Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1778406-Never-Ending-Love-Chapter-one-pt
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1778406
Tom has loved Vanessa 4ever when he can repeat the last five years of their lives

The sparkling white Christmas lights and Japanese paper lanterns gave off a romantic glow onto the dance floor. Tables and chairs lined around the walls were decorated with the create paper streamers. It was a time for celebrating and the place was crowded packed for the last annual hoedown. It was a time for celebrating but for Tom Dalton sitting alone in the corner it wasn’t much of a celebration, more like a revelation of broken hearts and broken hopes and dreams.

His ice blue eyes followed one girl in particular across the dance floor through narrow little slits. She was dressed to kill, in that slinky black blouse with the altogether too low v neckline and skin tight jeans that looked like they were painted on her long lean legs. She was enough alone to get him aching in all the wrong place and that outfit sure didn't help. He wasn't use to seeing her dressed like that. Her body was normally hid under the baggy t-shirts that fell over her bottom hiding it from view and her long legs were hid in her boy straight boot cut jeans.  She was all bones and angles and boy in her cowgirl attire.

It hurt him to see her dancing with somebody else; the worse part was who she was dancing with, his baby brother Jason. The cold beer in his hand didn't make him feel any better, it didn't help make the visions in his mind any less vivid, and it didn't make the ache in his heart diminish. 

He noticed her on more then one occasion getting closer to Jace, and it hurt every time to see her flirt and taunt in front of him. She was being far more attentive to Jace, than Tom cared to be a witness to. In fact, he had to say that Vanessa looked comfortable with Jace, far too comfortable. He observed as the two talked almost seemingly never running out of things to say and do.

Tom found his foul mood growing steadily worse. Her going to Jace was tearing a hole in their friendship the size of the Grand Canyon. He was tired. He missed Vanessa. Vanessa, his gorgeous Vanessa Lynn, his best friend. Who didn’t love him? At all. But he loved her. He knew she didn’t love him. He wished that wanting her, aching for her, desiring her so desperately would not plague him. The only consolation was that no one knew, not even the vixen herself knew of his love for her. 

Vanessa Lynn McPherson had bewitched him, body, mind and soul. The longing to hold her and love her was sometimes more then he could bear to remain silent. Yet Vanessa didn’t see him in that light at all. He was nothing more then a good friend. Her best friend or at least one of them.

He glared coldly at them as he watched Jace pull Vanessa even tighter against him. Vanessa resting her head on his shoulder while her eyes sparkled like stars. The warmth of her smile touched him tenderly it was clear she was starting to fall in love with Jace. How would it feel if she were ever to set her eyes upon him like that? So sparkling, so brilliantly gray, so tender? And that smile…He felt like a lovesick cowboy at times, watching her movements, watching her laughter, watching her when she frowned concentrating intently upon some task or another.

He couldn’t sit there and watch the scene anymore; he couldn't bear to look at her, desire her, knowing she was slowly starting to fall in love with his brother. He got up to leave with only a backwards glance at Vanessa’s honey auburn hair swaying melodically against her back. Misery clamped down upon him hard and muscles constricted, taunt and painful at the thought of loving his brother.

How he would have loved to slam his fist in his brother’s face for even dancing with her. Breaking his heart, he thought. Knowing she was with Jace, in his arms, allowing him rights to her body, making him sick with the thought of Jace’s hands on her. He couldn’t cause a problem here in public, not with family and friends all around the place. He knew he couldn’t do anything about it, no matter how far the knife in his chest went from the sight of the couple.

God, how it had hurt, Vanessa was his, her body meant for him. She was the only woman he had wanted badly enough to wait for, the only one to whom he returned, the only one who mixed lust and love until he couldn't tell the difference. Why couldn’t it be him she was in love with he questioned himself.

He walked out of the dance clenching his fist tight until his knuckles turned white. He didn’t know how to reach her anymore. He covered his pride the best he could only every now and then his eyes gave him away. Tom was determined to be the one taking Jace’s place just as soon as he thought of something…..

Tom leaned on the porch rail of the open deck, smoking a cigarette as his cold ice blue eyes followed Vanessa around the dance floor. A smile pressed to his lips as he drew on his cigarette as he watched Jace go and dance with someone else for a change leaving Vanessa standing on the side lines once again.


Vanessa stood alone on the sidelines, watching Miss Socialite, Amanda Cartwright, out there dancing with Jason, Jace Dalton. Granted Amanda was beautiful and she gave the boys a run for their money, but it wasn’t fair that she had to have almost every single one of their’s attention either. Amanda Cartwright didn’t know how she was wrecking her life just by dancing with Jace.

She needed Jace in order to catch his eye, but that didn’t even look possible as she looked around the dance floor she didn’t even see him. Walking over to the punch table she saw him out on the deck smoking, she grabbed a cup of punch as she slowly crept towards the door, swaying to the music. She stopped and checked herself in the mirror by the door, out of habit. Tonight the plan to show off her attributes, to catch his eye, so far it hadn’t worked the way she wanted them too.


