Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1772974-Step-by-Step-II
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1772974
This is the second part of the story. There are different parts but they aren't together.
Chapter 1

I smiled at Aiden, “You look so cute!” He giggled

“I hoped you’d like it.” I laughed

“I love it.” He blushed.

If you’re confused I can explain, in my relationship with my boyfriend I’m more like the guy and he’s more like the girl. We didn’t plan on it; we just seemed to end up this way. Today just happened to be my birthday and he dressed up in a special pair of black boxers, a tie, and he had his hair styled.

“I tried to do something nice.” I kissed his head

“It’s great, you look hot babe.” He smiled and leaned on my shoulder

“Are you sure I don’t look too fat?” I stared at him

“What makes you think you look fat?” he looked down and I saw tears coming to his eyes.

“Some people at school said so.” I got pissed

“Aiden who said something?” he looked at me

“It was the cheerleaders.”

“I hate those little witches, I’m going to…”I never got to finish my sentence; he kissed me and looked into my eyes.

“Why won’t you let me rant in peace?” he wrapped his arms around my neck

“You’re no fun when you’re mad.” I rolled my eyes

“You’re lucky I can’t stay mad at you for very long.” He started laughing and I pushed him off of me. He looked up at me,

“That wasn’t fair!” I smiled

“And what you did was?” he nodded and I laughed, “I’m getting my cell to take a picture of you.”

“But I don’t want to take any pictures, I told you I’m…” it was my turn to silence him with a kiss

“Don’t say that, you’re beautiful, remember that.” he looked at his feet and I saw water droplets falling on the ground

“It’s not true, I look terrible, and lying to me isn’t gong make the truth hurt any less.”

“You’re the only one lying.” He looked up at me confused

“What?” I grabbed his face and looked into his eyes

“You’re lying to yourself; you’re being obsessed with what other people think of you even when those who love you are telling you that you look amazing.”

“You’re never going to let me say I look bad are you?”  I shook my head

“You’re my angel and I’m never going to let you doubt yourself.” He gave a little smile

“I’m your angel, r-really?” I nodded and he laid his head on me and cried his beautiful green eyes out. I kissed his head repeatedly

“Aiden,” He looked up at me, I wiped under his eyes “how long have you felt this way?” he sniffed

“Well, after Tiffany broke up with me everyone turned on me and I just started taking their words to heart.”

“Aiden by then we were good enough friends for you to tell me something was going on.”

“I didn’t want you to pity me.”

“Aiden I wouldn’t have pitied you I would’ve just wanted you to vent.”

He looked into my eyes and sighed, “This is a very strange turn to your birthday.”

I laughed and held him close, “It’s the sweetest birthday I’ve ever had and thank you for giving me such a sexy present.”

He blushed and smiled, “My pleasure.”

“Now it’s my turn to give you a present.”

“What do you mean?” I smiled and pushed Aiden down onto the bed and hovered over him, “What are you doing?”

“Don’t worry, you’ll see.”

I kissed his neck softly and moved my lips to his Adams apple. I kissed it gently and went back to the rest of his neck leaving a hickey. He moaned and grabbed onto the sheets, I bit him on his neck and tugged at it a bit. I laughed when I saw his grip on the sheets grow tighter

“You’re really into this huh?” he looked at me and smiled

“Stop talking.” I smiled and looked into his eyes

“What if I don’t want to?” he looked at me

“After the way I just opened up to you I would hope to receive something in return.” I smiled

“All you get are kisses and nibbles remember?” he rolled his eyes and I continued on his neck

“Yes I remember, do you remember that we talked about this forever ago when everyone was spreading rumors about you because you were the new girl?”

“Yeah I remember, and thank you for defending me even though you were dating the whore.” He smiled

“By then you were my cute little neighbor and I knew you would never do anything like that.” I looked at him confused

“How did you know that?” he shrugged

“I just saw that you were a good girl and would never do something…this bad.”

“This bad, this isn’t bad, the only time I’ll do something really bad is when I’m married.”

He laughed, “Well then I hope I’m the guy you marry, because I’d love to see that.” I grabbed a pillow from the headboard and whacked him with it

“You pervert!” he laughed and grabbed another pillow and we had a pillow fight for a good ten minutes

“How about we go out for a late night snack?” I smiled at him

“I’m usually the one to suggest the snacks.” He smiled and went to his closet

“Well in my relationships I’m usually the boyfriend, no harm in switching things up.” I rolled my eyes and he got out a black BVB shirt and some red skinny jeans.

