Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1773915-Boldness-wins
by Bonnie
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1773915
A wife should know.... why are they always the last to know?
Olivia looked out her office window.
The New England coastal town of Mareport filled with visitors taking advantage of the last vestiges of sunshine before the northeast winter hit them with a vengeance. The sun danced on golden leaves along tree-lined Main Street and filled Olivia with longing. A perfect scene to lift spirits. Work held no interest for her.

Young lovers, arms entwined, strolled together; excited children - running - to reach the ice-cream parlor before closing time. Thursdays usually brought her excitement.
Tim would return home from three days away at the field offices of the family trucking firm. For weeks, she thought through all the plans and promises, they made to each other.
She could no longer accept his reasons and excuses for delay. The time came to issue an ultimatum.

The outcome of that discussion could change their marriage—one way or another.
She thought about a verse she had read a while back, and somehow it struck a chord with her.
..Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.

' We're dying, Tim and I we have no vision for the future anymore.'
Olivia’s eyes fell upon her wedding photograph. Picking it up, she traced Tim's outline with her finger. She proudly brought it here when she started her own realtor company four years before.
A happy couple, starting on a long journey together. Outwardly, they looked much the same, her blond hair framing her face and her aqua blue eyes were shining with hope for the future.
Tim, handsome and strong with his jet-black hair and green eyes, his cheeky grin which she had found so appealing when they first met.

Olivia was jolted from her reverie by the ringing of the phone. She brushed away a single tear as she greeted the unknown caller with a clam clear voice.
Twenty minutes later she could still keenly feel the heaviness in her heart.
Olivia then headed out to the reception office.
The aroma of fresh-brewed coffee filled the office.
She poured herself a cup as she collected the less urgent messages from her assistant Jannie.

An hour later, she came out of her office, coat and purse in hand, and she headed for the door. Stopping, she turned and looked at Jannie. “I’m calling it a day; the wheels just ain’t turning.” She grabbed the door knob harder than she meant to and left a few startled staff members who jumped when she slammed the door as she left.

Driving home, the traffic was heavy for this time of day, more tourists heading to the beach for the last few hours of the day.
Passing families in their cars, brought on that broody feeling, she could no longer deny to herself.
As Olivia drove home the traffic was heavier than usual for this time of day as tourists headed to the beach for the last few hours of day light.
' You promised we would be a family, seven years on; You're still coming up with plausible excuses.'

Olivia decided to for go for a run; anything to try to relax herself.
She turned off at the junction heading away from the coast, and traffic eased. Her mind replayed the words that she would say to Tim tonight.
Plans and promises…all broken, kept flooding her brain. The thought of her seven-year marriage ending terrified her, but as she neared home, she began to relax as she had a few hours to herself.
Tim didn't get home until late.

“Come on let’s go for a drive, then we can have dinner, but first here.” He handed her an envelope.
She looked over the plain white envelope, turning it over in her hand.
“What is it, Tim?”
“Open it.”
He reached over and put his arms around her. “Paris, we’re going to Paris. The city of love”
Her eyes widened as she read the date. “Tomorrow - it’s impossible.”
“Nothing is impossible. I know you’ve been patient. You've waited long enough. Let’s get out of here. Let’s celebrate.”

“Wait, we need to pack. I need to speak to Jannie”
“It’s all done, come on, let’s get the party started.”
She hesitated. She needed to know more about this. She had wanted him out of the field for the last few years, this was the stumbling block to their plans.

“Your dad just decided this today?”

“Mom has had a hand in this; she wants to enjoy life while they are still fit. I guess she made him an offer he couldn't refuse.” His brief answers… his urgency to leave, made her wonder.

" We can talk about it all over dinner- Let's go; the day isn't getting any younger."

"I need to call Jannie"

“Okay, but be quick now. I’m going for some juice. I want to go out. now.

Watching him, stride down the hallway, she felt uneasy- his impatience, his need to go out. She thought this was a taster for the future. His field trips gave him a certain liberty, with fall and winter coming; she hoped for cozy nights at home... Tim liked to socialize.
Watching him stride down the hallway, his impatience, his need to go out made her feel uneasy. She wondered if this was a taste of the future. His field trips gave him a certain liberty, but with winter coming she hoped for cozy nights at him. But Tim liked to socialize.

As she headed to the telephone, she saw a cab pull up outside.
A young woman struggled to get out of the backseat. Her pregnant belly pronouncing her far along. She stood for a minute looking at the house.
Opening the door, Olivia knew in her heart this was the reason for Tim's insistence that they leave. Olivia slowly opened the door.
“May I help you?”
The women didn’t smile at each other.
“Your Olivia…Tim’s wife.” It was more a statement than a question.
“You done yet Livvy?” Tim's voice still held the urgency and excitement... He stopped.
Olivia looked from one to the other, the silence deafening.
She stood between them, amazed at her calmness.

“This is Tim’s child, and I love him. Tim, tell her.” the woman ran a hand over her swollen bump. Her voice held a pleading tone.
For some reason, Olivia felt pity for this young woman...
Olivia never flinched. She turned to him; he looked angry, his eyes downcast.

Hoping for a different answer from him was fruitless, this visit explained his desire to get them out of the house, the country even.

The past year swam before her eyes, she felt relief.

Olivia knew that without trust there could be no foundation for love. Earlier he almost had her convinced, her desperation to have a child had clouded rational thinking. It had made her overlook the obvious.

She went to the telephone.
“Jannie, I am sorry about earlier, close up the office, put a sign up we're closing for a week’, go home and pack. We're leaving for a trip to Paris... tomorrow. I will come over to your place and explain it all.”

She replaced the phone and turned slowly to face Tim.

“Cat got your tongue, Tim? And … I want you gone when I get back.”

He had said nothing the whole time, the shock of being caught had silenced him.
Picking up the tickets and car-keys, she walked up to the woman.

“You’re welcome to him, but just so you know, he is the most selfish man I know- he tried to get me out the house. That's how much he cares for you and your baby.”

Walking toward the car she felt relief. She had known for a long time it was over. However, she couldn't face the reality of it...until now.
It just took a bold act by this poor girl to bring it to an end. He had probably charmed her, the same way he did her. Flashes of Tim when they first met...the shy looks... his belief it was love at first sight. It was the thrill of the chase for Tim.

She heard him call out to her. His tone indignant.
"Livvy... wait please. Let me explain." using his pet name for her.
" She means nothing to me ... You're my wife. It’s you, I want. I don't even know it's mine... Don't go!"
She got in the car and pulled away.

Looking in the mirror as she drove off she saw the young girl standing alone. He had gone back into the house, leaving her on her own.
He hadn't even looked at the girl, let alone talk to her.

Livvy knew what it was like to be alone, even when together she had felt that way. Having spent most of their marriage that way... her instinct was to go help the girl, at least take her somewhere.
No... let him fix his own mess.

Paris, as Tim said is the City of love.
She smiled as the thought of a new tomorrow.

© Copyright 2011 Bonnie (bonniemarie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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