Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1774515-unfinished-unedited-rough-copy-of-soul
Rated: 13+ · Other · Writing · #1774515
written on ipod touch, not finished. PLEASE REVIEW. its not very good however.
She looked up at her boyfriend for reassurance as the deadly darkening creature Rose from it's perch. The creature had been resting, still as a stone statue in the bruised purple and grey sky. Her boyfriend flashed her a quick nervous smile and put his arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to his chest. He shivered as the creature Rose into the air and with one pump of it's massive powerful wings it was gracefully flying towards them. As it stopped and fell to the ground in a smooth move, it murmered 'Connor, how clever of you to run away with her, but I found you so I'll take you for a spin now' The boy pulled his girl towards his chest even more and managed to make his pale lips whisper the words 'not Here, not now, not with her here'. The girl was looking up at her boyfriend. 'Connor, what is it, who is it, tell me Connor please' she stuttered stepping backwards. 'kelly, listen to me, he's been haunting me in my sleep, threatening me,he's jealous of is I think, this is his sick idea of revenge, luring us to his soul snatching cave, I know you won't believe me but I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I swear, I love you kel' connor said, his whole face a ghostly white. Kelly looked up at him, and looked into his eyes, normally it would be like looking into a new blue shapeless beautiful world, but today when she looked into his magical eyes all she could see was a sheet of misted glass, with the blue world locked behind the glass. 'I love you too, but I don't understand, what does he want?' Kelly shuddered and looked up at the creature, it's huge powerful wings resting on the earth, it's large jaws lined with long sharp teeth setting her on edge. It let A rumbling cackle out of its throat and growled. Connor looked up into the misty night, the moon was hidden behind the wall of the cave. 'he wants are souls'.

-4 weeks earlier-

Kelly woke up to the sun smiling down at her through her bedroom window, her eyes seeking for her hairbrush as she sprang out of bed, she spied her brush on the floor buried in clothes, running the bristles through her hair she smiled at the beaming sun. A perfect day to spend with connor her boyfriend. Kelly picked up a floral patterned light top from the floor and put it on over her underwear, her light blue demin shorts went with her long wavy hair perfectly. Kelly pulled the shorts on over her long even tanned legs. Grabbing her mobile, her heart warmed to see a text from Connor waiting in her inbox, springing down the stairs she swiped a apple from the fruitbowl and picked up her mascara and Lipgloss from the floor, she looked at herself in the kitchen mirror and carrassed her eyelashes in the black liquid, making then long and full, her lips shiny with gloss she bit into her apple, took her keys and bounced down the road to connor's house.
Kelly rang the doorbell and stepped back, running a hand through her waterfall of blonde hair. A silhouette appeared behind the stained glass and made her heart leap, the door opened to reveal a perfectly tanned, spiky blonde haired teenager, who bounded out and planted a kiss on kelly's lips. He entwined his hand in kelly's and shut his front door and beamed a perfect smile at his girlfriend. They walked down the road swaying hand in hand, the figure of love. Walking in the direction of town they talked about school and friends, town was a few miles away but it was to much of a nice day to get the bus, the couple sat down on a Bench to rest for a few minutes, connor put his arm around her and with one finger turned her face towards his so he could kiss her pale pink full lips. Never a kiss could be so perfect as there's. They spent the day cuddled up together in a shady patch of grass in the park, they ate icecreams and laughed together, kelly never wanted there perfect day to end. Sipping iced lemonade they walked back home laughing, they ran into some of their friends and agreed to stay around and hang out with them for a bit. Kelly walked of with her friend whispering and giggling for a few minutes so Connor lay back on the ground and watched his beautiful girlfriend. His phone buzzed but he ignored it, too busy studying kelly's face, that little smile that made her whole face light up and gave that shine to her eyes, he loved her so much and wanted her forever. As much as he wanted to look at Kelly forever, he had to answer his phone to his frantic mum, who nursed him with the usual questions 'where are you?' 'when will you be home?' 'get home instantly!' Connor sighed and told his mum he was walking home because it was sunny so it was taking him longer, Connors mum said his dinner would be in the fridge and she was going to work. Connor hung up and called Kelly to his side, she looked up and bounded over to greet him with a kiss on the lips, they where inseparable. So when Kelly told Connor she had to go to wales for two weeks with her family in two days and would be to busy packing and finishing school work to see him before she went they thought it would be hard. Connor hugged her to his body and whispered 'i'll miss you' into her hair. She looked up at him and whispered 'I'll miss you too' she reached up to kiss him passionately. Connor watched her walk away from him to go into her house, she turned around and looked at him and gave him a little wave, he smiled and jogged back to his house, thumbing out a text to Kelly saying 'miss you already, I love you'
Over the next two days leading up to kelly's departure to wales, Kelly found it hard to find time to text her boyfriend, she missed him so much though, even though she'd just spent a perfect day with him. Kelly arrived in wales to sun and sand in the midst of summer - just like England only welsh. She immediately stripped of to her bikini and went to the swimming pool with her little brother where they splashed around and did handstands in the shallow waters.
Connor was sleeping, his head buried deep below his pillow, sweat drenching his sheets and body. Something was after him in his dream, but he was to scared to run, to frightened to scream, he could only stand there watching this powerful beast talk, cackle and pump his wings. Cackling words then such a ringing, screaming laugh, the creature Rose up and pumped its wings to send it high into the sky where it flew into the misty fog where he disappeared, his cackling laugh rolling around the walls of the cave, and carrying in the strong forceful wind that sucked the life out of everything, it was coming closer to connor's shivering pasty White figure on the earth... Connor woke up muffling a scream into his pillow, he sat up in bed and pushed his sheets away from his soaking body, he glanced at the clock. 2am. He tried to sleep but he was to hot and couldnt get the words 'i desire your soul and hers' out of his head, these where the words of the creature in his nightmare. Connor spent the night tossing and turning trying to sleep, as soon as his clock turned to 7am he stepped into the shower, cooling his body, the soft chirps of the birds in the morning sun calmed his mind and he soon forgot the words and his nightmare.

