Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1778446-Love-at-first-sight-or-Destined-to-be
by Poppi
Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1778446
Based on me and my girlfriends relationship
         Once upon a time there was this prince...well something close to a prince. For one this prince was a girl...she acted like a guy so her parents treated her like one. Number two, she didn't do any princely duties. She acted like a regular teenager. Well one day the prince decided he wanted to go for a drive. Go visit one of the sister countries. The prince goes to the country she left as a little girl. She goes and walks around. Reminisce about the castle she left, her friends, if she can call them that, the life of a little girl most girls would love to have. But there's one thing that the prince was missing...that special someone. Some one she could genuinely call a friend. Go to for anything, a shoulder to cry on. She knows all the friends she have now are phony. Truth is the life of the prince is a lonely one. The smile she puts on is not real. She’s just going through the motions of life. She learned the hard way that all the other royalty kids are nothing but trouble. But the prince didn't want to dwell on the past. She shook the thought from her head and decided to go to the park. She goes and sits on the bench that’s next to the water. She looks in the water and doesn't like the reflection she sees. She knows this isn't the real her, just the shell of what she used to be. A single tear fell down her cheek. She got up and wiped her face. Just as she was walking to class she bumped into the most beautiful girl she has seen. She gets up and brushes herself off n goes to help the girl off the ground. When their hands touch, they both felt the spark. The mystery girl goes and brushes herself off. Once she realizes who she bumped into she started apologizing profusely. The prince seemed to realize that she left her princely attire on because she begins to wonder why she is apologizing so much. The mystery girl mumbles one final sorry n goes to walk away. But the prince catches her arm. She introduces herself as Tatiana, prince of Chabona and bows to the girl. Tati asks for the girls’ name. She says she is Angelina, princess of Maldonia. Maldonia isn't half as big as Chabona and they don’t really see any of the royal family so seeing the prince, let alone bumping into her, is something to remember. Tati offers to help Lina clean up by getting her some new clothes. Lina jus smiles at her. Tati starts to melt jus at the sight of her smile. That never happened to her before. She has a feeling this girl has changed her life for the better.

         Tati and Lina walk back to Tati’s car. Tati is thinking this girl is really beautiful; it must be fate that we met. Lina says, “Why are you smiling so much?” Tati starts to panic, thinking that she is freaking out Lina.
         “Oh no reason, just in a good mood is all.” Tati says and throws in a sideways glance. She can tell by the way Lina blushed that she feeling her. They walk the rest of the way just making small talk, their hands brushing occasionally. When they reach Tati’s car, she notices that there is a green and black Kawaski motorcycle parked right next to hers.
         “Is that yours?” Tati asks.
         “Yeah, this is my baby. Had this since I was a senior in high school.” Lina replies, rubbing her motorcycle affectionately. Tati thinks that a woman that rides a motorcycle is such a turn on. She thinks that nothing can make this girl any more attractive. Then she sees her motorcycle jacket. The black and green skin tight leather jacket that says “Lina” goes well with her ripped jeans and her knee-high leather boots. She then sees Lina’s motorcycle helmet: black with angel wings with a green black hue. It then clicks as to why she has the angel wings, angel wings on the back of her helmet with “Lina” on her jacket says Angelina. Tati starts to smile as she figures it out.
         “What are you smiling for?” Lina asks as she raises her visor
         “I figured out why you have angel wings on your helmet. I feel pretty accomplished” Tati throws her a smile. Tati waves Lina over not ready for her to leave yet. Lina takes off her helmet and walks over.
         “You do know we have class in like 5 minutes right?” Lina says. Tati just shrugs as she leans against her baby. A 2011 Mustang GT customized paint in Black with blurple flames rolling on the sides. Black interior with black wood finishes. This is one sexy car. Took all of Tati’s savings through high school and college. That’s another thing different about Tati. All the other royalty kids got whatever they asked for, but not Tati. Tati’s parents made sure she knew the value of a dollar should anything happen. Also, they know the car means so much more to her since she bought it with her own money.
         “I don’t care. I can not go to school at all and still pass. I’m just that good.” Tati says that last part with a playful smile on her lips. “I have something I much rather be doing right now anyways.” Lina walks over to Tati and stops right in front of her.
         “What’s that?” Lina asks, her hand finding her way onto Tati’s sash.
         “Talking to you of course,” replies Tati as she pulls Lina into her body. Tati wants to kiss her so bad, but she waits until Lina makes the first move. Right as Lina is about to kiss her, Tati’s phone rings and snaps them out of it. Lina gets nervous and begins to trip over her words as she fumbles to put on her helmet. Tati tells Lina to follow her to her house; it was her mother that called.
