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Is Constance changing her mind about Gabriel or his Gabriel fighting a losing battle? |
The night was a chilly one. The fog was rolling in over all of London and Constance was not looking forward to the ball tonight. She had a sense of dread; like something was going to happen that she wouldn’t be able to control. She wanted to stay home, but she had promised Gabriel she would be at the ball tonight. She was not one to go back on her promises; even though tonight seemed like the perfect night to finally break her oath. The ballroom was filled from wall to wall with people. She was feeling a little lightheaded when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned expecting to see Gabriel had come up behind her and instead of approaching her like he always did. Instead she was looking right into the brown eyes of Julian Foxhaven. No longer did Constance find him irresistible. After seeing the emerald green eyes of Gabriel; Julian’s brown eyes just seemed to be bland. No spark, no fire, no nothing. Constance sighed at the unwelcome intrusion, but gave Lord Foxhaven her best smile. “Good evening, my lord,” she said with a slight curtsy. “Good evening, Miss Whitmore. I have to say that you look stunning tonight.” Constance hoped that she did. She made sure that she wore her most beautiful gown. It was the same shade of green as Gabriel’s eyes. The low cut neck line was trimmed in gold. Her gown was a simple ball gown design. The long gloves that she wore were also green and gold. Constance felt beautiful whenever she saw the way that Gabriel looked at her. She made a quick search around the room hoping to spot Gabriel, but he was nowhere in sight. Looking back at Julian she smiled. “Thank you, my lord.” “Would you care to honor me with this dance?” He asked. Before Constance could turn down a dance; Julian had grabbed her hand and pulled her out onto the dance floor. Constance silently wished that Gabriel would show up and rescue her. “Constance I would like to let you know that I am terribly sorry that things did not work out the way that they should have. I should never have left Northampton without you.” “Things happen for a reason, my lord. I do not regret the way things turned out.” “I do. If I had not left you then you would not be forced to marry Lord Pearson. Everyone knows that Graywood is no stranger to violence. I would never want to see you hurt.” Constance looked utterly baffled. For the first time since her engagement someone had said something about Gabriel being violent. She just couldn’t believe it. Rumors would have started when he first appeared in town if he was the violent type, right? “I cannot believe that you would speak of Lord Pearson in that manner. He has been nothing but kind and gallant towards me.” “Of course he will tolerate more from you when he is courting you, but as soon as you become his wife he will change. I do not want to see you hurt at all, my dear.” “Gabriel, I mean, Lord Pearson would never hurt me. He is a gentleman; he would never do anything ungentlemanly towards me. He-“ “He will never love you. He will never tolerate your romantic side. He will never want to hear how you feel about him, especially if it deals with the stronger emotions.” Constance looked at Julian and realized that he may have a point. She was aware that Gabriel didn’t love her and that he most likely never would love her, but she had to follow her mind on this one. She would do what was right by her family; she loved her family that much. “I am aware of the way things are. I don’t need you to point it out to me.” “My dear, I was not trying to hurt your delicate feelings. I was only hoping that you may forgive me for the past and let me save you from the grip of Graywood.” Save her? Did she want saving? Of course she knew that Julian would allow her sensibilities to run wild and he would allow her to dream of a great undying love. Yet, Julian didn’t make her heart soar with a kiss. He didn’t make her want to take a chance on the unknown. Gabriel did all those things. Gabriel might not be able to love her and she might not be able to tell Gabriel about her feelings if she ever fell in love with him, but she wanted to be with someone who made her feel alive. “I do not need saving, Lord Foxhaven.” “My dear, I do not want to see you hurt. I want you to be happy.” “I am happy. I pray that you remember that.” Constance couldn’t believe that she was actually having this conversation. A part of her wanted to just leave the dance floor, but she didn’t want to cause a scene. “Damnation Constance, how can you be happy with a man that will never love you? How can that be ok with you?” “I have come to accept that I will be taken care of by