Connor was sitting at the table drinking iced water and thinking about his dream. It was so weird and strange and it felt like he was there so much, he had felt so small and still as stone and lifeless, and what had that powerful wind been? He didn't know, but all he could hope was that he didn't dream it again.

In Wales, Kelly was surfing and bodyboarding with her family and was having lots of fun, the original welsh icecreams where the most delicious things ever, she decided to call Her boyfriend as she lay on her beach towel thinking how she'd love him to be there..
'I was just calling cos I miss you and to tell you about the amazing surf..'
'ok, I love you too, what you been up to today?'
'you sound tired, you okay?'
'why did you have the sleepless night?!'
'ok babe, miss you, love you, night.'

Kelly wasn't ready for bed yet, it was only 9pm, but Connor was going to bed already and hadn't slept at all last night,which wasn't Like her boyfriend at all, he was into late nights and when he did sleep, he went straight to sleep. Kelly frowned and ran out to walk along the beach with her family for a evening summer stroll. There were the most cutest little beach huts along the beach and she soon forgot connor's troubles and concentrated on taking pictures of them.

Over the next few nights, Connor had the same dream and woke up every morning to sweat drenched sheets and a muffled scream to his pillow, the creature was still to far away to make out what it was, but every night it got a little closer but then the strong life sucking wind appeared again before Connor could see what the haunting make believe creature he was dreaming up actually was. Connor wasn't dealing with the dreams very well and was loosing sleep in the night over it, so in the day he had bags under his eyes and would rather watch tv than go put with his friends. but he never had the dream in the daytime if he fell asleep. He was beginning to not fall asleep till the early hours of the morning, he would stay awake watching tv and playing on his xbox until he would fall asleep mid-play. The nightmare would then come, and the threatens of the creature would cackle around his White figure, it would always end the same way, with the life sucking wind and disappearing into the musty fog. It was frightening, and Connor found himself wanting kelly's arms around him, wanting her presence and her soft hair to smell. The next morning, he realised she had been gone for a week and after waking up drenched in sweat he called her straight away. 'kelly! I miss you so much, come back!'
'how can you say your having fun without me bitch, joking'
'fair enough, you wish I was there really'
'aww I love you, have fun seeing that castle, wish I was with you, bye'

