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this is a stroy i am writing
It was a very chilly autumn evening when it happened.The cool autumn breeze that was blowing leaves left and right throught the air sent a chill down the back of Leo McAllister,and he told his friend A.J Throoper that he felt as if something very bad was about to happen.At this A.J laughed."Not the ESP thing again",he retorted.

"No,no.It's something else,I know it.I can feel it".

Leo didn't know at the time just how right he was.He didn't know that tonight his life would be changed forever. Leo and A.J were walking along Casen Villa Bridge, when suddenly they heard screaming across the street,just a little ways off from where they were.They looked towards the sound to see what was happening.As they looked closer they saw a group of males surrounding a female,pulling on her clothes,laughing as she screamed.The girl was seventeen,mabye eighteen by the looks of it and looked as though she were in need of some assistance.With a quick glance at each other the two boys ran over to the group and pulled two of the guys off of the girl.They held them down,taking turns punching them and messing with their heads. This continued for only a few minutes though,for an earsplitting scream cut through the air,tearing them from their prior engagement.The boys let go of their captives and once again turned their attention towards the girl.The duo was about to pummel that perv into the ground,for the torment of that beautiful girl but were stopped short when they saw him jumped away from her as if he had just been burnt by the touch of her skin.No one moved.The girl's hands began to shake vigourusly,then in a matter of moments,her whole body began to shake.the girl stepped forward and walked pass the two boys pushing the young man who was just hurting her over to the side of the bridge.as she passed them,they felt heat,boiling heat generating from her body,practically rolling off of her in torrents.Her hands produced flame,and the flame caught on the boy's shirt,burnig his skin.He screamed out in pain,flailing his arms around trying to put out the fire on his clothes.All the two boys could do was watch what was happening,they were to frightened to move. As she walked forward the boy's clothes became more and more engrossed in the flames. He was shoved up onto the top of the bridge,just a push away from falling over it .The girl,as she walked, seemed to be in a trance,mesmerized by the fire her own hands had created.Leo was in awe of her natural beauty,and the awesome power behind that lovely face.Leyla tossed the boy over the side of the bridge without any sign of hesitation or any bit or remorse.A.J ran for it,leaving Leo behind with the mysterious girl.She turned,her skin seeming to cool a bit and stared Leo in the eyes.He could tell that this was a silent thank you for the deed that he had tried to do for her.The girl collapsed.Leo wanted to move,to get away,as his friend had just done.Then he looked at the mysterious girl again.His heart swelled with pity for her,but that was not what had driven him to pick her body up off the side of the bridge.It was due to an odd feeling,a feeling that Leo could not recall ever feeling before.It was love.Leyla awoke with a start.She looked about herself,realizing she was in someones bed,knowing were she was she got up ad went out the bedroom door to reveal the makings of a small apartment.Leyla looked around and finding the young man who had brought her there sitting quite alone on the couch she went quietly over to him.When she finally stood in front of him,the young man shifted his attention to her."Hello," he said.She nodded as a response.

"Not a talker huh," he asked.

"I...uh...,couldn't sleep anymore,"she said quietly.

Leo patted the empty space on the couch next to himself,inviting her to sit down and watch television with him.She sat down and immediately stiffened.She stared blankly at the screen."What's the matter uhh.....oh,I don't even know your name," Leo said chuckling to himself.

"Leyla...and you are,"she said,turning her head slightly in his direction.


After this slight conversation between them,Leyla again stiffened.Leo again asked her what was the matter and she grabbed onto his had and held it in her own."thinking about my past," was all she managed to say.

"Tell me about it," Leo suggested,seeing the pain in her big round aubry eyes.

Leyla put her fingers onto Leo's temples and then started to flood memories of her past into his head.At first Leo jerked his head back,as if afraid of what she showed him, then,he began to relax as she showed him more.All he could think to do when she was done was to hold her tight and to tell her everything would be fine.You see,Leyla had just revealed her life to Leo,everything about her,who she is and what she had done in the past,the death of her family and her special abilities in which she thinks lies a curse.They sat in silence for a while,then Leo turned to her and promised he would protect her and everything would be fine.After another moment of silence Leo took Lelya's chin in his hand and looked her in the eyes then bent over and planted a kiss on her magnificently red lips.She blushed and became most bashful.He continued to kiss her,up her arms and down her neck.Leo became caught in the moment and grabbed Leyla pushing her down onto the couch,him on top of her.

He looked down at her studying her face.She looked oddly at him,as if she didn't know what he was doing.As he slid his arm around her and brought her body closer to him she asked "What are you doing,"

She really DIDN'T know Leo thought.

"So innocent," he said softly."Huh?" she asked with a confused look about her face.

"you have killed so many,yet are so pure............so innocent."

Leyla asked him "how can i love you so much,but barely even know you?"

Leo laughed heartily, a loud booming laughter that filled his whole apartment.

Leo looked down at Leyla hungrily.He kissed her fiercly as he began to undo her shirt,fumbling with the buttons until he was so frustrated he just tore it off of her body.He removed her pants with ease,slipping them rigt off of her slender legs and tossing them to the floor.Leyla also had removed Leo's shirt,and jeans,and now,hands shaking, pulled off his boxers aware that they both were now completely naked.Leo genlty pushed Leyla away from him and looked up and down her body.Then he took her ito his arms again and turned her over.He began to probe her body,feel the soft delicacy that was her hair.After a few moments of silent sighs and moans Leo turned Leyla over again and slowly ran his hand over the junction of her thighs,then he thrust his finger into her,hearing her gasp with pleasure,then when she spilt out onto his finger, it was over,he could barely controll him self as he entered her,as he broke past the layer of skin that proved her inocents to him.Lelya cried out in pain then began to moan and whimper.She screamed out his name as he thrust,with her rising to his every movement.Slowly at first,then gradually picking up speed he thrust into her over and over,hearing her excited screams and feeling her nails digging into his back.Then finally he too came inside of her,a sweet relief, then they both collapsed onto the couch,exhausted.Leo looked underneath him and,seeing leyla smilig up at him,rested his head on her breasts."I......love........you," Leyla said through tired gasps.

"I love you too," he said,kissing her again.

They held eachother tightly,and together,they fell asleep this way.
© Copyright 2011 Lizzy Lahera (shimmer_13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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