Lord Pearson. I know that he will not ever harm me or put me in danger. I trust him.” “You trusted me once.” “That was years ago, my lord. Things are different now. I am different now.” Before Julian could say anything Gabriel’s voice cut through. “Would you mind if I cut in and dance with my fiancé?” Lord Foxhaven gave a bow and left the dance floor without a word. Gabriel took Constance into his arms and led her in a waltz. She looked up into his green eyes and smiled. She loved being in his arms even if it was only for a dance. She wanted to close the gap between them, but she stood firm during the dance. She was enjoying herself when Gabriel quietly asked. “Why were you dancing with Lord Foxhaven?” Constance looked at him for a moment in a silence; then she said, “He asked me to dance and I didn’t have a reason to say no.” “You can say no to anyone that you want. When you are my wife I would like it if you never danced with him.” “Are you really going to control me so much as to tell me who I can and cannot dance with?” “When you may still be in love with him I think it is perfectly normal for me to tell you who you can dance with.” “I do not love him, my lord.” Gabriel looked down into her eyes and knew that she was telling the truth. His heart beat faster inside his chest at that. He couldn’t explain it but knowing that Constance didn’t have strong feelings for another pleased him. “I see.” It was all he could say at the moment. “I know you do not believe me, my lord. I swear to you that any and all feelings that I might have had Lord Foxhaven died the day he walked away. I know that you may not care to hear about it, but I shall tell you anyway. Like I had said before I only thought myself in love with him. I realize now that I did not know what love was. When he promised my happy ever after I was inclined to believe him. His words were so romantic and loving and he fooled me. I was a foolish, naïve young girl.” Chapter 5 Gabriel almost lost control of his temper when he heard her call Julian’s words romantic and loving. If anyone was going to give her a bunch of romantic nonsense it would be her husband and that would be him. “Come with me, Constance.” Constance pulled away from him and looked at him with shock in her eyes. “No, I will not go with you. You are not in control of me; not yet anyway. Until we are married you may not pull me about. I just want to go home.” She said on a sigh. Gabriel stepped closer to her and softened his voice. “I was not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you. I’m sorry if I was harsh. But people are watching us now. Please, come with me and I will take you home.” Constance could see the sincerity in his eyes and hear it in his voice. She silently agreed and followed him out of the ballroom out on to the terrace. She pulled her wrap tightly around her to ward off the chill. Gabriel stepped closer and wrapped her in his arms. She could feel his warmth penetrate to her bones. She relaxed a bit and allowed herself to drift closer to him. “Constance I am truly sorry if my attitude on the dance floor scared you.” “I was not scared, my lord. I am just tired of everyone trying to tell me what to do. If you expect to have a happy marriage I suggest you learn patience because, my lord, I will not tolerate you barking orders at me like I am nothing but a measly dog.” “I do not think of you as a dog, my dear. I only think of you in one way.” Constance looked up at him and smiled ever so slightly. “My lord, I am merely the lady that is to become your wife.” “That is what I wanted to talk to you about.” Constance backed away from him with look of apprehension on her face. She was sure now that she should have stayed home. She could tell that whatever he had planned was not going to sit well with her. He was going to leave her; she just knew it. He was calling off the wedding. She was sure that when she had tried to run from him that he realized that he could do better on marriage mart. “My lord, I know what you are about to say-“ “How do you know what I am going to tell you? I specifically told your uncle to not say anything to you.” “My uncle knows what you’re planning to do?” Things were worse than she thought. Even her uncle was ok with her being left by the Earl of Graywood. Her life couldn’t get any worse. “Maybe I do need saving.” Gabriel looked at her for an instant and dawning kicked him the gut. She thought he was calling off the wedding and she looked…hurt? Was she hurt at the thought of not being wed to him? “My dear-“ “You do not need to soften the blow. I realize now that I have made a terrible mistake.” Then she said more to herself “I should have just said ‘Yes, save me.’” Gabriel approached her slowly and in his quiet dangerous voice he