“I love your pants!” I held them up and stared at the bright color. He snatched them from me and laughed

“If you keep staring at them like that you’ll see red for hours and that’s the last thing I need.” I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled searching his closet for the perfect shoes.

“So where are we going to go?” I asked lying back on his bed. He smiled and jumped on me

“Ouch, you little weirdo get off!” he cracked up and rolled off of me

“I thought you loved me!” I picked some pillow fuzz out of his hair and smiled at him

“You have no idea.” He smiled and went back to his closet.

“Krisma look!” he showed me his feet, he was wearing one black converse and the other was red.

“You look…cute.” He looked at me

“Why’d you pause?” I rolled my eyes

“I just never got why people wore two different shoes unless it was, like Halloween or something.” He actually started pouting and it was the most adorable thing I’d ever seen. “Of course,” he looked at me “that was until my boyfriend made the style look incredible.” He gave me a little smile

“You really think so?” I smiled

“No doubt cupcake.” his cheeks flared, he always got nervous when I called him a nickname

“Let’s go to the park and get some snack food.” I smiled

“Sounds like a plan.” we left his house and walked the short distance to the park

“Swings!” he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the swings

“Since when do you like the swings?” he smiled

“I’ve always liked the swings but everyone always made fun of me when I told them so I stopped mentioning it.” I smiled and kissed his forehead

“That is so cute.” He smiled and started swinging

“So, what do you want to talk about?” he asked me smiling

I thought carefully and then smiled, “What do you want for your birthday?” he looked at me and smirked

“Do you remember the first day we met?”

“You mean the day you were a total ass and stole two of my bras?”

“You guessed what I want!” I rolled my eyes

“Why am I dating a pervert?” he smiled and looked up at the sky

“Because I’m so cute, you always forget it.” I smirked

“No; maybe it’s your ability to score concert tickets.” He looked at the ground and frowned

“Hey you know I’m kidding right?” he didn’t say anything so I nudged him “Aiden are you ok?”

“Aiden, it is you, figures I would eventually have to run into you.” I looked up and standing in front of us was Tiffany, Aiden’s ex-girlfriend

Chapter 2

“Go away Tiffany.” She looked over at me and glared

“And you are, oh that’s right the girl he ran off to when I dumped him.”

“Yeah right, I know what happened; I know he dumped you first.”

“That’s not true!”

“Let’s see if you remember this, you and Aiden were sitting on his couch and he told you that you were a spoiled brat and he wanted nothing to do with you anymore.” She stared at me

“H-How did you know that?” I smiled

“After he broke up with you, and you stormed off, Aiden came over and told me everything; we celebrated his freedom with some ice cream with a light chocolate sauce.” I heard Aiden laugh and my smile grew

“Well that’s not the story everyone else knows.”

“I don’t care what you told everyone else, the point is that he dumped you and now he’s with me, so take your hooker heels and stomp off to your customer, it’s rude to keep him waiting.”

“Why you little!” she shoved me and I fell on my butt

“You shouldn’t have done that.” I got up and kicked her perfect little leg with all the energy I had, she fell and screamed. All of a sudden I was back on the floor because she pulled my legs from under me and pulled my hair. I went to her face and slapped her about three times before I landed one punch to her eye, another to her mouth and one to her chin.

“Stop it!” I was pulled off of her by Aiden; I went farther than I should have because I hated her. I hated all the girls like her, my jealousy ran deep but I had been able to control it for a long time, I almost forgot everything until Tiffany opened her big mouth and…

“Krisma are you listening!” I came back to reality when Aiden was snapping his fingers by my ear

“I- I’ve gotta’ go.” I ran and left Tiffany groaning and Aiden calling my name. I ran but I didn’t go home… I was probably a mess and I didn’t want my parents to see me like this. Instead I ran to the Barnes and Nobles that was down the street. I ran through the doors and had eyes following me as I walked to the bathroom. I checked myself out in the bathroom and wiped the mud off my face, cleaned the tear streaks and wiped off my arms and legs. Right now Aiden was probably taking Tiffany to the hospital or to her house and trying to make her feel better. By the time school starts back up I’ll probably be black listed as a violent psycho and everyone, including Aiden, will hate me. He’ll probably break up with me and go out with Tiffany again. Tears came to my eyes at the thought of having to watch the two of them kiss.

