Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1773001-Dear-Diary
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1773001
Amsia is back with her exboyfriend the famous Kai Hiwatari.

It was a day like any other for us (At least that’s what everyone told me). When I say us I mean Kai and me, yep we got back together. Anyway I woke up to find him reading one of my fantasy books on the couch.

“What are you doing up so early?” he asked me smirking, I looked out the window to my surprise it was black outside and all but one light was off.

“I guess I couldn’t sleep” I told him for some reason that made him smile; he got up and closed the book not letting any pages bend (He knows I hate reading folded pages). He lifted me with his arms and carried me over to the other couch. He sat down, laying me with him. I smiled, “What are you doing?”

“Trying to help you fall asleep,” he answered then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I started to fall asleep again and I guess he noticed because he turned off the light without moving me. Finally I did fall asleep and I wasn’t cold because I guess his fire heats him at night. The only reason we woke up was because Tyson ran through our door screaming.

“I heard you two are back together is it true?” over and over again. He surprised us so much we both screamed and fell off our warm leather couch, I heard Kai mutter to me

“You shouldn’t have given him a key” I got up and shushed Tyson pointing to an annoyed Kai.

He shook, “S-s-sorry Kai!” Kai began walking up the stairs to his bedroom. Tyson turned to me, “So is it true you two are together or was Brooklyn wrong?” I sighed looking up the stair way

“Yes it’s true but if you keep doing this it may not be for long!” now I bet you wonder why I’m yelling well it’s because behind Tyson (He had opened the door) were all of me and Kais’ old friends who we used to enjoy battling against until we met each other through his mother. His mother was one of the people there, Tyson smiled widely at my shocked face

“Go get dressed in something cute and wake up Kai, make him get dressed too” my boyfriends mother sweetly commanded, I ran up to Kai’s room and he cursed when he saw me jumping up and down.

“What is it now?” he asked putting the cover over his head, I smiled pulling the covers off of him (He’s hot!)

“I have no idea but come on your mom told me to make you wake up and get dressed and if she doesn’t think I can then she may not want me to date her baby.” I said pouting. He growled at me,

“I hate when you do that” he replied lifting me from his side, before walking to the shower he kissed me and it would have been long and sweet had I not reminded him his mother was downstairs waiting. I think what he said as he walked off was, “I wish she never gave him a key”. I couldn’t help but giggle, my Phoenix is so cute when he’s miffed, I walked downstairs and told Tyson to talk to the man at the front gate and ask him to show them to the game room, (We’re rich because of the both of us not just him!). Then I ran to my own blue and pink room. I chose my red v-neck shirt, my hot black skirt, the black boots Kai gave me for my birthday, and the studded cross bone belt my cousin gave me for Christmas and ran into Kais room. It was amusing seeing him look through his closet; usually he just throws on anything that matches and leaves, but he couldn’t do that because as he says

“If I don’t dress ‘properly’ around my mother she complains all day” I couldn’t help smirking I walked over to him and kissed his neck, he turned around quickly and almost knocked me over, I giggled and he smirked at me. I had to push him off

“No kissing I just finished getting ready” I said smiling

“You look hot,” he said to me, “you’re trying to make me want to kiss you so you can blame our lateness on me” he said turning back to the closet; I smiled knowing he was joking.

“Let me help you baby I don’t want this cuteness to run out of me.” I said, I could feel him staring at me and then he twisted me around into a short but passionate kiss, he looked angrily at me and said

“You don’t think you’re beautiful do you?” I rested my head in his arms

“I don’t know anymore, I’ve been cheated on from before we got together to after we broke up and somehow I always ended up seeing my ex’s new girls and they looked so much better than me and...” (Another kiss)

“I bet you all the money I have that all those girls you saw had surgery” he said smirking, I laughed he was so good to me; I can’t even remember why we broke up. When he let go of me I wished he hadn’t.

“You said you would help me pick something out,” he said smiling at me, “don’t think I wanted to let go” I can’t help but smile around this boy. For Kai we ended up picking his crimson red t-shirt that showed off his arms (That part I accidentally said aloud and when I did he looked down at me with his eyebrow raised I know he did), his dark blue jeans, and his black and red sneakers I got him for Christmas with my brothers advice. When he was ready he was about to leave when I stopped him, “Yes, is something wrong?” he asked me I shook my head and slowly looked up to him

“Kai tell me what... what…” he walked back up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist

“What do you want me to tell you, spit it out” he smiled calmly at me; I hoped this question wouldn’t hurt him.

“What made me break up with you?” I said quickly, what I thought would happen didn’t (What I thought was that he would be angry at me for asking that and leave me crying like on those shows I watched with Hilary and Mingming) but instead he hugged me and whispered to me

“The reason you broke up with me was because I used to be a drunk and once I lost my temper and hit you… hard, I had told you I was sorry but you left anyway”

“I should have stayed.” He hugged me tighter

“No you shouldn’t have, you leaving made me see what caused the girl of my dreams to leave me and I got to change into someone who could love her… properly” he said smiling at me I looked up at him and began to cry. I laid my head on his chest.

“I don’t know if I think I’m beautiful, but I feel that way when I’m with you” he whispered to me,

“Of course you’re beautiful and not only when you’re with me…my angel”. I smiled at him I knew what he meant by calling me his angel and I loved it

“If we had time I would kiss you and cry happily in your arms.” I said laughing softly while trying to wipe my eyes. Kai sat next to me on his bed and held me again but softer and wiped my eyes for me

“If we had time I would give you the most romantic night of your life, but unfortunately we don’t have time and I don’t have the money  right now to take you.” he told me kissing my cheek. I was confused but delighted by the statement

“What do you mean “enough money” Kaiser, we could combine our money.” he shook his head while we walked into the bathroom

“I don’t want you to pay for anything.” he said. After he washed his face and I fixed my mascara we began walking down our spiral stairs when Kai hopped in front of me and swung me by the waist. I began to laugh enjoying the last bit of free time I might have with Kai today. “One promise you have to make though” he said to me happily.

“What is that?” I asked biting my lip in excitement

“Don’t call me Kaiser in front of my mother, anywhere else fine, but not my mother” he looked at me smiling, I smiled widely

“Of course I promise.” I said and pecked him on the lips, he laughed loudly and we walked joking to each other how funny we looked in the mirrors, me remembering how he feels about the scar on his neck and him remembering about the un-healing bruise on mine, (No he didn’t do that). We finally reached the closed door of the game room and before we walked in Kai turned to me happily and whispered so loudly the maids and butlers could hear him

“I promise on our anniversary, your birthday, you’ll be very happy” and he kissed me, as we walked in the room I could hear the maids giggling and whispering to the butlers, (Oh yes our anniversary would be very interesting). We were greeted by a bunch of smiling faces, and Kai knows about a movie I saw were everyone was smiling but only because they got to kill people so he whispered to me not to worry when I hid behind him. The girls came over and pulled me from behind Kai and spun me around so fast you could have dropped me in a beybattle and I would’ve won. I saw them nodding when I stopped spinning

“You look amazing Caramel” Hilary said to me using the nickname my friends gave me

“Thanks Hil’” I said quietly Ming-Ming smiled at me

“Hilary look she thinks were just here to ask for her clothes, but we’re really here to see her and her new boyfriend!” the three of us ended up laughing as always. While we were talking with the rest of the girls, Julia, Emily and Mariah, the boys were talking to Kai. I just wish I knew what about.

© Copyright 2011 KittyKrazy (hiddenstar94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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