Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1772869-United-States-of-Corporate-America
by Harry
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Political · #1772869
A long free-verse poem about after corporations control our government.
The year 2028 ushers in another
corporation-bought government –
Presidency, Congress, and even
the Supreme Court. Corporations
have bought the government and
run it through their stooges for twelve
years now, the result of unregulated
spending of unlimited hundreds
of millions of corporate dollars
each election to sway the electorate.

Corporate America is far removed
from the democratic America
of our youth. The privatization
of functions previously performed
by the government itself is nearing
completion, and corporations are
literally raking in windfall profits.
Of course, the people are not as
well-served as before, but, as long
as corporations are prospering,
who cares about the common people?

First, the corporations’ henchmen
broke the unions, resulting in jobs
paying less, offering no benefits,
as well as many jobs becoming part-time.
This was deemed to be great; it kept
workers weak, scared, and happy to have
whatever job they could scrounge.

Then, the corporations had their
front men privatize the public schools,
making students attend for-profit
charter schools. Government vouchers
pay for most of the cost for the poorer-
performing charter schools and allow
millionaires and billionaires to get
taxpayer dollars to send their children
to the better-class charter schools.
Corporations and millionaires/billionaires
are quite happy with this new system.

Medicare/Medicaid is now run through
private insurance companies, which appreciate
all the extra billions of dollars funneled
their way, and who really cares if the
common people find their government
voucher inadequate to provide for their
medical costs. It’s better for the poor,
unproductive people to die early anyway,
just as long as the corporations and elite
rich are happy with the new system.
Likewise, Social Security has been turned
over to private investment firms to manage
with their fees, their never-ending fees.

All prisons are now corporation-run;
who would have guessed they would cost
the taxpayer twice as much to manage
as when government-run? There is
almost nothing done by the government
anymore; corporations make untold
profits doing these functions now.
Putting mercenary soldiers in place of
a civilian military was a stroke of genius,
as was replacing civilian police agencies
with corporate-controlled policemen.
Now corporations have brute strength
in case of any trouble-making citizens.

National security has much improved
ever since the Brown Shirts, as the
corporate national police agency is called,
was given the authority to stop anyone
anyplace anytime to demand to inspect
their papers and carry them off to jail
if they found their papers lacking.
Isn’t better national security wonderful?

This is a new America where corporations
are unregulated and the elite rich pay
no taxes. The middle class has been squeezed
out of existence and the working class
lives barely above the poverty line.
Young Americans no longer dream big
of things like getting a college education
or owning a house. Those things are
reserved for the elite rich who deserve them.

Yes, indeed, this new Corporate America
is something special! America now puts
all its peers, the other third-world countries,
to shame. And to think this all started
with the elections back in 2010, after which
the subjugation and fleecing of the common
people-taxpayers began. Recall the battle cry of
“No new taxes on the millionaires/billionaires!”
How did the American people let this happen?

Please check out my ten books:

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