The thin wisp of smoke was barely visible as he studied her in the darkness as she drew closer to him.

“What are you doing out here Smokey,” Tom asked.

“Cowboy you almost gave me a heart attack,” Vanessa burst out in a heated rush. “Didn’t your mama teach you better then that,” she quipped out easily enough.

Tom gave her a hearty chuckle, “I’m sure she tried Smokey, but it must have not stuck yet,” he laughed.

“Sorry Tom I didn’t mean to bite your head off,” Vanessa apologized giving him a timid smile.

“No harm done,” he shrugged, “you must be pretty up set over something,” he said carefully.

“I hate coming to these things, I wish my parents would leave me at home,” she cursed out.

“Why, Smokey,” he asked softly.

“How on earth did I ever get stuck with that nickname from you,” she countered.

“Maybe I’ll tell you some time,” he said in a deep voice moving over to give her a playful nudge.

“Tom Dalton you’re drunk,” she said eyeing him carefully.

“Nope,” he said looking her straight in the eyes.

“I hate coming to these things, I wish my parents would leave me at home,” she cursed out.

“Why, Smokey,” he asked softly.

“Little Miss Socialite in there,” Vanessa said pointing to where Amanda was dancing with Jace.

“Would it hurt a boy to ask me to dance with them instead of talking cattle or horses, once?”

“You want to dance,” he said surprised. “With a boy,” he said eyeing her skeptically. “You were just dancing with Jace,” he said eyeing her.

“Yes with a boy,” she quipped out. “How else are you supposed to dance,” she said smiling up at him.

“I thought dancing and dating wasn’t your thing,” he murmured still stunned by her wanting to dance.

“I don’t know about dating, but I wouldn’t mind a dance every now and then. I mean it wouldn’t kill them to dance with me every once in a while instead of her, would it?” she asked looking up at him.

“Well no it would kill us, but come on Smokey,” he said looking at her as he leaned up against the porch rail.

“You have to admit Smokey, you never really acted like a girl who wanted to dance either,” he pointed out.

“Would it kill you to be a little sympathetic,” she gibed out.

“No, who is it you wanted to dance with anyways,” Tom questioned softly knowing it wasn't him. 

“I’m not telling you that,” she burst out.

“Why not,” he asked.

“Well for one you’d laugh your fool head off. You may be my best friend but I’m not telling you that,” she said roughly.

“If I knew who it was I could help you out a little,” Tom pointed out, watching her purse her lips together to think about it.

“It’s your brother Jace,” she finally admitted.

“He likes Mandy, he’s pretty hot and heavy into her, you know,” Tom said.

“I know that, but what does she got that I don’t have,” Vess said.

“Well….” he trailed off looking at her. It hurt to see the light shinning in her eyes when she talked about Jace. “Come on let’s go back to the party, and I’ll think of something,” he said looking at her.

“Really,” she said.

“I promise you won’t sit on the sidelines the rest of the night,” he said.

“Angie’s going to be so mad at you,” Vess said in a mocking shameful voice.

“Angie and me parted company,” Tom said in a whisper as he motion for to go in the door ahead of him.

“Tom!” the happy cry came over the speakers. “Why don’t you come up here and sing us a song,” Molly O’Conner said loudly in the microphone, as the crowd started to chant his name

“Want to join me,” he said leaning down close to her ear.

“Sure,” Vess said happily.

“All right Gram we’re a comin’,” Tom shouted as he moved towards the stage guiding Vanessa by her shoulders in front of him.

“Folks you’re going to get a real treat to night,” Tom said into the microphone. “I finally talked Smokey into signing for you all,” Tom said, knowing she’d go through with it.

“Tom,” Vanessa said looking at him. “I said I would duet with you not sing by myself.

“Same thing isn’t it,” he said as he picked up his six strings and started to strum him with his hands testing it. “Pick a song,”

“A country boy can survive,” Vanessa said.

“All right Vess,” Tom said giving her a wink as he started to play the song and the band joined in.

They sang about four to five country songs that weren’t actual duets before Tom picked a couple that were duets. They sung in perfect harmony the whole time, which made it even more beautiful to hear. 

“All right here you go Smokey, sing your heart out,” Tom said turning to look at the band. “Broken wing boys,” he said looking over at her as he started to strum it out.

Tom watched a few of the boys and girls making bets, he knew what they were betting on and he got Shawn’s attention to bet twenty five on Vess. He had a twenty five to one odd bet but when the time came for the high note she didn’t disappoint him.

Tom stood there watching how the crowd all gaped at her before they erupted into a crowd of cheering fans. He slipped out of his guitar and swung Vess around on stage. “Beautiful,” he said hearing her laugh in his ear like silver bells.

“Thank you,” she cried in his ear.

