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The Chosen Ones reveals his destiny and meets friends on his journey. |
Basic Info. {The Chosen Ones reveals his destiny and meets friends on his journey. His name is Dante his friends are Scar he is a drunkard and loves to eat he wears a green tunic with a gauntlet that he vowed to never remove, Jewel is an assassin and the daughter of a Noble Family she wears a black outfit with leather belts to keep her more stealthed, Sara is a very powerful spell-caster and has no family just her friends she wears a pink sorceress robe, and Razzer the Rebel leader in the Demon Realm he wears full body armor with an insignia of a royal family on it. Dante's twin brother Jason is wanting to kill his brother and bring suffering to all Realms and one motivation that is clouded in darkness. The 3 Rulers of the Realms Dragontaur (like a centaur but dragon waist up) rules the Demon Realm brother to Ryu the ruler of the Spirit Realm (he looks different to everyone) brother to Guru ruler of the Earth Realm (has moss growing all over in different places).} {17 years ago} As Dante and Jason were growing they both had felt a bond between each other. Then one day as Dante woke to find his mother lying in a pool of blood. Jason then charged Dante with a knife pulled and said "Do you hate me little brother?" As he turned and walked out the door to be greeted by Dragontaur. "Use that and grow stronger." Jason said before disappearing in a flash of light. {Present Day} Dante awoke after a night of training in his small town of Alistar he makes his way to Guru for more direction on his destiny. But there at the doorway of Guru's temple was Dante's Master Borin just telling him "Remember if you want to live find a few good friends" he kept telling you that these past few months. And inside of the temple Guru tell's you he must go out leave Alistar and kill an unknown being to fulfill "The Prophecy Of The Fates". So he gets ready to leave the city when a black portal opens up and demons pour out Dante attacks the demons and killing them with his trusty Bastard Sword he reports back to Guru and Guru say's "I am granting you the power of the Earth to protect yourself, and Dante i'm dying you must fill my spot as Guardian of the Earth Realm meet with Ryu in the Cave of Aging wear this amulet only when you go in." "Yes Guru I will do as you say." Then Dante sets out for the "King's City" for information on the "The Prophecy Of The Fates". But Dante sees a beautiful sorceress being chased by thugs he takes them out with kicks. Dante asks "What is thy sorceress name?" "I am Sara here seeking refuge from an attack on my town." "What was your town attacked by if I may ask?" "Demon's." Sara answer's "Are you sure it was demon's?" "Yes." "How about you travel with me on my journey witch?" "As long as I leave this town." Before Dante and Sara sets out he gathers a few supplies from the market on his way through the town Dante saw a blade that was twice the length of his and still a hand and a half (Bastard Sword) but he didn't have enough gold so he just went on his way getting supplies. Sara followed him and bought the sword for him.Dante and Sara sets out with nothing more about the prophecy. They make camp in a cave with one more days walk to Ryu's meeting. Dante wakes up and see's Sara still sleeping so he goes to wake her up and gets punched. Dante asks "What was that for?" Sara replies "Don't try to wake me up or you might get hit I'm sorry if I didn't tell you." "Its alright Sara but that was a really good hit." Dante says Dante and Sara arrives at The Cave of Aging and he tells her to stay here and don't let anyone in there. Dante slips the Amulet on and walks in and finds Ryu in a shrine talking with what looks like a spirit. Ryu (looks like a martial artist in white Gi's) and he was talking with Guru telling him of your arrival Ryu welcomes Dante in and and tells him what he must do. "Dante you must collect the artifacts of this Realm and bring them here and perform a powerful spell and open the gate to the Demon Realm and kill your brother....." "My brother died a long time ago don't ever bring his name up again." "Dante your brother is alive and he is killing everyone in the Demon Realm to complete your destiny you have to kill him and stop him from getting his infinite army out of the Demon Realm." Ryu explained "I don't want to hear no more I am out of here." Dante says Dante walks out of the cave and tells Sara lets go we have to get "The Three Legendary Artifacts". Dante made his journey to a village called "Calden" and went in a tavern for a drink. Before