Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1776334-Hot-Shot-Chapters-21-24
by Julia
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1776334
Jennifer and Blake
Chapter 21-Jennifer

Jennifer watched Blake fish through his pockets and felt herself go cold. This was the oldest con in the book, an exorbitant dinner and the mysterious missing wallet. Peter had played that one on her twice when she was still naive and blindly in love.

“Jennifer… I…” Blake started to speak.

She held up her hand to stop him. She got her clutch from the back of her chair. She emptied it on the table. Her bottle of mace rolled across the table toward him. She picked up her phone and her wallet.

She pushed number two on her phone until it beeped.

“Jenny, what’s up?” Her father’s reassuring voice took her anxiety down a notch.

“Dad, I’m sitting at a restaurant. My date, Blake Hudson, doesn’t seem to know what happened to his wallet. I need to know if I should head to the door and call myself a cab or use your card to pay for this very exorbitant dinner.”

“Let me call you right back.”

“I will take you straight to an ATM and get the money for you. My wallet is in my other jacket. I had a little accident just before I walked out the door and had to change clothes and left my wallet in my other jacket. You have to believe me. This is the last thing I wanted. This day…”

Jennifer’s phone rang. Jennifer put her hand back up to stop him.

“Did you even Google this guy before you went on a date with him?”

“No, dad.”

“He is firefighter.”

“That I know.”

“He sold an Internet business six years ago and walked away with over five million dollars which he has since invested and grown it to just shy of ten million.”

“You’re kidding right.”

“No, sweetie. I think he’s good for the check. He became a firefighter because three of his best friends died in a chemical explosion when they responded to a fire at a

industrial site. One of them was his high school sweetheart. You know homecoming king and queen kind of thing.”

“Dad, stop.”

“How much has he had to drink?”

“A scotch and two glasses of wine.”

“Let me talk to him.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Hand him the phone now.”

She pushed her phone over to Blake. He picked it up with a deer in the head lights look on his face.

“Yes, sir.”

“The valet has the keys sir.” He was quietly listening for a long time.

“Yes, sir.” He looked over at her. “He wants me to take the credit card from you,”he said to her.

She fished it out of her wallet and handed it to him.

“Yes, sir, no sir. I understand, sir. I’ll do it as soon as I get home. Thank you, sir. I just want to apolo…. No, sir. Here she is.”Blake handed her back the phone.

“He will use my card to pay for your dinner. All you have to do is sign. Don’t try to see how much the total is. You are going to drive him home and then take a taxi back to your place. I’ll reimburse you for the cab ride.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“I love you, Jen.”

“Love you too.”

Blake was handing the waiter the card when she got off the phone.

“I’m going to go powder my nose. I’ll be back.” She gathered her things back into her clutch.

He stood when she stood. His eyes never left the table where he was brushing crumbs onto the floor.

Jennifer’s heart ached as she walked into the opulent bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. She knew from the get go that this relationship was doomed now finally Blake would realize it. The man had been humiliated beyond human endurance. She dabbed her eyes. Crying would come later when she could give full reign to her grief. She couldn’t think about lost chances. The timing was bad. He deserved better. She was broken but someday she would be whole again. Until then...

She washed her hands and ran a brush through her hair.

The receipt was on the table. Blake was standing with his hand over the amount. She picked up the pen and signed. He placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her to the door. 

There was some confusion when the valet tried to help Jennifer into the passenger seat. But Blake came to the rescue and led her around to the driver’s side of the car. She pulled a ten out of her wallet and slipped it to the valet.

“The GPS will guide you to my house.” Blake said once they both sitting in the car.

The silence was interrupted only by the voice and bells of the GPS giving Jennifer directions. Jennifer looked over to see Blake leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed. He alternated between fained sleep and staring at her profile. She could feel his eyes on her.

“Blake the GPS has led us to the warehouse district.”

He reached up to the sun visor and pushed the button on the remote control. A door swung up on the side of the warehouse to their left.

“Just pull in next to the truck.”