After calling Kelly, Connor felt safer and less threatened by his nightmare and chose to ignore it and go out into the sunny day instead. He called a friend and they went out to the lake and rented a boat for the day. the lake was a pool of water with dark patches of water towards the middle, the water reflected the sun into Connors eyes and he ran across the green banks leading to the edge of the lake. Connors friend was letting a blue boat float in the shallow waters. The sun was beaming down on Connors body and he felt overheated and like a dull flickering faded flame. the sparkling pool of water was appealing lieing there in front of him. Tugging his t shirt of and diving into the blue oval of water, he bobbed to the surface and beckoned his friend to come in the cooling lake. His friend standing on the bank stared at him before cracking out with laughter and doing a neat bomb. Some tourists in a boat looked at the boys splashing around in disgust and wiped the droplets of water of there're designer sunglasses before setting there guide on riding away from them quickly. Connor returned home exhausted but cheery, and settled down to sleep at 11pm, confident the dream would be gone. He was right. But now a worse one had started.
There was a lone figure, lying in a white beam of sunlight, but it was to light and artificial to be sunlight, yet it was coming from the hole in the roof of the cave, and the sun was out there. The figure was so pale that it seemed dead, there face held no emotion and there blonde hair was flattened down, with no life in there face. Somewhere else in the cave, a rushing noise was loud, like a whitewash and it was coming from the side, dull eyes in the pale contrast watched the dark space it was coming from, that was when a errie cackle came from the other side. The rushing got louder and now had a sucking noise to it. The cackle was laughing like some sort of witch, the eyes from the figure where wide, and the cackling got louder, but then there was pumping noises and it got further away and then a sliver of wing was in the beamlight, just for a second and a part of the monster was revealed. The pale lifeless figure's eyes where now bright, and wide. A snap of jaws in the beam showed a huge grey and purple bruised muzzle, with lines of perfectly White long razor sharp teeth along it's opened jaws that snapped open, flared nostrils exposed to in the light. A small screaming squeak came from the darkness, along with a snap. The jaws returned to the beam of bright light just long enough to snap their jaws, showing a bright red oozing of blood trickling down it's teeth, a small bone was on it's long slimy powerful tounge. And then from the side a sucking wind and rushing was blowing around the figure, which was going paler...'now all you need to so is find me that girl and i'll stop this dreaming' the voice cackled from above. 'or else i'll get her myself, when you take her out somewhere, I'll snatch her...' the cackled was getting louder and suddenly the jaws where next to the White figures face, and the sucking wind was above his head.

Connor woke up fighting for breath and found his sheets sweaty and his duvet on the floor, he was so exhausted and the sweat dripping from his brows pooled by his chin. He fell into a deep sleep, only to have the dream repeated and then To be waken up by his mum, who was shaking his shoulders. He opened his eyes, drenched in sweat, his mum whispered 'you where screaming, so loud Hun, it's okay it's a nightmare is okay'
Connor shook his head and took a shower letting the water jet out over his back and washing the sweat away down the drain, but he couldn't get the bloodied jaws and the bones out of his mind. He shuddered and got dressed in jeans and a t-short. Outside the sun was coming up, and the sky was full of pink and yellow streaks which looked so fresh and beautiful it took connors breath away. Connor downed a carton of orange juice before returning to his bedroom to play on his xbox. Around midday his friend called inviting him to the cinema, which connor greatfully accepted and hoped would distract him from his horror-based dream. The film was a cheesy rom-com, and with about 6 of his mates and a few girls they laughed and had a good time, Connor even forgot about the nightmare for a bit. And then that night he slept, with no nightmares but dreams of candyfloss and Kelly. In the morning he woke up looked at his wall and screamed a ear splitting glass smashing scream, 'Connor, what is it Hun?!' his mum said as she run in, panic and worry creased her face. 'on the wall...' Connor whispered. His mum looked at the wall to find just some peeling White paint. 'there's nothing there sweet' she said and walked out. But there had been something there, the white wall had the words 'snatch your bloody souls' in a vivid red dripping down the wall. The monsters face had appeared for a minute. But now the wall was empty, but Connor was sure he hadn't imagined something so real and familiar. Connor was looking forward to Kelly coming home in a few days, hopefully this would stop then. Downstairs the living room seemed dull,dark And deathly. The tv offered little distraction but Connor settled down to watch a old episode of glee, 15 minutes into the halarious show and Connor needed a cold drink, finding a can of sprite in the fridge he glugged a few mouthfuls down and let out a burp, returning to the living room he couldnt even scream but instead froze, and went a deadly pale and dropped his sprite which rolled across the floorboards before dribbling fizzy liquid over the floor. The words 'i'll snatch her soul. Kelly.get to her first or i'll swallow her too' this time the letters where made of bones, dripping in blood stuck to the wall with needle sharp pins.
Connor was interrupted and castes out from his frozen terror by his mum who was glaring at him coldly. 'mop this up immediately! I don't know what's got Into you, but maybe I'm going to have to ban you from tv and xbox until you get your act together' his mum said before storming out the door and off to work. Connor didnt reply because he'd noticed bloody footprints running from the living room into the kitchen, and he had just the most undesribeble powering urge to follow them, maybe they lead to the key that would get him out of this nightmare. The kitchen wall had the words 'this isn't your imadgination, it's just knowone else can see it'

