Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1774636-Forbidden-Love-part-1-chapter-1
by Nicky
Rated: E · Chapter · Teen · #1774636
Trinity will face power seaking vampires, but first, love at high school... please review!
Divorce- part 1

“Trin, Trin can you here me? Are you even listening to me? Oh my god, you are so annoying,” Shan shouted in my ear. She had been talking about football for thirty minutes now. Stupid tomboy of a sister. Shan was a sporty girl that absolutely loved anything that got your knees dirty. Ugh. I don’t know how I’ve survived her for my whole life. At least I was the girly and feminine one of our family. Well since my name, Trinity Giftsburge, is very girly, it was a given that I would turn out like this. I looked at my sister now and saw freckles. They were everywhere! It’s a good thing that she has brown hair. Her freckles blend in with her short, dead straight hair. Lucky. My hair is as curly as a wiggly worm. Shan’s eyes were hazel, which brings out her hideous freckles. She had a big build, and she was very tall.
I however, am different story. I thought about how I look in the mirror. I had a tiny figure. My hair was blonde with brown streaks, which were natural, and my eyes were blue. I had natural black eye lashes and my skin was spotless. My cheeks were rosy but the rest of my face was as pale as a ghost.
“Seriously Trinity, you’re scaring me. Please say something. Or even nod if we have to take you to the hospital,” Shan was now shaking me.
“I’m alive, and I feel just fine. Seriously Shan, you shouldn’t worry about me if I don’t respond for two minutes. You know I hate talking about sports. Id rather joke around. Anyway, I have to go do homework,” I told her, annoyed that she jumped to conclusions of me going to the hospital. She does that all the time.
“Awesome, can I help? If it’s about sport I will just do it for you. Oh sorry, I’m not allowed to talk about sport around you aren’t I?” My sister replied in a huff.
“No! I know that you won’t help me; you will just start talking about soccer or something. Please just go help mum or something,” I quickly retreated from her after I finished talking to her. Quietly, I crept past mum so that she wouldn’t nag me… Again. I was hoping to get to my room and take a nap, escape reality. But my plan didn’t work. She heard me scampering past and stopped me short. But this time she wasn’t pestering me. The next thing she said was something tragic to me that I couldn’t stand to hear.
“Um, Trinity, we need to talk about dad,” she offered me a seat at the small apartment table. My family and I lived in the 17th floor of the Bel Air hotels and apartments. These apartments were across from the Pacific Fair, a shopping centre with all the greatest fashion outlets. It was my favourite place to hang out at. We live in the Gold Coast, Mantra, where everyone dreams to live. Personally, I kind of wished that I could move away; I had been living here for my whole life, you see. But Queensland was one of the best places to live! Then mum killed my thoughts off by saying, “Your dad and I are divorcing.”
What? This was not what I, a fifteen year old teenager who lives life easy, was expecting. My whole life I new that mum and dad always fought about everything they could think of, but I never thought it would come to this. A divorce!
“We wanted to tell you about this before it actually happened, to give you a heads up. If it’s not ok, than we are so sorry. But it’s the only way your dad and I can have a good life,” she finished. Then mum just stood there waiting for me to respond. But all I could do was keep my mouth gawked open in shock. I heard a weird squeaking noise and realized it was me. Quickly, I shut me mouth and put my head into my hands.
“I don’t know mum? I’ve never thought about this. What if I say that I don’t want you two to break up?” I mumbled into my hands.
“Trin, you don’t get a say in this,” mum also mumbled. I looked up and saw that she wasn’t joking.
“What about Shan? What if she doesn’t approve of this? She’s only ten, mum! She can’t handle this,” I all but shouted. My nose was running and my eyes were watering. I cry so easily. It’s so frustrating.
Mum interrupted my thoughts with, “She doesn’t get a say in this either. Your dad and I have already decided on this. This is probably the first thing we have ever agreed on since our wedding. As I said, we are very sorry.” When she was done saying this, I realised that my mouth had dropped open again and I was breathing very heavily. Why does this always happen? The mouth falling open thing, I mean. I quickly shut my mouth and took small but concentrated sniffs from my nose.
“What does that mean for me and Shan?” I was crying now. My mother noticed this and came to comfort me. But, as she hugged me I shrugged her of with a dramatic sigh and stood up. “Well that doesn’t matter anyway for me. I don’t care what happens to me since you don’t care what Shan and I feel.” And with that, I stormed out of the room. As I walked out, I tripped on the washing basket. I hate being a klutz. Every time I want to make something look good, I just trip over my own feet. But I’m used to it. About everyday I fall on my face so it shouldn’t be a surprise that I would be stumbling over the washing basket today.
As I entered my room, sniffling and snuffling, Shan leaped of my bed. I thought I told her that I didn’t want help with my homework. What ever, I don’t care what she does now. Shan can have as much freedom in my room as she likes, unlike mum and dad’s sense of freedom. I don’t know where the thought of freedom came from, but I have been feeling as if I don’t have any lately; almost as if I didn’t have a say in anything. Mum and dad just proved that my freedom has completely vanished. But I didn’t want to think about that right now. Other wise I will just burst out in tears and I didn’t want to do that in front of Shan.
“Shan can I speak to you for a minute.” Mum said in a muffled voice. I realised that she was also crying. She deserved that anyway, after what she said to me and what Shan would be hearing when she entered the kitchen where mum was standing in. I felt sorry for my sister right now. In a few minutes she will be running in my room with tears in her eyes and opening her arms for a hug. I would return that hug easily.

