Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1778103-My-Life-in-Hogwarts--Draco-Malfoy
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1778103
Rosie has lived her whole life in Paris util she has to move to London. Can hate be love?
“Jamie! Stop snoring!” I yell at my sister as I punch the bottom of the top bunk to wake her up.
“Why’d you wake me up? I was having a great dream.” she paused to sigh.
“Is it time for breakfast?” I could feel Jamie sitting on her bed. That was my sister. Always hungry.
“No. It’s 7 in the morning. Look at your clock!” even though we weren’t muggles, we lived in a muggle neighborhood. Well, really, we lived in the country side of France, but we had neighbors some mile or two from us. And because we were surrounded by muggles, we had no choice, but to use muggle stuff, like clocks. We even had our own television, which was quite fascinating.
My family haven’t always lived in Paris. When Jamie and I were six years old, we moved from London, to this house, because of my dad’s job. It’s great here now. We go to Beauxbaton, but when my parents were our age, they went to Hogwarts.
“Well then, I’m going back to bed. Go-” Jamie was interrupted by our Mum.
“Girls! Wake up! Your dad and I have a surprise for you two!” she yelled from downstairs.
“We’re coming.” Jamie and I yelled in harmony. We both chuckled. As I was stretching, Jamie jumped down from the top bunk.
“Jamie, there is a reason why there’s stairs leaning against your bed. Why don’t you use them?”
“Nah, it takes up too much time, and muscle strength. Anyways, jumping down is way more fun.”
“And more dangerous.” I mutter under my nose, but Jamie has wolf ears.
“Shut up. I won’t hurt myself. I’m too awesome to get hurt.”
“Sure you are.” I said laughing, and soon Jamie joins in. As we’re walking down the stairs, I say,
“I’m hope it’s a new broom.” Jamie looks at me and rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, being the Quidditch freak you are, you’d want one. But, if it would be a broom, Mum would only call you, not both of us.” I take that in consideration as we continued down the staircase.
When we reached the kitchen, I saw that Mum cooked up our favorite breakfast meal. Her homemade waffles with blueberries. The bad thing was that Mum only cooked that when there was some bad new, or on our birthdays. Of course, Jamie ran straight to the waffles, unaware of what news was to come.
“Hey Mum, Dad. Why are you guys up so early? It’s a Saturday.” I told them.
“We know, but we couldn’t wait to tell you girls the news.” Dad said in reply.
“Ok, well, we’re ready.” Jamie said with food falling out of her mouth.
“Jamie!” Mum yelled. Jamie smiled and mumbled something that sounded like a sorry.
“Your father got promoted!” our Mum said, and I let a my breath out. It’s a good thing. A Good Surprise. Nothing bad. I reassured myself.
“And the best part is that we’re moving to London!” Mm father said.
“NO!” Jamie yelled out. I was on the verge of tears.
“What. . . About our. . . Friends and. . . Beauxbaton?” I asked in between my breaths.
“What friends? You have none, Rosie.” what Jamie said was true. I had only one true friend, Janice Kirlin, while Jamie had many friends.
“Well,” My mum said giving Jamie her fine glare,
“You’ll meet new friends there, and I‘ll talk to Jim and Carry to see if they‘ll let Janice come with us, seeing that you two are so close.” I thought about it. It might not be so bad, Rose. Janice might come, and even if she doesn’t, it’ll be a whole different school. A whole new life, and this time, I wouldn’t embarrass myself as I did 2 years ago in the 1st year.
“Fine, I’ll go.” I said, but still not sure about my choice.
“At a girl, Rosie.” My dad smiled.
“Well, I’m not going.” Jamie was stubborn like I wasn‘t, but luckily, I knew just the trick.
“Jamie, there will be lots of new cute boys there.” wait for it, wait for it. She crossed her arms, but I knew I won her over.
“Fine I’ll go, but I won’t be happy.” I smiled, and we all hugged (or at least we all tried to hug. Jamie was giving us a hard time.)
Dear Diary,
We are moving in a week. I found out that Janice is coming with us! I am so happy that she can come. Every night now, I can braid her blonde hair before bed. She always wanted curls like mine, but she has straight hair. I love when people have blonde hair with green eyes just like Janice’s hair. Goodness, I can’t wait, but Jamie sure can. She called all her friends, took up the phone for hours I might add, and told them to keep in touch. Then she cried, for hours, and I’m the sensitive one! But I now that when she gets to Hogwarts, she’ll be all fine.
You hold all my deepest and darkest secrets, and going to London, that’s a new fresh start, so I’ve decided to leave you here. I don’t want to be reminded about all this.
God, I can’t believe I’m crying. I guess you’re my best friend. I can’t even tell Jamie or Janice the things I tell you, but it’ll be alright, no?
Love for the last time,
I laughed. Can I be more of an idiot? Crying over a diary.
Shaking my head, I walked downstairs where Jamie and Janice were talking.
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with two lunatics now.” my sister said, and I rolled my eyes.
“Hah, get used to it.” I told her.

