Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1770427-save-earth
by aish
Rated: E · Article · Inspirational · #1770427
frnds, save ur earth save ur life...

“No bird fouls its own nest.” is the famous proverb. But it s not the same in case of man. He has surrendered himself to death by destroying his only home, Earth.

Our planet earth is a unique planet with life. May be scientists are planning to have life on moon, mars or Jupiter. But our present day needs are fulfilled by earth. Its protection is our prior duty.

Our planet earth is home to a large number of species of animals, plants and microbes; each one is unique, special and important. Every creature small or big plays a dominant role in biosphere. If a single species get extinct, the whole environment and the working of natural orders of things would get disturbed.

As our society starts developing and growing, we have encroached forests which are main habitat to animals. Animals have started entering villages which is threatening human kind. This happens because animals are losing their homes. It is really worrisome.

Climatic changes have turned out to be disastrous. In winter when the crops grow in a proper way, it rained this time and lead to destruction of a huge amount of crops. Who were the sufferers? Ofcourse farmers along with the common man who had to buy vegetables whose rates touched the sky. Global warming, depletion of ozone layer, increase in carbon-dioxide and other harmful gases will meet our ends too.

There are several organizations working for the conservation and protection of earth. But as we common man continues to do unwanted deeds, their hard work also cannot reap fruit for long. It’s difficult to protect every single creature on earth. Yet, if we join our hands together and fight with one goal to save our home, we could save till some extends. Let’s hope to have earth for more than 100 centuries more.

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