My pencil dropped onto the ground. I bent over to grab it but gave up quickly. I didn’t want to do homework. Ever since Shan had came into my room with a brave face and, as I thought, offered me a hug, I had been doing my homework. I was only up to the second page of my maths workbook, but I was already feeling depressed be it all.
Slowly, I scanned my room for something else to do. I noticed that Shan was still napping on my bed. Because she was crying, I had let her stay in my room for as long as she liked. She would probably stay in my room for the whole night. I didn’t care.
Without anything else to do, I curled up next my sister and dosed of into a deep sleep. In my dream I saw my mother, except she had a scowl on her face. Ugh. I hated that face. She always made it whenever my room was dirty or if I was late home. Her blonde hair flicked out in different directions as her piercing brown eyes bore into my face. I shrunk away from her and turned to a different direction.
And saw my dad.
His face was tired; eyes droopy, mouth sagging. The big blue eyes of his were looking into the distance as his hand wiped away some drool on his mouth. Like mum’s hair, his brown hair was crazily everywhere. This frightened me. Usually dad kept himself very neat.
Suddenly mum and dad walked away from me in separate ways. They left me all alone. So alone! I started sweating heavily, it was kind of disgusting.
That is when I woke up screaming and gasping.
“What? What’s wrong?” Shan screeched in my ear. My head whipped to her direction. Her face had a frightened expression plastered to it. What was her problem? Then I realised that she was probably seeing a mirror image of her face on my face. I quickly smoothed my face out.
“Just a dream. It was just a dream,” I chanted, more to myself than to Shan. That seemed to reassure Shan easily. She stopped panicking and took deep breaths. Whilst she was doing this, I checked the time on my phone. It was eight o’clock in the morning.
We were late to get up.
And we only had another fifteen minutes until we had to leave!
I cursed under my breath. Swearing was not something I did a lot. Mostly, I only swear when I hurt myself badly. But today I new that being late would be terrible. Because I, and probably Shan, would like to leave the house as soon as possible. This is because we want to be as far away from mum as possible. And being late isn’t going to help us. A thought occurred to me then; where was dad? Well, I didn’t have time to think of that now. Besides, he probably went to work early. He worked in the navy. People who work there usually do a lot of work, so that means you have to be there all the time. My mind stopped wondering where dad was and went into school mode.
“We have to get ready for school. In fifteen minutes we have to be out the door and walking. So let’s go, go, GO!” I shouted, as I got up and stripped of my top. Shan sat up and glanced down at her stop-watch. With one look she was up and her top was already off. We were both facing different directions. I may be her sister, but she is NOT seeing me naked, and I think she thinks the same. By then I had already ran out the room and into the bathroom. That’s right, I did a nude streak! Get over it.
I decided to skip having a shower and to just wipe down my body with a hot flannel. This was really against my principles, but there was seriously no time to have a shower. All I could her was my thoughts screaming in my head, ‘note to self, have a shower ASAP’. Then I made sure I didn’t smell after such poor cleaning, and sprayed myself just in case. Bolting out of the bathroom and back into my room, I saw that Shan had gotten dressed as well and was brushing out her tangled hair. What… Wasn’t she gong to clean herself? What ever. Her eyes were watering as she scraped through the knots. I just decided to put my hair up in a sloppy bun.
“Lip gloss, lip gloss? Where is it”, I mumbled to myself. Shan heard me and threw the closest lip gloss to her. It ended up being an orange.
Yuk! Why was there orange lip gloss in my room? Must be Shan’s.
I hate orange. Well what ever. I don’t have any time to be picky.
“Come on there isn’t any time for breakfast. We can eat at school,” Shan had squealed in my ear as we darted out the room. So now she decided to act like mum? Ok, I can handle her more than mum. I quickly grabbed some breakfast and lunch money for both of us, while Shan packed our bags. Once we finished that, we checked ourselves in the mirror to make sure we were decent.
We were, of course.
So we darted out the front door without hearing one whisper from mum. Talk about lucky. As we speed walked in silence, I went through all the things I have to do at school, trying not to think about the conversation mum and I had had last night. There was; go to the library and borrow a book on poems (this was for my assignment that I had at high school), dump James Gully (my stupid no-brainer boyfriend), clean my locker, order my lunch (which will hopefully be nachos), and pay for camp. Lots of things to do today. Busy, busy, busy.
“So are you okay with what mum had said last night?” Shan said awkwardly. We usually didn’t talk whilst walking. It seemed unnecessary. So it was weird for her to be talking at the moment.
“Um, well are you talking about the……. Divorce?” I mumbled to her. She nodded so I continued, “Umm, I’m not really sure. But, I am sure that I very much disagree that we don’t get a say in this!” I noticed that my face was crumpled up with anger. I could feel it!
“Um, Trin,” Shan began with the annoying nickname that she gave me. I preferred Trinny, thank you very much. Shan interrupted my thoughts by continuing with, “I kinda agree with mum. Sorry. But its mum and dads life this is about, not ours. You shouldn’t take things to heart so much.”
I can’t believe this, “Don’t tell me mum put you up to this. Did she? Cause if she did you know that you don’t have to do anything she-.”
“No, Trinity. I decided that I agree with mum myself. She’s not the big bad wolf Trin. Mum’s not out to get you,” Shan interrupted me. But all I could do was to have my mouth wide open.
“You’re such a drama queen Trin. Mum and dad are going through way more than you are. Just get over yourself,” my sister said in a huff as she stormed away from me. I realised I had stopped short in the middle of the path. Maybe I should have reached out and grabbed my sister’s hand so I could pull her back to me and slap her, knocking sense into her thick head. So now Shan has joined the dark side. She has crossed the line.
So I just let her dilly-dadle away from me without a word. For the second time today, I swore under my breath. I didn’t care about my language any more. I didn’t care about anything at the moment. Except all the things I had to do at school. So I trudged forward angrily, trying to keep a well big distance away from my so-called sister.

If you enjoyed the first half of this chapter, please write to me, and i will post the next half of this chapter :) thanks
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