Anything for you, he wanted to say but held his tongue. She was still too young to know anything about relationships. She was getting ready to turn sixteen in two more weeks, and he was still going to have to wait to make his move on her.  The worse part was how much her family trusted her with him, if only they knew what he really thought…..

They danced a couple of dances before Tom pulled her back out side so he could smoke another cigarette. “I’ve been thinking about you’re dilemma,” he muttered leaning back against the rail.

“And,” she questioned.

“I think I might have a solution,” he said.

“What might that be,” Vanessa asked.

“Let Jace go and give up,” Tom said as she turned to face him.

“Are you serious, you know me better then that Tom Dalton,” Vanessa burst out heatedly.

“Vanessa let him come to you,” Tom said pointedly never once raising his voice.

“Go to hell,” Vanessa said storming back inside leaving him alone.


Tom stood there leaning on the coral fence post watching the buckskin stallion prance around the enclosure. “You sure you won’t come down on the price any,” Tom asked again.

“I’m sorry Tom but I just can’t afford to come down on the price, I all ready gave you my bottom price,” the man said.

“How about a trade,” Tom offered.

“I’m listening,”

“You need help around here, Mr. Tackett, and I want that horse,” Tom said. “I got a third of what you’re asking for in cash, but I’m willing to work off the rest,” Tom said looking at the older man.

“Why you want that horse so badly,” Mr. Tackett asked suddenly.

“I want it for Vanessa,” Tom said.

“Boy you know she’s going to be madder then a wet hen if you buy that horse out from under her. She’s been working on her Pa for weeks now trying to talk him into buying him.”

“I know that Mr. Tackett, and James McPherson is no where near buying this horse for her.”

“I don’t know he came by yesterday to look at him, I think she has him on the ropes now,”

“I understand,” Tom said. “But who ever brings you all the cash first is the one who gets him right,” Tom said.

“That’s right, I would do the trade with you Tom, but I just can’t afford to,” Mr. Tackett said.

“I understand,” Tom said tossing his cigarette down in the ground before he crushed it under his boot, as he stalked over to his truck.


“Pappy,” Tom called out walking into his great grandfather’s house.

“What is it Johnathan,” Clint Dalton called out.

“I need you to loan me some money,” Tom said.

“Money what for son,” Clint asked.

“I need the money to buy the horse off Mr. Tackett.”

“James was going to buy that horse for Vanessa later this evening,” Patrick McPherson said looking at Tom.

“I know he was thinking about it,” Tom said with a slight nod in his head. “Please Pappy, I got a third of the asking price I only need six hundred more,” Tom said. “I’ll work it off,” he offered yet again.

“Johnathan, you all ready have three jobs, plus college, you can’t work all the time,” Clint burst out. “Why do you want the horse?”

“He wants to give it to Vanessa,” Patrick said with a smile on his face.

“Yeah, well…” Tom said.

“I thought you two weren’t talking anymore,”

“Well I’m hoping with the horse I can get my best friend back,” Tom said looking at Clint.

“All right,” Clint said. “But you better hurry,” Clint said going to the safe behind the huge picture frame and taking out the six hundred dollars for Tom. “Don’t worry about working this off, you just finish getting that MBA,” Clint said.

“I plan on it sir,” Tom said taking the offered money and tucking it in his wallet with the other fifteen hundred dollars. “Thanks Pappy,” Tom said as he gave them both a salute with his wallet before he hurried out the door.


Jane Dalton sat on the front porch snapping beans when she saw the trail of dust coming up the drive hot and heavy. “Looks like troubles coming,” Jane commented.

“Yeah it sure does,” John Dalton agreed with her.

Vanessa pulled into the Bar D ranch with a trail of dust following her as she stopped her truck and jumped out. “Johnathan Thomas Dalton,” Vanessa raged walking over to where he stood shirtless chopping wood.

“What, are you talking to me now,” Tom asked looking at her.

“You knew I wanted that stallion, you knew I was asking Daddy for the rest of the money.”

“I was there first with the money and the story goes, first one there first one to take,” Tom said not bothering to look at her as he slammed the axe down into the chopping block.

“Oh you are a jerk,” Vanessa burst out as she whirled around and walked up on the porch. “Is Jace around,” she asked the two older Dalton’s.

“He’s up in his room dear,” Jane said.

“Thanks,” Vanessa said tossing a sneering smile over her shoulder at Tom before she walked into the house.

Tom clenched his jaw shut tight as he picked up the ax and started to chop the wood like there was no tomorrow.

Tom was wound up tighter then a bow string every time he heard Vanessa’s husky laugh. He didn’t want to think what Jace was doing to her up in his room, but his brain had no trouble conjuring up the images.

“I don’t think it’s working Jace,” Vanessa said looking out the window staring down at Tom’s broad back watching the muscles bunch and ripple with every swing of the ax. There was no denying the strength and power in the man below her.

“Give it time Vanessa, it’s bound to work sooner or later,” Jace said lying down across his bed. “We just got to think of something else that’s all.”