Jennifer clamped her mouth shut after she felt it go slack. She drove down a ramp and into an underground garage. The neon lights flickered. Parked against the far wall were a silver truck, a street bike, dirt bike, two four wheelers, a trailer, a speed boat and the sweetest sports car. She pulled into the vacant spot beside the truck.

Blake came around and opened the door for her.

“I’ll just call for a taxi and be out of your hair,” she said fumbling with her purse.

“I’ve got to get your dad’s contact information first.” He took her by the elbow and walked her over to a service elevator in the corner of the garage.

As they rode up the elevator, his hand slipped from her elbow tracing a line across her back and came to rest on her hip. She stopped herself from leaning into him. It was sweet torture to feel his arm around her. She was not mentally prepared as they stepped off the elevator. An open space full of warm woods, elegant furniture, picture alcoves and against the far wall a kitchen any chef would envy. Blake threw the keys in ceramic bowl on a hall table and led her over to a beautiful executive golden oak desk. It had several computer monitors, speakers, keyboard and wireless mouse.

“Do you need anything?”he asked.

“The little girl’s room.”

“Leave me your phone and I’ll get your dad’s info off of it. The bathroom is the first door on the right down the hall.”

She handed him her phone. The bathroom was decidedly masculine with lots of dark browns and blacks. Everything was beautifully decorated and immaculate. She felt herself start to shake. Another man with a secret identity, pretending to be something he was not. She gripped the edge of the sink. She could fall apart when she got home, not now, not now.

She stepped out of the bathroom feeling barely in control.

“There is bottled water in the fridge if you’re thirsty. I think I have apple juice and coke too.”

“Water’s fine.”

She wandered over to the kitchen. The fridge was well stocked. She pulled out a bottle of water.

“Do you want anything?”she asked him.

“In a minute. Make yourself at home.”

“I could call the cab now.”

“I wanted to show you something first.”

“What are you doing with my phone over there?” She walked toward the desk.

“I’m finished.” He handed her the phone, slipping the paper he had been writing on into his desk drawer. “Follow me.”

A set of plank stairs rose up to the corner of the living space and then turned and disappeared into the dark. He flipped a switch to illuminate the stairs that ended at a door. It took all Jennifer’s courage to follow him. She hated stairs that had open space instead of backstops. She held tight to the rail. Blake opened the door and stepped out onto the roof of the warehouse. Suddenly Jennifer was in a wonderland. Strings of lights lit up a small garden spot. Potted plants surrounded a wooden deck. A small rought iron table and chairs stood on one corner. A bench swing was set on one edge and a large sheet of Masonite lay in the middle of the deck.

“If I had followed my first instinct and not let my sister talk me out of it, I think tonight would have gone very different.”

He pushed the button on a CD player and then pulled Jennifer into his arms. The slow music washed over her as they moved around the homemade dance floor. She felt the length of him pressed against her. She rested her head against his shoulder and he laid his cheek against the top of her head. Their bodies swayed in rhythm to the music. She didn’t understand why he had brought her up here.

“I don’t really regret anything.” She felt his warm breath against her cheek. “You were magnificent tonight. Your father is a good man and he loves you very much. My father has always been rather absentee. I envy you.”

“Blake, are you saying you want to finish out this three date bargain?” She looked up at him.

“You aren’t thinking of reneging are you, Ms. Warren?” He tightened his hold around her waist.

“I figure a man can only take so much humiliation.” She buried her face in his shoulder.

“I’ll survive.”

She had to think about this. She needed to be away from him where his heady scent and warm embrace would not confuse her. She did not think her heart could endure one more date.

“Well if you want to survive my dad I better get home. He’s waiting for my call.”

He held her hand as they made their way back down the stairs. He convinced her to take his car then gave her money for parking, the tip for the valet and gas. He walked her down to the garage and programmed the GPS to get her home. He held her in his arms like he didn’t want to let her go but once again she felt the disappointment of no good night kiss.

Chapter 22-Blake

Blake looked down at his phone. He didn’t get good reception down here in the garage, but he wanted to talk to Jennifer’s dad before she did. He found the number and pushed the talk button as he walked toward the elevator. He got in and shut the door while he listened to the phone ring.


