Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1774548-AbuseMent-ParkThe-Series-The-Faceless-1
by Tasia
Rated: · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1774548
This is the story of how The Faceless One became part of the AbuseMent Park.
He came to our planet with solely one purpose. To destroy it and cause havoc on the creatures who inhabit it. He hovered over our planet like it was a piece of succulent candy waiting to hit give his taste-buds the magical flavors it held. As he hovered he sniffed the planet and could feel so much pain and anger coming from one side of the planet. He looked over and it looked like a sore on the planet like it didn’t belong there.

He hovered down and glanced over the town. He read the signs and learned of the town. Transylvania is what it was called. To him it was a grateful feast to begin devouring the planet. He continued to roam around the town and loved the feeling it brought to him. He felt how much anger and pain had been coming from the town for centuries. Buried deep within the dirt of the town stood Hate, Pain, Anger, and the faint smell of blood.

He waited until night fall before he found his first victim. He picked a normal girl who led a normal life but until tonight her life was bound to change. He hovered above her and sniffed the air around her. There was something in her scent, It was like nothing he ever smelled before. Before he could figure out what it was her cell hone rang. “Yeah, Sure I'll be there in five minutes” Said Jamie as she turned and headed down the street. He followed her as she walked down the barren streets clenching her arms in her jacket.

“They said five minutes, they’re never on time” thought Jamie as she looked down at her watch. She knew they wouldn’t come for another ten minutes but decided to stay and wait. The wind blew her hair over her face, As she reached her hand up to touch her face she saw her friends coming down the street. “Hey Jamie” they said in a unison chorus. They smiled as I walked towards them, “Hey what was so important” I asked as I rushed them to the point.

“Well, you want to come party with us” asked Mary as the rest turned and looked at her. They gave her stares as if she just invited the devil himself to come along. “No, I don’t think so, You guys go” I said as I read their faces. “But” muttered Mary as she tried to speak. I cut her off before she could finish. “You don’t really want me there anyway and I don’t want to spoil your night” I said as I slowly lowered my head. They were my friends but it didn’t matter that I was a social outcast. We hang out sure but only when no one is there to judge.

The Faceless One Grinned as her pain and anger grew inside of her. “You guys go I'm going to go to the park for a while” I said in a distant voice. As they turned to walk away I could hear Mary whispering “Who goes to the park at ten at night” she tried to whisper as they walked away. Just then I felt a slight breeze but the wind wasn’t blowing. I lifted my head up and could only see the backs of my so called friends leaving my side to go be the social butterflies they are. I headed down the road and walked for miles until I came across a fog ridden road. I looked into the fog and it felt cold and lonely down there. As I turned to walk away I suddenly felt the breeze again. It whipped past my cheek and I turned to see where it was headed. It turned into a big dark mass and it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

The Mass grew in size and rose above me. As I looked on I tried to back away, I had the look of a victim in a scary movie only this wasn’t no movie. The mass began to head towards me, As I turned to run away I felt it enter me. I felt a rush that made my arms swing out and back into place I screamed and howled but it wouldn’t matter. She lowered her head and her shoulders slumped down. She became perfectly still The Faceless One has begun the taking of his vessel.

Her hair began to whip in the wind, only no trees were blowing. The wind stopped and her hair started to fall out strand by strand. It all fell to the ground and blew away in the wind. She rises her head only to see the horrors thats happening to her. Her ears and nose slowly began to sink into her head. Her lips close and seal shut. Her eyes began to liquify and run down her cheeks, They close and seal shut. His vessel has been taken.

As he takes her body into his her soul escapes and floats down the eerie street. He turned and followed. As he floated trough the fog he could sense a faint light coming from an unknown source to him. He has never sensed a light like this one. As he got closer he noticed it was a park entrance. The park was rundown and covered in blood, He had to go further to see why. As she entered the park he was greeted by a strange man and his cart. “Mmmm you smell of murder and rage” said The Vendor as he twirled his fingers together. “Please follow me” he paused “No how about you take a look around for yourself” he said as he slowly pushed his cart towards a shack covered in fog.

He looked around and one building caught his attention. He teleported to the stairs of the building and headed for the door. He flung open the door and it slammed against the wall. He entered the dark hallway and looked around, He noticed stairs off to the left. He headed down the hall and sniffed around. He didn’t smell anything the air was dead. He teleported to the top floor and sniffed around. Again the air was dead, He floated down and out his feet on the ground. He began to walk towards a door, He reached his hand out and grabbed the door knob. Just before he could turn the knob he could sense something behind him.

He turned and saw a woman standing behind him, She rose from the ground and hovered towards him. She grabbed him by the neck and lifted him into the air “What do you want” she asked as she gripped tighter around his neck. He teleported out of her hand and hovered into the air. He pushed his arms out in front of him and a giant gust of air blew the Queen down the hall. She flew into a wall and pounded as she hit it. She rose from the ground and swung her arm. He went flying into the wall besides him, She swung again and he flew down the hall. He banged into the wall and she teleported to him, She grabbed him by the neck and threw him through a wall.

He rose to his feet and saw her heading into the new hole in the wall. He rose his hand and fire began to form where she was. She screamed and clenched her hands together, Just as she squeezed a lamp beside him exploded. He looked over in amazement at what she just did. She looked down at her hands and grinned, She clenched her hand again and this time the sofa behind him exploded. He teleported behind her and tried to hit her. She turned and caught his hand. She rose from the ground and grinned as she began to drain his powers. The Faceless One yelped a silent yell and faintly teleported from her hand.

He fell to the ground and was confused by this woman. He tried to read her mind but something was blocking him. She floated back down to the ground and headed in his direction “I could kill you right now” she laughed as she made her way to him. “I’m going to spare you” she said as she bent down. She got in close and licked his face “Mmmm so much rage, So much anger” she said as she gently touched his face. She lifted his head and looked into his face.

“Your not from here” she yelled as she rose to her feet “What is your purpose here” she asked as she crossed her arms. He didn’t answer when she asked, She swung her arm and he flew to the other side of the room. She made her way to him pushing and throwing everything in her path. She licked him up by the top of his head and closed her eyes as she began to read his mind. She saw all he has done and all he can posses, She saw what he came here to do and that made her angry. She threw him into the wall and it made a large dent from where he hit it at.

“This is my world to destroy, You can only share in the destruction.” She said as she made her way to him. “If you try to destroy this world before me I will kill you” she explained as she slowly bent down to him. She touched his head and gave him most of his powers back. She made him glow and he yelled in a silent yell of pain and anguish. This is where you will stay and wreak your havoc. “If you try to escape I will kill you” she said as she let go of his head. He rose from the ground and hovered above her, He looked angry and ready to kill. She rose to him, “You will deliver me the tortured souls of your victims and we will destroy this earth” she whispered. He felt a cold chill as she slowly began to disappear. He looked around at the place he would dwell in for eternity. “This hell is my home and I will create hell on earth with every bone in my body” he thought as he teleported back down to the first floor. He walked to the door and looked out. He could see the Vendor pushing his cart to some kids standing at the entrance and pointing. This could be his start.
© Copyright 2011 Tasia (miisz.tasia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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