I can’t lose him; he’s the one who makes me smile and makes me laugh. I wiped my make up off and walked out the bathroom and out of the store. I looked at the sky just turning black and decided to go back to the park to get something to eat before going home and accepting the fact that I will no longer have a social life and quite possibly a boyfriend. I walked to the park and looked around to see if I could see Aiden or Tiffany and when I was sure they were gone I went and bought a hot dog. I sat on a bench and took little bites as my thoughts kept drifting back to Aiden and how in so little time I might’ve lost my first boyfriend ever.

“It’s not going to taste as good if you keep crying into it.” I looked up and saw Chase standing over me.

“I don’t think anything could make this taste better.” He smirked at me

“What’s wrong cupcake?” I glared at him

“Don’t call me that Chase.”

“Ooh cold shoulder that hurts.” I couldn’t help it, I started tearing up

“Hey what’s wrong?” I put down the hot dog and cried into my hands. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me close. “Why are you crying, tell Uncle Chase what’s up?” I wiped my eyes and sniffed

“It’s nothing, y-you don’t have to worry.” He held my chin so that I was looking directly at him

“No crap little girl, tell me what’s wrong, why’re you crying?” I smiled a bit before more tears came.

“It- it's about A-Aiden.” I sniffed and his face turned… angry?

“What did he do, did he try to hurt you?”

“He would never do something like that!” he nodded

“Then what about him?” I looked down and he held my chin again

“I beat up his ex and I think he’s going to break up with me.” The tears threatened to come back but Chase held the hot dog back to my mouth

“I don’t know why you’re so worried about it, if he breaks up with you because of Tiffany he wasn’t worth your time anyway.” I stared at him

“But I went overboard, I shouldn’t have…”

“If you were mad you were mad, you’re a human and you need to know that humans have emotions that they sometimes can’t control.”

“Maybe you’re right.” He smiled at me

“Of course I’m right, so do you feel better?” I smiled and nodded

“Yeah thanks…Uncle Chase.” He laughed and pulled me onto his lap

“Of course I'd do anything for my favorite little girl.” I laughed and he held me close

“Chase?” he looked at me “Why did you stop and talk to me?”

He smiled a bit, “Well… I wanted to make sure the girl I secretly wanted was ok.”

“Y-you like me?” he nodded and blushed “Well…umm…thanks for checking on me.” He nodded and put me back on the bench.

“I’ll see you around.” He started walking away and I couldn’t take it, he was so nice and I was just letting him walk away

“Chase wait!” he turned around and when he did our lips met in a surprisingly enjoyable kiss.

“W-what was that for?” he smiled

“For helping me figure this out.” He smiled and kissed my cheek

“I’ll see you around little girl.”

I waved, “Bye Chase.” He left and I threw away my hot dog. I took out my cell to check the time when I saw that I had three new text messages. The first was from the company telling me about a new phone, the second was my Mom asking me where I was and telling me that Aiden was looking for me and he was a mess. I texted her that I was at the park and was on my way home, the final text was from Aiden and I was afraid to read it but I remembered what Chase said so I opened it.

He wasn’t breaking up with me, he took Tiffany to the emergency room and they called her parents, he tried to look for me but didn’t know where I was and he wanted me to text him back as soon as possible to know that I was ok. I smiled and sent him a text

‘Aiden I’m fine, I just went to Barnes and Nobles and cleaned up. I came back to the park but you were gone, I’m on my way home.’ A while later I was almost in front of his house when he texted me back

‘Why’d you run off? I was afraid something terrible would happen!’ I smiled

‘More terrible than me beating Tiffany to a pulp?’ his reply surprised me

‘Much more terrible, no one wants Tiffany, the only reason she has friends is cuz her parents are rich. Hurry, your parents are mad that I came here without you.’

‘I'm outside the door right now.’ I was searching for my key when the door opened to Aiden in his dirt stained clothes with his hair sticking in all directions, his snakebite was out and his green eyes were all red.

“Aiden are you ok?” I saw tears coming to his eyes and then he flung himself at me holding his arms around my neck. I smiled, “It’s ok Aiden, I’m fine, everything's alright.” He cried on me with all he was worth. I saw my parents come behind him and glare at me. I was in trouble but right now that didn’t matter, all that mattered was that I had Aiden in my arms and he missed me.

