Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1770043-Anniversary
by Ham
Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #1770043
Izzy forgot about his Anniversary but he has till midnight to make it home will he make it
The day was long and exhausting. By now he was the last one—as usual to be left working on the little details with only a little light hanging off a metal pipe under the engine he was tweaking illumining heat against his pale skin. A small ticklish sensation poked at his nose, wrinkling it till it had him twitching a few times until the red head finally gave into rubbing it. And thus he came to terms with relaxing against the crawling board. He exhaled heavily when he realized how tired and strained his eyes felt when he closed them; instantly feeling the desire to fall asleep wrapped in stained oilskin and a bed of metallic structure.  But his mind was flickering pressing himself to not even think of sleep, to keep working—he still had to connect the fuel lines and test the power exertions, not only that but create a cover for the wires so that they weren’t exposed. He’d be lucky to get that done by the end of the morning, and run some test runs expecting that either the engine would run and survive the first run through or die and worse case something would break-- - or even worse cases explode.

But that wasn’t the only thing that seemed to be reminding Itzagi in the late night. It felt like a headache, but it was a reminder—the only thing he couldn’t figure was what the reminder was. He thought of ignoring it but he could feel it coursing through him to not put it off…  Sliding out he decided to do the usual run through of things, so he ran around checking everything, making sure certain things were shut down, the codes were in place, certain lights were out. He even made sure to check in with the security guard and sign in that he was working over time. He ran out to the car found some stale coffee, some old recites. He came back to his “office” and sorted through miserably the swamped papers, making sure he didn’t have to sign anything, or that he wasn’t missing and over due refund and other things.
He ran through his work station at least another time, and still he couldn’t find anything, except a calendar with the circled date – today’s date, July 14th.  He rubbed at his neck trying to figure out what the red circle meant and went through the few paper works—it wasn’t a deadline, and it wasn’t anything he owed, so why did he circle it. He grunted out of frustration staring at it wishing he had scribbled a little note to himself to help his memory some. But he gave up deciding he would figure it out later, tossing it on his desk and retreating out of the little room and back to the engine. He could always ask Madison he thought as he knelt back down on the crawl board and rolled himself under picking up his tools. It was just a cumbersome sensation like a buzzing little rattle banging in the back of his skull. The more he tried to ignore it the more it seemed to pester him and thus he knew the only answer to get over such an annoyance was to do one thing.

“Computer!” he called and there was a small ‘Boop’ sound and the hum of registration as the computer picked up his sound waves and registered it in its bank memory. While the screen flicked on and a quiet tangled of mix of feminine voices over lapping with the edge of computerized answered “Yes Mr. Shultz?”

“Play music.” He ordered waiting patiently as his arms wove up into the engine and he applied them to connecting a few bolts. There was another hum and a few clicks before the soft melodic voice of Bob Marley began to echo and sing in his enclosed room.

“Don’t worry, every d’ing is going to be alright…”

Oddly fitting he thought trying to tighten a bolt and feeling the strain on his arm, a fight he saw coming as he tried to angle himself differently to make it give. But the effects were soon taking and as Bob Marley was singing Izzy was no longer worrying about the matter at all—it was almost competently forgotten. That was till the chorus hit the last round the sudden forgotten reminder came flooding back to him.

He only remembered because the calendar seized his mind again, and there he saw Madison circle the little red venomous stain over the date, that smile of his pestering Izzy to remember…

“The Anniversaaah—!“

He was cut off from his realization as his body surged upward and his head collided against the engine propeller blade, his weight falling back heavily with grinding teeth and a strangle grunt exhaling in a hiss as he clutched at his head withering from both guilt and the pain of bruising his little noggin. Still he knew he didn’t have time to dawdle over a little bop on the head, he wheeled himself out and sat up glancing around the room desperately for a clock. And there in the back corner barely lit by the lamps over hung was the time, which read eleven sixteen. Forty-four minutes exactly till midnight—and forty-four minutes to get home in time for their anniversary; because technically if he got there before midnight it meant that he hadn’t missed it. He bolted for the door but stopped instantly catching a glimpse of himself in the reflection of glass and his gut dropped and spoiled.

His cheeks were ruddy and stained with grease that had blackened up his skin. His hair was even wirier than usual adding more curls heavy with grease weighing it down from lack of any care to it. And there was just simply no excusing his clothes they were just as bad as his face—except worse. There were tears, rips frayed threads and spots of stains covering him-- even the spare clothes under the jumpsuit were run down from sweat and the heavy smell of oil. He couldn’t show up like that, he would have to stop by the store run in and get some clothes and a few items to change his whole appearance.  That was the plan as he unzipped the jumpsuit tossed it on a table tripping for the door, waving to Hubert the guard and muttered something of a goodnight and a rush through the door and out to the car. He was zooming down the street around some corners in a mad rush trying to think of stores that would be open but the only one he could see as it glinted a reflection on his car window was a Wal-mart. Any other circumstances he wouldn’t have even thought of going into to such a rather dreary meaningless cheap little store. But he didn’t have time to spare, he pulled into the lot jumped out of the car and realized he hadn’t checked for his wallet. He felt the backs of his pockets but no wallet, he ran back to the car diving in and throwing up the littered papers half eaten food, and candies for his wallet. He checked the back seat where his coat had been tossed and as he pulled it up his phone fell out along with his wallet. Much to his relief he scooped up the wallet and glanced at his phone seeing that it was blaringly flashing 1 NEW MESSAGE!