“Mr. Warren, this is Blake Hudson. I’ve sent Jennifer home in my car. I gave her money for parking and gas.”The elevator shifted and started moving up. “I was proud of your daughter tonight she handled the whole situation with class.”

“Don’t let her outward façade fool you, Mr. Hudson. She is as fragile as they come.”

“She’s very private about certain parts of her life.”The elevator opened and Blake stepped out into his entryway.

“She’s guarding her pain, respect her need to keep that separate from you. She’s calling in.”

“Goodbye, sir.”

“I’m trusting you not to hurt her.”

“You have my word, sir.”

The phone went into his shirt pocket. Blake hung up his jacket, loosened his tie and slid it over his head. He flung his tie on the desk and wandered over to the kitchen. Jennifer’s bottle of water sat half full on the kitchen counter. He picked it up and twirled it watching the water spin. This was physical proof that she had been here. He had never brought any woman to his place before. He put the bottle back on the counter and opened the fridge. He popped open a can of coke and chugged it. His eyes kept rovering over to the bottle of water. He realized he needed to use the bathroom. It was an all-consuming urge. Her scent lingered. The hand towel was damp. She had been in here.

He pushed the button on his phone to call his sister.

“Blake, how are you bud?”

“Nancy, I think I’m in trouble.”

“What happened with your date?”

“This day has been a complete disaster except for a few golden moments this evening.” He recapped the day while his sister peppered him with questions. He had to hold the phone away from his ear while she laughed about the whole lost wallet and the phone conversation with Mr. Warren. “I’m crazy about her, Nancy. While we were dancing I pictured us having grown old together and my heart felt like it had come home.”

“I’m so happy for you, Blake.”

“I’m not sure if she’ll have me. She is fighting her heart because of something that happened recently. She’s been hurt bad.”

“If this is what you want you’ll just have to be patient with her.”

“Our next date isn’t till Thursday.”

“What’s the plan?”


“Do you want to use our media room? I’ll provide snacks.”

“Thanks, sis. I’ll keep you posted.”

Blake lay his phone on the counter next to the bottle of water. He untucked his shirt, grabbed his colar and pulled his it over his head. He threw the shirt in the laundry room. He hung his pants in his closet and pulled on flannel jam pants. He rubbed his bare chest as he paced between his bedroom and the kitchen. He wondered what Jennifer had said to her Dad and if they were still talking.

He walked back to the laundry room. There was a chin up bar in the door, he grabbed the bar and knocked off three sets of pull-ups. He paced back to the kitchen and picked up the phone and then set it down again. He wanted to give her enough time to get back to her apartment and settled. He got a towel from the bathroom and wiped the sweat off his chest, neck and face, looking at the clock he wondered if she had found a parking space. He picked up the phone again. He went to push the button when the phone rang in his hand. He felt his heart skip a beat.


“My father told me to call you when I got in so you wouldn’t worry. I found a parking spot just around the corner from my apartment.”

“No problems getting home then?” Blake felt the smile spread across his face.

“GPS kept me company the whole way. Once I got in familiar territory, I called my dad. Hope GPS didn’t think I was rude talking over her.”

“She’s pretty thick skinned.”Blake moved over to the couch and sprawled across it.

“I’ve got my last photo shoot tomorrow morning.”

“Do you know what you are going to do?”

He heard her give a groan of pleasure.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“I just pulled off my heels. My dogs were barking and if they had them they would now be waging their tails.”

He chuckled. The conversation got real interesting as he tried to intrepret the noises he heard behind the talking. His imagination was having a hey day and he had to concentrate to keep the thread of the conversation. They talked about the shots she had planned for tomorrow, Lt’s family pictures that she was going to do later in the afternoon and what she planned to get next for her apartment. They talked about his toys down in the garage, his love of camping and hiking and his sister. At one point she signed and he imagined her losing the most constrictive piece of woman’s apparel and he groaned.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Yes,” he choked. “Yes, I’m fine.”

