Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1768786-ProtectorChapter-1
by Jaime
Rated: · Chapter · Family · #1768786
This story is about hard times and how a family can get through any obstical.
Dear Journal,

Have you ever thought about running away? Running away from all your fears and not having to care or even think about anything again? Well I have, but the only thing that is keeping me here is my family. My mother and sister. I would do anything for them, even give up my life. I protect them as if they were my children and I was the mother. I can't think about anyone ever wanting to hurt another person, either for boosting up your self asteam or that you want to fill a part of your heart by taking something away from a person that cares. Never understood things that go through peoples lives somtimes. We act without thinking and it gets us all in trouble. It does'nt matter how old you are or what sex not even what color you are we all think the same even if you don't want to think about it that way. What im saying is what im thinking and nothing is going to change my point of veiw on life.

I belive we were all put on this earth for a reason. Some people never find there reason yet on the other hand some people do. Most search there whole lives not knowing what they want to do with there life until it is taken away from you and then you regret not doing something you wanted to do when you were young or right at that moment. Words are the thing that hurts us all the most. We all know the saying " Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." but guess what deep down inside we never want to hear people telling us were worthless and that theres no reason for us to live. Those are just a few examples theres also words like ugly, fat, stupid and many many more. There are words that everyone says to somone they love or don't even know and they never have the chance to take if back or tell them what they really think about that person until something happens and they have to live with the choices they made for the rest of there lives. We know what these things are. Things like saying 'I hate you' or ' I wish you were dead'. We've all said things like this before even if we don't want to admit it.

I've said things like this before but I have always regreted it. I take it back as soon as I say it but there was one time I have said 'I wish you were never born" and I don't regret it and never will. It may sound harsh but I don't care. What he did to are family almost ruined are lives. Like I said I was put on this planet to protect the people that I love and that is what I will do and never regret doing it. What he took from us is something that we wish can be taken back but it cannot. It was not her time. Not someone as young and beautiful as she was. She was loved by many people and will not be forgottnen.


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