a tremor raced the length of my being.

“I hope I'm not making you nervous, Dr. Smith…. You’ve been a great inspiration in this course and I was hoping to make up for it in some small way.”

The invitation required no explanation….My flesh pleaded. She stood on her tiptoes kissing my cheek. I started to speak…

“Hush,” she said…“It’s time to step back or move forward.” her hands played at the hem of her tight skirt and she raised it slightly. I looked down and felt the press of her lips as her arms reached about my neck. My hands took her waist and my chest brushed her bosoms. Her tongue slipped between and I lifted, seating her buttocks on the table.

As so often happens, at the most awkward of moments, there came an intervention. I heard the door rattle and stepped backward in guilt. In silence stood a young student, wide eyed, caught in the embarrassing scene.

“Sorry to intrude, she said, "but I came back to get you, Tanya….I hoped we could talk on the way to the Cafeteria.”

Tanya slipped down off the table. “Don’t be upset. Professor Smith was trying to explain some teaching points and struggling to find the right words.”

I took a deep breath….such behavior was grounds for dismissal.

“Don’t worry, Prof,” Tanya continued, “we’ll hold this matter in the strictest confidence….Won’t we?” She stared knowingly at her friend.

“My lips are sealed, “ came the response.

Walking to the door she paused and turned. “I hear you sometimes give tutoring after hours Perhaps we can drop by later in the week and take up this conversation….I promise to call before we do….”

I stood dumbfounded, at a complete loss for words. The door closed and the coeds departed.

Two weeks passed and I’d almost forgotten the incident, when one evening my cell phone rang.

“Dr. Smith, Phyllis and I are free tonight and could use some help on this weeks practical exercise….If you’re not busy could we drop by? Are you alone this evening?”

“I am, but….”

“The next sound you hear will be the doorbell. “ The phone shut off and the buzzer rang.

Going to the door I saw the two smiling girls, wide eyed, as if amused by some inside joke.

“Please come in ladies,” I offered…..“I’m making coffey and have some pastries left over from earlier…Join me at the breakfast nook.”

“We really appreciate this,“ said Tanya and the two followed me down the hall to the kitchen.

“I’m surprised you ladies are looking for help. You're among my better students and seem to have a clear grasp of the material…What can I do to assist?” I pulled out two chairs and went to get a plate and some cups and saucers.

“The problem we’re having,” said Tanya, “is deciding how far to go in the scenes involving intimacy. If we get too graphic many readers will be offended and if we stop short, others are sure to be disappointed. We need help in determining where that fine line is located.

“This is a common problem that writers face,” I replied, pouring the coffee and setting down the plate of donuts and sweet rolls.

“So we're discovering,” said Tanya standing up…

The smell of lilacs filled the room and I felt myself being drawn into an almost surreal world.. She came to my arms and took up where we had left off earlier….“Please Ms. Jordan,” I intoned as her lips joined with mine and I felt her tongue begin exploring my palette.

She stepped back….“I suppose a kiss would be appropriate….That shouldn’t offend anyone….will it Professor?”

“ I suppose not,” I answered, “a kiss would not be considered offensive by most readers.”

Phyllis stepped close dropping to her knees….She pulled down my zipper and her fingers searched inside my boxer shorts….

Tanya watched with interest. “I suppose that would depend on what was being kissed, Don't you agree Dr. Smith?"

“Oh my Gawd,” I groaned.

Phyllis pulled it out and put it in her mouth. I arose on my tiptoes….

Tanya stepped back holding up her cell phone….Phyllis turned smiling out of the corner of her eye. The flash jerked me to my senses…

Phyllis came off…. “Now why did you have to do that?” she chided….I was just getting warmed up.

“Because we have dates tonight and we‘re behind on our class work… I do hope that getting behind won’t affect our grade.”

Clearing my throat I answered. “Since you’re both such good students, I doubt you have anything to worry about. “ I escorted them to the door.

“Zip yourself up,” said Tanya….“you’re embarrassing us.”

“How thoughtless,” I replied.

“Good night professor,” they said in unison.

“Good night girls ,“I answered, as they walked giggling down the sidewalk.
© Copyright 2011 percy goodfellow (trebor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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