“Like what, I was helping you make Mandy jealous now you’re suppose to help me make Tom jealous, but so far you’re the only one winning at this game,” Vanessa said dropping the curtain.

“Lift the window open and let’s put on a show, then,” Jace said arching his brow suggestively.

“We can’t you’re parents are down stairs on the porch,”

“Oh, well I don’t know,” Jace said, ducking his head into the magaizine again, to try and keep a straight face.

“I do know,” Vanessa said snapping her fingers. “Meet me at the cabin tomorrow evening.” Vanessa said.

“Tomorrow evening, but I got a date with Mandy,” Jace complained.

“After your date with Mandy find your brother then give me a call saying to meet you at the cabin,” Vanessa said. “It’ll really get in his crawl if he thinks you’re two timing me or Mandy,” Vess said.

“I hope you got a back up plan that don’t involve me getting decked,” Jace said holding his jaw protectively. “He broke off two caps last time I went along with your plan,” Jace pointed out forgetting the one major rule.

“I promise if he looks like he’s going to swing at you I’ll scream it was all a game,” Vanessa swore crossing her heart with her fingers.

“All right,” Jace said.

“Now scoot over and let’s do that laughing show,” Vanessa said opening the window before she sat down beside her partner in crime.

After what seemed like forever, Vanessa came down to the porch. Her lips were swollen from biting them up in Jace’s room while she flipped through the ranching and business magazines. She hoped he thought they were swollen for another reason though. “Where’s Janet,” she asked the two older Daltons.

“Doing chores,” John answered watching his oldest son relax from the tight bow string he had been ever since Vanessa went up stairs to see Jace.

“Thanks,” Vanessa said bounding down the steps of the porch as she raced off to the barn. Vanessa ran down to the barn where the oldest Dalton daughter was hard at work mucking stalls.

“Hey Jan,” Vanessa called out moving over to her best friend.

“Hey yourself, grab a pitch fork and help me out will ya,” Janet said nodding towards the pitch fork leaning up against the wall.

“Give me a second,” Vanessa said running back out to her truck to grab her work gloves before she ran back to the barn, grabbing the pitch fork. “I’ll break you shovel,” Vanessa said. “How deep we going,” Vanessa questioned.

“Bedrock,” Janet called out stepping out of the stall. “So any bright idea here lately,” Janet asked as they worked.

“Nothing, he’s not even showing an interest,” Vanessa commented.

“Oh yes he is,” Janet mocked out. “You’re doing better then I am,” Janet said with a giggle. “Emma said he doesn’t do anything but sulk around the house and grumble,” Janet commented.

“I wouldn’t believe Emma Benson if she swore it was raining during a thunderstorm,” Vanessa said pointedly.

“Hey just because she runs around with Erica and Mandy doesn’t mean she a bad person,” Janet pointed out.

“No but it doesn’t make her a good person either,” Vanessa countered.

“Even Taylor is saying that and now that her mom is living with Cole’s Dad we’ll….” Janet said.

“I believe Taylor,” Vanessa said. “I think we need to have another meeting of us girls to hatch out another plan,” Vanessa said.

“Yeah,” Janet agreed.


“Jace you stay away from Vanessa,” Tom warned his brother icily the next morning as he got ready for work.

“She’s not your property you know,” Jace said tying his tie.

“I never said she was I just said you stay away from her,” Tom said.

“I like Vess, Tom," Jace said not too intimidated by his brother. Only the slightest tightening at the corner of his mouth told Jace how close to losing his temper Tom was coming.


Vanessa McPherson wiped the sweat from her brow as the hot late August sun filtered through the tall store front window panes. Standing on the ladder she stocked the shelves of the old frontier store, while her mother swept the floor out. The little battery radio was playing softly in the background while they work.

Vanessa sang along in her rich pure honey sweet voice, as she set the oil lamps on display right. Her soft silken honey auburn hair was piled on her head in a twisted slip making her head feel heavier with the heat. The white tank top had dirty patches across the front and clung to her sweaty body.  While her blue jeans incased her long shapely leg like skin. She climbed down the ladder with a huff.

“How much longer,” she wined. “It’s too hot to be in here working,” she griped loudly. It was hot even with the two big industrial fans blowing the hot and stuffy air around.

Lydia McPherson gave her a knowing smile, “All right we can take a break for a little while but not for long.”

Vanessa almost bolted out the door but stopped short watching her mother sink down in to one of the rockers out front. Her swollen belly was obvious when she sat down. “Are you sure you’re not over doing it Mom,” Vanessa asked with concern.

“I’m sure at least I won’t have to go all summer with this one.” Lydia said patting her belly. “One more month and it’ll all be over,” Lydia sighed heavily.

Vanessa smiled at her mother reasoning all of the other children filled up the months between September to December. If she didn’t know any better she would swear her mother was trying to keep up with the Daltons. The Daltons children filled up the year between January to June. Vanessa would swear Jane Dalton and her mother were trying to meet in the middle of the year in July. “Vanessa Lynn did you hear a word I was saying,” Lydia scolded.

