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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1774742
The first chapter to my novel
Anulekha gazed at the near ended chess game. Her quivering fingers traced the grooves of the old oak box. Her lips twisted downward as she frowned. The elegant eyebrows drew together in concentration as grey eyes scanned the board for possible moves. Only a few pieces of the violet set remained in the game. The rest had been shattered by the opposing forces. With a wary flourish of her hand; she moved the last violet pawn up two squares.

Alexis advance towards the gates of the Himing Academy. Falling in behind her was an army small but fierce. They lost many allies but together they persisted in the fight in memory of their fallen. With a flick of her hand Alexis halted the army just a few feet in front of the gates. She stood on the outline of the forest. Partially hidden by the shade of the wall it effectively allowed her view of the gates while still allowing her cover.

Fierce violet eyes scanned the area around her. The small of her back tensed at the soft rustle behind her. Black and red feathered wings flexed out ready to attack. Gazing she saw the rustled movement in the bushes. One of her daggers slid out from the hiding spot in her cloak. It lodged itself into the tree. A small chuckle left her mouth as a hare fled from her in fright.

One of the soldiers broke out of line and pulled it free. She raised her eyebrow at him inquiring. He coughed awkwardly and saluted. She smiled at him reassuringly and rebuked lightly, “You should’ve stayed in formation soldier. I would’ve gotten it myself.”

The young man nodded quickly. He handed it over and scurried back to his place in line. The commander cast her a glance and she motioned with her hand. He nodded. That was not a mistake he made. She gazed at her army. She felt fond of her soldiers even after the long years of their plight.

Alexis switched her attention back to the castle that occupied the space a few feet in front of her. Face sheltered by the black hood of her cloak she felt a small tinge of fear. Unable to feel the sun about to rise on her face left her hollow. The warmth the sun gave always gave her courage. Small hands removed her cloak’s hood to reveal the heart-shaped face underneath. The sunrise cast an orange hue over the land. It revealed the angles of her face currently set in a mask of determination.

The towers loomed over them which cast shadows concealing the army and leader from view. The sun proceeded to peek up in the eastern horizon. Luckily not even it could reveal their position amongst the thick forest. Alexis’s eyes narrowed at the castle her face twisted into an expression of great disdain. The calming aura could not fool her nor did it deter her from her mission.

Anulekha paused in the chess game. Her hand froze in its poised position over a knight. A quick last minute decision she switched tactics and moved the violet Queen forward. She waited with baited breath for the consequence.

A scarred hand reached up to grasp the magic caste iron lock with elegant fingers. The scar had become memoir of her last battle. Gripped tightly in her hand, the lock became a twisted piece of metal as she yanked it away.

With a satisfied grin she spread her wings and took to the air. Staff raised high in the air she shouted vehemency, “For our freedom!”

Anulekha watched cautiously as the Black King moved. Yet it didn’t take any of the pieces and with a flourish she moved the knight forward two spots. She watched with slight grim satisfaction as the Knight took over a castle. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as the castle crumbled and burned in a bright flame.

Their passion now revived the army charged; roaring their approval to her wary cry. Watching as they attacked the castle she thanked the fates that the school laid dormant. The students now gone on holidays. Spotting an open window she took flight. Swooping inside her eyes flickered across the room. They surveyed her surroundings. The window was close to his office as she could reach. The wings settled on her back as she darted through the maze of hallways.

Anulekha paused as an opposing knight took out the last pawn. With a discouraged sigh she cleared away the burned, shattered pieces. She absently fingered the oak wood and frowned. She observed the board in silence.

Turning she skidded to a stop right outside his elm wood door. Black cloak secured the staff to her back. Fingers snaked themselves around the body of her staff. Sun streamed in through a window hidden by magic. Alexis turned towards it and gazed outside. The army was fighting off the treacherous professors. Their defiance never ending as the set the grass to flames. A glint of pride and ambition entered the violet eyes before she turned to the door.

Anulekha paused in game, her hand poised over the Queen. Soon the game would end. For better or for worst she did not know but each move now would decide if the vision was the one she needed. Mustering up the courage she moved the Queen up to take the castle.

Adrenaline pumping through her veins as she slammed the door open. The old man behind it jumped and turned. The room was filled with dusty old books and priceless family heirlooms. The flag of Lykra hung in front of the window. It had been altered to the man’s dark desire.

Glaring, she grinned viciously at his shocked face. The man’s eyes were a bottle green and spitting with flames of deadly ambition. Violet eyes turned cold as she told boldly, “It’s time we’ve ended this, Grandfather. I’ve already taken Allen.”

The old man smirked at her. Dark eyes held her gaze with serpentine deceit. “Oh, you would have much to learn, foolish girl. You should have realized I’m am no way simple minded as my partner.”

A flash of confusion crossed through Alexis as pain engulfed her. Slipping to darkness she would not know what had hit her. The man smirked with victory as he whispered, “Eternity shall be mine. You lead it right to me, reckless girl.”