Checking it only added more soul crushing guilt to his heart as the message read from Madison: Coming home tonight?
He was out of the car in a heartbeat zipping into the store, and once he sorted out the isles he had a basket full of needed necessities.  First being were for his hygiene, bottled water, mouthwash, deodorant, floss and mints. He hadn’t much cared to look for anything to fancy for clothes, he found a pair of black jeans on sale for ten dollars a nice enough blue polished cashmere sweater and a white undershirt. On a last run through he had passed by some food, so he grabbed some cheese, French bread (which he could only imagine was either stale or horrid), grapes, and probably the cheapest whine he thought to ever have purchased in his life.  It all had taken fifteen minutes and as he was heading up the cash register he passed by bouquets of flowers which read SALE ROSES JUST 12.99!

Any other passing moment he would have resented even glancing at them and scoffed at the idea with much amusement of buying and giving a man flowers…  But this was no time for ridiculing he was already one step away from plummeting into hell for even forgetting, so retracted back and swiped one doze flowers and made a run for the check out. Only too much irritated dismay wrinkling under his clenched jaw there was no one at the cashier register. Just a little squeaky toy that said: SQUEEZE ME FOR ASSISTENCE.

“Oh you have to be bloody kidding me!”

Still he succumbed to dropping his pride and grabbed the toy giving it a hard deathening squeeze, wincing dreadfully from the sound as it echoed through the nearly empty store. He was on his toes searching waiting for some one to magically appear, the seconds clawing at his heart as he squeezed again. He huffed almost ready to bolt out the store with stolen cheap items but then he saw an elderly woman coming around the corner and making her way to register. Watching her move was like watching smoke filter off a cigarette sitting in an astray. There was something subtly robust but extremely slow in the way as she approached him. She didn’t even smile as she ran up the items, sorting through and placing them in a bag. Izzy already had his card out and was tapping it against the counter trying to press his anxiety onto her to hurry faster. But she didn’t, and when she finally totaled the items her dry voice rang rather hoarsely “36.96”

By this point Izzy only huffed and slid his card through in a quick motion as if he were slitting his own wrist; entered his pin and scribbled a half thought signature and had the bags in his grasp and was out the door sprinting for the parking lot. He checked his cell phone for time and felt a half exasperated gasp squeeze his lungs as he ripped open the door and jumped in digging through the bags for the clothes. He would have shot himself for even thinking of changing clothes in a parking lot, but his nerves were somewhat calmed to think it was late and the parking lot was for the most part empty. He was only met with distraught upon realizing that the jeans were rather tight, tight was actually an understatement. He glanced at the tag and read skinny jeans and exhaled a hiss thinking he might have purchased women’s pants—except for on the tag there was a young man wearing them unfazed by the shear tightness engulfing his lower half. He didn’t have the time to run in and exchange them; these would just have to do… He poked his head through the sweater and had the mouth wash cap twisted off not bothering to use the cap and threw back his head and drained it into his mouth swishing—biting back the instant desire to spit it out as the icy hot ate away at the bacteria infected flesh in his mouth. He just kept telling himself to swish and swish opening up the car door with the bottle of water in hand and with one last gargle spit it out into a small puddle.

He inhaled and exhaled heavily feeling that the air only momentarily added a bitter sting to his sensitive throbbing mouth. Uncapping the water bottled he bent and poured half of it over his head, hair instantly soaking and dropping its frizzy hold. He set the bottle on top of the car and using a comb and his fingers worked out the knots that would be tamed as he slicked back his hair. He checked the review mirror and felt that it was as good as it was going to get. He used the rest of the water to clean up the smudged stains on his face and his hands before sliding back into the car and flossing out his teeth and running the deodorant stick under his arms, scrambling for his phone-- only fourteen minutes to spare…

He was going to be cutting it close.  But he didn’t waste any more time he was out of the parking lot and down the road speeding; throwing a handful of breath mints in his mouth and crunching down on them as he ran through stop lights and stop signs praying that there weren’t any policemen out on the prowl at this moment. But too much of his relief he made homes pulling up and parallel parking just next to the curb before grabbing the bag of items and running up the steps, knowing he had less then five minutes but he was here… That’s what counted right?

Letting himself in Izzy went down the hall, he could only expect that the curly haired brunette was hanging around the living room or in the bedroom. Half his mind reeled and whispered that he might not even be home at all and he hoped that wasn’t the case—but the text message gave him enough assurance to think Madison was here. He was on his way to the living room when a flickering light caught his attention; it was coming from the dining room.