“Sorry Mom, I was just thinking how you and Jane keep missing being pregnant at the same time,” Vanessa said.

“Oh, we don’t actually plan it that way,” Lydia said. “She get’s the cooler months looking like a snowman while I get the steaming hot summers going around looking like a blimp,” Lydia grumbled. Vanessa could help but laugh at her mother’s description of being pregnant.

“Have you decided who you’re going to ask to the Sadie Hawkins’s dance?” Lydia asked changing the subject. “I’m betting you’re going to ask Tom Dalton to the dance,” Lydia said.

“Mother,” Vanessa exclaimed in false pretense. “Tom and I are just friends, he doesn’t like me like that,” Vanessa declared. “He doesn’t want to be anything other then friends, believe me I know,” Vanessa sighed out heavily.

“Vanessa you know, sometimes you make me wonder,” Lydia said watching her daughter carefully. “I never seem to know how ya feel about the boy. One minute I can swear you like him and the next breath I swear you’re nothing more then friends.” Lydia stated.

“I’ll never tell anyone who I like,” Vanessa said smartly.

“Why can’t you be like your sisters? Lori and Tori were always writing on their notebooks with hearts and I love with whoever the crush or fling was at the time,” Lydia sighed heavily.

Vanessa felt guilty for not opening up with her mother, about how she felt about Tom. It was clear her mother was trying to reach out and comfort her and offer some friendly advice but she couldn’t do that unless she opened up about it.

“I like Tom,” Vess shrugged indifferently. “He accepts me for me,” Vess said seeing her mother’s confusion cross her face. “Boys don’t like girls that can show them up,” Vess explained seeing her mother’s nod of understanding. “I like him as more then a friend, but it can only be a friendship between us, if we started dating or anything else it would only ruin our friendship,” Vess pointed out, wishing venomously that they could be more then friends.

“I guess it would at that,” Lydia said after a thoughtful moment. “Just remember there is a very thin line between friendship and love,” Lydia advised. “Sometimes they are too close to tell the difference,” she pointed out.

“I know,” Vess said with a nod. “I better go take Shawn his lunch,” she said stepping off the porch. “This way you can go home and rest in the air conditioning and stop feeling like a blimp,” Vess teased.

“Oh you’re so funny,” Lydia said struggling to get up out of the rocker. “Just you wait I’m going to torment you death when you’re as big as a whale carrying your baby.” Lydia laughed.

Vanessa laughed knowing perfectly well her mother would do no such thing, she would smother her more or less when she got pregnant.

Lydia watched three girls running over towards them.

“Ready Vess,” a sweet dark brown hair girl asked softly.

“Yeah Cassie, let’s go,” Vess grabbed the little lunch bags, packed with lunch for two.

“Be careful you four,” Lydia called after them as they took off running towards the horses that were tethered to the coral.

“Go home and rest and put your feet up,” Vess shouted over her shoulder as she mounted up and took off.

The girls and her had all stopped and exchanged directions to where their boys were at before they went on their separate ways.


Vess rode alone on her new buckskin horse Comanche. His golden coat shined like the sun as they rode down the rocky step incline of the ravine that looked like a canyon.  She gave him his head to pick his way over the trail until they reached the bottom.

In the lush thick bottom of buffalo grass she found the grove of cotton wood and elm trees. She spread out the picnic blanket on the lush grass. She was just setting the containers of fried chicken, chips and a mason jar of ice tea out on the blanket, when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned and stared at the man standing in the shadows. “Come and eat Tom,” Vess sighed as she slowly stood up and moved over to the make shift corral that hid her mustang stallion. The beautiful black horse stood grazing as she watched him.

Tom sank down on the blanket. “Where’s Janet,” he asked slowly.

“She was busy so I brought you lunch,” Vess said.

“She’s been busy a lot here lately. I would like to eat lunch with my sister every now and then you know,” he said carefully. “I’m sure Shawn feels the same way,” Tom added smoothly.

“Well then if you don’t like my company I’ll leave,” Vess bristled.

“I never said I didn’t enjoy your company Vess,” he said hastily. In fact he enjoyed it too much. “It’s just I would like to know who she’s planning on asking to the dance,” Tom said.

“You’ll like who it is,” Vess said casually.

“Oh yeah who,”

“Janet’s going to ask Cole Benson today at lunch,” Vess said simply.

“Cole Benson,” Tom raged loudly. “Why that no good lazy, lying bastard,” Tom ranted. “He’s too old for her,” he continued.

“Tom Dalton, that’s not fair. Cole Benson is your best friend and he’s the same age as you are,” Vess snapped out. “He’s only two years older then Janet,” Vess pointed out.

“Yeah Cole’s my best friend that is the perfect reason why she should stay away from him. He likes to use women for one purpose only,” he declared loudly.