Connor stuttered and blinked to find everything suddenly gone, all the Walls back to normal, and just a sticky mess on the living room floor.

Slamming his front door bell forcefully, she came face to face with his mum who scowled and muttered 'he's upstairs, be quick because he's grounded'. Kelly's face changed slightly, only the perfectly trained eye would notice. But the truth was, Kelly was starting to worry, since she had been on holiday he had stopped texting and calling, and when she did call him it was short and he was so distant. She rapped her knuckles on his closed bedroom door, with no answer she forced the door open to find her boyfriend crouched on his bed,beads of sweat on his forehead, and his face was a deathly White, his eyes so distant and dull. Immediately she rushed to him and held him, something was seriously wrong, he hardly acknowledged that she was there, didn't or couldn't look into her eyes, or couldn't speak louder than a grunt. His mum came in, giving Kelly the evils, 'leave, in 5 minutes' and then left again, her shoes slapping against the wooden floorboards. 'Connor, whats wrong, please tell me. Are you okay? Please, Connor!' Kelly said, squeezing his hand but getting no response, it was like he wasn't there. 'CONNOR' she shouted, he looked up and for a second his eyes flickered, but then he just slumped backwards, his eyes had heavy dark bags under then and his hair was greasy, something was wrong, very wrong. 'I'm fine, you must go, don't come back, please Kelly, it's dangerous. Promise me' he whispered, before looking ion her eyes with such despair her heart Panged for him. 'you know I can't promise that, I love you, I'm not leaving you, dont worry there's nothing dangerous!' Kelly said, trying to stay positive, while her brain tried to worry out what was wrong. 'no, it's dangerous, you'll regret it. Kelly please. For me, just forget me, stop talking to me, don't come back here.' he whispered. Kelly's face creased with worry changed to hurt, then angry. 'fine, be that way' she shouted before leaving the house, at home she threw herself onto her bed, where all her bags still lay from her holiday, she needed to unpack but she was in no state to do anything. How could he do that?!

A single tear ran down his cheek, he had no energy for sobs. He couldn't stand seeing er looking so hurt when he told her to go, and as much as he didn't want to do this, he had no choice, this monstrous demon had threatened to snatch the ones close to him, especially Kelly, telling her to go away would put her in safety he was promised, so he had to do it. To save her, he couldn't be responsible for the souless body of that beautiful, Carib girl whom he loved so much.
A cackle interrupted his thoughts and he looked up to see the demon's tail curled around a basket, 'very well done, you've learnt well, she's spared, however you are not' it cackled, leaving a strong meaty smell in the air. Every night Connor dreamed of the cave, the bones snapping, and every day words where on every wall, tormenting him. Telling him what to do, he hadn't seen the demon for a week however. 'like my words? Pretty artistic eh?'it laughed, a horrible scaled hand appearing, pinning bones to he wall with nails. 'now these bones have came from the human snack I just ate, you'll see on the news, the plane that never arrived at there destination, just a torn up shredded plain, with no bodies. That blood? From a hundred veins, all popped from sleeping children just for you, arnt you lucky? Also, what about those nails? Well those have been from fingers nailed to my cave Walls, some of the nails still have flesh caught on them' the demon laughed and cackled before disappearing. Connor stuttered, watching his name and the words 'your turn' be Speke out on the wall, he hand now gone though. Then the whole monster appeared, crushing his room almost, 'one more thing, I didn't mean it about Kelly, I just enjoy your pain, I think I'll take her...' they whispered before spiralling away. Connor just stared at the wall. What could he do to protect Kelly? Who where all those lifes lost just for 3 words on his wall and a demony monster's snack. This was so... Wrong! Yet what could a lonesome boy do?