“Why’d you leave me, I was stuck with Tiffany and she kept screaming at me and calling me names.” I frowned

“I was feeling bad about what I did and I needed to calm down.” I kissed his head and he looked at me

“Are you better now?” I nodded and smoothed his hair down

“I’m much better, are you?” he rubbed his eyes and nodded. I smiled and wiped the eyeliner under his eyes “That’s my baby.” he smiled and buried his face in my neck

“You two are in so much trouble.”

I looked up and saw Victoria looking down at us. I smiled at Aiden,

“You ok with a little trouble?” he sat up and smiled

“We wouldn’t be us without it.” I laughed just as the doorbell rang. My Mom answered it and the first thing we heard was

“Aiden Jameson where are you!” Aiden froze in fear. That wasn’t his mother’s voice or his uncle’s.

“Aiden run, now!” I whispered

He ran and I got up and went to the door. I was right to tell Aiden to go; standing at the door was his stepfather Keith.

Chapter 3

“Aiden’s not here sir, you just missed him.”

“Krisma go get him now.” I looked at my Mom

“I can’t he ran to the Target by Barnes and Nobles.” She looked back to the couch and when she didn’t see him she figured I was telling the truth

“I’m sorry, I guess…” she didn’t get to finish her sentence. He grabbed me by my shirt collar and glared at me, I could tell he had been drinking

“I’m not dumb now where are you keeping that little punk?” he pushed past us and started searching our house

“I’m not, he’s not here!” I wanted to warn Aiden that he was getting closer but I had no idea where he was

“Keith get out of our house before I call the police!” my Mom shouted at him

“You can’t keep him safe forever little girl, I’ll teach him to mess with me.” He ran into the kitchen and I picked up the phone about to dial 911 when I heard him scream my name

“Aiden I’m coming!” I ran into the kitchen to see Keith holding Aiden by his collar but even worse he had a knife to his throat

“Make any moves you little brat and he’s going to get it.” I held my breath and watched as my siblings and my mother were frozen with shock. They all thought Keith was an awesome, nice guy who lived next door. But I spent more time over there than anyone else and I knew how he treated Aiden and his mother.

“Don’t worry Aiden everything’s…”my Mom started but again didn’t finish because Keith was slammed to the ground by my dad.

I ran to Aiden and held him close. He looked at me and I could see and feel the blood dripping slowly from the long, deep wound on his neck.

“Call a doctor, the police, anyone!” I watched as everyone ran to get a phone while Keith was being held by his wrists

I looked at Aiden and smiled, “Don’t worry sweetie everything’s going to be okay.” He smiled a bit but grimaced as he tried to turn his neck and laid all of his weight on me.

“The police said they can be here in 10 minutes and the ambulance is coming as fast as they can.” I was glad to hear it but it would be better if they were here now.

Armoni looked out the window, “I see flashing lights and all of our other neighbors.”

“Why do people have to be so nosey?” my Mom asked aloud, there was a knock on the door and she ran to get it. All of a sudden I was being pulled away and told to “Stay back.” I watched as they put Aiden’s body on a stretcher and rolled it out to the ambulance. Right behind the ambulance were the police who came in to question us and take Keith away.

“What happened here?” was the only thing I heard while I ran out the door to try and catch the ambulance. I ran with all I had but eventually had to give up. I fell on the grass and watched the ambulance drive away with my boyfriend in it.  I cried and cried even as I was brought back to my house for questioning.

Chapter 4

“Miss what happened tonight?” I looked at the police officer and wiped my eyes. Somehow I managed to tell them my story and then they took the knife for investigation.

“Krisma,” I looked to the door to see Aiden’s mother Clarice shaking “What did he do to you two?” I looked at my hands and noticed all of the blood that had magically appeared.

“I’m fine; I just want to see Aiden.” She nodded and looked to my family

“Is it alright if I take her to the hospital?” my parents nodded

“We’ll be right behind you; we want to get her checked out too.” Soon we were in two separate cars and driving for what felt like hours. For some reason, the town that had everything a couple minutes away had a hospital about an hour and a half away. The car was quiet and I kind of appreciated that Clarice hadn’t tried to ask me anything. We eventually made it to the hospital and I ran to the desk while everyone else was trying to find a parking spot.