“Oh he does not, and you know it,” Vess said smacking his arm. “Relax, it’s her choice,” Vess said simply.

“I know it’s her choice, but you don’t know them like I know them,” Tom said. “Guys talk about that stuff to each other, we sure as hell aren’t going to let some girl hear us,” Tom said pointedly. “I heard him, and I don’t want him doing any of that to my sister,” Tom said tartly.

“Well I can understand that,” Vess said with a shrug of her shoulder.

“Thank you,” Tom cursed out looking at her. “Hey what’s the matter with you,” he asked taking a bite out of his chicken.

“Nothing,” Vess said looking at him. “Jace is making a fool out of me I think,” Vess said.

“Oh, how so,” Tom said worriedly.

“I think he’s two timing me with Mandy,” Vess said.

“Oh, Vess,” he heaved out trying to play sympathetic. “What are you going to do about it,” Tom asked curiously.

“Nothing, until I know for sure. Jace has been teaching me about things I’ve only dreamed about,” Vess chuckled watching his face. In fact Jace took her virginity and that was the only time they had ever gone anyplace farther then first base. But it had been a night of desperation.

“I don’t want to hear this,” Tom grumbled laying his jar of tea aside.

“Tom you’re my best friend, I tell you everything,” Vanessa complained.

“Yeah well I don’t want to know how good my brother is in the horizontal tango either,” Tom grumbled. “I got to go,” Tom said getting up and leaving just as quickly as he came.


Tom pulled into his parents drive at neck breaking speed only to come to a screeching halt two inches away from his Dad’s bumper. Tom was out of the truck striding towards the coral where his mom, dad, and Jace all stood with homicide in his eyes. Jane Dalton saw the dangerous gaze riveted itself to Jace as he approached them. The familiar black Stetson was pulled cockily over one eye and he looked fierce and uncivilized in the dimming sunlight.

“Uh, hi, Tom,” Jace said uneasily.

He barely got the words out when Tom’s reached him, hauling back to throw a deadly accurate right fist into his jaw knocking him sprawling backwards into the corral fence.

“You son of a bitch,” Tom breathed out huskily, his temper barely leashed. “I told you to stay away from her,” Tom whipped out. Tom gave him a look that would have fried an egg. It was a look that was becoming famous the last couple of months. He could back down a good portion of business men and cowboys with it just before he went after them with both of his big fist.

Nothing mattered to him at the moment. He had forgotten everything as the worse fear and anguish in all of Texas griped him hard. The thought of his hands on her, of his mouth pressed against hers his desire to smash his fist into Jace‘s jaw once again. An ugly vision reared its head, of Vanessa riding Jace, her breast firm and beautiful and dancing above him as her eyes shimmer red and her mouth curved with laughter. Tom saw red. His temper split and flew, and of the fury that threatened to blind him. Rage came so sharply to his mind that he nearly blackened out with it.

He wanted to let it go. It would be in the best interest of keeping the peace but Tom found that he couldn't allow his brother free rein when it came to Vanessa. He leaned across the ground dividing them.

Jace looked at him with real surprise tinged by fear. Tom’s anger was a powerful force and he had proven it many times before.

Tom moved forward placing his hands on Jace’s shirt.

“Touch her again, I will forget that you are my brother, and throttle you until next Saturday and start again on Sunday.” With those few curt words, Tom dropped Jace’s shirt. Tom’s lips were a thin hard line his nostrils flaring with rage.  His brother would never know how close he had almost come to being nearly beat within an inch of his life. “We’ll trade place if you can’t handle that request,” Tom said.

“We’re not going to listen to you and you can’t stop up.” Jace shouted back.

“Watch me,” Tom threatened heatedly. Tom stormed off to the barn horrified at the thought of another man, even his twin brother, touching her, teaching her, loving her. He wanted to be the man who taught her about the world of love making. He wanted to be the one who taught her what it could actually be like between two people that really cared about each other. He knew if he threatened to do Jace with some bodily harm, like he just did only more so, he could get Jace to trade places with him, the one good thing about being  identical twins.


One week later, they sat there at their fishing hole in a tense silence. “I think I’m going to get Jace back  by sleeping with either Tyler or Zach,” Vess said.

“Tyler Ross and Zach Whitehall are both trouble makers, bad boys,” Tom yelled at her. “Their reputation speaks for themselves,” he stated drawling in a huge breath.

“Yeah but they wouldn’t care about the big brother code of honor,” Vess pointed out simply. “Besides their reputation is the whole reason I like them.

“You’re dead serious,” Tom said sinking back on his heels. “Have you lost your mind,” Tom raged.

“I haven’t made up my mind yet,” Vess snapped back. “Jace has been teaching me about things I’ve only dreamed about,” Vess chuckled watching his face. In fact Jace took her virginity and that was the only time they had ever gone anyplace farther then first base. But it had been a night of desperation.

“I don’t want to hear this,” Tom grumbled laying his jar of tea aside.

