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by Cookie
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1769760
Leslie is an average 19 year old girl... (c) 2010
My name is Leslie. I wish I could give you my last name, but I can’t. It’s because I’m being hunted by a werewolf group called the Elites. It all started one night after my friend McKenzie’s party…
I was walking down the sidewalk a few blocks away from my house. It was a particularly cold Autumn night, as I recall. I could actually see my breath in a swirly mist. Suddenly a person jumped out of the shadows, pinning me down to the ground. He bared his teeth to me. I noticed he had particularly sharp canine teeth. Another person, a teenage boy, jumped onto the sidewalk and lifted the other boy off of me. I took in a large breath, not believing what was happening to me. The boy punched the other boy in the face, grabbed my arm, and dragged me to the end of the street. I was still gasping for breath from the shock of it all.

“Where are we going?” I managed to gasp out. The boy didn’t reply. He just kept forcing me toward the south. I pulled my arm from his grasp. “I’m not moving another inch, until you tell me what’s going on!” I demanded.

He whirled around to face me. “If you try to go back, you’ll die. I’ll tell you more later.” I let him take my hand, and guide me toward the South again. All of a sudden I felt this anger rise up in my chest. I yanked my arm away again.

“I can walk you know!” I snapped. He looked at me coolly.

“I figured that, but you seemed to like me holding your hand so much, I decided not to break your little heart.” he retorted.I strode past him, knocking into the stranger on purpose. We walked for a while more, until we got to a hotel.

“We’ll be staying here tonight.” the boy told me. After the reservations were made, we went to the dining room. It was a gourmet restaurant, with waiters going everywhere. We slid into a comfy two-person table.

“If you want to ask me anything, now’s the time.” he asked. His eyes were emerald green, and were sparkling with the lights in the room.

“What’s your name?” I asked. He hesitated for a moment. “Sage. Just Sage.”

“Who was that person, who tried to attack me?” I asked. Sage leaned in.

“He was from a group called the Elites.”

"Elites?” I asked. “Who are they?”

Sage’s expression hardened. “Maybe not who, is your question. Maybe you question should be what.” he sighed, and lowered is voice. “The Elites are the only pack of werewolves in the world. Though it is only one pack, they get about 100 recruits a day, people who go ‘missing’ on your televisions. They get turned into werewolves.”

I was in a state of shock at that time. “Werewolves?” I choked out. “How can there be such a thing?”

He took my hand in mine for comfort. I didn’t bother to move it. “Actually, werewolves came into existence in a crazy - weird way, but totally natural. A crazy human scientist breeded with a wolf, and the results were modern day werewolves. End of story.” Sage whispered. I thought for a moment.

“What are you then?” I asked. He didn’t answer. I tried again, but got nothing. “Are you one of them?” I asked.

“No. I never will be either.” I thought hard again. “Why did you take me from the werewolf when he was trying to kill me, if you hate me so much?” A thought I learned later was affection flickered across his face. Then it went back to being hardened.

“It’s my job. I don’t pick the people I save.”

“You saved me.” I pointed out.

“Like I said, it was my job.” Sage said. I could tell he was getting angry, so I didn’t pose any more questions. “I’m a vampire.” Sage told me in a soft tone. “I have been one for five years. I’m newer, so I can’t really fight in the war like everyone else.”

“How old are you?” I whispered.

“20.” he replied. “I was frozen at the age of 20.” By then we were ready to order some food. “I’ll have a salad.” Sage told the waiter.

The waiter, I noticed, had the same pointy canines as the Elite werewolf that had attacked me. “Going on a diet?” the waiter asked absentmindedly.

Sage glared at him. “No, I’m a vegetarian.”

“Anything for you, miss?” the waiter asked.

I looked at the menu again. “I’ll have a steak dinner, please.” I told him. He gave a polite nod, and walked off. “So, if you’re a vampire, then why did you order a salad?” I asked curiously.

