Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1776252-Egg-Relay-2
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1776252
Newly wed mercouple enlists cousin with help in egg related anomaly. Contains mpreg.
Tristan lay on the sponge bed, pain wracking his body as the egg slowly moved down inside him. It had been scarcely an hour since he’d first arrived at his cousin’s cave and already he felt the dropping imminent. Beside him, his wife Greta was torn between holding his hand and encouraging him to push, and making sure Calvin was alright. He’d retreated to the other side of the cave ten minutes ago and was moaning quite loudly.

“Are you alright, Cal?” she called over to him, continuing to stroke Tristan’s arm.

Cal sat up a little, relieved when the action forced the egg to crown quite easily. He reached down and traced around the tip gently, feeling the tingle in his merflesh as he did so. Yes, this dropping would be quite easy. Puffing out a short breath he laid his hands on the low bulge and gave a gentle shove with both his inner muscles and his hands. After a few repetitions the egg was at its widest in Calvin’s opening. Greta watched, astonished as Cal then pushed the egg back inside almost all the way. A low groan left his lips as his head tilted back against the cave wall. With little thrusts of his hips, the egg inched out once more only for him to push it back in once more.

He gasped when it was completely inside again, but didn’t stop there. First his fingers and then his entire hand delved inside his merflesh, pushing the egg further up inside himself. Greta could SEE the bulge moving back up to where it would normally sit on an egg laden merman. Another moan left him, but he did not push the egg out again. Bracing his hand under the bulge, presumably to keep it in place, Calvin propelled himself across the cave to the sponge bed Tristan and Greta were situated on.

“You need to push hard, Tris,” he urged, pressing the fingers of his free hand into the flesh above Tristan’s opening. “The egg is quite low. A few good pushes will have it out.”

“Wh-what are you doing?” Greta asked him, indicating to his obviously still egg laden stomach. “You had almost dropped it, then you ... you pushed it back in. Why?”

“It feels good,” he shrugged, his smile a little sheepish. “The dropping is easy for me and I’ve learned to enjoy it. Usually once I reach this stage I will study or read, slowly allowing the egg to drop again, or moving my hand up and down to feel it move within me. It’s very pleasurable.” The young merman was blushing now. He’d never had anyone but the parent-to-be present at a drop before, and he certainly didn’t do this kind of thing when they were present. For some reason he just felt comfortable with his cousin and his wife there, so he felt like he could so what felt good, rather than what was expected of him. Over the last few drops he’d noticed that the more time and pleasure he took during the dropping the less he was incapacitated afterward.

Changing the focus back to Tristan, Cal pressed his fingers into the mer’s lower abdomen once more, feeling the egg’s position. “Press you fingers here and feel,” he told Greta gently. When she moved her hand closer he guided it to the correct place, softly pushing her fingers against her husband’s stomach so she could feel the egg there. “Do you feel it’s size?” he waited for Greta’s nod before continuing. “There will be very little discomfort when it passes into you.”

“P-passes into me?” Greta stuttered, still struggling to accept the concept of an egg transfer. “Will it hurt?”

“I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure it causes you the least amount of pain,” Cal assured her, staring solemnly into her nervous gaze. “For you part, it will be an easy passing.”

Tristan coughed as the latest contraction ebbed away. Breathing heavily, he met his cousin’s eyes and asked, “What of my pain? Even the preparation for such a small egg’s passage brought immense pain.”

Cal smiled. “That is because you were neither prepared for this occurrence, nor relaxed, cousin. If you relax and let the egg come its passage will be much less painful.”

“But you said I must push.”

“Yes,” Cal confirmed. “You must push hard, but only when the contraction says you must, otherwise, you relax and let it come.”

Greta stroked her husband’s hair back from his face and gave him an encouraging smile. “We can do this, Tris. It is only a small egg and your merflesh is quite a large opening. It will cause you no problems.” As she stared into his eyes her hand drifted down to feel for the egg once more. As she pressed her fingers above the slit of his merflesh he jerked and they both stared down in astonishment as his mermanhood emerged.

“What the-,” Greta intoned at the same time Cal clapped his hands together.

“Good,” he said. “You are progressing perfectly.” Turning to Greta he added, “I suggest you begin preparing yourself.”


“The same way you would prepare yourself to accept Tristan into your body. Logical, since you will be accepting him into your body quite soon.”

Tristan, who was once again curled over in the midst of a pushing contraction, gritted out, “Dammit, Cal! You said she would be accepting the egg into her body. What’s this about me entering her? I don’t think I’ll be capable after this!”

Cal looked between the two. “Oh, don’t worry about that. It won’t be after this. It will be during and there will be no problem with being firm enough.”

“What do you mean?” Greta asked urgently, rubbing Tristan’s shoulders. “How will the egg enter me if I have Tristan inside?”

With a long suffering sigh Cal shook his head, muttering, “They really should teach this in school.” Louder he said, “The egg will pass from within Tristan to within you without meeting the sea.” With a glance over to Tristan’s increasingly engorged mermanhood he added, “I suggest you begin preparing, the process will begin very soon.” At Greta’s awkward look, he nodded in understanding. “I will be in the next cave, minding my own business. Ensure you are prepared for his entry. As soon as he is fully firm, take him inside yourself. The egg will continue to cause Tristan discomfort; it is small but the passage it must travel is smaller. You can ease his pain some by rocking and fondling, the sensation of pleasure has great control over the sensation of pain, if you set out to pleasure him as you would usually do you ensure his comfort. You may feel a small discomfort as the egg begins to pass into your flesh, the same principle applies. Pleasure over pain, you may be surprised by the results. Above all else, follow your instinct. Your bodies will tell you what to do.”

He spoke quickly but firmly, making Greta’s head swim with the information, but she took it all in with a nod. “I will do as you have said,” she assured him solemnly.

“Yell if you need me,” Cal said, then with a grin he amended, “Call my name if you require my assistance.” And with his hand still braced beneath the bulge of his stomach, he propelled himself slowly from the cave.

© Copyright 2011 Harry Ford (harryford at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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