asked, “Who offered to save you?” “What? Oh nobody, my lord. I was just talking. I do that when I am about to receive bad news. I tend to ramble. I guess it is a defense mechanism. If I keep talking to I don’t have to hear what might hurt me.” “I told you once that I would never hurt you. I stay true to my word. Now, who offered to rescue you from my evil clutches?” “My lord, I do not think that your clutches are evil,” she said as she reached up and placed her hand on his warm cheek. “I like being in your clutches, if you must know the truth.” Gabriel wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to his body. “How much do you like being in my arms, my love?” “I find it exhilarating, my lord.” Gabriel brought his lips down on hers and softly whispered before deepening the kiss, “I wanted to tell you that I wanted to marry you sooner. I would never leave you alone Constance. For some reason you pull me in and I cannot escape you nor do I want to.” Constance wrapped her arms around Gabriel’s neck and stepped closer to him closing in the gap between their bodies. She opened up for his kiss allowing him to dip his tongue into her warm mouth. His hand slid up her back; he soothingly began to massage the back of her neck. She wanted to feel his warmth on her skin; she believed that Gabriel must possess some magical power because she was beginning to fall under his spell. “Gabriel, why do you want to rush the marriage?” she asked against his soft lips. “I will be leaving town to go to Graywood Hall at the beginning of next week and I would like you to come with me as my wife.” Constance pushed away from him and looked up into his green eyes that were shadowed in passion. “Why must you leave so soon?” “Things have come up that require my immediate attention. If you would like to stay you may stay with your family after our wedding and I will try to come back as soon as I can.” Gabriel hoped that she wouldn’t want that. That she would want to come to his country home with him. He wanted to see the look on her face when she saw her new home. “My lord, I need time to think this through.” Gabriel smiled and kissed the back of her hand. “Let me take you home and we can talk about the plans in the carriage.” She let him guide her through the ballroom and out the front hall to where the carriages were waiting. Gabriel helped Constance into the carriage and gave his driver the instructions to drive around until he told him it was time to take Constance home. Gabriel climbed in the carriage and sat down across from Constance. “My dear, I know you think that I may be rushing things but I would really like for you and I to be wed before I leave.” Constance looked at him, taking in his graceful form in the darkness of the carriage. She could make out the breadth of his shoulders and his sturdy lean arms. “My lord, I have told you that I need time to think. I do not know what to say.” The truth was that she would marry him the very next day if he would be able to proclaim his love for her. Constance could only hold out hope that maybe one day Gabriel would be able to love her. Gabriel wasn’t in the mood to give her time to think; he was in the mood to act. He wanted to have her safely wedded and bedded before Julian Foxhaven could even think about trying to woo her back. “My dear I know that you feel the need to be wooed and I will do whatever I can to give you what you want-“ “My lord, how dare you! Insinuate that I want to be wooed. I have no desire of being wooed or swept off my feet. As a matter of fact I would rather spend an eternity alone then have my hopes falsely raised,” She was incensed. How could Gabriel think that all she wanted was to be wooed by a complete arrogant man? She decided right then and there that she wouldn’t settle for anything less than what she deserved. “My lord, you are once again right. I think that it is best to get out of town. Now, if you will be so kind as to let me out at my uncle’s townhouse I have plans to make.” “I knew you would come around. We will be wed in three days’ time.” “We will not be wed. I have rather decided to end the engagement and spend the rest of my time at Whitmoore Hall.” Gabriel lost complete control. He reached across the carriage; grabbed Constance’s shoulders and lightly shook her. “Are you mad, my lovely hoyden? You cannot end this engagement. I will not allow it.” “You will not allow it? You WILL NOT allow it? Oh that’s just great Gabriel, we are not even wed yet and you are trying to control me. That is something that I will not allow.” Gabriel moved swiftly, before Constance could react she was sitting on Gabriel’s lap his hands securely on her shoulders. His lips were only a breath away from hers. She could see his eyes were an even deeper