“We are forced to be Herbivores. We do not drink blood, and we definitely don’t harm animals.” Sage replied.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” I asked, thinking he was going to say yes. After all, in Twilight, the dreamy Edward was in love with Bella. Twilight is my favorite book. Was Edward from Twilight the same as Sage from the real world?

Sage gave me a cool smile. “Vampires are not permitted to have girlfriends. When we kiss them, we go crazy. Often we go too far. You see, when we kiss them, we involuntarily start sucking their blood. Many vampires have killed their girlfriends. I guess vampires can date other vampires, because we would never have to worry about taking it too far." His words shocked me. “Why do you ask?” he asked me. “Do you love me? Am I really that desirable?” Sage asked himself.

The waiter returned with our food. “Your steak dinner, madam.” The waiter said. “Your salad sir.” We ate for a while, in the silence.

“I really don’t ‘love’ you. You’re the most despicable person I have ever met.” I retorted to his comment. We went back to eating in silence. After we were done, we paid the check, and went to our hotel room. I blushed, when I realized that there was only one bed in there.

Sage smiled. “I can always keep guard throughout the night.” he told me, noticing my blush.

“I’m not afraid of anything.” I lied.

Sage’s smile grew wider. “Then we shall sleep, for we have a subway ride at 6:00 in the morning tomorrow.” Sage crawled into the bed, while I looked at what movies they had. I chose Breaking Dawn, because it was my favorite movie. Sage’s eyebrows lifted, but he didn’t say anything.

“This is my favorite movie.” I told him. I stuck it in the DVD player, and pressed play.

“What is it with you, and intense relationships with vampires?” Sage asked.

I glared at him. “None of your business.”

He smirked. “You are in love with me.”

“Are not! I hate you!” I retorted. Sage grabbed a pillow, and whopped me over the head with it. It left a dull ringing in my ears. I grabbed a pillow, and hit him on the shoulder with it, giggling crazily.

“Shh.” he whispered. “Or everyone will think you’re drunk.” I snuggled deeper into the covers. We finished the movie, me crying, and Sage’s face was contorted into a look of disgust. He got up, and turned the TV off.

“What do you want for dessert?” he asked me, picking up the room service remote.

“Blueberry cheesecake.” I muttered. “It’s my favorite food.”

Sage dropped the remote in surprise. “Really? ‘Cause that’s mine.” He ordered the blueberry cheesecake, and sat down on a comfy armchair. “Was there any other questions for me?”

“Will sunlight kill vampires?” I asked.

“No.” he said. “Sunlight will never kill a vampire. However, too much sunlight will make us ill.”

I decided to test whether or not he liked me. “So um, can you show me why vampires can’t kiss mortals?”

He seemed to think about it, then closed the distance between us. All at once, I felt his lips on mine, a small pleasure. As quickly as he had started it, he broke it. I wiped some blood away, that had begun to form on my mouth. “That’s why I can’t kiss mortals.” Sage said in answer. I felt dazed from the kiss. Seconds later, the cheesecake arrived. We ate in silence once again, me thinking about the kiss, Sage probably thinking about how much he hated me. Life had become so much more complicated lately. “How old are you anyway?” Sage asked.


“How old are you anyway?” I asked.

She hesitated for a moment. “I’m nineteen and ½.” she replied. I felt the blood drain from my face. I had kissed a nineteen year old. Being 25 myself, of course, I was ashamed.

In one movement she had moved to sit by me on the bed. “I – uh, really liked it when you kissed me.” she said.

I snorted. “That’s typical for mortals and vampires.” I got up and turned off the lamp, leaving the small night-light. Leslie tucked herself in. I hesitated, before climbing in after her. In my sleep I dreamed of the Elites coming and killing Leslie. Then the image changed, and I saw a young boy, about thirteen years old sneak into Leslie’s room. He put a mood necklace on her neck. It was the vampire’s sign, a moon with a star. Without knowing it, I put my arm protectively around her.

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. Leslie was still there, but she was facing toward me. My eyes widened, and I quickly jumped out of bed. I grabbed a towel, and showered for about an hour. When I was finished, I put my old clothes back on. Leslie was standing patiently at the bathroom door.

