Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1777663-Child-Support-and-Our-Flawed-System
Rated: 18+ · Other · Family · #1777663
Child support, government
I know that I am writing on a touchy subject for all that are or have been involved with Child Support and Child Support Enforcement. I have come across several writings pertaining to dead beat dads and or moms but what about the ones who make their payments and who have become "victims" to our flawed system? Did you know that a CP can go to court and get a court order for support (which they are entitled to do) and ALSO ask for support from the state? Then the NCP has to pay the court ordered support and the state back. Then when the NCP makes their court ordered payment for the current support a debt is being logged for the state. So then it causes an arrearage to show on the account when they are actually current. Interest is charged to the NCP on these so called arrearages. Once current support is stopped (when the child turns 18 or becomes emancipated) the NCP then has to pay the state back. The NCP pays twice for his or her child/children. They can never pay off the debt because the interest is charged per month on the unpaid balance and most of the time the interest payment is so high that the payments being made do not even count. Did you know that the mother can go to CSE and fill out the application and lie and say the child/children live with her only and they never verify this? For example, my spouses now ex-wife went to CSE in 1991 and said the child lived with her and that they were seperated (done without his knowledge), she set up a PO Box as her address and gave a bogus address for him (he actually lived with her) a support order was established and he was not notified due to the fact of a bogus address. This went on from 1991-1999. In 1995 he was incarcerated and found out then about back support that he owed. In 1999 when he was released he went to CSE to pay on what he thought was back support and was informed it was also for current support. She was in the office waiting for him to come out, the caseworker informed him she was still collecting current support and state benefits, he told them they had been living together. The caseworker had her come to the back and informed her that she was being ordered to pay half of this amount they said he owed back because she collected money she was not entitled to. However, this never happened and they continue to charge him interest of 98.00 a month and it has now reached 120000 even though he makes monthly payments on it. CSE has suspended his DL for back support that he actuallly does not owe, in other words he is being held accountable for someone elses crime! Our government needs to take a look at the loopholes that people have found within our system to scam the government out of money. Did you know that if you are paying CS and you get a second job so you can make your payments and support yourself that they will give the CP more money? They will also go by what you can earn instead of what you actually earn. Did you know that if you are married and a child is born into that marriage you are considered the parent even if you are not? My spouse was incarcerated when his now ex became pregnant with a second child, but because they were married, Virginia law states he is the father. He has shown CSE the papers where he was incarcerated and they said well they were married. He has been fighting that for 16 years and now the courts have said well, you have been the father this long, you will continue to pay. Our system should require that ALL children and parents should be tested BEFORE a support order can be established, this way if you are not the parent you are not obligated to pay. God forbid if you have more than one case with CSE, then it really becomes a nightmare.According to CSE's website, any money that comes in is paid to the current support first and any remaining money is applied to the other cases. This is a lie! They take all the money and apply it to the current case. For example, if you have a current case and are ordered to pay 200 a month and you have an arrearage only case owed to the state and pay 100 a month, CSE applies 300 to the current support case. What they are suppose to do is once the current obligation is met, all remaining monies is to be applied to any and all arrearages. However, CSE has found a loophole and pays only the current. Thier loophole has to do with how they code each case in the system. I believe it is time for our government to revamp our flawed system so everyones constitutional rights are protected. How can our government stand by and let a person be held accountable for another persons crime and do nothing about it? Its time to let people who lie, cheat and scam are system to be held accountable for their actions. You know, not everyone is a deadbeat when it comes to child support but they way our system is set up, you have no chanceand are labled a deadbeat even when you pay!
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