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by abro
Rated: 13+ · Thesis · Community · #1772591
Naturism is Not Natural, it is Anti-Natural indeed.
Naturist are Not Natural or even Anti-Natural
(automatic writing, with starting few basic thoughts)

First thing: Nature gave Humans a weapon of Brian/Logic/Wisdom/Reasoning, assuming that Humans will use it, and will take care of all other things by themselves instead of Nature do it for them.

You know nature does not give everything to everyone.
Every being is equipped with specific arsenals, and that was their choice.
Some got poison but they did not get feet, some got wings but they did not get milk, some got huge body but they did not get much swiftness, some got swimming skills but they remain underground.
So everyone got some specialities from one side but some other specialities were reduced from other side.
And that's apply with humans too. Humans cannot fly naturally, or swim like fish or breathe underwater, or run like cheetah, or see clearly in night like cat, or fly like hawk, ...
But Human got one special thing, that's Brain!

There's one verse of poem (it is said its belongs to Mirza Ghalib)
بھینس کی پونچھ بلاوجہ نہیں غالب
کچھ تو ہے جس کی پردہ داری ہے۔

the tail of buffalo is not in vain Ghalib
there's something it keeps secret.

So now you got the point, animals have not much brain to make and sew and wear clothes by themselves. So in this regard Nature takes care for them, and Nature gave them 'organ' to protect/cover their private parts!
(you'll notice most animals have fur, feather or 'tail', on their those private parts.
Isn't it strange! Well the purpose of Nature is simple to keep it hidden and not expose in vain and to everyone)
I mean even look at the Humans, he is called Naked Ape, because we have not much hair on our body like gorillas and chimpanzees, but strangely hairs grow specifically around those parts!
Nowadays, we just fashioned them (pubic hairs) but in older days, when humans were naked, sure they got a 'big bush'. So why big bush, answer is simple the Nature wants you to keep it hide.
If Nature wants you to protect your private parts, then being more close to Nature means protect it, and man did it actually, when he got knowledge, by inventing the 'clothes'.
So being Naturist means wear the clothes, and not being naked at looking other animals otherwise you must grow much hair or 'tail' if you think like 'animal'.

2. Second thing humans got the psyche or nature of 'Getting Used To' kinda thing, like dope fiend; more and more you become drug addictive less and less it effects on you. And this is the same with sex. more and more you become 'sex-fiend' less and less you'll enjoy it. more and more body is exposed less and less you become attractive to it. and less you become attractive less you got sexual arousal, and less you got sexual arousal less you'll enjoy it, and less you enjoy it, you're ruining the fun!
Judge yourself which woman you find more attractive, one that is 24 hours naked before you or one which insists to not expose herself easily?
It does not mean women should be veiled in seven curtains and locked from outside, that's the extreme point.
But it does not mean either that she become cloth-less all the time indoor outdoor, private public. that's the extreme from other side.
Human nature is supposed to adopt the Moderate Way. Hide and Seek, Not Only Hide and Not Only Seek.
It seems Eastern got one extreme point and Western got other.
You know a good thriller book/movie is only which make you in suspense for time being and give the answers in the end or after a while. but how you'll feel if there's only riddles and suspense and not answer, or no suspense/thrill at all, it'll be so dry and tasteless.

So naturists (who thinks being naked means more close to nature)
do two (at least) damages to nature naturally.
1. They go against nature.
2. They reduce sexual arousal.

There are also some other points to ponder as:
Private parts are the things which always opposite sex eager to see. And we know everybody do not get the perfect body, neither everybody get the same taste. So different people like the different bodies and different people get the different bodies.
If everones body is exposed it becomes easier to choose your mate on the basis of body, and this is not good. I mean body is not the stand on which people should choose their partner. We can't say if small tits (girl) is more intelligent than big tits or big ass is more dumb than small ass! Otherwise all good figures will get more mates and all 'not-much-attractive' figures will be desperate to find the mate. And this is again imbalancing the nature. One having more sex than need and other getting less sex than need! (and both are damaging themselves)

And we know sex is not in the bodies, but sex is in the personalities.
If you are not agree then why you much eager to have sex with actress or celebrity instead of some local poor woman. From biological point of view both got the same organ, same body.

If East and West have gone to two different extreme points then solution seems only if we become all blend, we all become mixed up. There will be no more any You and Me. I dream if someday all country boundaries are lift up and everyone could travel to everywhere and live freely where ever he/she wants. In this way we'll adopt the moderate way and live in peace naturally.