                                                           ◦  ◦  ◦
Tati and Lina leave Tati’s house with Lina in one of Tati’s sweatpants and a hoodie. Tati thinks Lina looks so beautiful. She gets caught staring at Lina on more than one occasion. Lina thinks Tati was meant to be a tomato because of how much she was blushing.
         “Since school is over, what do you want to do now?” Tati asks.
         “Well I was thinking…um, that maybe um…we could go to the movies and um grab a bite to eat?” Lina is real nervous. Tati just smiles and grabs her hand.
         “Sure. My treat. I’ll drive.” Tati flashes her a smile. Their first date and both of them are nervous as ever. They get to the movies and decide to go see paranormal activity 2. Tati wasn’t too keen on it because the first one scared her and the second one messes with a baby, but Lina’s face lit up when she saw it was playing so Tati caved in. Tati brought her mp3 player anyways so she can just block out the sound. “So is it just me, or does it seem like we new each other for a long time. The way we are so comfortable around each other. I have this strange feeling we met each other before.” Tati says as the previews are playing. Lina starts to think. She has been thinking the same thing.
         “I’ve been thinking the same thing. I really don’t know. You do look a little familiar. Did you go to sleep-away camp as a little girl?”
         “Yes. I’ve been going since I was 2 years old.”
         “Maybe that’s where I remember you from. I only went last year though. I was the girl that sat around and watched everybody else.” Lina says glancing away to the side.
         “That was you! Oh my goodness. I remember thinking you were the cutest thing ever!” Tati starts to blush. “Um I mean, uh yea. Haha. So that’s how we no each other huh?” Lina looks at her and smiles. Tati smiles back.
         “Yup. Look at how much we’ve changed,” says Lina.
         “Yea, puberty has been real good to you.” Tati slips up again. Thank goodness the movie just started. The lights dim as Lina is smiling to herself and Tati is blushing. Tati is grateful for the darkness. Awhile into the movie, Tati decides she’s going to make her move. She’s been thinking about how she was going to do it the whole night. She just decided to just do it. Tati takes her arm and wraps it around Lina. Straight up, no fake yawn. Lina just snuggles into the side of her, curl up her feet, and put the bowl of popcorn in between them. Tati is in heaven. The rest of the movie Tati couldn’t concentrate on anything.
                                                     ◦  ◦  ◦
On the way home from the restaurant they just made small talk. Dinner was fantastic. The food was amazing and for once Tati got Lina to blush without her having to blush first. While they were eating and makin small talk, Tati took Lina’s hand in her own on top the table and just looked at Lina and smiled. Lina tried to hide her face behind her cup as she blushed. Tati thought it was the cutest sight ever. They finished dinner and dessert talking about their childhood and their families. They finally make it back to Lina’s place. Tati gets out, opens the door for her, and walks her to the door.
         “I had fun tonight. Thanks,” says Lina.
         “Anything for a pretty girl. So when can I see you again?”
         “Well I do have to take my bike to get serviced in two days. Wanna come?”
         “You bet! It’s a date! Um I mean yea sure,” Tati mentally curses herself. “Why you looking at me like that?”
         “I just think it’s really cute when you do that.” Lina bows her head slightly. Tati steps closer to her.
         “And I think that’s really cute.” Tati just stares at Lina. The way the moon light is reflecting off her eyes is so breathtaking. Tati gathers up all her courage and makes the first move. Once their lips touch, Tati thinks she died and gone to heaven. Lina’s lips are so soft, so kissable. Not to mention Lina is a great kisser. They pull apart and place their heads together.
         “What a way to end the night,” says Tati. Lina shakes her head in the affirmative. Lina pecks her one last time and pulls away. “See you in two days.” She goes in the car and starts it up. She waves to Lina and don’t pull away until she sees Lina walk through her door. All the way home Tati has a smile on her face.
                                                       ◦  ◦  ◦
The next two days went by so slow to Tatiana. All she could think of was seeing Angelina again. She couldn’t wait to see her, hug her, make her laugh. Tatiana didn’t know what she was feeling. All these feelings were new to her, especially to be feeling them towards a girl. One thing Tati did know, was that she is loving how this girl makes her feel. She makes her feel like she’s important, like she likes her for who she is not just because she is the prince. Finally the day has come that she gets to see Lina again. Since they are just going to get Lina’s bike serviced, Tati decides to dress down. Whenever she is just walking around the castle, you can expect her to be in clothes similar to this. She feels most comfortable dressed like this. It was noticed from when she was a little girl, she always had more friends that were boys and loved to rough house. Tati also wants to make sure she looks good so she puts a little bit of effort into it. From bottom to top Tati has on: her black and white Nike Air Max’s, her favorite pair of ripped jeans hanging nicely on her hips, her lucky black happy bunny boxers, a black wife beater, a white zip-up hoodie, her white do-rag because her hair is a mess, and her black Atlanta fitted with sparkles on the hat that look like the Atlanta skyline. Tati hops in the car, slips on her aviators, and leaves the house in the direction of Lina’s. Tati gets to Lina’s house and knocks on the door. Tati takes off her hat and her shades so Lina’s parents would be able to tell its her. They let her in the house and tell her that Lina will be down in a couple of minutes. Tati takes out her phone and texts Lina.
