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Noah has always been different but soon he will see how different |
Noah lay on his bed in his small room in Baltimore, Maryland his foster parents would be home any minute to discuss his being suspended from school. He was a couple more infractions away from being sent to a delinquent school Noah let out a sigh as long as he could remember he was different an outsider and typically on the bottom of the social hierarchy at school on top of that he couldn't sleep when he tried it was always the same nightmare of his birth parents death or " the incident" as his foster parents called it and they refused to tell him exactly what had happened he could only remember some details like his parents warm embrace as they realized their eminent death and the smell of his moms perfume and his fathers after shave and his moms tears as she begged for him to be spared he hated remembering but treasured those memories his only memories of his parents none the less then came the fire the all consuming flame of rage that always lived deep in his heart even if it didn't show it was always there, did the killers know what they had taken from him ? did they care? he wished he could find them and confront them. Then came his inner voice would you kill them Noah ? would you kill them like they killed your parents? the answer was yes and this scared him more than his nightmares Noah put his hands in on his head sigh " this is going to be a long day " he said aloud as if right on Que he heard the front door slam "shit" okay time to face the music he opened the top drawer on his old oak writing desk and withdrew his cellphone and his drivers license opened his door to the upstairs hall way walked across the wood finish floor to the stairs and made his descent the house was very nice always clean and smelled of lemons or cinnamon the down stairs had three conjoined rooms the one on the right was the living room the one in the middle was the foyer where the stairs where and the walls where lined with book shelves and finally the one on the left was the kitchen with the same wood floor as the upstairs hall where his room and foster parents rooms were his room had the same gray carpet as the living room and his foster parents had a brown carpet the house was decent sized had two bathrooms one just off the kitchen and one upstairs at the end of the hall opposite the stairs as he walked his heart beat grew steadily louder he took a deep breath and walked into the living room and saw his foster parents his foster mom had tears in her eyes and her blonde hair was puffy and uncombed instead of its usual fine groomed state her forest green eyes where red from crying his foster father also had tears in his dark brown eyes jeez he had been suspended before why was this time so special he promptly went to his foster father and handed over his license and cellphone "I'm sorry" sorry Noah said as he was about to hand over his license and his phone "keep them" his foster father said surprisingly upbeat " Noah when we went to your school we were deeply upset " his foster father said "I'm really sorry " Noah said " but then we got a letter from the writers guild and I'm sorry for snooping but when i was in your room last i found some of the stories you had written and submitted them the letter i got stated you were a masterful writer and your have been extended a fully paid enrollment to a writers school called fedic the most pretentious academy in maryland" his foster father said almost bursting into tears "what?" Noah stammered " so without making much noise mark ( my foster fathers name ) and I slipped off to the car dealership and got you a present" said his foster mom ( her name is Jane ) " is this a prank" Noah said excited beyond reason " no its not Jane lets show him his first car" mark said and they opened the front door Noah's heart skipped a beat it was his dream car a 2010 Chevy camaro jet black with two white stripes on the top going up the hood on the roof and ending at the end of the trunk Noah hugged his foster parents hard and nearly cried he knew they were rich but loathed to spend money on unnecessary luxuries " thank you guys this means a lot " Noah said on the verge of fainting from excitement "don't mention it after all you'll need a ride to fedic your start there beginning of next school year the rest of this year you have off to hone your writing skills I've already programed the directions into the built in gps its only a 25 minute drive from here classes will start at ten o'clock sharp and end at two thirty, much shorter than a regular school day huh?" mark said barely taking time to breath , that night Noah slept soundly and the fire of rage in his heart was not much more than the fire of a candle but still it remained and would ultimately ruin him. he awoke to see mark standing over him "hey bud Stephen just called he said he would be over in a few" mark said sounding a little tired. Come to think of it he looked exhausted his eyes had dark lines under them and his hands appeared shaky " have you been up all night " Noah said " yes sorry bud it's just...well..I'm really proud of you okay" Noah understood instantly mark had wanted to be an author in his younger years and he was good really good, but his father (Noah's foster grandfather) had made him take over the family contracting company " maybe you can help me with my stories some time " Noah said cheerfully "sure but you should get in the shower and get dressed Stephen will be here soon and you know how impatient he is" of course Stephen was Noah's best friend he had know him practically forever ( since first grade when Noah first moved to Baltimore anyway) Stephen and Noah's antics had often got them in trouble. Getting up from his bed Noah got in his old oak dresser and pulled out his favorite dark blue shirt and a pair of faded jeans, boxers and socks, then retrieving his shoes a pair of dark blue chuck taylors in about twenty minutes he was dressed showered and exiting the bathroom to see Stephen waiting outside of the door in his usual clothes a black ac dc short sleeved t shirt over a white long sleeve shirt a pair of stone washed jeans and his pair of black skate shoes his blonde hair was long and swept off to the right covering his right eye "sup" Stephen said "Jesus man have you been out here the entire time I was in the shower" Noah said "nah only about ten minutes" Stephen said in his almost eerie monotone "so parents got a new camaro " Stephen said inquisitively " not exactly" Noah said slyly " don't tell me its yours " Stephen said breaking his monotone " uh-huh" Noah said cracking a smile to be continued....at some point...probably |