Dante got inside a man was flung out of the doors followed by an even bigger guy with a gauntlet on his right arm with a spike at his elbow and one at the top of his shoulder he was 6'7 big muscled with a beer mug in his hand drinking while fighting the other guy. After the fight a girl came out and said "Scar the delivery hasn't made it yet can you go and see whats holding them up?" "Yea I'll be back." The big guy said Meanwhile Sara was looking around town for shops and all she could find was houses and taverns. Then she saw an old man being harassed by a couple of thugs she walked over asked for them to quit bothering this old man but before she could grab her staff Scar walked up behind her and said "I will handle this." He knocked each one out cold and walked toward a cliff so Sara followed him and he found a wagon hauling supplies to the village was attacked and when he turned to go back he found some demons attacking him so Sara came off of the cliff only to be knocked out. When she woke up she was in a bedroom with Dante sleeping in a chair Scar came in to check if everyone is ok. When he comes in he see's Sara awake and asks "You feel better miss?" "Yea thank you for saving me." Sara said "Why were you following me?" Scars says "I don't know why really." Sara explains "I'm Scar and you must be Sara right?" Scar says "Yea and again thank you." Sara says Dante wakes up and see's Sara is gone so he walks down stairs and see's her singing up on a bar. After that Sara walks over to Dante and says "We have another member with us." "WHAT!!!!! How did this happen who joined?" Dante demanded "Scar asked if we were on an adventure I said yes and he wanted to come with us." Sara explains They decided to leave Calden with a few supplies to hold them up until they reach the mountainous city of "Kedalvasser." The team reaches a lake and decide to camp here and continue in the morning. Sara falls asleep almost instantly Dante and Scar talk about their past and why they are this journey then they got interrupted by a three trolls walking their way. Dante pulled his sword out and Scar got ready for a fight. Scar punched one of the trolls killing it with the spike on his guantlet, Dante killing one with his sword, then Sara still asleep cast a spell and killed the last troll. Then a portal opened up and a huge demon that is manipulating the water for his powers walks out and Sara still asleep. Scar went for his deadly strike but he didn't even flinch Dante tried to slash him but that didn't work. Dante thought back and remembered the power Guru gave him he used it and the ground split then he was falling he jumped out of the hole and went for a killing blow but Dante shaped the ground into a spear and "killed" the demon. Then right there where demon was, was one of the Artifact you were looking for. But it was different as in tainted somehow with dark powers. Dante reached down and touched it and was knocked unconscious and saw his brother killing innocent civilian's. Then he woke up and saw Scar fighting more and more monster's so he woke Sara up and got Scar and ran for it. They reached Kedalvasser by morning and found an Inn to sleep. Sara was the first on awake and walked around town for a few hours and then saw a couple of thugs mugging an older man. Sara walked over to the thugs with her staff drawn and cast spell to paralyze them before she could do anything she was arrested. A few hours go by Dante and Scar wakes up and the Innkeeper barges in and says "That woman you was with was arrested." "How could that be?" Dante asks. "Well Sorcerer's and Sorceress's are not permitted in this town." The Innkeeper explains "Because 5 years ago a Sorcerer moved in the castle and taxing us and killing off any resistance we give to take our town back, then we said that we would arrest any magic wielding being." "But what did Sara do to expose herself?" Scar speaks up. "Some say she was going to stop a mugging and some say she was the leader of a mugging." The Innkeeper said "How would we get her out of jail?" Dante says "Well for one if you think you can kill that son of a bitch sorcerer." The Innkeeper said "Ok consider that a done deal." Scar says readily for a fight. "What?" Dante looking at Scar "We don't even know how strong this guy is." Dante says. (pause)"You know where I can get my sword repaired?" asking the Innkeeper "Not since he took Alen our blacksmith." She said "Well let's go Scar I need my blade repaired." Dante says nonchalantly "Ok I think my gauntlet needs to be...... repaired." As Dante and Scar walks to the gate to the Sorcerer's Mansion they were confronted by guards and told