Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1774755-Snow-Falls-Silently-ch-2
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1774755
Getting ready for the party, and secrets spill.
The same second that the bell rang, Oktober stepped in calmly then sat in her seat right behind me. I could practically feel her eyes boring into my back. "You really hurt her this time. She's already decided that she's skipping the rest of today and tomorrow in general." Each word stabbed me like a knife and I groaned, putting my head down on my desk.

"I didn't mean to. I just didn't know how to react." I paused. "Plus, she still has to help me with the party or else I'll stab her with a rusty spork."

"Where?" She sounded genuinly interested in the strange topic.

"The vagina." I growled sarcasticly.

"If it was you doing it, I don't think she'd mind." Some how the girl managed to sound completely serious and composed.

"Alright class is starting! Put away phones and ipods and shut up!" The teacher called as she walked into the class room then she started to rant about something I really didn't care about. I ended up spacing out until I saw one of the class druggies. he was just starig at his fingers and chuckling quietly when he moved them like they were motion activated joke tellers. I decided that this was a little more entertaining to look at then just staring at a ceiling tile. A few moments later, the boy's head snapped up and he looked at me like I had just caught him taking the last cookie from the cookie jar. He slammed his hands into his lap then looked around the room nervously as if the cops were going to break in and arrest him for laughing at his hands. I chuckled lightly and focused on the lesson for the rest of glass with only fleeting glances at him to see if he would do something more interesting.

When class was finally over, we all got out stuff together and left the room. Oktober and I left together, but split when Sabi took her girlfriend's waist and pulled her closer whispering "Hey sexy." and then they walked to their next class. I walked from the school, glad that I didn't have a fourth period even though I would have to go back and go to swim. I strolled out to my car and got in then turned the key. I had previously decided that I was going to May's house first. I already knew that the door would be locked which was exactly why I brought my lockpick kit. I always had it with me -May did this sometimes, but usually she would only say that she was skipping the rest of the day. The drive didn't take long, and by the time I got there -like every other time- I was reminded how much different our lives were. Her home was a small one story, 2 bath 3 bed. The bricks of the house were worn and some of the grout was cracked. I knew that they didn't have very much money, but everytime I offered any, May would get angry so I had given up.

I got out of the '96 how red convertable top mustang and walked to the door and stepped in like it was my own house. Her parents loved me any ways and the front door was never locked. The interror was pretty normal for a middle clas family. A small hall to get to the living room, to the right of that was the dining table, to the left of that the kitchen, then from the living room is the bedroom hall. I went over to May's door and knocked. "Snow?" A voice called from inisde.

"Yup, now open the door or else I'll pick the lock." I said calmly. "You need to help me prepare for the party or else I'll kill you."

"I'm still invited?" I heard rustling around and guessed that she was stuffing random clothes under the bed.

"Don't be an idiot. I wouldn't be a party without you. It would hardly be a birthday!" I exclaimed, starting to pick the lock.

"Aww, how sweet!" May called.

"Well yeah, you've been my friend since I moved here, I can't leave you behind just for... that." Finally there was a click and I turned the knob and stepped into the room like I had so many times before. For some reason I always felt more at home here than anywhere else. Perhaps it could be the photos of May and I on vacation posted all over the walls, our ages ranging from me being 9 and her 11 to me 14 and her 16. May must have seen me looking at the wall befcause she smiled. "Strange to think that we've been friends for almost 6 years, huh?" I nodded numbly.

"Yet only 8 years since the incident. Well, 8 in two days." I remembered the day down to the time. It was 2:43 after school.

She frowned slightly. "You never told me exactly what happened. Only that he died." She seemed sad saying it, knowing that it would hurt me to talk about it. I just nodded, feeling cold.

"It's because I feel so guilty everytime I think or talk about it." I said, then started to bite my lip, " But that doesn't matter right now, we have a party to plan." I said quickly, changing the subject before taking out my phone. I went through the contacts and chose my favorite designer. Nic Ford. He had never let me down before, infact, he always did far better than I ever expected.

" 'Allo?" A male's voice answered.

"Meow, Nic? I have a challange for you." I said with a smirk.

"Meow? Vhy do you ansver ze phone viss a kitten? Uh, fine. I vill accept ze challange." With that we bid our farewells and hung up. I smiled at May, "Ve must go to ze house. Comecome." I said, using a russian accent then we both made our way to the car. I got in the drivers side and May on the passenger's side. The way to my house was quiet other than the music that blasted from the speakers that May and I sometimes jumped in on the singing. When we arrived, we both got out and went inside. The house was a large white building that was 2 stories tall, but we used both the attic and basement as floors and rooms. The maids and butler had pretty good rooms and were never held against their will. This was just a job where they could live if they wanted -it was free as long as you did your duties so most of the time it was college students- and they could quit when ever they wanted to. All but the butler. He had no choice but to stay and fulfull his duties. There were only 3 people who knew why, and that was the judge, my mum and me and we didn't really plan on telling anyone. None of us had ever made that deal, but it kind of went without saying. When we walked in, we were greeted by Jarvis, the butler.

