Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1773854-The-Date
Rated: · Short Story · Dark · #1773854
This is a story about a girl who has finally gotten a long awaited date.......
The shy girl sat quietly on a bench on the park watching all the young couples walk down the flower lined pathway. She rolled her eyes and turned her head to the blue sky. I wonder what life has in store for me down the road, she thought to herself. She sighed and quietly got up from the bench. She walked down the path her shoulders hunched and her mind sunken deep in thought. She was so deep in thought she didn’t noticed the ebony haired boy that watched her with sinister intent.

         He watched the auburn haired girl wander innocently down the path with her shoulders aimed downward and her eyes shooting glancing at each of the passing couples. She was perfect, he thought with a smirk sliding onto his face. He’d first spotted her sitting on a weather tattered bench her eyes glazed over with boredom. When she exhaled a sigh he looked at her chubby cheeks grinning. Yes she would serve of great use to him.

She walked to her car and slid in starting it up and heading to the super market. She turned up the radio trying to drown out the thundering of her own thoughts with some pointless music of today. She pulled up what seemed like moments later and grabbed a shopping cart. She cruised from isle to isle picking up the necessities and some of the things she didn’t; junk food. While eying a package of Twinkies she ran into another shopper.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” She babbled out at once. The male she bumped into let out a hearty chuckle.

“It’s alright,” He said eying her strangely, it made her uncomfortable.

“Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” She asked looking with interest at her worn out shoes.

“Actually yes there is,” His eyes twinkled with mischief, “you can go on a date with me in two days.” That should be enough time for the preparations that he needed to make.

“I’m not so sure about that.” She said twitching under his intense stare.

“What’s the harm in going out on one date with me?” She briefly glimpsed something sinister in his emerald eyes.

“Well I…”

“Exactly,” He smiled at her and handed her a piece of paper. “I’ll be expecting you to contact me with your address sometime later on today.” As he walked away she looked down at the piece of paper he’d given her. A messy scrawl of handwriting had printed his name and number. Dave, she thought as she watched him walk away.

After her encounter with Dave, who was for some reason persistent to go on a date with her, she went home and unloaded her groceries keeping out a container of ice to sooth her nerves. Was she really going to call this man she barely knew for a date? She picked up her phone and dialed his number. The many rings set a pounding in her heart.

“Hello?” said the deep voice she remembered from her earlier conversation.

“Hi,” she stuttered out. “It’s Emily.”

“Who?” That one word shattered her building hope of a relationship between the two of them.

“I bumped into you at the grocery store today.” A second passed.

“I remember! I guess I never asked for your name. So Emily is this a yes to my earlier question?” She nodded and then smacked her hand into her face.

“Yes!” she said over excitedly.

“Okay,” he said with a chuckle. They set up a time and then hung up. She stared in awe at the wall. “I actually have a date.” She whispered to no one in particular.

The next two days passed in a quick blur. Emily happily prepared for her date wearing a white dress and accessories to match. Sooner than she thought time had crept to 8:00, the set time for their date. There was a knock at her door and she rushed to get it. Dave leaned against her door frame his eyes lighting up with a strange glint in his eyes. Emily shook it off convincing herself it was the dim lighting of her porch.

“Good evening Emily you look absolutely ravishing,” He said taking her hand and placing a kiss atop it. A light blush dusted her cheeks.

“I’ll get my purse then we can go.” She dashed back inside grabbed her purse then rejoined Dave outside her home. They walked down the cement pathway of her house and for some reason felt as if she were in a funeral march. She tried to shake the feeling but still the hairs on the back of her neck stayed at attention.

“Are you okay Emily?” Dave asked once again gaining her attention.

“Yes I’m fine. In all honesty I’m kind of nervous.”

“Don’t worry my dear the town will be painted red tonight.” He started the car leaving her wondering about how the was going to be red.

As he drove she took the time to observe him. He wore a look of peace on his face. It somehow reminded her of the calmness right before a storm. He noticed her and gave her a smile.

“Don’t worry Emily you’re in perfectly capable hands.”

He drove to a secluded area of town and parked on a deserted road.

“Are we here?” She asked looking around the setting sun my only light.

“Yes we’re going on a picnic in a spot I found a while back when hiking. It will only take about ten minutes.” He pulled out a picnic basket and a folded blanket from the trunk and we set off.

The setting sun soon turned a fiery red hue that faintly remind Emily of the color of drying blood.

  “We’re here,” Dave said stepping through a patch of trees. She stepped through after him and wrinkled her nose in distaste.

“Dave I think something around here died.” She said to him as he laid out the dark colored picnic blanket.

“Yeah I think so too and that something else is about to join the others.” I looked at Dave taken aback.

“What do you mean?” I squeaked out.

“Do I have to fucking paint you a picture? You. Are. Going. To. Die.” He said ending the last word with eerily calmness.

That’s all she needed Emily ran. She tore through the woods branches grabbed at her willing her to stay while the roots tried to trip her. She heard his footsteps crunching over the dead leaves trying to catch up to her.

“I’m gonna getcha.” He sang out in a rhythm only the insane could follow. She faltered and that was the opening he needed. He pushed her showing her face how to become acquainted with the earth.

“Told you I would get you,” He whispered his breath making the already alert hairs on her neck stand taller, “and look on the bright side sweetheart at least you’ll get your date with me.” 

Emily Grace Valen was located along highway 48 on Tuesday morning. Miss Valen was the third victim of a serial killer that targeting women from ages 21 to 30 usually of the larger body type. All three victims were disemboweled and beheaded. It is believe by police that this killer is consuming some of the victims due to missing body parts. If you have any information on this killer please call. He will be brought to justice.

© Copyright 2011 Winter_Nights (lindsay777 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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