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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1768025
I am not exactly sure how this will turn out but i have a few chapters in it actually.

I was alone.This world was cold and motionless like an outdated black
and white movie.No matter how fast I ran or how far I went I couldn't reach
or hear anyone.Night after night the same dream assaulted my subconscieous
giving me the displeasure of dealing with my two daily companions,dread and
terror during the only time I should be free.Somehow though,this time it was
different. It was snowing in my dream;There was motion. Because of this new
development I was even less at ease with my surroundings than usual.The snow
seemed to be pushing me.It wanted me to follow it.I had no other option but
to follow,my feet no longer obeyed me.It took me into the heart of a forest,
and there, what I saw shocked me.There was someone in my dream world; Someone
with waist length hair,wearing a flowing blue dress,sitting,with their back
to me casually playing in the crystal water of the lake,humming a strangely
hypnotic tune.She turned around and all I could make out were her eyes before
I woke up.Those eyes,an other-worldly shade of purple,eyes that appeared to
stare into my very soul.

I woke up and stared at my ceiling.Even though I was a wake I could just
feel her eyes watching me.My whole body was in flight or fight mode, but as I
looked around all was peaceful.This was the first time there was an actual
person in my dream,this fact alone was enough to frighten me.Added to that
was the feeling that she was still watching me and I was clearly awake
which didn’t bade well for the day.I checked my clock,five thirty a.m,the
perfect time to be awake.The sun has about to rise, and with a tingling
sesnsation running through me,I felt on edge.Those eyes,they were what I
remember most.For some reason I couldn’t shake them from my memory even in
the mourning light.I got ready for my run, my early mourning ritual.


I loved to run. It was one of the few things that made me feel alive.As
the adrenaline pumped through my veins it makes me realize that I exist,that
I wasn’t just another being,simply placed in this life to fade away into
obscurity. I usually feel relaxed and calm whenever i ran, but not this time,
not even on my run could I get away from the haunting feeling that I was
being watched.But as I ran through the brightening streets my early mourning
run turned into something unprecedented. Every shadow and sound became an
object to fear.As I entered the forest,my brisk,smooth pace turned into a
frantic run and my frantic running went into a flat out sprint.This was no
longer an enjoyment,this was serious paranoia,but in my head I knew there was
nothing behind me,there couldn’t be.With my heart pounding and my legs on the
move,propelling my body to its limits, still I ran. Not knowing where I was
going,but only knowing that getting away from here was best.


I found myself by the lake when my body gave out and couldn’t run any
longer.There I sat thinking about my ludicrous charge through the streets and
into the forest,berating myself on the point that if someone was really after
me that coming here,near the hunting grounds was just playing into their
hands.That thought brought me back to reality. Going into a secluded place
might not have been a good idea if I really was being chased. I relaxed
myself stating that it was only in my mind,no one was actually after me. I
drifted to sleep on the grass beside the river."Your back",a voice purred.
Seductive in its nature, the figure turned around and the full beauty of
her face struck me. Creamy skin with soft purple eyes and soft brown flowing
hair and an innocent smile that could shatter a heart of stone.This was a
goddess. Then she spoke. "I’m Belle and you are he,"
"I’m who," I stuttered in awe of the sweet nectare that was her voice.
"The one I’ve been searching for." Belle continued.
She got up and walked closer her smile never waving."My champion, my pro-
tector,you are my soul mate."
She smiled then, bearing fangs.That last one took me back. I stood there with
my mouth open unable to make a sound. She continue to smile as she moved
closer,taking advantage of my speechlessness.She kissed me brushing her fangs
against my lips.A sharp sensation went through my body starting at my lips
and spreading through me. My body pulsed at the recognition of this energy;
I yielded, my mouth opened and welcomed both sensations.She looked me
directly in the eyes as she ended the kiss, her joy she could no longer
control."Stay safe my love," she said still smiling "I’ll be there soon".


