Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1772887-The-Twins-Part-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Other · #1772887
Sisters were divided. find out if they get together again!
Sisters were divided when their parents split up when they were five years old! They both don’t know much about the whole story why their mum did what she did or what really happened? – Even their dad is a bit unclear about the whole thing!

What will happen when the parents meet each other without planning it?
What will it be like for the parents to meet their first love?

What will the twins think?
What will happen when they meet each other?
Will they find out the truth about what happened the day everything changed for them?

Or will it all go wrong and they decide to go back and live their own lives, or will they be friends and be more in each other life or will something else happen?

How’s the best way to get in the girl’s head by their diaries! So in the diaries you will know what they did and how they feel about all this and what they thought! And there possible more to it than they think…So here goes:

Chapter 1

Dear Diary,
My life is officially a mess. My Dad has decided that we are going to France again this summer. Again!!!! We’ll go to the same boring little village, with a boring little beach, and a boring little shop, and a boring little cafĂ©, and a boring little cinema that is so out of date it shows films that most people have actually got on video now.

As I said, my life is a boring (16-year long) mess. It’s not as if I have many friends to miss me while I’m away, because I don’t go to school, my Dad teaches me at home. I don’t mind that so much, he’s quite cool (is my Dad). It’s a pity that he hasn’t got a girlfriend though; it might make him slightly happier, (and slightly less likely to shout if I haven’t done my homework!)

My Dad is lovely. He has light brown hair with a fringe that flops into his eyes when he is concentrating. He is an architect and works from home, so when we have done the teaching bit of the lesson we both sit side by side in the conservatory with the sun streaming through the vine leaves that have tangled round the roof supports over the years, working in companionable silence. I often sneak looks at him whilst I’m supposed to be working, and watch him demolish the end of his pencil whilst he is trying to work out how best to fit in a Georgian hipped roof onto a council house!!

He had a girlfriend last year, but that fizzled out after a few months, shame, she was quite nice as potential ‘Mother-figures’ go! I think his heart is still broken after (my real) Mum left us. My Mum is called Kate, she ran off with the bloke who ran the corner shop down our road when I was five. One day Dad came home to find me playing quietly in my room and a note on the kitchen table. I think the worst of it was that she took my twin sister Jenny with her. The note said that she didn’t think she could be happy with Tom (my Dad) anymore and that although she didn’t really want to split the girls up, she couldn’t bear to leave us and yet she could take us both away from him. I can remember my Dad crying a lot for a long, long time. He’s not so bad now. Sometimes though, I still catch him looking at the photo of all of us taken at the London Zoo, which he keeps polished and in pride of place on the piano in the Sitting Room.

Sometimes I can’t help wondering what Jenny looks like. In the baby photos that Dad has of us, we are pretty much identical, but considering we are sixteen now I expect we have both changed a hell of a lot!

Mum must have gone through a lot to actually leave one of her daughters behind, but it does upset me when I wonder why she chose Jenny and not me. Was Jenny better, prettier, quieter, more intelligent or what? Or did she flip a coin? Not that I would want to be with Mum anyway, why would I want to exchange the wonderful, quiet friendship that I have with my Dad for someone who didn’t love us all enough to stay with us for ever? I don’t think I would have liked her anyway. And as Jenny is obviously bigger, better, brainier, (and undoubtedly a big head to boot); I don’t think I would have liked her either!

Well, I suppose on reflection my life isn’t that much of a mess, I could have quite easily been living in a bed-sit, being a big-head, with a Mother who doesn’t love anyone enough, instead of being here, (being bored admittedly), in a big beautiful house in London, looking after my lovely (boring) Dad, and going on holiday to (boring) France…again!

Oh well, must go and pack before Dad starts complaining.

Chapter 2

Dear Diary,
My life is officially a mess! Mum has just told me that we are going to France for a holiday this summer. It’s a really obscure little village in the middle of nowhere but its sounds great. I’m the only one in my class at school that hasn’t been abroad before; I’m soooo looking forward to it.

So why is my life a mess? Because Mum has just informed that we will be going with Charles the Letch. Charles was my Mum’s boyfriend, but now he is officially her FiancĂ©, because apparently last night he got down on bended knee and asked her to marry him. AND SHE SAID YES! I can’t believe it. Why don’t people talk to me, or even ask what I think? (but then again I possible wouldn’t of said anything how I felt… which is:)I hate him, I hate him, and I hate him. He is a slimy lecherous little creep. I hate the way that he leers at me if I wear a strappy top. What am I going to wear in France? I can’t go sunbathing on the beach in a polo neck jumper can I? Why do we have to go with him? Why can’t it be just us? I hope I don’t have to spend too much time with him.

I begged if I can bring my best friend with us and they have said yes so we are meeting him and his family over there! That makes it more bearable! 

I don’t really think that Mum wants to marry him. I think that just because they have been going out with each other for eleven years she thinks that they should really get married. Sometimes I catch my mum looking at an old photo that she doesn’t know I know about. She keeps it in the bottom of the drawers by her side of the bed, under piles of old socks. The photo is of me, Mum, my Dad and my twin Emma, it was taken at the London Zoo. We all seem really happy and Dad is gazing at Mum in a way that I’ve never seen Charles do.

Emma and I are holding hands and smiling, we must be about five years old in the photo, and it can’t be long after that was taken that Mum left Dad. I wonder if he knew that Mum was going to run off with ‘good old Charlie’ from the paper shop. I feel so sorry for him. I bet he cried for days.

