Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1776221-Enough-Is-Enough-My-Struggle-and-Victory
Rated: 13+ · Other · Erotica · #1776221
My experience with vore and how I came to beat it.
(I wanted to get this out rather quickly so there still needs to be some work done on the grammar but i promise it will be fixed in the near future)

If you have been lead here by the recomendations from those pieces of vore crap welcome to the intervention, if not I hope you will find this interesting as well as informative. Though I use the word intervention it is really a revalation that you must read.

In the last three years I have come to realize that I have in fact been tormented by a horrible genre that has been with me for fifteen years, for the first twelve years I have been blinded by it because it started when I was five and we are blind as children, it is only when we grow older that we become more aware of our actions. This aspect that has been with me is known as vore. For those of you who are reading this and do not know what it is, basically it is where a person is consumed by some thing else i.e. you're in the food chain.

Why do people involve themselves with this fetish? It is mostly what remains of our childhood experiences such as watching cartoons with man eating monsters, books, movies, ect. From there the child will create the rest with their imagination, the result is a black spot in the child's mind, where they believe being eaten would be "fun". Unfortunantly the end result is this further developing into something more sexual as the child ages and it then progressively merges with other fetishes.

Now let me share my little revelation with you, vore, in its ultimate purest form, is not that bad compared to other fetishes. A person is swallowed by some creature and ends up in its stomach, thats it. No, digestion, no sexual situations, no blood or gore, basically that first sentence and no details; that would be the purest form. However such a form is non-existant. In realitly it is a vulgar, despiccable genre that only really horrible or disturbing people involve themselves in. It is divided into two catagories, soft and hard. Hard involves a person being eaten by a creature in a way that they are either chewed up or ripped to pieces, ultimately the end result is a whole lot of blood. Soft involves a person being swallowed whole, no blood no chewing, this is where most of the sexual stuff derives from. So what does that mean?
it means that anyone who gets involved in viewing soft vore will probably continue to do so so long as they find it sexually intreguing. For the last four years I have delt with soft vore many times, it was four years ago that I started using the internet to find it. Before that it was all imagination, and tv. It was only in the last three years that I decieded that I should have a set of rules to govern my reading as nearly 99% of what I viewed was from this website. (which is pretty sad considering this site was not meant for it).  I called these the "golden rules" a not so original name but i felt it was appropriate.
Rule1: Never, EVER, involve a a real person, especially ones you care about. this rule is meant to restrict the mind's creativity, as you generate a mental picture, it can never involve any real people and i do mean any. The same applies to names in the writings, you may continue reading so long as names in the writings do not relate to any relatives, or people you love.

Rule 2: If the vore implies sex, leave. The rule is self explanatory, if the vore writings have any sex you must quit reading, this is especially true when the vore is with an animal. (You'd be amazed at how many people on this site do not follow this rule, it is probably in the hundreds of thousands and the stories that violate this rule are just plain disturbing.)

Rule 3, Humans are off limits, this rule is meant to restrict what is actually doing the eating in the writings, being eaten by a giant human is an odd fetish and it should be off limits primarily on the grounds that it is canibalism.

Those are the three rules, sadly it seems that no one follows these rules and as a result there are some nasty things on this website.
Earlier I stated that only horrible disturbing people would involve themselves with this fetish, that is not entirely true. There are those who involve themselves in it and want nothing less than to escape it. They don't know why they do it, they don't want to do it, but they can't stop looking at anything vore related.To me, they are known as, "prisoners" because while they look at vore, they make every effort to stop. To them I say this, keep trying it may take years but you can escape it.
All you voraphiles who are saying, "keep doing it, if they want to look at vore let them" I say this, these are people who do not want to look at it, leave them alone and let them escape it if it is their wish. This text is partly meant to give them hope that they too can escape from it. I am not trying to change you, im just helping those who do not want to be you.

That last paragraph can sum up my story, yes I was involved in vore. Am I ashamed, yes, was I a voraphile? No. Was I a prisoner? Absolutely. Did I escape, not yet. This story or documentary, whatever you want to call it. This is my escape. To truely escape from it, one must admit that he or she has done it and in doing so, it will free you from your guilt. If you've been hiding it, that weight will be off your shoulder. I urge all of you who wish to escape this fetish, to write your own story about your struggle, it will set you free. If at any time you feel like you are drawn back to the vore crap, turn to your story and it will show you that you can beat it.

Voraphiles have their rights, it is their first amendment right to have vore. These writings and "art"  all of it is free speech so I say, if that is what you want to do, fine I won't stop you, but I don't have to be like you. From this moment on I am no longer associating myself with this crap, will I join the anti-vore movement, no because they seek to limit the rights that voraphiles have, its a clash of two sides both of which are using the first amendment as their defense for their actions I do not wish to get between them but I refuse to be a neutral in this matter, to put this into perspective, If neutrality was switzerland, I would rather be in another solar system, that is how far I wish to distance myself with this. I just want to return to a normal life, as i said the last time I lived without vore was when I was five, for me I just want to forget it.

Finally I must say what I have learned from this experience. First I have learned that there are some disturbing people in this world. seccond I now realize that when I was a child, i thought I was the only one, now i know that there are thousands. third, voraphiles say there is no escape, i now know that they were wrong.
Would I trade my life with someone who never experienced vore, absolutely not, I love my life, not counting the vore aspect of it. I believe that if I never experienced it, the chain of events in my life would be altered and I do not know where that would leave me.

So that is it, that is my view on vore, my revelation, and i said what i had to say. So I leave you with this:
Voraphiles, I'm sorry but your way of life is too disturbing, as a result, I am leaving this.
Prisoners of vore: You can get out, nothing is impossible, I did it, the result of which is what you are reading now. Don't give up you will find the way out.
Anti voraphiles, I am sorry but your way of life is full of too much hate for me to follow you, so I decline from joining you.
average people, Thank you for reading this, i am glad that this is done with and I ask that you please forgive me for having vore in my life.

                                                                                  With that it is over.
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