Two nights before we were leaving, Jamie got all her friends for a sleepover, and it was such a full house that Janice and I decided to camp in our back yard.
Because we had a huge backyard, we moved our tent to were we couldn’t se our test, nor hear the noise that Jamie and her friends were causing.
“Do you know how to set a tent up?” I asked Janice.
“No.” I groaned.
“We have to go back to get my dad so he can do it.” I told her, and got ready to walk to the house, but Janice caught my arm.
“Let’s sleep under the stars. It’s a beautiful night, and there aren’t usually so many stars as there are today. Which was a lie, there was always this many stars but I didn’t argue as I knew Janice loved sleeping under the stars, something her parent didn’t let her do.
“Sure.” I agreed, and we pulled our sleeping bags out, laying them on the grass.
“Do we have everything?” Janice asked, and I nodded, opening a can of pop. Janice grabbed a chocolate frog, and we talked while we ate and drank.
“I can’t believe that we’re going to Hogwarts. I’ve done some research about it in my parents library, and it looks like such a bloody good school!” she squealed.
“You did research in the summer?” I asked. But then again, I wasn’t surprised.
“You should know me better than that. Of course I did!”
“Do they have a Quidditch field?” I asked her.
“Um, yes. A rather big one too. But what worries me is that they have house-elves working in the kitchen! How cruel is that?” she exclaimed. Janice was a vegetarian, and she hated any sort of cruelty to animals, even if they like it, like the house-elves, but I didn’t tell her.
“Yea. It’s cruel.” I mumbled, looking at the stars.
“I wonder if the stars have meanings. Like, if they can tell your future or something.” I said. Janice laid down on her sleeping bag next to mine.
“That’ll be nice. You just look at the stars, and then you see your whole life in front of you. I wonder if the stars are the same in London.” Janice remarked, and I nodded slowly, drifting off to sleep.

After another two days of complaining (from Jamie,) crying (from Jamie,) and questions (from Jamie) we where finally driving to London.
“Why do we have to drive to London, aren’t we wizards?” my sister asked my parents.
“Jamie, we need to seem normal for the muggles.” Mum said, and she grimaced.
After 6 ½ hours of non-stop complaints and questions, thank you Jamie, we finally arrived in London. Our new house was a white, medium-sized cottage on the countryside. It had two bedrooms, and two bathrooms. The whole house was a natural green, except our room, which was a baby pink. When we arrived there, Janice went to check out our room while Jamie, our dad, and I went to go see the garden.
It was huge, and all the flowers were blooming. There were daises, irises, tulips, and my favorite, roses.
Dragonflies were flying around, and I spotting maybe a three handfuls of butterflies.
“Dad, this is amazing!” I told him.
“I’m glad you like it. Jamie? How do you like it?” he asked her.
“Fine.” she muttered, though I knew she loved it. So much room to ride her skateboard, play soccer, and such.
Janice came running to us.
“Oh, Jamie look, our room is baby pink. Don’t you just love that color?” asked Janice.
“Baby pink? Are you serious?” Jamie questioned. Did I tell you that Jamie hated pink?
“Of course, Rosie said that you guys liked pink, don’t you?” my dad said. Oh-Uh. Jamie looked straight into my blue eye, which was the only thing in common.
“Why do you have to ruin my life?” she yelled at me. She ran to our room to make sure that we weren’t joking.
“UH, PINK!!!” she screamed. Janice and I just rolled our eyes and laughed.

© Copyright 2011 Elizabeth Winters (ewinters at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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