[It feels the wars in old days were good things to get blend and mixed up. Though it damaged a little but in the end they were good to mix up and being 'one'. Biologically we know getting marry with close relations causes possibility of inheritance more abnormality, genetic diseases and not-much-intelligent children, while marrying with much distance genus do totally reverse i.e. beautiful, intelligent, normal, no-diseases... in children.
Other point: those wars look very much close to nature too, i mean you must have watched National Geographic, when two animals (males) want female, they must have to fight first to show they are worth to get it, so winners get it and losers have to go, practice more and come back later, or try luck somewhere else. According to Darwin it's simply, Sexual Selection, passing the best seeds forward.
So those human wars, when fought with swords, were very much like this kinda practice, in which brave soldiers survive and weakers die, winners get the women and passes their genes.]

So bottomline: if your naturist then wear clothes (more or less) to be a naturist, and if you are not naturist then wear clothes also because it's normal, clothes make you look good, and finally because that's what the Nature demands.
Keep the things hidden, which by themselves want to remain hidden (until a certain point when they want to get expose), and keep the suspense alive!

If you don't want to wear clothes, don't wear it (i am not becoming your mommy or daddy), but at least we should know and accept that what is the 'natural thing' indeed in first place.

And, (second part), Nature also demands that all humans on planet Earth are one, sharing the same 99.95% DNA code, regardless of colour, size or whatever. So better we mix up, intermingle, and make genius and remarkable Homo Sapiens overall.


[Note: above text is pure secular/ on knowledge base, but other side i also found some references about clothing in sacred texts, just want to share.
(above text have nothing to do with religions in first place)]


Lets have brief look on sacred texts on clothing:

"O Children of Adam ! Surely We have sent down to you a garment that would cover your shame and be a good vesture. And the garment of Piety that is the best. That is from the Ayat (Signs) of Allah that they may take reminder." Quran (7:26)

"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for a food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did feat.

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons."Genesis (6-7)

19. "O Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and enjoy (its good things) as ye wish: but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression."

20. Then began Satan to whisper suggestions to them, bringing openly before their minds all their shame that was hidden from them(before): he said: "Your Lord only forbade you this tree, lest ye should become angels or such beings as live for ever."

21. And he swore to them both, that he was their sincere adviser.

22. So by deceit he brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree, their shame became manifest to them, and they began to sew together the leaves of the garden over their bodies.Quran (7:19-21)

So you knew now what to do when you become 'knowledgeable'.

I found some other sayings regarding sex and sex-organs in deep islamic teachings, just want to share.

Imam Jafar Sadiq narrated through his ancestors Imam Ali that Prophet Muhammad said that:
God dislikes that you see the woman's private part (vagina), it causes the blindness.
(Book, Khisal)

The grand son of Prophet Muhammad Imam Zainul Abideen narrates that:
Know it that God has some rights upon you which have surrounded your all actions and inactions. ... the right of your sex organ upon you is that you save it from adultery and cover it lest someone can see it.
(Book, Khisal)

Imam Ali (Prophet's Administor) said, Prophet testated me, O Ali no one can perform the duty to bath me (after death) except you, and no one will save my private parts except you.Because if someone will see my private parts except you his eyes will pop out.
Ali says: When Prophet died and I tried to remove his clothes for bath I heard a secret voice, O administer of Muhammad! Do not make them nude. So I bathed them when their shirt was on their body. I swear to God Who honored and especial the Prophet with his prophecy I did not see the private parts of Prophet.
(Book, Khisal)

(Zaid was the son of grand son (Imam Zainul Abideen) of Prophet, he was pious man and he fought against the criminals and corrupt people in Islam in his age. But at last he defeated, killed and his body hanged nude on a tree. There are some sayings about him i share here.)

When Zed Shaheed was hanged naked then a spider quickly spun his web on his private part and made it secret totally. Next morning when people of Koofa saw it they removed it by arrows but at night spider spun web again.

One woman when saw the nudity of Zed Shaheed she fainted on the spot.
(Book, Zed Shaheed, 207-208, ref: Sawaiqe Maharqa and Hadiqul Wariya)

Once Imam Ali (grand father of Zaid) stayed at the place where Zed will be hanged in Koofa. He started to weep. His companions asked the reason. He said, one man from my offspring will be hanged here and if anyone will see his private parts God will through him in hell face foremost.
(Book, Zed Shahed, 222, ref Kitab Al Malahim ibne Taoos Ch. 31, page. 84)

Yes these are all religious traditions, and such events have passed a long time. In todays world people do not give much heed on such things, however for the sake of thought i m sharing it here. It seems in sacred texts, protecting the private parts possess a great value. Even their position in the body is at such a place where it cannot be seen easily even if a person stands stark naked. (specially woman.)
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