“Fine, but I was going to ask Tyler tomorrow, and if he says no…Well then I’ll talk to Zach…” Vess admitted.

“Who are you taking to the dance,” he said looking at her suddenly, trying desperately to change the subject.

“I haven’t made up my mind yet,” she shrugged. “Tyler’s and Zach’s asked me, Jace is going with Mandy of course.

“Tyler and Zach only want you for one reason, only they want to get between your legs,” Tom shouted at her.

“I know and I’m even thinking about it…letting one of them that is,” Vess shrugged.

“Well I guess I lost my bet,” Tom mumbled with a sinking heart.

“Huh,” Vess said wiping off her mouth.

“Shawn figured you would ask be asking me, since you’ve been meeting me here for two months straight now,” Tom stated easily enough.

“Oh,” Vess said.

“Yeah he thought you’d ask me, but that’s silly,” he said as he watched her through carefully guarded eyes.

“Yeah, well…” Vess gulped. “You won’t break that code and I want to have an adventure in a bad boy’s arms,” Vess chuckled softly.

“There’s no code between us brothers. You’re too young to know what you’re saying or even thinking,” Tom grounded out hurt that she wouldn’t even consider him.

“Why are you so mad at me for all of a sudden,” Vess asked some what startled.

“Why in the hell don’t you try Vess,” Tom asked looking at her baring part of his heart in his eyes.

“Try what,”

“I don’t know to find a better date for the dance I guess. Give up on this idea of a brother code that you swear we all have. Give us a chance.” he stated “take your pick,” he offered.

“If we,” she said using her finger to indicate the both of them, “started to date it would mess up our friendship,” she said with a huff. “You even said so many times before,” she accused softly.

“Only if you let it,” he muttered under his breath. “I love having you for a friend Vess but sometime I do wonder,” Tom said openly. This wasn’t going the way he thought it would.

“It will never happen,” Vess whispered. “I want to know a little before I go off to college and see the world. You won’t do it so I’m going to have to ask Tyler or Zack to the dance with the promise of my body afterwards,” she stated simply.

Tom groaned as he fell down beside her on his back staring up at the sky. Didn’t she know what kind of torture she was putting him through, just thinking about another man touching her made him see red. She was his damnit, nobody else is. The past five months she was his every other night, and he thrived on it…looked forward to it…Didn’t she know how much torture it was having to sit by day after day and listen to her brag about her dates with Jace. Sure he knew that he was playing at being Jace and sometimes it gave him a big head, but still it would be nice to  hear her scream his name as she tattooed her nails into his back.

He propped himself up on his elbow staring down at her. Vanessa was too good looking of a woman. Why couldn’t she see that he wanted more then friendship with her. Why couldn’t she see…?

He noticed her eyes were closed as she laid there on the corner of the blanket staring up at the sky.

“What makes you think I won’t do it,” he asked in a soft whisper, hoping he didn’t ruin the only contact he had with her in one swift scoop.

“You don’t even think about me like a love interest,” she stated out shocked to her core. “You look at me like I’m your baby sister and treat me like one of the guys.” she said simply.

“I do not,” Tom said looking straight into her eyes.

“Stop kidding around Tom, I know you’re just trying to pull my leg,” she said with a sly smile.

Maybe that was the reason she never looked at you like she wants to be more then friends because she thinks you don’t care about her as anything other then a friend. He thought. With out a conscious thought he leaned over her pinning her under his hard muscular chest in between his arms. “If you want to experiment, I’ll let you experiment on me,” he murmured. “I don’t think about you as my sister or one of the guys,” he whispered against her cheek as he leaned in for a kiss giving her plenty of time to turn her head away. Her big gray eyes held his as he dipped lower brushing his mouth against her soft one.

He nibbled at her bottom lip, making it part of him before he kissed her harder. She opened her mouth at the pressure and pleasure he was exotic in her mouth.

Her body was on fire with need. She could feel his hand slip up into her hair angling her head to deepen the kiss even more. While his other hand slowly brought up her shirt to cup her full breast through the sheer fabric of her bra that he was pushing up out of the way. Her trembling hands went to his waist band tugging the t-shirt free of his jeans, raking her nails along his bare back as she arched into his hand.

“Slow and easy darlin’,” he whispered against her ear as he nipped at her earlobe catching it between his teeth tugging on it lightly.

He rocked back on his heels tugging his t-shirt off over his head tossing it over in the grass away from them. He pulled her up into a sitting position as he pulled her shirt off and tossed it in the same direction as his shirt he quickly undid her bra tossing it too. His hands spread over her bare back bringing her closer to his chest, as he slowly started to press her back down under him. Kissing her more deeply as his hands caressed her. One hand ran down along her waist behind her hip, cupping her ass before slowly moving down her thigh to her calf. He massaged her calf before he lifted her leg up over his thigh as he settled himself betwixt her thighs, letting her feel the pressure of his arousal. He traced the line back up to her ass and he held her against him as he began to slowly rock against her.