I awoke shooting straight into a crouch. My eyes darting left to right
looking into the clearing around the lake. "What’s going on",I thought.As I
got up I notice my body was still pulsing like mad,the best way to describe
the enirety of it was that I felt alive.Like I was asleep until this point.
I checked my watch,twelve p.m.I was out for six and a half hours.I had to go;
I needed to be home before my mother arrived.I picked up and ran.
What happen next both amazed and frighten me.My edginess hadn't gone away,and
as I ran I realized the strength that was embedded in my limbs. I laughed
with my enjoyment.This feeling was boundless bliss.I ran through the path I
took earlier remembering the anxiety and the pain I felt. Now I felt nothing
but my own power, my own pleasure. I ran all out testing to see if it was
just the adrenaline rush from being frighten or had I just spontaneously grew
into a better long distance runner.My pleasure ebbed when I returned home.


In front of my house was a dark tinted SUV. Who it belonged to I didn’t
know,but I had a pretty good idea who to ask.There were two men dressed in
suites standing at an angle in my front yard.One nearer to the car,scanning
the surrounding area and one dangerously close to my mother on the porch.The
men had sullen faces and an angry demeaner about them.I walked up slowly to
the door."Good mourning mother",I said kissing her cheek.
"Good day sirs" I said as I squeezed by my mother trying to get away.
I made my best attempted to get past without incident only to be stopped by a
hand on my collar."Jake, these men have some questions they would like to ask
you",my mother said quietly.
"What ever it is I didn’t do it, I’m totally innocent", I replied meekly. This sly remark got me a stern look from my mother that made me wince.Then one of the men stepped toward me.“We're not after you son.” the man said "Your mother said you frequent these woods and we would like to ask you some questions that would help us in our investigation.”


I turned to walk away and this time I wasn’t stopped. I went straight to the kitchen and into the fridge; I knew what I was looking for. Bingo, there it was, a large cup of Chinese house special fried rice. I popped it in the microwave and eaves dropped on my mother’s conversation with Mr. Creep.
“I’m sorry about that sir” My mother said. “He’s not usually so out spoken”
I rolled my eyes.For someone whose barely home she thinks she knows a great deal about me. I tuned them out. As the food was done I took out and was about to start easting when I heard foot steps behind me; I turned around one hand covering the rice and the other throwing the fork. The man who had walked up behind me neatly caught the utensil.“Nice reflexes boy.” He said smugly “But you’ll need something a lot better than a fork to get me”.
I gave him a dirty grin remembering the sharp new stainless steal steak knife in the draw behind me.This got me another glare from my mother.Ignoring me the man continued.
“Out of everyone in this town you’re the only one that regularly goes into those woods,why, what is everyone else so afraid of ?”
I smiled again, answering "I am the only person brave enought to enter those woods and I do it simply because I know it will only be me the trees and the animals in there.It's my private place"


The men finaly decided to take there leave.They got into the car and drove off.I noticed that they did not take thier eyes of me until they were clear down the corner.I did the same. Whe they were out of sight I turned on the balls of my feet and walked to my room. I sat on my bed and thought about the events that had not to long ago take place.
Golden Field was never an exciting or interesting town. It was
small with only one shopping mall and endess suburbs that stretched almost endlessly out to the simple estates which was were I lived.It was nothing much to look at.The only good part of this hell hole of a town I lived in would be the large lush acres of forest that surrounded it's borders ,the only place that I could relax.


It was cold.I opened my eyes to once again discover I was surrounded by white.This dream was once again different,because this time I was not runnig and neither did I have any desire to.It was oddly quiet,this cold dreary world,now void of any movements that was my dream.Yet it felt empty,like somethig was missing.Where was the dream girl?
Then suddenly I fet her presence,as a tingling feeling arose in my body spreading through me like a liquid inferno. Then she spoke from the shadows.
"Where are you?" I said outright,listening closely for her answer. " I am close,you must find me," she cried out,afraid."please,they are looking for me." she said.
I was desperate then to see her face,yet she had not appeared.I waited for a moment then as I was about to speak the world around me began to fade beneath my feet,disappearing before my eyes.I was being pulled awake by something yet I did not want to leave.As the last of the world faded away to nothing,I was startled awake by a blood curdling scream.I lay in my bed,wide awake,heart and mind racing and my adrenaline pumping I thought.It was only a dream I tried to tell myself,only a dream.How could this be though? It didn't make sense.Then something occured to me.Those men that were here earlier,they were after her.

© Copyright 2011 Lizzy Lahera (shimmer_13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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