Letting out a soft sigh she watched with a sinking stomach as violet Queen was taken over by one of the opposing pieces. The board burst into flames. The Black King destroyed the remainders of the violet pieces assembled across the board. Its assembled troops gathered in a circle around the burning Queen in victory. A growl of frustration emerged from Anulekha’s lips, “There has to be a way to beat them! I can’t allow them to slip back into the abyss!!”

“My lord. The army is prepared to conquer.” A man whispered, bowing low to the Lord in front of him. Green eyes gazed at the man whose hands fiddled anxiously. A smirk appeared on the old man’s face as he got up from the black throne behind him.

“Then let the humans become ours. It is time the creatures won our rights!” The man roared. His eyes flashing with triumph as the soldier fled to spread his words.

Anulekha twisted her wrist and watched as the flames died away. With a frustrated grumble she reset the board. Shaking fingers gripped a pawn as she spoke a whispered mantra of luck. Each move revealed each loss or gain in her mind.

Linda smiled down at her daughter. The child was falling asleep on the floor beside the blocks she had been using to teach her to count. Allowing a soft smile to grace her face she knelt down to pick her up. The child blinked at her with bleary eyes.

A man came into the room from the kitchen with a newspaper in hand. The brown eyes watched the mother and child with laughter. A chuckle escaped the man as he snuck up behind Linda. With a grin he whispered in her ear, “So is it time for her to sleep?”

Linda jerked her body around and glared. Soon though their glare relaxed into a warm gaze. “Yes it is. She’s had a rough day...playing with those blocks.” The mother spoke jokingly.

Robert laughed his eyes twinkling in amusement. The two stood there for a few minutes just gazing down at the child wrapped in their arms. With sighs of regret the parents walked into the hallways towards their daughter’s room.

Eyes watched with crushed hope as the Queen was taken over by the Red King. Tears filled her eyes as the vision of what this path would lead entered her mind. Sliding to the floor Anulekha witnessed the wrong path once more. Only this time things turned out different.

A dark silhouette of a human crept through the house of Angemon. Fingers curled inside his jacket. He smirked as he came across the two parents tucking in a small child. Eyes gleaming with cold hate he withdrew the metal staff.

The parents turned at the sense of danger. In their hands held similar staffs. Alas it was too late. The two fell to the ground in front of the terrified girl. Screams erupted from her throat. Scrambling away from the man she huddled under the covers. Violet eyes peeked out from beneath the small blanket. The man smiled with sick delight as he leveled the staff to the child. A flash of red ended a life of a five year old before she could truly live it.

Anulekha tossed the chess board away in rage. Grey eyes burning with irritation she muttered over and over, “There has to be a way to win.”

Black eyes surveyed the map in front of them. A pale hand reached out to grasp a wine glass. Inside the elegant goblet swirled a red liquid. As the hands lifted it to the dry lips of the owner came a reverberate knock on the door.

“Enter.” Came the sharp command as the eyes turned red at the taste of metal shocked the man’s taste-buds.

A man came striding giving off an air of confidence and darkness. The man knelt in front of the red throne biding his time for the other to respond. Underneath the calm facade lay a tensed worried mind. The man flinched when finally the man stood.

“Did you really expect me to let you live on as you are? A threat to my plans?” The man lectured coldly. The left hand cupped the man’s chin forcing him to look at him.

Silas flinched at the touch before snarling, “Then kill me! You have already killed everyone I care about.” The anguish showed in his eyes as he gazed sorrowfully down at the floor.

The man simply smirked whispering into the other’s ear, “Oh no. That would be too nice. I would much rather do this.”

Without another word the man tilted the younger man’s head and bit down. Silas twisted in the crushing grip as he felt the vampire’s venom seep into his body. Dropping him into a crumbled heap the man let go. Stepping back and into his chair he whispered, “Now we shall take the world into our dark grip.”

Fingers delicately fiddled with her sleeve as she paced. Back and forth she went. Twirling a thick lock of her brown hair around her finger she muttered angrily to herself. Time was endless where she resided. “I got it!” She exclaimed after what seemed like hours.

Kneeling as she picked up the chess board once more she began to formulate the plan in her mind. The steps began to fall into place. The path to victory. The game was settled as she confidently moved a pawn forward a square.

The sound of an infant’s cries rang loud as the chess game began. Fate watched with determined eyes as her plan began to be played out. The plan that would start off the future.

Linda smiled down at the newborn girl in her arms. Violet eyes glistened with tears as she whispered, “Your name shall be Alexis Angemon. The defender of the Angemons.”

Robert leaned over and kissed his infant daughter on the forehead whispering, “She will turn out just like you, honey.”

Linda smiled at her husband and said jokingly, “She might just wind up as your daughter for all we know, Robert.”

The two parents bartered playful insults back and forth. Pride evident in their eyes as a knock sounded through the room. Turning to open it, Robert called out, “Who is it?”

“Rosa and Silas.” Two voices rang in unison. The parents grinned at each other and allowed their friends to enter the room on this joyous occasion.
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