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Rated: 18+ · Essay · Business · #1771885
This story is about deception, sometimes the truth is bent
The night wind blew through my open window curtains bringing in with it the smell of rain along the mountainside. It was nearly midnight and the moon had hidden itself behind the darkened clouds in the sky. Now and then, the moon would peep at me from its hiding spot and just as quickly run away again. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying the quiet solitude of my room and the earth below.

I was home. It wasn’t perfect but it was safe at least for now. I looked around the scanty room. The only thing that held any promise was the bed. I had spent most of the day repairing. Each leg was either broken or chipped due to aging and termites. Now after much work and preparation it looked like a classic Victorian queen sized bed with its gold trimmings and shining exterior. This was one for the scrapbook, I thought to myself. As I got up from off the dusty floor; smacking at my buttocks praying for the sunrise yet again.

“What are you still doing up Shaun?”

I didn’t look back. She was the reason I was back home with neither money nor a name. If she had only listened to me, we would have been living like king and queen. But she had to ruin everything. My hands curled in to a fist waiting for her to invade my space.  Surprisingly she stood where she was, at the entrance to my room in this scanty town called home. I did my breathing exercises as I made my way to bed.

“Why is it any of your business woman as to when I sleep or wake?”

“I love you Shaun and I wanted us to be happy”

I turned to look at her slick frame pressing against the archway of the door. It was hard not to love her, but then again she made it so easy not to. Her eyes followed my every movements and I did my best not to pounce on her. My mother had thought me that hitting a woman wasn’t an option; there was other ways to punish them.

“Eve you leave me alone let me rest, please?”

I had to grate my teeth to get the meaning across, but she didn’t leave.

When was this woman going to stop harassing me? My hands curled and uncurled into a fist. Right now, I wished that there was an exception to the rule. Her presence alone was driving me insane. But I was man and she was woman, a creature more inclined to tantrums that I was.


“Damn it woman go from here!  What are you waiting on an invitation to my bed?”

Eve muffled down a sob I knew only too well. She was playing on my emotions and I was fed up of it. I pulled the warm woolen blanket over my head and closed my eyes. There I waited for her to stamp off into her room cursing a way at my family and me.

As if on schedule, she slammed the door behind her as she left my room, like many nights before. Tonight however instead of the string loads of filth coming from her mouth, there were only footsteps and the slamming of a distant door.

“God she finally changed her routine, thank you.”

I snuggled under the cover and sighed with relief. Eve was not to reign over me as she did Adam. I may have tasted her forbidden fruit, but she was not to be the end of me. I had cheated her out on so many a things, why must I stop now.


“Shaun I love you”

She would cry out to me in our lovemaking those words. I had already made it clear to her that commitment wasn’t my forte, but already she had forgotten. I placed my hand on the large mounds she called her breasts. How could something so soft be so firm at the same time, I pondered to myself as I allowed my tongue to trace over each of her nipples.

Her hands were already digging into my skin an all I did was kiss her beauty. She was a wild one from the very first day our paths crossed I knew it.

Eve was a bountiful woman and I was a thriftless man, she had something I wanted, but when it came to giving, she was as selfish as any other woman was.

“Baby go down on me please.”

I paused for a moment unable to contain my laughter. She had to be kidding me. I looked at her moon shaped eyes and her red full lips that trembled with each touch of my hand. And I sighed; love wasn’t a part of my equation sex was, money was and that ‘L’ word doesn’t apply anywhere.

“Can’t, right now all I want is to concentrate on is you.”

She smiled ever so sweetly as I nibbled on her bottom lip. But that was the only good memory I had of her, she was a bitch in every sense of the way. Frankly, I was sorry for her husband that was if a man ever dared to cross the threshold with her. What good is a woman who is great in bed and the devil out on the streets? Lord alone knows no one deserved her type of punishment, not even me.


“Get up it’s time to leave this place!”

Pete tapped me on the shoulder with his broad slender hand. His baby smooth face and hazel brown eyes made me acutely aware of my plain black ones. His neatly trimmed appearance made him stood out more when he was among up. Boy, did I hate the guy but he was useful to me. He had the brain, the influence and the money that I needed to skyrocket back into royalty. That and he kept that Jezebel off my shoulders.

Our unique friendship started a couple of months ago in Tobago. I had what he wanted: suave, elegance and stealth. He on the other hand had stature, money and ladies- rich ones to be exact.

“Where’s Eve?”

“She left last night, all her clothing was gone.”

A smiled played on my face, ding-dong the bitch was gone. Ding, ding, dong. I scrambled off my bed and took what little clothing I could find. It was time to meet high society. It was time to meet Pete’s friends. And with Eve gone, a yoke was swiftly lifted from off my back. The devil woman went back to whence she came.

“Why are you so happy?”

Pete looked at me with a mocking gaze. If only he could have read my mind, we would have been soul brothers. I shrugged my shoulders and murmured on about the nice whether we were having. His eyebrows arched as my blissful statement. He was having none of my faire laissez behavior.

“We have to find Eve.”