"Mistress Marrow, your swim suit has been washed and is now prepared for your usage. Would you like me to take your bags?" The male asked.

"Yes." I said coldly and handed him my bag. "Nic is coming to decorate this place for my party tomorrow, help out as much as possible." I looked past his glasssed straight into his eyes. I knew that he didn't like to make eye contact, but most of all with me because he was slightly frightened of pink eyes. "In two days time, it will be your 8th year working for the Marrow family. You may take the day off. Be back by ten pm, you may leave as soon as 11 pm on friday night. If you are not back 25 hours after that, I will send out a search party for you until you get back."

"Understood. You are very kind Mistress." He bowed, his black tux somehow not crinkling. The butler turned to May. "Is there anything you would like Ma'am?" He asked as I made my way up the stairs.

"Thank you, but no thank you." she said then followed me up the stairs, the expression on her face making me frown.

When we were both in my room I said, "You're going to give me the speech again." it was no question.

"Yes! You're still acting as if he isn't human! He isn't a robot!" She lectured.

I looked down. "We've had this arguement before. Nothing's changed. It would be better if he were a robot though." I said while I sat down on the bed.

"Your answer doesn't say anything! How would it be better?" She demanded an answer, but I didn't want to fight right now and I didn't want to talk about him.

"Can we talk about something else?" I looked over to the night stand and noticed that I hadn't taken my meds this morning.

"Fine. Want to play that way, alright. That kiss felt good didn't it?" May said stubbornly.

I groaned loudly, "I will stab you in the vagina with a rusty spork if you don't drop it." I scooted over to the night stand and popped the pills into my mouth and swallowed them dry.

"And all this time I thought you were clean." May said, tisking lightly with her tongue.

"No, you know I have to take those. I can't have myself getting HPS." A moment later, Jarvis knocked on the door.

"Mistress, Mr. Ford is here." He reported and I stood up, dismissing him.

Half an hour later, May had explained the plans and her and we left to go to swimming. Upon arrival, we changed in the locker room. My suit was black with rainbow stripes and had a strip in the middle that held the top and bottom piece together so that I could dive and do the pencil and nothing would fall off. May was wearing a simple black and white polka dot bikini that made her look absolutely amazing, Sabi had on a bright cyan one piece and Oktober had on a pure black one piece that looked almost like a dress. She looked at me and smiled. "How cute." she said in her monotone and teasing and I couldn't stop the blush.

"Well, at least I'm not wearing a dress." I said with a grin.

"DON'T CHANGE THE DRESS!" Sabi cried while seeming to come out of no where and almost tackle her friend from behind.

"I wasn't going to stupid." She laughed lightly as I put my face into my palm and sighed, leaving the room. For some reason, I wasn't really feeling in the mood for any romance. It reminded me too much of lunch that day... God, that was still the same day. It felt like at least a week ago.

After class we all managed to squeeze into my car and had a round of 'judge as many people you can on the sidewalk' before Sabi and Oktober got off at Oktober's somewhat large home then May and I drove to my house. She raised a brow at me, her bright green eyes boring into mine. "I know that if I drop you off at your house then you won't go to school tomorrow." I explained and May laughed.

"You know me too well." We both got out and went to the door. Right when I opened the door, I heard a happy scream and I braced myself as quickly as possible as a woman tackled me to the ground. Not for the first time, I was glad that there was a small flower garden beside the side walk. A garden without thorns.

"Oh my sweet little Snow! Did someone hurt you? Are you sick again? Do you need to go to the hospital? More medication? Are you angry?" Her voice was frantic and her body weight was quickly cutting off my circulation.

"Mrs. Marrow, I think you're suffocationg her." May said politely, gently tugging on the woman's arm.

Her eyes went wide and she quickly got up and I sat up breathing heavily, hating how frail I really was. "I'm so sorry! Come on darling! May, did something go wrong today? When I came home Jarvis said that she was unhappy."

May smiled comfortingly and helped me up, "She's always cold to him."

My mom sighed, "But he understands her more then you guys give him credit for."

"He's probably just misunderstanding her. It's only human." I glared to the side, crossing my arms over my chest. "I think if she was a little nicer to him then life would be easier." May continued, acting as if she didn't notice me. "And if I knew a little more about her I could help." My mom touched the red-head's shoulder lightly with a small smile.