He carried the conversation while she brushed her teeth. They talked until they were both curled up in their respective beds.

“Do you sing?”she asked.

“With the radio when I’m driving, in the shower, and the national anthem at every sporting event I attend.”

“Sing me a lullaby.”

“Like ‘Rock-a-bye Baby’?”


“I had an aunt that used to sing this song to me when I would spend the night at her house when I was little. “ He cleared his throat. “You have to promise not to laugh.”

“I promise.”

“White wings they never grow weary. They carry me cheerily over the sea. Night falls, I long for my deary. I’ll spread out my white wings and sail home to thee.”

“You have a wonderful voice,” she sighed sleepily.

“Your turn.”

“Let’s see. I know a couple. Which movie did you like better, Mary Poppins, Dumbo or Peter Pan?”

“I’m a guy, Peter Pan of course.”

“In the Mary Martin version of Peter Pan they sang this lullaby. No laughing.”


“Tender shepherd, tender shepherd you forgot to watch your sheep, three in the meadow, two in the garden, one in the nursery fast asleep. Tender shepherd, tender shepherd watches over all his sheep, one say your prayer, two close your eyes, three soft and tenderly fall asleep.”

“Beautiful,” he yawned.

“Goodnight, Blake.”

“Goodnight, Jen.”

Blake paced in front of the firestation. He had dreamed of babies last night, babies with Jennifer’s blue eyes. He finally saw her coming down the street toward him. He walked to meet her. She was carrying her camera bag, a backpack and an oversized carryall. The first photo shoot was at ten but he knew she would be early to set up. He just expected her a half an hour ago. He wanted her there at six a.m. when he showed up for work. He knew it was wishful thinking. As late as they stayed up talking he barely made it to work at six himself.

He grabbed the carryall and tried to take the backpack.

“I’ve got it,”she told him.

“The guys are hoping you’ll stay for lunch today.”

“The guys are hoping?”

“In case you hadn’t noticed I’m one of the guys.”

“I’d love to stay for lunch.”

He watched her set up. She had a huge piece of gauzy white fabric she pinned to the flagpole. A breeze caused it to billow and flow. She had a few fireworks in her backpack. He couldn’t imagine where she got those legally. He helped when he could and then watched as she worked her magic for the next hour.

“Blake, you have a visitor.”Pete stood at Blake’s elbow watching Jennifer while he delivered his message.

“Who is it?”Blake kept his eyes on the photo shoot.

“A woman.”

“No name?”

“It’s the brunette stunner.”

Blake swore.

Monica had called him the day after their last date. He told her again that he wished her all the best but there was not a future for the two of them. She pled with him to give her one more chance. She claimed it had been the alcohol talking that night. She had tickets to a hockey game. He tried to be polite but in the end he had to be firm and eventually he just hung up on her.

She had been calling everyday since. He just didn’t answer the phone when he saw it was her on the caller ID. She called from a friend’s phone once but he cut the conversation off before it even began.

He rounded the corner and saw her standing in the kitchen talking to Lt and Randy.  She was once again dressed for seduction; a low cut blouse, a too short skirt and killer heels. It didn’t have the effect on him she had hoped for. A cloying air about her sent a knot to Blake’s stomach.

“Can we have some privacy?” he asked with out preamble.

The two men made themselves scarse.

“Hi, Blake,” she beamed up at him.

“Monica, this is where I work. You can’t just show up here.”

“That girl’s here.”

“She’s working.” He took her by the elbow and started walking her to the door. “Where’s your car?”

“I’ll leave as soon as you promise to give me another chance.” She stood her ground.

“No, you are leaving now, end of discussion.”

“You are a hard man, Blake Hudson.”

“Yes, I’m hard and uncompromising and intractable. It’s over Monica. There is nothing you can say or do that will change that.”

Jennifer poked her head in the door of the kitchen. “I’m so sorry to interrupt but can I borrow you for just a minute,”she said to Blake. “I promise I’ll bring him right back,”she said to Monica.