“Am not right now Pete, let’s just go on without her we will all meet back up eventually.”

In my mind never kept repeating in my head. The troublesome bitch was gone. A blessing in disguise. I was on the verge of kissing the ground, but hey one-step at a time. After much debate, I finally coerced Pete into going along with my initial plan. We would look for her later, but right now, I had to be presented to the world.

“My father already knows that you are coming all you have to do is act polite, and use that charm those ladies like. He will hire you in an instant.”

“Did you forge the certificates?”

He handed me a manila envelope with all the high school and university documentation I needed to sweeten the deal with his father.

“Don’t worry he never does a background check and if he does I have plans in place”

Pete again tapped me on the back pulling out another parcel from behind him. In it were a brand new dress suit and a pair of Peter Elias black dress shoes. I trailed my fingers through the folds of my store bought garb. This was the life a man could get accustom to.

“What did you think? I wasn’t about to let my father see the new CEO of his company all dressed in drab, now can I?”

The man was a pest but he was quick on the draw. A trait I liked about him and equally despise. He was a serpent and I was about to enter his world of cutthroats and slaves. The things that made him who he is could very well be the poison that could kill me.


“My son speaks highly of you.”

Mr. Jamieson shook my hand as I entered into the vast dome shaped office. He looked everything like his son except his eyes were blue green. His hair had grown silver with age giving him a look of vulnerability. But his eyes said differently.

There were books scattered all over his hand crafted old oak table. Some were piled high and placed on a second table equally majestic as the first.

“Sorry to say this place is a mess and I never got around to cleaning it.”

I smiled and threw his careless words behind my back. This was a room for a working man, and I was ready to work. In as little as ten minutes, the interview was over. I had the old man bawling and there were times I feared he would have a heart attack. But fate had it, he was stronger than he seemed.

“My son seems to be a good judge of character.”

He leaned over the table with his arms slightly folded. His face had turned quite serious and his mouth began to sag. Something was wrong and I knew it. Or was this the unveiling of the truth? My heart began to drum into my ears.

Pressing the Viacom, Mr. Jamieson called for his secretary to come into the room. After a moment of silence, I heard the squeaking of the door and the rustle of the keys. I was being locked inside. The thought made me fly up in frenzy.

“Good day Mr. Spiel”

The voice alone took me by surprise. 

“Well Ms. Fuego is this gentleman the one you saw consorting with my son?”

I wanted to sit down for just a moment, but my leg wouldn’t let me. I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my neck. But I couldn’t dare turn away without acknowledging her. If I did, I would attack her like the raging bull that I was. She had tricked Pete and me. Or was I the one who was spited?

Eve made her way towards me with a smirk on her face; with each step taken, I could see all the ways I could be imprisoned like a mad man or a murderer. Heck my only mistake was not getting rid of her from the start. Yet still my eyes met her without any hesitation as she stood beside the boss.

“Yes daddy, he’s the man I saw with Pete. He even tried to swindle and blackmail us out of money.”

I cringed at each word spoken. She had called him her father, which just meant that Pete was her …

“Don’t get it twisted Shaun, you fucked with my wife. I just wanted to repay the favor.”

Pete appeared from behind the second desk with his hand in his pocket and a gun in the other. His eyes were red with the fever that most men had when they saw no way out. I was going to die there today. This was their plan all along.

“What is it like looking down the barrel of a gun?”

He pointed it right to my head. His father let out an eerie gasp for air. It seemed like the old man was finally getting a heart attack.

“Papa, you all right?”

Eve tapped him on the back and gently placed his head on the table. She turned her gaze to her husband who was more interested in shooting me between the eyes.

“Let the old man die in peace we could say that he murdered him.”

Pete turned his attention to his father and pulled the trigger. Eve screams echoed throughout the room. And I was on the verge of pissing myself.

“Bitch you shut up before I kill you to. How could you have slept with this man?”

“Baby please I was drunk!”

Eve placed her hand over her head as her husband waved the gun aimlessly at her. He laughed menacingly as she did her best to avoid becoming his target practice.

“All ten times, you were drunk!”

I backed away as slowly as possible. There was no need for any more causality, at least the one that mattered.

“Hey Shaun where are you going?”

Anger flashed in Pete’s face. He was a cold-hearted criminal and I had pushed my dick in the wrong hole. I knew she was trouble from the start and now I was going to die because of her.

“Shaun was my wife any good cause when it comes to me I get every other man’s draining.”

I laughed. He was funny in a twisted sense of way. The gun was reloaded and pointed at my head. Eve hid behind the body of her father. And I was wishing this was all a dream.

“Answer me!”

“She was a freak in bed okay and I didn’t know that you two were married. The bitch lied to the both of us. Kill her off and do what you want with me after.”

This was the first time I have ever heard Pete laughed to his heart content. In a way he agreed with me. She was more trouble than she was worth. I closed my eyes as he turned his focus on his cheating wife. I heard the gun as it discharged and I felt a burning sensation in my soul. In that, second I knew that I was hit. That bitch should have burned in hell alongside me screw this world.

© Copyright 2011 Enishal (enishal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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