“How can I help you?” a woman asked me

“I need to see Aiden Jameson now!” she looked taken aback

“There’s no need to yell…”

“I need to see him now, you don’t understand!” I felt tears at my eyes and felt someone’s arms pull me back a bit. I looked up to see Jackson looking down

“It’s alright; everything’s going to be okay.” I cried into him as everyone came into the lobby. We eventually found out that we couldn’t see Aiden until he got out of surgery.

“Surgery… what does he need surgery for?” Clarice asked softly

The woman looked at her, “One of his blood vessels appears to have been cut by...”

“Was it the knife?” I whispered, the woman looked at me

“How do you know the object?” I looked around and everyone was looking at me waiting.

“It was what Keith was holding to Aiden’s neck before Daddy charged at him.”

Jackson looked at me, “Keith did this?” I nodded

“He came over and demanded to see Aiden, he was hiding in the kitchen and Keith found him and held a knife to him.” Jackson slammed his fist into the wall

“Jackson!” he looked to his sister and yelled

“Why did you marry him, huh Clarice, because it obviously wasn’t because of how he treated your one and only son!”

“We have a waiting room if you all wouldn’t mind…” the woman was ignored

“Jackson not now.” He was fuming

“Not now, not now, when would be better for you, when Aiden’s got a bullet in his chest because Keith decided he didn’t want to live with him?” I couldn’t believe what was going on. Jackson had always been Aiden’s calm, fun loving uncle. He had never been this serious

“My nephew, your son, is in surgery and you don’t want to talk about it, what kind of a pathetic excuse for a mother are you!” we all looked at Clarice who had gone pale

“He’s Aiden’s father.” And then everything went black.

Chapter 5

I woke up to beeping and a strange light flashing in my eyes. I opened them to see I had moved from the front desk into an actual room. I sat up and felt like my world was slowly piecing back together. Aiden was resting in the bed next to me attached to some machine that showed his beautiful heartbeat to the world. I moved my arm and had to quickly put it back down. I was hooked up to an I.V. and one of those beeping machines.

“You really shouldn’t move much yet.” I looked to the door to see Chase standing there

“Chase what are you doing here?” he walked in and looked over at Aiden

“How’s he doing?” I looked at my sleeping angel and shrugged

“I have no idea; I’m not even sure what I’m doing here.”

“You passed out and they brought you here.”

“How do you know?” he grabbed a chair and sat by my bed

“I went by your house to ask you about what happened at the park and your neighbors told me everyone was at the hospital. When I got here your parents said that you had been taken to this room because you passed out.”

“Why’d I pass out?” he shrugged

“They just said you did. Are you alright?” I nodded

“I feel better now that I know Aiden’s okay.” He looked back over to him

“I wish I could switch places with him.”

“Why on earth would you wish for something like that?” I asked shocked. He looked straight into my eyes

“Because in the end… he gets you.” I felt my cheeks heat up

“You don’t know what you’re saying Chase.” He stood and walked to my side

“I know exactly what I’m saying, I’ve wanted to be with you ever since I saw you at Barnes and Nobles but you left with him.” He threw a glance back at Aiden and then back to me.

“Chase I’m sorry, I appreciate that you helped me back at the park but I love Aiden and he still loves me. There’s nothing that’s going to change that.” He stared at my eyes and shook his head

“So you’re telling me that kiss meant absolutely nothing to you?” I looked away and felt his hand turn my head so I had to look at him. “Tell me that ...and I’ll leave right now.”

“I… I…” I looked into his deep brown eyes and felt tears at my own, “I can’t.” his lips crashed against mine. So many thoughts ran through my head.

Why didn’t I lie and say it meant nothing? How could I betray Aiden like this? Why did Chase’s lips feel right against mine? What would happen if Aiden found out? WHY AM I SO CONFUSED!

“I’ll see you around.” Chase finally let go of my face and kissed my cheek before he left. I said nothing as the tears fell, when the door closed completely I looked over at Aiden and felt my heart stop… his eyes were open, glaring at the ceiling.

Chapter 6


“Leave me alone.” His voice sounded weak and dry.

“Please Aiden don’t do this.” He turned his body a bit so I could only see some of his back. I tested my machine and it turned out I could walk if I moved slowly enough. I swung my legs gently around and slid off the bed. I walked over to his bed and put my hand on his shoulder “I’ll tell you everything you want to know, just talk to me… please.” I felt him shifting and I took my hand off of him

“Why did you kiss him?” the air got really cold, almost as cold as the look he was giving me.