They stepped out of the kitchen and turned the corner. The men who had been listening at the kitchen door quickly moved down the hall and began polishing shoes, inspecting paint on the walls and looking at the ceiling.

Jennifer grabbed two fists full of the front of his shirt and bent her head back to look up in his face.

“Blake you don’t need to severe ties to this woman. After Thursday you will once again be a free agent. A bird in the hand you know.”

“Why is it the fish I let go is trying to leap back in the boat while the fish I want keeps trying to slip though my fingers?” He ran the back of his hand across her check and then slid it to the back of her neck.

“A fishing metaphor? You’ve reduced your women issues to a fishing metaphor?”

He chuckled as he bent to whisper in her ear, sliding his hand down her back. It was more to smell the soap on her skin and hair. He closed his eyes and took in his fill.

“She’s stalking me, my love. It has gone well past the point of reasoning with her. My next step is a restraining order.” His voice was husky with desire, which went contrary to the words.

“Oh.” The word came out soft and unsure. She turned her head. Her lips were within inches of his. He fought the desire to close that distance. Their first kiss was going to magical, memorable not in front of an audience of his co-workers and Monica around the corner.

“Let me deal with her.” He straightened up to give them some distance and to clear his head.

“I liked her.”

“So did I until I got to know her better.” He grabbed Jennifer by the shoulders. “Get back to work.” He turned her and gave her a little push.

He walked back into the kitchen. He felt the features of his face go hard as he looked at Monica leaning back against the kitchen table with her arms crossed.

“Our conversation was already over. Where’s your car?”he asked.

“It’s her isn’t it?” she said pushing herself off the table.

“It is absolutely none of your business.” He grabbed her elbow and proppelled her toward the door.

They walked out of the firehouse in silence. She jerked her arm out of his grasp.

“We’ll see,” she said.

“Don’t make me get law enforcement involved with this.”

The look of hate she turned on him filled him with dread.  He felt a cold chill as he watched her walk away.

Chapter 23-Jennifer

The phone rumbled in her pocket.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. I just had to finish a couple of things. If you hadn’t called me every fifteen minutes I would have been done sooner.”

“Everyone is waiting.”

“You are such a kid.”

“I haven’t seen you since Sunday.”

“I missed you too.” She let the smile break across her face. “I’m half a block away. Be there soon.”


It was ridiculous to feel so giddy. A warm heady anticipation washed over her. Peter never illicited these feelings from her. She stumbled to a stop. What was she doing? She couldn’t be selfish enough to get entangled with this man. There was no future for them. She would not have him go through the devastation of guilt by association.

Three dates that is all this was. A romp, a flirtation, a fantasy, hearts set a glow but not engaged. A girl’s daydream temporarily come to life. These few precious days were to be spent acumulating memories to warm lonely nights ahead. With these thoughts she damped down her conscience.

“Jen, what are you doing?” His voice rose above the street noise.

He stood in front of the station, only a hundred feet away, fists on hips. He wore blue slacks and a FDNY tshirt. She felt her heart skip a beat. It really was sinful for any man to be so gorgeous.

“Coming,” she shouted walking double time toward him.

He engulfed her in a bear hug getting his arms tangled in the straps of her camera bag and satchel. She laughed as she felt her ribs groan.

“They are panting with anticipation in there.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her toward the firehouse bay.

She handed out the CD’s she had burned for each fire fighter. She noticed Blake some how manuveured himself so he could keep in constant contact with her; whether it was a gentle touch at the small of her back, his hand resting on her shoulder or fingers brushing her elbow. She had printed 8X10s of her favorite shots for her portfolio and they were passing those around when the alarm sounded.

“Blast!” Blake grabbed her arm turning her to look up at him. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about me, go, go.”

She watched the mad dash and felt like it almost had the look of a choreographed dance. She felt a little deflated as she stood alone in the kitchen. A reckless thought perculated in her head until it filled it.

She grabbed her camera, ran out to the street and hailed a cab. She gave him the address of the fire.

“This is as close as I can get, lady,” the cabby said over his shoulder.