"Hey May, could you come with me? I don't understand the Chemistry home work." And with that I kissed my mom on the cheek quickly then made my way upstairs. The woman sighed and made her way inside while May and I went up.

When we got to my room, I went to my mirror and took off the dirtied shirt and put on a plain teal tank top. May was already sitting on my bed, looking through a book I had recently finished. I joined her on the bed and looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry." I said quietly. "I've been holding a lot from you." My voice was shaking but I didn't care.

"I don't expect you to tell me everything, just something would be nice. I know more about you than I know about anyone else, but nothing about your dad, yet you know everything about me. It makes me so sad to admit it, but it's true." I could tell that may felt useless.

I pulled my knees up to my chest."Well, I've told you that my dad died... but it's always been too painful to actually tell you the whole thing." May was holding the book in her hands, moving it around nervously. I knew that she did and didn't want to know this at the same time. "He killed himself... indirectly." Now she looked confused. "He had a pretty good plan, good as in it wouldn't kill us comepletely. What he did was hire a man by the name of Jacob Flynn who already knew he was going to jail to kill Nathanial Marrow. Jacob was a well renowned sniper who was going to give himself up because he was tired of worrying about if his family was okay. My father gave him ten thousand dollars for that idiots family if he just pulled off this hit. Jacob didn't know that the hit was against his employer, but didn't mind because he was paid in advance. To this day, he still doesn't regret it. In a private court, my mum had the option to let the man get the death penelty or spend the rest of his natural life in the hands of the Marrow family, working for us. My mum is real big on the whole forgiving thing because she agreed to make him the butler. She just got up and forgave him for killing her husband! My dad!" My voice had started to crack about half way through and only then did I noice that I was also crying. May put her arms around my shaking body.

"It was 8 years ago, love." My head jerked up to see my mum. I quickly wiped away a tear and bit my lip, not wanting to break from May's hold. "it was his job, if he didn't do it his whole family would have been left in poverty." She looked so tired, but through blurred vision, I could hardly tell.

"No, I can't forgive him, this whole family got screwed over because of him." I growled, trying to ignore how immature I sounded and probably looked, holding my legs to my chest, crying and being angry at my mom. I blinked a few times and felt guilty again. I had hurt her. I hurt May, and my Mum today. The two most important people in my life. "I'm sorry, Mum." I broke from May's arms and hugged her. The woman was about 4 or 5 inches taller than me and her long bone straight black hair lightly ticked my elbow. Her tan arms wrapped around me almost protectively before we both turn to May. She looked like she felt out of place and confused. Suddenly both Mum and I held out an arm for her.

"Come on, we need a family hug." She was grinning when May joined in on the hug. After a little bit, we all pulled away and mum said "Alright guys, have fun at the party, smoke as much as you want, don't have too much sexy time... never mind, have as much sexy time as you want, don't have too much sex." I stared at her my mouth aghast and May just grinned at me with a true preditors gaze.

"Mom! you should be scolding my friends because they smoke, not encouraging it!" I cried, longing for some logic.

Mum actually looked slightly shocked, "I was smoking by the time I was twelve, growing by thirteen and dealing by fourteen." May cheered and I just facepalmed. "Anyways, I have to get going, remember, not too much sexy, none on tables, kitchen, couches and my bed. Also, if there is any girl on girl or boy on boy, get at least two pictures of both." With that she kissed my forehead, then May's and started to leave the house. I closed my bedroom door and May started to chuckle under her breath, and as though it were black fever, soon we were both laughing so hard we were crying and holding out stomachs.

When it died down and we were able to gain our composure. May was the first to speak. "So, she said not too much sex, but she spicfically said not too much sex, so let's get it on!" I swear, if the chesire cat was right next to her, I wouoldn't be able to tell the difference.

"No" was all I had to say for her to get the clue. She shrugged in the way that said "Well, I tried" I was glad the the focus was off of my dad, it made things much easier. "let's go play halo or something." I said as we both started to walk to the media room.

We played games until I looked at the clock to see that it was already 1 in the morning. I cursed and we turned everything off and we went to my room. I got into a pair of basketball shorts and crawled into bed. It was raining outside and for the moment it was relaxing. May was wearing a pair of small shorts that she had left over here for when this happens and a white tank top. The red-head got in beside me and we both fell asleep rather quickly. I was jolted awake around 3 to loud thuder and sub-conciously scooted a little closer to the other, knowing she was still asleep. For some reason, just that made me feel much safer, and I scooted a little closer every time the thunder struck though my almost completely asleep mind didn't register it. A pair of arms wrapped protectively around my waist, they were so warm and comforting. I felt so safe, and so I scooted until my back was against this safe haven and fell asleep and had the best sleep I'd had in what felt like years.
© Copyright 2011 Wensday (brokenrainbow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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