“He helped me get my feelings together after my fight with Tiffany.” He looked at the ground.

“So when you said you had to think some things through you really meant you had to think over whether you wanted to make out with him or come back to me.”

“Aiden that wasn’t what I meant at all.”

“Yes it was.”

“Aiden stop it!” he looked at me

“Why should I, I’ve been worrying about you and you’ve been making out with different guys behind my back!”

“I didn’t make out with anyone, he said he wanted to make sure I was ok and when he was going to leave, I called him back to thank him and our lips just met ok!”

“Oh please, that’s a bunch of bull and you know it, if that were true you would’ve been able to tell him that the kiss meant nothing to you.” I looked at Aiden and saw tears running down his cheeks

“I’m sorry that I hurt you, but that was never my intention, no matter what you want to believe.” He looked at me and looked at my arm and my blue get-up.

“What happened to you?” he asked softly.

“I passed out and they apparently brought me here.”

“Why would you pass out?” I shrugged

“I guess it has something to do with all the blood that was on my hands earlier.”

“Y-your hands were bloody?” I nodded

“I guess I got a bunch of cuts or something.”

“Why are you acting like it’s nothing?” I shrugged

“It’s just some cuts, it’s not like I had...”

“Surgery... like me.” I looked at him

“You know?”

“I knew when I felt the stitches on my neck.” I avoided looking directly at the spot and nodded

“It doesn’t look that bad.” He tested his neck and groaned when he had stretched it a bit too far.

“It hurts a lot.” He looked out the window on the side of the room; the sky was a dark shade of blue. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2 a.m. It seemed as if everything that could go wrong was. Aiden was mad at me; and Chase was probably going to make sure Aiden hated me even more than he

“I guess I’ll just go to bed.” He looked at me

“You’re ending this fight now?” I nodded and walked back to my bed. I got in and turned my back to Aiden.

“B-but what about…”

“Just forget it.” I stayed turned around until I heard him moving. I turned around to see Aiden standing over me, “What now?” I looked at his green eyes filled with tears

“Can I sleep with you?” I looked at him

“Why would you want to be with me?” he looked at me and leaned his head on my bed. I wiped under his eyes and he burst into tears.

“I don’t want us to break up!” I held him close and rocked him side to side.

“It’ll be okay, everything will work out.” After a while he calmed down and I made a space for him. He climbed in and rested his head on me.

“I missed you.” I smiled and kissed his cheek

“I missed you too baby.” He smiled and we kissed.

It was a kiss of love and romance. Soft and sweet.

“Goodnight Krisma.”

“Goodnight.” I said and looked out the window, “Oh and Aiden?” he looked at me

“What's up?” I smiled and kissed his head

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my darling, happy birthday to you.” he smiled and we fell asleep together with the knowledge that nothing could tear us apart.

Chapter 7

Beep…Beep, Beep…Beep…….. I woke to the annoying beeping sound and saw Aiden’s face in total pain.

“Aiden baby, are you alright?” No words came out of his mouth.

“That should do it.” That voice didn’t come from me or Aiden; I looked behind him and saw a nurse taking a needle out of his side.

“What are you doing!” she looked at me surprised and then smiled

“Oh you’re awake; it’s so cute how you two were napping together.” I glared at her

“What are you doing to my boyfriend?” I felt a hand on my arm and looked down to see Aiden smiling at me

“It’s ok it’s just a shot, nothing bad is going on.” I looked at him and sighed

“I hate seeing you in pain Aiden.” He laid his head on my arm; his soft black hair was covering one of his eyes.

“I’m ok, no need to worry.”

“Actually,” we looked at the nurse who was still smiling “you’re both ok, you can leave sometime this afternoon when your families pick you up.” We smiled at each other when there was a knock at the door.

“Come in!” the nurse shouted

A tall man in a beige uniform came in with a large bouquet of yellow flowers.

“Delivery for…Krisma King?”

“Um that’s me,” he put the flowers down and left the room. Aiden leaned over me to try and see the flowers. I put my shoulder up keeping him from viewing “Why are you being so nosey?” he sighed and laid his head on the pillow.

“I want to know who sent you flowers.” I looked at the flowers and saw a card sticking out. I grabbed it and opened it.

Dear Krisma,

I hope you’re doing better. Everyone knows that you and Jameson are in the hospital. I talked to your parents and apparently you two get out today. I wanted to make sure you left with a nice parting gift (the flowers). I would’ve come in to see you but now that he’s awake it probably wouldn’t be such a good idea. I’ll see you around.