That night he put his plan into action, placing pillows under his duvet to resemble his sleeping body, creeping down the stairs and out the door, along with his bag. Outside kelly's house he threw a rock at her window, his aim was poor, and he window was close to shattering. Pulling his phone out he textedit Kelly saying 'meet me in your garden, I'm so sorry, forgive me? Xxx' of course she replied within a minute 'on my way out the back, cya in sec xx'. He hid out the way so her parents wouldn't spot him if they were to look out the window, Kelly walked round the side of the house, with her hair all messed up in such a cute way, he couldn't help hugging her as tight as he could before saying 'come away with me for a day,please' her eyes looked up at his, her eyes so large and full of questions he couldn't answer, her lashes causing a shadow on her face, with her face so near to his, he gave in to temptation and kissed her delicately before whispering 'please'. Kelly was about to speak when he put one finger over her perfect softly pink lips, 'to this place, I know where, you'll be back home very soon, ask your parents first thing, and come' Kelly murmured ok against his finger, Which was quickly replaced with lips, a light came on in her parents bedroom causing Kelly to run to the twisted old oak tree, climb it's branches and through her window.
Connor sat down on a bench in the park, it was gone three in the morning. He was thinking about where to go, and each time he imadgined this amazing cliff cave, he just had the feeling to go there, somewhere something in his brain was telling him to go there, he grabbed his phone with blue fingers, and amazingly as soon as he searched cliff cave into google, there it was, only 3 bus rides and a 20 minute walk away!

Kelly came out the front door just before he knocked, 'they said yes, oh my god where are we even going? Ah, let's go!' her face was bright and happy, her hair curled and her bag slung over her shoulder, he greeted her with a kiss and a hug, and 2 hours later they where at his destination, the place was jut how he imagined, only with sun. They lay down in the middle of the large area, and just sat appreciating the peacefulness and the sun. Suddenly the sun disappeared, And a slight wind carried across the place, Connor wrapped his arms round Kelly, only to suddenly spring up to a standing position when he heard a faint evil cackle, he knew that cackle...
Kelly looked at him, her eyes quizzacle and her expression confused, she raised a eyebrow. Only then to cower down when a large splinter of rock fell down next to her. She let out a scream as another fell on her other side. That was then the creature appeared, and started laughing whistle throwing more splinters down. He finally gave up, and when Kelly looked up, she saw it. It was big, it was beastly, and it terrified her.
She looked up at her boyfriend for reassurance as the deadly darkening creature Rose from it's perch. The creature had been resting, still as a stone statue in the bruised purple and grey sky. Her boyfriend flashed her a quick nervous smile and put his arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to his chest. He shivered as the creature Rose into the air and with one pump of it's massive powerful wings it was gracefully flying towards them. As it stopped and fell to the ground in a smooth move, it murmered 'Connor, how clever of you to run away with her, but I found you so I'll take you for a spin now' The boy pulled his girl towards his chest even more and managed to make his pale lips whisper the words 'not Here, not now, not with her here'. The girl was looking up at her boyfriend. 'Connor, what is it, who is it, tell me Connor please' she stuttered stepping backwards. 'kelly, listen to me, he's been haunting me in my sleep, threatening me, he's deadly, he wrote with blood on my wall, that's what happened to me that night, he must have beeni luring us to his soul snatching cave, I know you won't believe me but I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I swear, I love you kel' connor said, his whole face a ghostly white. Kelly looked up at him, and looked into his eyes, normally it would be like looking into a new blue shapeless beautiful world, but today when she looked into his magical eyes all she could see was a sheet of misted glass, with the blue world locked behind the glass. 'I love you too, but I don't understand, what does he want?' Kelly shuddered and looked up at the creature, it's huge powerful wings resting on the earth, it's large jaws lined with long sharp teeth setting her on edge. It let A rumbling cackle out of its throat and growled causing kelly to cower and shiver. Connor looked up into the misty night, the moon was hidden behind the wall of the cave. 'he wants are souls'.
© Copyright 2011 mystii2 (lilyharman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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