“We have to go back.” she told me. I glared at her.

“No way princess. We have to stay on track. There’s no going back now.”

She pushed me. I hardly moved an inch. “I have to go back!” she yelled. “I need some clothes…all my stuff!”

I sighed irritably. “Fine.” I replied. “But after we have your stuff, we do things my way, no complaints.” Her glare worsened, but I tuned into my inner vampire. We gave the lady at the reception desk the key to the room, and walked out, with Leslie in the front.

“So tell me, why am I walking in front?” she asked.

“That way I can make sure you don’t walk off.” I replied coldly. Leslie whirled around, and slapped me in the face. I put my hand to it, sensing it was already red.

“What did you do that for?” I asked.

“For thinking I’d run away!” she yelled.

We walked for about two hours before coming to her house. I was stunned by the rubble that she used to call home. The Elites had burned down the house, leaving almost nothing. The weird thing was that her room was untouched except for a mark on the wall. It was the vampire crest, the moon and star. Leslie went over to her bed, fondling her bedspread. I saw tears run down her cheeks. She went over to her closet, and grabbed a suitcase. It was the largest one I had ever seen. Leslie stuffed all of her clothes into it. She then went to her nightstand, and took out a bunch of papers. She also stuffed these into her suitcase. The tears never stopped. She then took out a necklace. I drew in a deep breath. It was that same necklace from my dream.

Leslie put the necklace around her neck. What I never noticed was that her necklace was a mood one. She stood up, packing a few last minute things. One of them was a turquoise video camera, and about 1,000,000 batteries. “For our memories.” she said. “This trip will be exciting.” She also packed a bikini. “I expect that at least one of the hotels we’ll be staying in will have a pool.” She then went to the bathroom and cleaned it out. She packed towels, shampoos, her dirty clothes(in a bag, of course!), make-up, and about a dozen different bottles of nail polish. Then we went into what used to be the kitchen. She packed only one thing from there. It was a magnet of Chicago, a little dusty by the ashes. “I used to go to Chicago all the time.” she told me, crying. “This is only memory I have of it.”

We set out on our quest. A little while later, I stopped at a gas station and bought us some food. It was mostly canned soups and stuff like that. I also bought a real pair of handcuffs. When Leslie wasn’t looking, I slipped one side of the cuffs one her right hand. I had put the other one on my left wrist when I had left the gas station.

“What’s this for?!” she yelled.

I put my hand over her mouth. “It’s necessary.” I growled. “If I don’t, you will sneak away, trying to get back to your little friends.”

She looked at me in sorrow. “And to think, I was beginning to trust you.” I felt a ball of affection begin to rise up in my chest. Truth be told, I loved kissing her. The only thing standing in our way, was that she was a mortal. I could turn her into a vampire, but I would never let her go through the pain. I started dragging her roughly toward the South again. At about noon, we stopped at a Subway for lunch. I uncuffed her, and we ate our sandwiches. She had a turkey breast and mustard sandwich. Being a vegetarian, I took a salad sandwich. All vegetables, and a small amount of ranch dressing. It was really delicious. I could smell the vegetables, wafting through my nose. When we were finished eating, I recuffed ourselves.

She glared at me. “What is it, that makes me so untrustable?” she asked. I didn’t answer. In Vampire Training 101, I learned to never give in to the victim. This one was a more cuter victim though. We walked all day, finally coming to a subway station. Leslie looked confused. “Why are we here?” she asked.

“Well, ‘princess’ subway is much faster than foot.” Leslie glared at me, but didn’t say anything. I bought some tickets, and we boarded the train.

We had a cozy little compartment with a TV, and a couch. There was also another bed to sleep in. Tonight was going to be awkward. Another plus, was having a large bathroom.

Leslie reached for the DVD player. I gently pushed her hand away. “Tonight, we watch my kind of movie.” I purred softly. I took out The Notebook.
© Copyright 2011 Cookie (cookie18895 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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