Lights were flashing around the corner, but a barracade blocked off the end of the street.

“This is great.” She handed him the fare and jumped out of the car.

Groups of people gathered at the barracade pointing and snapping shots with their phones. A young guy was being ushered back by a police officer while he kept his video camera pointed at the fire. Firehoses stretched the length of the street like great white worms. A dozen steps put Jennifer in full view of the building with thick black smoke billowing out of it’s lower doors and windows. The smoke flashed and turned into a rolling swell of bright yellow orange flame.

Three firefighters held the end of a hose directing the powerful water stream into the rolling flame. White steam mixed with the black smoke. Two other firefighters stood on top of the fire engine ladder with their hose shooting water into upper windows. Another group of firefighters stood in the alley guiding people toward a row of ambulances as they came down the fire escape.

Jennifer could see three different numbers on the engines that filled the street. She pulled her camera out of the case and put on her big lens. She wanted pictures of faces but helmets and airmasks covered most of them. She found Lt pacing along the street stepping over the water engorged hoses and shouting into a walky talky. His helmet swung from his left hand. A white hood covered his head and wrapped around his neck. She snapped a shot of him as he turned toward her. She zoomed in on the hands of the firefighters holding the hose. A firefighter rested an axe over his shoulder as he approached the building. She got as many pictures as she could from this angle and then decided to run around the block to get some shots from the other side.

She got some good pictures of a firefighter breaking into the front door and then another, of one of the guys sitting on the curb taking oxygen from a paramedic. She got a picture of two firefighters leaning in and talking to each other. One pointed at the crowd and the other pulled of his helmet and mask off and stalked over to the barrier.

Jennifer backed into the crowd.

Blake pushed the barrier aside and the crowd parted.

“Jennifer, go home,” he bellowed.

“I’m a free citizen.” She cowered.

“Go home.”

“I wanted to get pictures of you guys in action.”

“You are putting lives in danger. I can’t do my job if I’m worrying about you in this neighborhood. Now call a cab and go home.”

“Yes, sir.”

Blake signaled a police officer over.

“Patrick here is going to stay with you until you get in the cab.”


“Without question.”

She pulled out her phone as she watched him walk back toward the inferno.

Jennifer put her camera up on the shelf in her closet. Her head was so muddled she couldn’t think straight. He was consuming her. This was so dangerous because she could feel every resolve she had made melt into insignificance with the very thought of him.

She pulled out her phone.

“Hi, sweetie.”

“Mom, I just needed to hear your voice.”

“I’m here, honey, what’s up?”

“I just have to make it through one more date. In two days it will be over.”

“And of course that’s what you want, right?”

“Yes, oh heavens, yes.”

“Dad told me about your date.”

“I thought he would be embarrassed enough to cancel the last date.”

“But you were wrong.”

“He’s determined to see this through.”

“He must like you a lot.”

“We are like two giddy teenagers.”

“So it’s just infatuation.”

“Yes, he’s used to dating three women at a time. I’m sure he is about ready to have this little hiccup in his life over.”

“He doesn’t sound too anxious to get back to his dating circus.”

“Well, it will be best for everyone.”

“You’ve got it bad, don’t you, honey?”

“He is such a good man, mom. I can’t bear the thought that just knowing me could damage him in any way. I should never have agreed to these dates.”

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.”

“I didn’t think Peter could hurt me any more than he already has. I was wrong.”

“What can I do for you?”

“Be there to catch me when this is over.”


“Love you, mom.”

“I love you too, baby.”

She changed into her comfy clothes and curled up on her bed. She lay in the dark and felt the warm tears roll across the bridge of her nose and drop onto her pillow. She was still awake a few hours later when her phone rang.

“It’s one in the morning, Mister.”

“I just wanted to hear your voice before I went to bed. You got home okay?”

“Yes and am safely tucked in bed.”

“There’s an image that’s going to play in my head and keep me awake.”

“You are such a man.”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“Night, Blake.”

“Night, Jen.”