Chapter 8

My mouth went dry and my heart started to beat faster. I had completely forgotten about him. “Chase…”

“What did you say?” I turned around to see Aiden staring at me

“I said… um…”

“Who’s the card from?”

“What card?” his eyebrow raised and he pointed at my hand

“Oh this card… it’s from… my cousin!” I sighed thinking that was a good answer

“What cousin, the ones in Florida who wouldn’t be able to send you any card and flowers that would make it in one day’s time?” He grabbed the card from me and when he read it he glared.


“So what’re you going to do?” I looked at my hands

“I don’t have to talk to him anymore.”

“No go ahead and talk.” I smiled a bit

“Really?” he looked at me and his glare was full of hate

“As long as you’re telling him to leave you alone and stay out of your life I don’t care what you say after that.”

“Aiden!” he glared

“Don’t Aiden me, even though all is forgiven I still don’t trust you not to go off with him and finish what you two started.” I wanted to cry and choke Aiden at the same time that was when I came to a realization, Aiden was only a boy, and he had no right to order me around!

“I will do what I want when I want, if you can’t trust me to stay true to you then this is it!” He stared at me

“Then are we over or what?”

“I don’t know, I do love you, no matter what but if you ever try to tell me who I can and cant hang out or talk with you’ll be all alone and begging the tramp to take you back,” I grabbed his collar and glared into his eyes now shaking with fear “are we clear?”

He nodded and tried to claw away from my grasp. I dropped his collar and he moved himself far away from me or as far away as he could be while staying on the bed.

I sighed, “Aiden just because I threatened you doesn’t mean you have to run, the only thing I threatened you with was leaving you.” He looked at his hand and I noticed a ring on his finger. “What’s that on your finger?” he looked up at me and gave me the ring. I looked at it and noticed that it was my red ring I was wearing when I was holding Aiden. I didn’t even notice it was gone, “Aiden…why do you have this?”

“I took it to remember you.” I looked at his face turning a bit red

“What do you mean?”

“I was scared when I saw the look on your face and I thought that I wasn’t going to make it, so I took it so I could always remember you.” I was shocked and I couldn’t help myself from smiling

“Oh Aiden!” I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him over and over until he began to kiss back. We were in the middle of a real lip locker when unbeknownst to us the door had opened.

Chapter 9

“Hey you two… oh my!” we looked at the door to see our families standing behind a surprised nurse. We quickly pulled apart and hid our nervous smiles.

“Well we can obviously tell you two are feeling better.” I smiled at Aiden and he blushed

“When we moved here didn't they hate each other?” I heard my mother ask

“It seems like these two have become inseparable.” Jackson said smiling

“Now more than ever.” Aiden whispered to me, I smiled

“Now until forever.” He smiled and held my hand.

“You two are really adorable and all but it’s time to go.” We got up and the nurse checked both of us out before we put on the clothes they had brought for us. My parents brought me a red sweater and some black jeans with my boots.

“Isn’t it burning hot outside?” I asked

“Well we’re just going home so it doesn’t matter.” I frowned

“But today is Aiden’s birthday.”

“Oh that’s right, happy birthday Aiden.” He smiled

“Thank you Mrs. King.”

“Can we go out for breakfast or something?” Aiden smiled at me

“Its ok I’m kind of tired anyway.”

“Aw well happy birthday sweetie.” He kissed me

“Thanks baby.” I walked out the room with my family and started walking down the hall

“Wait!” we turned around and saw Aiden running towards me

“What’s wrong Aiden?” he was breathing heavy and holding his neck

“H-here, you almost forgot this.” He held my ring out. I looked at it and kissed his forehead

“Keep it, I’d rather you have it.” He looked surprised

“Really,” he looked at the small ornament in his hands “I can keep it?”

I nodded and he smiled “As long as you take good care of it.” He nodded

“I’ll take really good care of it, don’t worry.”

“I know you will.” He smiled and ran back to the room

“So… why were you two in the same bed?” I looked at my mom staring at me

“Oh, it was nothing Aiden was a bit scared so we were just… you know… together.”

“Did you two do anything, inappropriate?” my dad asked

“Daddy, we didn’t do anything.” He rolled his eyes

“Sure.” I rolled my eyes

“Why wouldn’t he want to go out for his birthday?” I thought aloud

“Didn’t he say he was tired?” my mom asked. I looked at her

“Yeah but he should still want to do something, if not now then why not later?”