“Madison…?” he called quietly, but there was no response as he peered into the dining room, which was only lit with soft candlelight, food decorating over the table. Not only that but Madison was seated at the end arms folded over his chest head drooping with his cell phone laying out in front of him. At first Izzy thought that Madison was ignoring him, but as he hesitantly stepped into the room he noticed that Madison’s eyes were closed… Not only that but he appeared well cleaned up—not say that he was dirty or un-groomed, but his face was cleaned shaved taking added years off of; him revealing his real age. His hair being less curly more brushed down, even a little shorter like he had trimmed it. Izzy admired the little details the little changes and the way that the other had composed himself for such a special night. Glancing at the clock he found there was only two minutes left till midnight and inwardly sighed. He felt so miserable thinking about how Madison probably spent all day cooking up a storm adding little decorations, assembling himself nicely and then sat around waiting for him. He didn’t want to even bother trying to wake him and explain that he had “made it in time” it felt too horrible to even think of doing, he just wanted to go clamber off into bed and curse himself to sleep. Still… Glancing over at Madison he felt the need to go over and at least apologize—He deserved and endless apology.

Resting the roses and the Wal-mart bag of food on the table top his emerald green eyed gaze softened and a little sad smile perked up before he leaned forward and kissed the older man’s cheek. And just like that, as if Izzy had kissed the princess from a long slumber Madison’s brow-shifted eyes flickering open, half realization crossing his face that he had fallen asleep. Izzy expected a whipped glare and a chastised ‘I knew’ it told you so lecture and something much worse.  Still he only smiled, and Izzy could only feel more guilt bleed into his heart as he turned his gaze away.
“Sorry I’m late, or well, I just I, —I forgot…”

“Actually your just in time.” Madison cut in resting more comfortably against the chair.
Izzy furrowed his brow confused for a moment thinking that Madison didn’t realize what time it was. “No, it’s nearly midnight I missed our Anniversa–“

He turned his head to point to the grandfather clock in the corner ticking away and his voice drew off as he stared his face falling to some awe shock realization. For the grandfather clock also said the date at under the center of the clock, and just ten seconds before midnight it read Friday, July 13th and after that the hand struck twelve and a dong chimed twelve times before the date turned to 14th.

“Roses?” came the melodious chime and Izzy jumped out of the intent stare and turned his gaze back to Madison who was holding the bouquet of roses.  “D’aw, Iz you shouldn’t have…” he teased.

Izzy felt his pale cheeks suddenly swarm with a warm heat as Madison dug through the Wal-mart bag. “Bread, cheese, grapes, Ooh, even a bit of wine here… If I didn’t know better I would think you had your own plans for our anniversary.”
Izzy’s mouth hung open trying to find words for explaining the situation and the items. Instead he swiped the bag out of Madison’s hands and tossed it.

“Ignore it. “He finally answered leaning in towards Madison, and even though much relief pooled in him that he hadn’t missed their anniversary, he still felt the urge to make it up to Madison. After all, he was still guilted by the idea that he probably would have forgotten it and he never wanted to do that again.

He leaned against the arm of the chair hand coming up and wrapping over Madison’s shoulder and sensually running up the back of his neck, fingers digging through the brown locks as his other hand fell over softly brushing his cheek and jaw line before slipping down over his chest. “To eight years… “ He quietly said, “Thank you for every moment.”
He sank into a rather adoring kiss clinging to the other man a moment before Madison pulled back some, whispering between their half locked lips.

“…Are you wearing skinny jeans Iz?”

“Mention them again, and you can eat a fabulously well made diner by yourself…” the red head growled and he felt a smile break against his own lips a soft laugh exhaling.

“Shall we eat then?”

“…In a moment, I still owe you…”

There was another few sweetly added kisses and Madison leaned forward wrapping his arms around the thin little waist pulling Izzy more invitingly towards him before they broke away.

“…I love you, Very, very much…” came the soft declaring voice his gaze holding with the soft brown eyes.
“I know.” Came the reply.

It sounded so confident that Izzy’s eyes narrowed for a moment before a smile broke over his lips, “Then I hope that you know I’m going to try to make this the most memorable anniversary ever…”

“Nice to see your not playing very coy tonight.”

That glance was a glare; “I’m going to choke you with your own little made Spaghetti noodles over there.”



“There is a very big difference.”

“Shut up.”


The red head had turned his head huffing half him dying from frustration till Madison said his name a little more softly and nibbled a kiss against his neck catching his attention again.

“Thanks for the eight years…”

Izzy felt Madison’s hand slide up over his own hand wrapping his fingers with Izzy’s small thin and frail little ones giving a soft squeeze. A small smile flickered over Izzy’s lips and Madison leaned forward snagging, before Izzy angled his head and returned it. They summed up the best eight years of their lives together in a few more kisses, a long pleasant meal and too many well-spent hours in bed—nothing that either of them forgot.
© Copyright 2011 Ham (chickentenders at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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