green. Passion or anger? She could not decipher which. Before she could even say anything Gabriel’s mouth was on hers; his lips tempting and teasing her passion for him. Constance was angry with Gabriel; her hands rested on his broad solid chest. She tried to push him away, but his unyielding body wouldn’t move against her delicate might. Her nails bit into his shoulder as he slowly traced her bottom lip with his tongue. Before she could stop, she gave herself over to the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she pressed her body closer to his. She opened her lips ever so slightly allowing him to slide his tongue past her lips and taste her sweetness. Gabriel slid one hand down her back and grabbed her firm buttocks. “You are heaven,” Gabriel said in a whisper before he reclaimed her mouth with his. His hand slid even lower he could feel the soft muscle of her stocking clad leg. He wanted to linger in exploring her body, but he also had the urge to rush. “You are my own siren and I will have you, my beautiful, reckless, passionate hoyden.” Constance froze as his hand slowly moved past her thigh and rested so close to her tightly guarded treasure. The touch was too intimate, it was too personal; yet she couldn’t find the words to make Gabriel stop. The feeling was completely new to her. There was a tightness growing in her lower abdomen and a stimulating tension building even lower. She could feel herself growing damp. It was new and yet it felt completely right. “My lord, what magic do you hold over me?” “I hold nothing over you yet. If you enjoy my kisses just wait until you feel my touch,” he said in a husky hunger filled voice. She was rendered speechless when Gabriel’s finger found its way to her tight little bud. Her eyes widened at the unfamiliar, private touch. Gabriel slowly began to rub her, feeling every movement her body made. He was of course feeling himself become aroused. He was sure that Constance could feel him hardening beneath her buttocks. His lips captured hers right when she let out a moan of pleasure that he would cherish. He was pleased that his future wife found pleasure with his touch. He wouldn’t have to worry about her feigning passion. He moved very slowly getting his sizeable finger damp with her womanly wetness. Gabriel made small, unhurried circles with his finger as he pushed deliberately passed her tight walls. He felt her body tense up at the intrusion of a foreign object, but if he was sure of one thing it was that she would find her pleasure in him. “Relax, my dear, I will never hurt you.” She was amazed that Gabriel could find the strength to talk in such a situation. She could not think of anything to say, let alone find her voice. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feel of his hands on her and his finger dancing slowly inside her. She could feel herself moving closer to an unknown edge. It both frightened and surprised her. “Let go, my love, it will be an enjoyable experience.” Gabriel said as he slowly pushed another finger inside her. He enjoyed watching her reactions to his lovemaking. She was on fire for him; he could feel it exuding out of every breathy moan. He closed his eyes to just listen and enjoy the feel of her this close to him. “Gabriel,” she said on a husky moan. Constance was enjoying this feeling of being in Gabriel’s arms; feeling him touch her. She wanted him to kiss her to move closer to her. She imagined that this is what her wedding night with him would be like. He would make her feel this amazing. Gabriel felt her walls begin to tense up around his fingers as her breath was getting heavier and louder. Her eyes opened wide and before she could let out her scream of release Gabriel stationed his lips on hers. “What have you done to me?” Constance asked. “I have done nothing to you that is not normal between a man and his betrothed.” “You want me to believe that what you did to me was normal. My lord, you jest; there is no way that the way you made me feel is normal.” “My dear, that is passion. You are as passionate about me as I am you.” Did she hear him right? Did he just say that her passion for him is the same as his passion for her? Does this mean that he might just have stronger feelings for her? She would have to hope beyond hope that she was right. “My lord, about the marriage, I-“ “Do not fret your pretty little head, my dear, I will take care of everything.” “I am still not sure if we should rush. I mean, I still do not know anything about you.” Gabriel looked at her as she was still on his lap. His eyes still a deep green that were darkened with passion. “My dear, all you know is all you need to know.” His voice was soft and sounded very dangerous. Constance decided to drop the subject for now. |