Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1777818-Sunrise
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1777818
Striving to be something in life


I watched the sun rise today.

I didn't really mean to, it just happened.

Sleep eluded me, so I was up late.

After leaving the confines of my bed I did something odd,

I opened a window, and climbed on the roof.

I can't explain why, but to my sleep deprived mind it seemed like a good idea

Once settled upon the shingles, I was struck by how dark it was.

No moon, no stars, not even the lights from the city seemed to penetrate the night.

Standing upon the roof, surrounded by the vast openness

Nothing but other darkness in every direction,

It gave me an odd feeling of peace, as if there was nothing else in the world besides me.

I was alone.

Why I found this so comforting, I'm sure I'll never know.

I just lay on the roof, staring into the black nothing.

Then, the sun broke the horizon.

Light filled the void, returning the world to its proper state.

The darkness was chased away, taking my peace with it.

As I watched the sun, I tried to feel anger towards it.

To feel anger at the glowing orb for taking my peace, my solitude.

Yet, I found myself unable to.

The sun brought about the dawning of a new day,

And with it, the ending of dreams and beginning of reality.

No one can live forever inside a dream.

That's why they are called dreams.

They're meant to pull us through the day and revitalize us during the night.

Dreams are fleeting, they have to be.

If we lived our lives in a dream, perhaps we could truly believe it to be real.

but aren't we just fooling ourselves?

A single nagging thought would always remain in our minds.

It would corrupt us; change us, with three simple words.

This isn't right.

We cannot escape reality, nor should we try.

Dreams are what we should strive to achieve in reality.

We may never truly reach the contentment we feel in our dreams, but that's the entire point.

If we were to become content, then we would stop striving forward.

What if Beethoven had been content with only one symphony?

What if Isaac Newton had been content with just one law of motion?

Reality is oppressive and harsh,

It's easy to et broken down and give up.

Dreams show you what life can truly be, but you have to be willing to fight for it.

Just a single change in reality, a single dream achieved, can inspire you to do more that you ever imagined.

So, I do not fault the light for taking my brief tranquility.

I see sun for what it truly is; a beacon of the ever moving world.

The sun is tireless, forever rising and setting, showing us all that life goes on, no matter what.

Whether we choose to act upon that knowledge is entirely up to us.

In the meantime, the sun will continue to do its own thing,

Just as I must do mine.

Blake D.

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