         “hurry up b4 I turn old and crusty. Im waitin for u downstairs.” A couple minutes past and she gets her reply.
         “well my rnt we an impatient one. Jus for tht ima take evn longer lol. Jk. Im comin down now.” As soon as  Tati finishes reading the text she hears Lina coming down the stairs. Apparently, Lina decided to dress down to. To Tati, Lina still looks beautiful. Lina has on a green tank top, with black sweatpants and her black and green Nike Air Max’s. Tati realizes that Lina has dreads. She starts to wonder why she hasn’t noticed it before.
         “Are you coming? Or would you like to continue staring at my stairwell?” Lina asks jokingly. Tati snaps out of her daze.
         “Of course. Your stairs are WAY more interesting than you,” she says as she sticks out her tongue. “Oh put the pout away. Let’s go!” Tati drags her out of the house. “Shall we?”
         “We shall but not yet. Here! Think fast!” Before Tati knew it, a helmet was being tossed at her.
         “Um why are you giving me this?”
         “You’re gona ride on the bike with me. Duh!”
         “Haha um yea about that. I think I’d rather drive.” Tati wasn't scared. She’s been wanting to ride a bike for the longest time. She just wasn't sure if she’d be able to handle being so close to her.
         “What? Is somebody scared?” Lina starts to make chicken noises.
         “Me scared? Ha that was a funny joke. I’m never scared!”
         “Then prove it.” Tati realized that Lina got her that one. She just had to suck it up and hope she don’t make a fool of herself. She puts on the helmet and hops on behind Lina. “Hold on tight.” Oh I’ll definitely hold on tight. Tati thinks as they pull away.
                                                       ◦  ◦  ◦
They get back to Lina’s house after a fun-filled day. Tati was happy that she didn't make a fool of herself when she was on the bike. It took all her strength but her hands stayed in that one place the whole ride. She was proud of herself. They got to the service shop, dropped off the bike, and went to go find something to pass the time. A couple times, Tati got jealous because these guys kept trying to get at Lina. Lina saw that Tati was getting upset, but Tati doesn't know that. Once Tati even put her arm around Lina and mugged the guy to show that Lina is taken. Lina liked that Tati did that, but would deny it if anybody ever asked. They passed a go-kart place and decided to go try it out. The raced on every single track, three times. They had  a blast. Tati beat Lina more than Lina beat Tati but they still had a good time. Back at Lina’s house, Lina invites Tati up to her room. Tati immediately gets nervous. They go in her room and Tati just stand in the doorway looking around.
         “You can come in. I’m not going to bite. You should know that by now.” Lina says as she hops on the bed. Tati just chuckles walks in the room and closes the door. “Make yourself at home.” Tati lays on the bed next to Lina. For the next couple of hours they spend their time playing games, watching tv, talking all the while finding some excuse to touch each other. Lina goes to the bathroom and leaves Tati on the bed. Tati is just lying there arms behind her head watching Disney Channel. Lina comes back in hops on the bed and snuggles into Tati. Tati then wraps her arms around Lina. They fit perfectly into each other. After watching tv for awhile. Lina looks up at Tati. Tati is to into the show to realize. Lina takes a deep breath and pulls Tati’s head down into a kiss. Tati is stunned for like two seconds. Then she gets into the kiss. Rubbing up and down Lina’s side, sliding her hand from under her head so she can hover over Lina. Lina breaks away from the kiss and Tati goes and attacks her neck. Lina scratches Tati’s back in pleasure. One thing leads to another, and we all know what happens when the clothes come off.
                                                      ◦  ◦  ◦
That was 11 months ago. How their relationship started. Over the months there have been the break-ups and make-ups and cheats and lies. There was heartaches and heartbreaks and anger and jealousy  but they have made it through that. They are back together and happier than ever. Looks like you may be able to have your fairytale ending after all.
© Copyright 2011 Poppi (poppinwhiplash at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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