Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1769716-I-dont-know-what-Im-doing-here
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #1769716
I want to be able to make money writing. How do I make that happen?
What do I need to do in order to make money by writing? This question has been vexing me for some time now. I studied communications in college with the thought of being a writer of some kind. At that time, in the late 80's and early 90's, magazines were still the most viable way of doing this. The internet hadn't taken off yet at that point. In fact, I can't recall it ever being discussed in the classes I took at all. But now it is clear that if I want to make money from writing it will have to be done primarily online.

I have done very little to realize my goal of making a living writing. I set up this account here at writing.com months ago, but this is the first time I have written anything here. I have set up blogs and done nothing with them. I have set up accounts at places like Triond and Hubpages but have done nothing with them. Obviously this all has to change.

I can't go back to working at some dead end job. I just can't. I think I'll end up hanging myself if I do. I want to realize my dream of being able to work from home doing something I love and am good at.

Writing is the only thing I have ever been good enought at to be able to make a living doing it. But the problem is it is work and I am lazy. That has to change too. It is time to put in the effort. If nothing changes, then nothing changes. Time is running out on me. Do I really want to have to look back on my life and wonder what might have been? I have absolutely nothing to lose by trying. And I really have to try, other-wise I don't think I will be able to live with myself. I'm hating myself pretty bad right now for Not having found out if I can do this. And the fact is I Know I Can. I am a good writer. Every writing insturctor and professor I have ever had encouraged me to pursue writing as a career. Were they all lying? I don't think so.

So this is my pledge to myself. Starting today I am going to write Something every single day. And this is my start.
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