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All is fair in love, war, and office |
The conference room's walls were black, to match the carpet. And despite the fact that no less than 10 people occupied it, only two voices could be heard. And they were currently raised in a heated discussion. "I have no interest in listening to your arguments any further, Billson. It is beginning to sound more and more like the snivelling of a child, and I have no recollection of allowing any babies a seat on the board." Chet Billson's face reddened, and he slammed a fist onto the solid mahongany surface of the table before him. "You're not listening to reason, man! Expanding into-" "Reason! First of all, remember who you're talking to. Secondly, I only need one more reason to send you packing. This meeting is over!" The balding man got up and strode from the room, slamming the door behind him. In the ringing silence that followed, Chet found himself visibly shaking with suppressed rage. That was close. He had come within inches of losing his temper, and ultimately his job. "What's the matter, Chet?" He looked up to see there was only one person left in the room with him. The rest of the board members had filed out in silence, unwilling to meet his eyes. He was a marked man, a fool who had attempted to stand up to the Director. They wouldn't want to be seen in his company. "We need to make this happen, Isabel. Expanding the company to Florida, the market is untapped! The profits will be unimaginable. And we..." His hand found hers at the center of the table. "We can leave all this shit behind and start a new life of our own." A frown line formed on Isabel's forehead as she glanced at the closed door. "But why would he fight the move to expand if he only stands to gain from it? It doesn't sound like Slater." Making a sound of disgust, Chet released her hand and stood up, agitation composing his features. "Oh, it's a Slater move alright. He plans to retire soon, and he doesn't want to go spending any money now and tying up funds in expansion efforts. This boat is sinking but does he care? He's thinking about his pension and screwing the rest of us in the process." Isabel sat calmly, watching the love of her life pace back and forth with agitation that was growing by the second. "I think you went about this the wrong way, Chet." He ceased his relentless pacing and stared at her, almost as if surprised to find her in the room with him. "Yeah?" "Yes. You tried to attack him head on, and that made him put his back up. You put him on the defensive and he shot you down." "And what's wrong with that? That's the way men handle things, Bella." She rose from her chair and moved close to him, her blue eyes staring up into his own. She gently stroked his cheek with a finger. "My dear... some things require a female's touch." Slater had the biggest office of any of them, of course. Isabel greeted his secretary, a thin, mousy-haired girl named Julia, and continued into the most lavishly furnished office of any Board Director she had ever heard of. There was a small welcome area with a soft white couch and a flat panelled television hanging on the wall. Continuing past the items without a glance she found herself standing in front of the man's large, polished oak desk. He looked up, and his eyes widened with surprise for a moment before a small smile appeared on his lips. Ted Slater was a powerful man, in both station and attitude. He wasn't tall, perhaps standing at around 5'7", but he had a dominating presence. The hair on his head had receded most of the way back, yet he had chosen not to shave the remainder of it. Certainly not a man of insecurities, was Slater. "Isabel, what a surprise. How can I help you?" Isabel knew the man favored her. She felt his eyes linger on her whenever he passed, and he seemed unable to keep a smile from his features whenever they talked. Although not an arrogant person, she was aware of her physical attractiveness. "I think we both know the answer to that, Mr. Slater", she said while leaning forward seductively. His eyes went where she expected them to, and she could see the hunger in them. "Isabel... I want..." She tilted her head playfully, letting her sleek blonde hair fall to one side. "I think I know what you want. Why don't you tell me, so we can be sure?" Seeing the invitation in her eyes the stocky gentleman came around the desk with the swiftness of a much younger man. His arm enveloped her form, and his eyes bore into hers. "This is dangerous." Her voice purred, seduction dripping from every syllable. "That's what makes it so exciting." His hands moved to the small of her back, and she pressed herself closer to his body. "Tell me. Tell me how wrong this is baby." "Isabel, I can lose everything and I don't give a rat's ass. I want you right now, on my desk." "Are you sure you want to go through with it?", she asked while stroking his chest. "You have a lot to lose." "Based on what was said here already I could lose my position, Bella. So why don't we just-" He broke off as she pulled away from him, a wide smile on her face. "I think it would be in the best interests of the company if we expand to Florida. And so do you." He gaped at her, surprise distorting his features. "The hell are you talking about?" Her smile still fixed firmly in place, Isabel pulled the tape recorder from her bra where it would have caught every single word. A woman's touch can move mountains. WORD COUNT: 995 SUBMISSION FOR WRITER'S CRAMP 5/7 PROMPT: The man has a big macho problem, but she is sure she can show him a better way . . . |