them to back away from there. Scar punched the Captain so hard he was unconscious and the other guards came at them with theirs blade's Drawn. Dante attacked the four guards between them and the gate and moved them to the side when they reached the gate the captain stood in the way. He was bleeding profusely around his right eye and a gash on his arm and asked Dante and Scar "If your that willing to die then go, Men stand down." As they made their trek up to the mansion door they were attacked by a West Dragon then Scar said "Go on i got this." As Dante burst through the door he was immediately greeted by the wicked sorcerer Chamon Zerin he raised his hand and before he could do anything Scar came flying through the wall with the dragon still attacking. Chamon attacked Dante with a lightning spell and shocked Dante until he was unconscious. Sara barged through the door with her staff raised and struck Chamon with a fireball and killing him in one swift attack. Dante and Scar woke up back in the Inn and bandaged up from their wounds. They walk down stairs and asks what happened and then saw Sara sitting at the bar talking and laughing with everyone there. Scar sits down and orders a drink Dante walks over and asks Sara "I thought you were in prison?" "I was until a guard came running in and said if I knew the two guys going to fight the Sorcerer Chamon Zerin then I said probaly and they released me if I went straight there to save you." Sara explained. "How did you manage to do what me a Scar couldn't do?" Dante asks "Every spell-caster knows Chamon, he was the greatest of all but I made a promise that I will become the strongest spell-caster in all the realms." Sara says "Well we should try and get that Artifact." Dante said "While you and Scar was unconscious I found it in the mansion." Sara says "Well we gotta be going Sara to find that other Artifact." Dante says "I know but you and Scar was unconscious for 3 days...." Sara was interrupted "WHAT!!! Why didn't you wake us up Sara?" Dante demands "Well..." Sara's interrupted again "I told her not to wake you because you was close to death and was in no condition to be moving around." A shaded figure said "And who exactly are you if I may ask?" Dante asks "I am the blacksmith and doctor of this fine town. Oh before I forget drop by my workshop to pick your weapons up..." Alen's interrupted "Why do you have our weapons?" Dante demands "Because this fine woman asked me too (points at Sara) and its on the house." Alen said As they got ready to leave they were confronted by a hoard of demons lead by another demon on a horse. The guards tryed to attack but their wedapons went right through them. He looked much like the other demon but he was smaller and organized and said "3 Days son of Alexandria" then rode off. They continued their journey to Spirit Temple to get the Spirit Artifact the group already collected the Earth Artifact and the Dark Artifact. It was getting dark so they made camp Scar was the first one to go to sleep. Dante and Sara talked for part of the night and then Sara went to sleep after about 5 minutes a portal opened up. That same demon appeared and then offered the Spirit Artifact if Dante could kill him in a fight in the alloted time when he told him in Kedalvasser. Dante pondered all that night trying to figure out why he didn't fight him now or at Kedalvasser. Dante and the other's left early in the morning and went to the Shrine of Ryu and ask about that demon. The Journey to the Shrine would be a 2 day walk exactly the time the demon said. The group of friends travelled to a small village where thieves and murderers live they walked into a tavern called "The Omen". Scar had a drink Dante and Sara grabbed something to eat. Meanwhile Sara got pickpocketed by a strange man and started to chase him but found a woman wearing a black outfit with leather belts holding their gold. The mysterious woman tossed their gold back. Sara said "Thank you miss." While Sara walked back to the tavern she was ambushed by several thugs she was going to pull her staff out but the mysterious woman showed up. She threw a shuriken at each of the thugs and told them "They are under my protection." She then said to Sara "My name is Jewel and we have to find your friends." "Why what is going on?" Sara questioned "Because this is a revolution to liberate a few thieves from jail and your friends are to be offered to the merc." Jewel explained While they were talking a few thugs surrounded them and before they could fight them Dante and Scar arrived to fight them. Jewel explained the situation to everyone while they kept fighting. Sara said "We