“Maybe he’s like you and sleeps for hours and hours.” My mom said

“No he doesn’t usually sleep that long.” My parents looked at me

“And how do you know that?”

I panicked a bit, “Oh well…we are a couple, and we tell each other pretty much everything.”

“Makes sense oh and here’s your phone.” My mom handed me my cell and I put it in my pocket. We stepped off the elevator and walked to the car. I felt my phone vibrating so I looked at it and saw a text from Aiden.

‘I just got the worst news of my life, when you get home wait for me on your front porch. It’s really important.’ I texted back

‘What’s up, should I be worried?’ it took him a while to reply

‘I don’t know… maybe… I’ll see you soon.’ I texted bye and watched the trees and other cars pass by on the road. Soon we were home and I decided to run inside and change into something that wouldn’t give me heat stroke. I put on a short sleeved yellow shirt, some light blue Capri’s and sneakers. I also decided to brush my teeth and wash my face and fix my hair and do almost every other girly thing I could think of. I was spraying perfume when there was a knock at the door.

Chapter 10

“I’ll get it!” I ran downstairs at a crazy speed and opened the door to Clarice, Jackson and Aiden. “Um, what’s up?” Aiden looked at me

“My mom decided that everyone needs to hear this.”

“Needs to hear what?”

“Sweetie this is very important can you call your parents?” Clarice asked. I nodded

“Mommy, daddy can you come down here?” in a few seconds my parents were at the stairs

“Clarice, Jackson, what’s going on?” my mom asked

“Come in, did the hospital have some news or something?” my dad asked.

We all headed to the living room, Clarice sat in a chair, Jackson sat on a high foot stool, my parents sat on the couch and Aiden sat with me on the other couch

“It has nothing to do with the children’s medical state; it has to do with the police.”

“The police?” my mom asked. Jackson nodded

“They say that someone paid for Keith's bail and they can't hold him.” I felt so scared that I stared shaking.

“W-w-what happens now?” I asked, Aiden grabbed my hand and kissed it

“Well we have an idea but we’re not sure how well it will work.” Clarice said

“What's this idea?” my dad asked

“Well it was more of Aiden’s idea so, go ahead Aiden.” He nodded and looked at me

“You told me all about Florida and Everglades and how great it was and al about the people and I was thinking…”

“You want to hide away in Florida?” he nodded and I stood

“I guess it could work, but where would you live?” he stood

“I was thinking… with you.” I blushed

“You want to live alone…with our daughter…several states away…you’re kidding right?” my dad asked

“Well actually I was hoping he could live with her and your family.” Clarice said softly. My mom looked at her

“Where are you and Jackson in this plan?” Clarice looked to the floor

“I can’t be with Aiden, Keith will…” she stopped as tears came to her eyes

“Keith will come after her because he thinks that Clarice will never let Aiden out of her site. She can’t leave or he’ll get the both of them. I’m staying to make sure she’s ok.” Jackson said wrapping an arm around his sister’s shoulders as she cried.

“But what about a place to stay?” I asked softly. Jackson looked at me

“I have some money you guys can take to rent a place.”

“Well a place in Florida costs a lot more than over here.” My mom said

“That’s why I did some research, there’s a place near the school that I can afford.” Jackson handed my parents some papers

“What’s the place called?” I asked

“It’s Riviera Isles.” My mom said handing me a paper. I got excited

“That’s where Amber lives mommy; I’ll get to see my friends!” I was getting excited until I looked at Clarice smiling at me; she was still a bit teary

“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t…” she raised her hand and laughed

“Don’t apologize for being excited Krisma, we all know you miss your home state.” I smiled

“Thank you, is it okay if I jump around?” she nodded and Jackson laughed as I started jumping around continually singing

“I’m going to Florida; I’m going to see my friends and family!” I stopped and grabbed Aiden and made him hop around with me. He was laughing and smiling. When we finally sat down I felt worn out

“When do we need to leave?” my Mom asked

“Soon like in about a couple of days or so.”

“Wow, well why so soon?” Jackson looked at Aiden

“We think someone may have knowledge about where we live and we think is important for Aiden and you all to leave before it’s too late.”

© Copyright 2011 KittyKrazy (hiddenstar94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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