Chapter 24-Blake

Blake pulled his car up to curb in front of his sister’s house. It was a two story white Dutch Colonial. She had married a Mechanical Engineer getting his PhD. He was now the Plant Manager of a utilities firm.

“You have some pretty upscale friends there, Hot Shot.”

“Well, it’s who you know they always say.”

“Who are ‘they’ exactly?”

“Such a deep philosophical question.”

He got out of the car and jogged around to open her car door. He took her hand to help her out of the car. He loved the feel of her small hand incased in his mammoth paw. She laced her fingers through his as they walked up to the front door.

He rang the doorbell and then grabbed the door handle.

“What are you doing?”

“Going in the house.”

“How well do you know these people?”

“Pretty well.”

He opened the door and ushered her into the breezeway. Etched glass doors stood at the other end of the breezeway. A lovely brunette opened the doorway leading into the house.

“Hey Blake.”

“Hi, sis.”

They hugged. He reached for Jennifer’s hand but she had shoved them in her pockets. He put his hand on the small of her back.

“Sis, I’d like you to meet, Jennifer Warren.”

“It’s very nice to meet you.” Jennifer said. They shook hands.

“I’m Nancy. Nancy Hamilton and somewhere around here is my errant husband, Mac. Come in. I’ll go rustle up Mac. He’s probably putting Jr. to bed.”

“You brought me to meet your sister?” Jennifer said as soon as Nancy had left the room.

“I told you they have a great media room.”

He’d lost her he could feel it. Her hands were back in her pockets and she had taken a step away from him.

She was more than polite as she met Mac and the four of them sat and talked for a few minutes. Then Nancy led them upstairs to the Media room.

“I put some snacks on the bar so you two enjoy yourselves.”

“I hope you like Jurassic Park.” He hoped this would redeem him.

“It’s my one of my favorites but somehow you knew that.”

“Your sister told me…” He knew it was a mistake the minute the words were out of his mouth.

She had gone completely ridged.

“Can I borrow the restroom?”

Her smile seemed stilted.

“Sure it’s right next door.”

He paced outside down the hall. He could hear her talking even though she had the water running. She finally stepped out of the restroom.

“Hey, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to bail on you.”


He had somehow crossed a line and he knew it.

“I called a cab.”

“I can take you home.”

“No stay and spend some time with your family.”

“You’re not going to forgive me for this are you?”

“I’m really sorry. Tell your sister is was nice to meet her and her husband. I’m going to wait for the cab in the breezeway.”

She pulled the glass door shut behind her and began pacing the length of the entryway. He leaned against the doorframe and watched her flip open her phone. She pushed one number until it beeped. He wondered if she realized that the window above the glass door was open so that he would be able to hear everything she said.

“Crystal.” She turned her back on him.

Apparently, she hadn’t noticed.

“I was on a date.”

“I just need to know if you talked to him.” She held her hand around the end of the phone and hunched her shoulders forward to add to her illusion of privacy.

He was dying to know what her sister’s side of the conversation sounded like.

“He called you?” She yelped.

“You are not allowed to talk to him.”

“If he calls you again just hang up on him.”

“I know he talked to dad but that was totally different.”

“Who told you that I liked him?” Now she was pacing the width of the hallway. Two steps to the closet door and two steps back to the painting on the wall.

“When did you talk to Mom?”

Blake’s sister peeked her head through the kitchen door. He put his finger to his lips.

“I know you talk to Mom too. Look that’s not the point. This was a three date deal. Just a little casual dating. He brought me to his sister’s house.” Her hand flew up in the air. “That’s a meet the family step. I’m thinking he didn’t bring any of his blond bimbo’s over to his sister’s.”

“Oh give me a break. I wasn’t saying anything disparaging about blonds.” She leaned back against the closet door and darted a quick look in his direction. She turned her back to him again when she saw he was watching her. “It’s just that he called you, Crystal. He found your number.” Her eyes went wide. He saw her putting the pieces together.

“He got your number off my phone.” She turned and glared at him.

“He called you to find out about me. My likes and dislikes.”

“No I don’t think that’s sweet. Okay, maybe a little, but it’s just short of stalking.”