He kissed a ring of fire down along her neck and lower to her breast. She arched like a bowstring granting him even more access as he suckled her.

“Tom,” she moaned as he slowly undid the snap of her jeans.

“If you want to stop you better say so now,” he groaned against her lips, sliding a palm down to cup her heat.

“What for,” she whimpered as he cupped her aching center through her jeans.

“Once I make love to you, there’s no going back,” He said hoping she didn’t back out of it now.

“I’m sure,” she whispered reaching for his belt, “I’m so sure,” she moaned as she ran her hand up the hard length of him through his jeans.

“Thank God,” he said kissing her again.

They shucked the rest of their clothes tossing them into a pile on the grass, before he made sweet aching slowly love to her. Teaching her just how much two people could expresses with love through their bodies.

Vanessa laid there unmoving and dazed in the crook of Tom’s arm. He wanted to confess that he loved her more then anything. He wanted to tell her that he loved her beyond measure. It would sound so very hollow now…..

In lieu of the words that he wanted to say, but didn’t dare, he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to his chest.

“Is it always like this,” Vess murmured snuggling into his chest even more.

“Not always,”

“How did you get to be so good?”

“It’s rather difficult for a man to reach my age with out some knowledge,” Tom chuckled. “Vess, I wanted to say-”

“Don’t please!” she whispered miserably. “I don’t want you thinking that you pressured me in to anything. I have no regrets Tom.” she said honestly.

Tom rolled away from her and got to his feet. “Damn it Vess,” he grumbled under his breath.

She couldn’t tell if he was pleased or displease or angry. She swallowed, suddenly trembling in fear because she for the first time she was seeing a man that she had never seen before.

“I’m sorry,” he told her quietly.

She didn’t answer him. She was sitting up, her back against the tree. Her shoulders squared as she hugged her arms around her chest. “Tom Dalton, that is probably the-” she began in that regal southern  authority voice of hers that held an edge of warning. “Worse thing you could have ever said to me.” She said getting to her feet and moving over towards her horse.

“Vess turn around. Look at me.” he demanded softly. Watching as she turned to face him with unshed tears glistening in her eyes. He wanted to put her arms around her. Soothe her.  “I don’t regret on thing about what’s happened between us, but I refuse to be you Judas Goat,” he said.

She whirled around to face him; she threw back her full mane of honey auburn hair, her eyes sizzling, her hands on her hips, and the whole of her trembling. Actually he’d never seen her so vital, so passionate, so wild. So beautiful, sensual and appealing.

“Go to hell Johnathan Thomas,” Vess shouted as she flipped up in her saddle and rode away at neck breaking speed.

Fate was cruel. Everything that he had valued in life, he was loosing it before he even got a chance to have it.


“What do you want,” Tom said looking at his twin brother standing in his bedroom doorway.

“Tom you just gotta help me out,” Jace said determinedly.

“What,” Tom shouted loudly. “I don’t have to do anything until I know what the problem is,” he gritted out.

“I got a problem with Vanessa and Mandy,” Jace said.

“You can’t make up your mind which one you want so I’m just suppose to fill in why you still carry on behind their back with each other,” Tom snapped out.

“Just until I decided which one I want, I swear they could almost be twins themselves,” Jace grumbled.

“Well let’s get one thing straight baby brother; Vanessa is mine so leave her out of the mix. I’ll trade places with but only with Vanessa, I don’t want anything to do with Mandy what so ever understood,”

“Yeah sure Tom whatever, because I got a date with both of them tonight and I need the help,”

“Where’s your date with Vess,” Tom grumbled.

“I don’t know yet, I haven’t made up my mind,”

“Well good I got an idea,” Tom said smiling for the first time in weeks.


Two months later:

Tom sat there on the edge of the massive four poster bed in nothing but his black boxer briefs. The bright afternoon sun shined brightly through the open window. He rubbed a hand over his face wearily, before raking his fingers through his hair. How had his life gotten so complicated in so short of time. There was only one answer to that question, as he cast a glance over his shoulder to stare at the sleeping beauty behind him. Vanessa Lynn was how his life got turned on its axial.

Poor Vanessa was just plum worn out, a smile spread across his face as to why she was so tired here lately. Why he didn’t like the idea of her sleeping with both him and “Jace”, he couldn’t complain considering it was his idea to begin with. Why he hadn’t thought of it sooner was beyond him. It was away for him to win everything he had always wanted with a passion or he could risk loosing it all even more so. Yet it was a risk he was willing to take if only for a few treasured memories.

He just had to be doubling careful and not slip up, because Vanessa wasn’t a stupid girl. For the past two months he had been sleeping with her as Tom and Jace and loving every moment only because he had a chance to switch her feelings from Jace to himself. The only bad thing was if she ever found out the truth. He couldn’t let that happen not until he had her madly in love with him.

© Copyright 2011 Melissa McCray (melissamccray at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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