have to make it to the guard barracks." "Why do we have to go there for?" Scar said "We have to keep these people from liberating a couple bigshots from jail." Sara says The group runs toward the guard's barracks to be stopped by a guy about the same height as Scar, and an identical gauntlet. Scar tells the others to go on that he had to do this. Scar looked him over and finally said "Well 20 years and I thought you died back in the mountains." "Well I have come to gain my revenge on you for leaving me there to die." "No I wanted to go back but the captain..." Scar was interrupted "Like this captain?" (tosses the captains head to Scar) "Why are you doing this? You signed on as soldier not a mercenary and a soldier follows their order." Scar says "I thought you were my friend now I know you have new friends just toss them aside when they are weak like what you did to me." "If we're gonna fight let's do it." Scar charged toward his old friend only to be blocked with ease, then he threw a punch to be stopped by Scar. As they kept fighting the mercenary who caught the thieves stepped in to end the whole revolution. He went straight for the Guards barracks and ran into Dante. Dante blocked his attack and came around with with a kick and only to be stopped by Jewel. "Go i'll hold him back whatever you do don't let these weaklings get to this guy." Jewel ordered As Dante and Sara ran off they saw a couple of thugs beating the guards into a corner. Dante ordered Sara to go protect the thief as Sara ran off Dante kicked the thugs off of the guards. Then Sara arrived at the cell only to be confronted by even more thugs. Sara cast an electric spell and paralyzed them. The thief told Sara "Let me out and I can end this war." "No way I'm told to keep you inside and I will not let you out." Sara said Meanwhile Scar was getting beat by his adversary so he made the decision to run and get his friends out of the town. Scar saw Jewel getting beat and grabbed her and ran off only to find Dante in a corner with guards knocked out. So Scar grabs Dante and runs off to find Sara. Scar runs in the room to be hit by Sara with her staff. Scar tells Sara they have to leave immediately. Before they could leave they were approached by all their enemies. The thief said "Let me out and i'll hold them back while you escape through the secret passage." Jewel looked deeply and saw nothing but sincerity flowing from the thief and unlocked his cell. He rushed out and revealed the passage and started to hold back the thugs. Then Jewel closed the door only to be trapped in an enclosed space, before they had a chance to say anything they fell through the floor. They landed in an underground cavern only to follow torches to the outside, they were all getting restless so they made camp inside the cave. Sara and Scar was the first ones to fall asleep while Dante talked with Jewel through the night. After about a few hours the same demon appeared saying he can't keep his promise, because he is going back to the Demon Realm. "I hope we can fight again some other time" The Demon General said. Before Dante could do anything the Demon just left and in his place was the last Artifact. Dante went to pick it up only to have a vision of his brother attacking a man in a robe. Then Scar wakes Dante and says "Jewel told us that you talked with a Demon, why didn't you fight it?" "Well that Demon is different more honorable and well-mannered, but we have our Artifact don't we." Dante says "Now why did he just give you the Artifact?" Scar asks "Because originally we had a deal to fight today." Dante explains "I still don't trust him" Scar says "Sara and Jewel will agree." "Don't trust him then but let's go to the Ryu's Shrine" Dante says While they made their way out of the cavern they saw an Army of Demon's marching toward Dante's group. They had no choice but fight the demon's. Dante stands proudly in front of the other's, Sara stands on Dante's right with Scar on the left and Jewel standing next to Sara. Sara was preparing a powerful spell to immobilize them, while the others fought the demon's. Dante charged in with his sword drawn charges down the middle Jewel charges the left flank, and Scar attacks the right flank. After killing the first wave of demon's, even more showed up and Sara still preparing a spell to immoblize them. Half an hour goes by Sara fires the spell and nothing happened, Dante decided to make a run for it. Before they could get away the thugs from the city they escaped from was blocking their escape route. To Be Continued... (Read part 2 to continue) (This part and the others will be deleted, for a better version) |