Jennifer looked out the peephole of the door presumably to see if the cab had arrived.

“That’s not fair.”

“I know he’s not Peter.”

“Please let’s not go there. No wait a minute let’s do go there. I don’t know that he’s not another Peter. I dated Peter for a year and never even guessed. So I suppose you could say I’m not the best judge of men.”

“I know what I told Mom.”

“He was a nice guy; I mean he is a nice guy. So far he has been a perfect gentleman. He hasn’t even tried to kiss me.”

Blake felt the corner of his mouth go up as he watched the blush rise in her cheeks.

“Listen Crystal what’s going to happen when Mr. Firehouse gigolo finds out he’s dating a 25 year old virgin who is saving herself for marriage?”

He couldn’t help himself he choked on that one. She turned around and gave him the deer in the headlight look. He just looked up at the window open above the door.

She walked over and hit the glass by where he was standing. In four steps she was out the front door. He followed close on her heels.

“Jen, won’t you talk to me.”

“You are a horrible man.” She kept walking down the sidewalk.

“Okay so I over stepped a boundary.”

“You and I are done.”

“Oh, no, we’re not. Our deal was for three dates and you have officially reneged on this date. You still owe me one more date.”

“I am not obligated to you in any way, shape or form.”

“Look lady I refuse to let you welch on our deal.”

“Oh come on Blake, let’s admit it, I’m not even your type of girl.”

“How would you know what my type of girl is?”

“I was there at that bistro. If I remember right you said something about a blond bombshell with legs that go all the way to the floor.”

“Cotton candy, sweet but no substance that date only lasted ten minutes.”

“Oh just go away and leave me alone.”

Her taxi pulled up and the cabby leaned out the window.

“You call for a cab lady?”

“Yes, it was me.” She answered the driver then turned her head to look up into his eyes.“Bye, Blake.”

“If you think I’m going to let you get in that cab and drive away you have another thing coming.”

“Meters running lady.”

Blake pulled his wallet out of his pocket and threw two twenties at the driver.

“Just let it run.”

He pulled Jennifer into his arms. This wasn’t the way he had planned it but necessity was the mother of invention. He looked down into those breathtaking eyes. He lowered his lips to hers and felt the velvety softness of rose petals. He traced the edges of her mouth and tasted the aching sweetness. He had waited too long for this moment and it took every ounce of control not to ravage her lips. He parted his lips slightly, tipped his head and all conscious thought fled as her breath mingled with his. He crushed her lips while a roaring filled his ears. The kiss was warm and sweet and heady as he knew it would be. Her hands convulsed against his chest as he deepened the kiss.

She pushed away.

“Stop,” her voice was just above a whisper and breathy.

“No.” One hand came up to cup the back of her head and the other to splay across her jaw. He heard her groan as their lips now wet and swollen tried to quench the hunger they both felt.

“Please,” she gasped.

He peppered kisses on a path from her mouth to her ear.

“When you promise me my third date.”

He met her lips before she could reply pulling her tight against him till he could feel every soft conture of her pressed against him.

Her answer came in a pant.

“Okay, okay, but my date, my treat, and my choice.”

His mouth came down on hers again. He worshipped her with each brush of his lips until lips weren’t enough and he kissed eyes, cheeks, brows and nose. He pulled his head back till his lips hovered just above hers.


This was better than he imagined. He held her until they both had regained a little composure.

“Can I call you tonight?” he asked.

“You’re impossible.”

“That wasn’t a no.”

He opened the door of the cab and helped her in.

“I think my sister likes you.” He added.

“You are in so much trouble for that one.”

“Tell me all about it tonight.”

He closed the door and watched her drive off. He reveled in the rush of emotion. He wanted to personally throttle this Peter person for causing her one moment of pain. He wanted to hear her voice over the phone. He loved the throaty quality of it. It was so sexy. Now that he had kissed her he knew that was an activity he would never get enough of. He’d give her an hour to get home and settled then he would call her.

© Copyright 2011 Julia (estuleen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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