All I know of the story is that Mum left and took me with her. The only reason she took me instead of Emma is that I was sitting quietly in our bedroom whilst Emma was throwing a tantrum at the time. Just like that, she chose between us just like that. I wonder what it would have been like if I was the one that was crying at that fateful moment? I bet Emma wouldn’t have stood for Charles’ leeching over her. I bet she would have got rid of him by now. Why oh why am I the quiet one, why can’t I tell Mum that I hate Charles? I’ll bet goody-two-shoes Emma would have been so much better than me. My life is such a mess.

Oh well, I had better try and pack things that let me get a suntan with actually exposing any flesh before Mum gets upset and sends Charles comes up to ‘help’ me pack. Eeugh!

Chapter 3

We’re on the aeroplane (so boring) dad is reading his book; it is called ‘Stephen King- the Dreamcatcher’… I possible should read my book or do some studying but I just sooo tired I can’t be bothered to do anything…

… Hey diary, you never guess what! But there is a cutest and good-looking boy near us, but what is strange he looks confused to see me as he seem to recognise who I am! I am sure we have never met! I looked away to not let him know I think he is fit (even so I’m sure I won’t see him after this anyway! But I hope I do), sorry diary, I can’t go on I must sleep I cant stand this boredom anymore! Even though that boy can keep me awake and I possible can write so much about him – but I am not certain dad will not look at the diary so I better leave it!

Dad just woke up saying that there is food and we only have half an hour left of the journey! but it’s how he did it - in a annoying way, but I looked up at him and told myself how can I stay cross when he smiles like that I smiled back to him and gave him a quick hug and ate my supper, I tried to not look at the cute boy! Dad will go mad if he knew I was looking at him, and he be even madder with him for looking at his daughter like that, because he won’t allow it and when he is out doing his own things he won’t know what I do, so fingers cross and hope I see that boy again and hang out with him. (Dad will never know!) If I don’t see this guy there will be plenty of other boys there… I hope to make it more enjoyable!

We are getting off the aeroplane now, so I write to you when we’re at the hotel. Or when I can, but one thing the boy is so cute! I wonder if he has a girlfriend…. Oh stop it, I should never have said that (now I be wondering whole time), I’ll never going to see him again! SO STOP IT!

Chapter 4

We are at the hotel reception area, waiting for our room, we been here about half an hour it is so busy at the moment…. Hey what is he doing here? I thought I wouldn’t see him again, but guess what; the cute boy is here at the same hotel! I better not let him see me… Oh crap, he had seen me!

Oh my word, he is coming over what would dad think I need to get out or look busy, he is nearly here I be best to look busy! Didn’t work she is still coming. “Hello, I thought because we in same hotel I thought of introducing myself, my name is Peter.”
He looked at me expecting way. Oh yeah, Say who you are then. Emma! “Hello, my name is….”
“Emma! What you doing chatting to that boy!” Dad called from the other side of the room,
I called to him “Chatting.”
He said, “Well don’t!”
I stood up and looked at Peter and said, “Hmmm… as you can guess my name is Emma and I’ll see you around!” and I walked away I felt his eyes on me when I am walking.

So I went to my bedroom and said goodnight to dad so I am about to go to sleep but I had to write that I am soooo happy that he is here and I now know his name… Peter… nice name, hopefully we will meet tomorrow because knowing dad he will go down to the beach and do things on his own whole day so I need to amuse myself for the day! When I was old enough to ask he said that he met my mum here and the first date they spent near that beach - so I usually leave him to sort it all out on his own. I think he blames himself for mum leaving us!

Night, Emma x

Chapter 5

We just about to leave to go to France on the train, we were going to go on the plane but I told them I don’t want to because I am scared of heights, mum said of course how can I forget that! (I can’t believe she forgot!!!) The train was about 6 o’clock so we eat on the train.

So anyway we in the car going to the train station what takes our car and us to France I am excited and disappointment that Charles didn’t fall ill or something like that, but I have to remember that he makes mum happy and I want mum to enjoy this holiday (she needs it!) and she wants me to be happy so I’m going to have a try! It’s a shame that Peter went on the plane earlier so he might be there already! I wonder what he is up to now possible looking at other girls or even chatting to them! I am really close to him he is a real good mate, but I won’t think of going out with him like boyfriends and girlfriends!

We’re on the train now and we are in this apartment with 4 beds I took the top on the right and the other two took the bottom two. I don’t think I be able to sleep ok in these kind of bed tonight at least it is only one night! I looked down at mum and Charlie and they looked at me and I put on a disguised face on and they both smiled and they looked at each other and smiled and Charlie said “come on we don’t want to be in this nasty room all the time, there is a bar at the end of the train where we can drink and eat!” I smiled and went to the door.

We got to the bar (but look more like a restaurant (with a bar there)) the waiter came and I was about to order my favourite meal when Charles said “one vegetation lasagne is that right.” He looked at me and I nodded “and my girl and I will have salmon please.” He looked at mum and she nodded smiling. And he ordered the drink. (2 white wine and 1 diet coke (for me!)) We ate gladly and drank our drink with pleasure some reason I feel glad that he came with us now! When we finished we stayed and chatted for sometime!

Then it was bedtime we walked to our room and I kissed them both goodnight even Charles that surprised me more than mum and Charles! (Because I never kissed Charles since he came in our household!) (Yuuck why did I so that, I don’t want anything to do with him!)

Hopefully see Peter tomorrow! Speak tomorrow x

© Copyright 2011 Annabel Hughes (kirbyland1986 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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