Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1769005-Time-to-love
Rated: · Short Story · Drama · #1769005
What lies get people.
The scent of lavender was overpowering, Almost chocking me as i kept low so no one would see me. I could hear her whispers through the silence.

"I am so glad you agreed to let me come over Matt, I haven't seen you in so long." When in reality, she had just done this a few days before. She continues to talk. About everything, and anything, it was a little walk from where they were hiding her car to the shed in the back yard and she had to find anyway to keep him talking. He grumbled "Yeah, I’m glad you called too Elli. Now shush before someone hears you." You could tell by his body language, He was scared of something. Every few seconds I could see him look over his shoulder. Start walking a little bit faster. He finally spoke. "I'll race you to the door." And took off running before Elli really understood what was said. With a confused look on her face she followed quickly behind him. Finally making it to the shed Matt looked around quickly before slamming the bulky door shut. Hearing the door slam shut, I knew just what I had to do.

Matt and I have been dating for over two years now, and like every relationship we have your problems. But his cheating had truly got out of hand. I believe he thinks I’m afraid to lose him, or that I’m to weak to be away from him that's why i don't leave after find out his cheating. On some terms, I guess that’s true. On other terms, I have to much faith in him to change before i walk away. But this fall night i was starting to see, he would never change. If i wanted a change, i was going to have to do it myself.

I stumbled to the backside of the shed. It was time; I had to put my plan in action. I had to be home for curfew in under a hour and if I wanted to finish this, I had to do it quick. I haven’t been gone from Matt’s house, maybe thirty minutes or so. Told him i had some studying to do and would talk to him in the morning, before quickly pulling out of his driveway and 'heading home'. I grabbed the phone out of my pocket. With shaky hands i dialed his number, one number at a time, questioning my intentions with every number. 'Do i want to really do this?' 'Can he change?" I hesitated has i put the phone to my ear. In the distance, i could hear his ring tone going off. My ring tone, Elli had to know something was wrong. He spoke quickly to Elli. "I'll be right back." And ran out the shed. I now only a good twenty-five feet away and could see first hand the panic on his face. He answered.
"Hey baby, thought you were going home to study?"
"Oh I am. I just made it almost home and realized i left my books in the shed. I'll be pulling in the driveway in a second. See you then." I spoke with a clear snap and hung up.

He stood there for a brief moment before turning around and running in to the shed to warren Elli. With just a few seconds before I knew she would be walking out the door, I rushed to the out side of the shied. Standing there, I listened to him quickly try to come up with a reason she had to leave.
"You' You have to leave." He spoke with a shaky voice.
"You can't be here, Not now."
Elli looked at him with a confused face and Slowly spoke.
"Matt, What's wrong? I thought this is what you wanted." Matt spoke quickly. "Annilee will be here any moment. And you can't be here when she pulls up.." Elli shook her head while grabbing her belongings, told Matt she'd be in her car when he was ready for her and went to walk out the shed door.

She turned to find me standing in the doorway. Her mouth dropped.
"Good evening Elli." I spoke with a clear and claim voice.
"Oh Hey, Annilee. Uhm.. It's nice to see you again." She chocked out. Matt quickly stepped around Elli.
"Baby, I didn't know you were going to be here so quick. Elli was just here, looking... Looking for Travis." Elli shot Matt an odd look before looking up at me.
"Yes, Looking for Travis. I was just leaving." And went to walk around me to leave. While stepping in her path, with a stern voice i spoke.
"Looking for Travis? Or looking for a way make in to my boyfriends pants? Hun, I think your best bet is to go get in your car that's hidden down the road. And drive your self home. Also remember, Matt is 'My' Boyfriend, and I believe it’s time for you to stop playing with other peoples relationships." Standing there a second longer, Making sure she understood what I just said to her. With nothing else to say, I then moved out of her way and watching her walk out the door and down the side of the house. Matt stood there, trying to find the words to day, to make everything okay again. I quickly looked at him, examining everything around him. I could still smell her chocking amount of lavender.

"There's no reason to try to explain. You’re in the wrong, and for once you will listen to what I have to say. I have bee out side the shied, Watching and listening. No need to try to make up any excuses of how what i seen ain't really how it is. For this is not the first time that Elli has been here. Not the first time that i have caught you in situations you can't talk yourself out of. I hope your late night visits are worth being with out." It seemed like it took hours to speak them words to him. But it was something that had to be said. I turned around and started to make my way back to my car. In the background i heard in a hushed voice. "You'll be back. You always come back." I started to run, as if his words were chasing me. The faster i ran the louder his words got in my head. I finally made it to my car collapsing beside it, out of breath, and crying my heart out. I finally walked away. And this time would be different then the other times. This time his words wouldn't be true. I started to smell the fumes coming from the bottom of my car, i slowly crawled in to my drivers seat, Found the strength to put the keys in, and started to drive home.

He called my phone, Back to back to back. Through the tears i ignored them all. Matt was the last person i wanted to speak too. I started to text him. "Tonight proved it all. You're no good for me..' Is as far as i got before someone ran the stop sign and t-boned the drivers side of my car. I now sit in this hospital room, Writing in my journal what happened that night. It look a week to fully remember what happened, it will take eight months to heal my leg, over 15,000 dollars to fix my car. Elli, not only ruined my relationship. But also ruined my life. She later admitted that she meant to hit me, but not hurt me.
© Copyright 2011 Elizabethh. (wizabeth2011 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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