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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Other · #1766989
Lucas finds himself inan junkyard,where he finds out his only love is prepared to killhim.
Chapter 1

The silence was broken by silky velvet like voice. It was one of the women. She stood the closest to me, the rest of the women behind her. I counted ten women in total, excluding the one in front.

"Well well, what do we have here?" The woman said smiling at me.

She stared at me, right in the eye, making eye contact. It was hard to believe she was up to no good. As I looked her in the eye, it became harder for me to breath. I couldn't break eye contact. I stared directly into those sparkling diamond grey eyes. I could feel it in my veins that those were a set of powerful eyes. No one could escape those eyes without being seen or noticed.

Then it was as if an intruder was in my head. Like a voice whispering in my ears that only I could hear, but couldn't process the words that that little tickling voice was saying.

Abruptly the voice stopped. The lead women smiled at me like a child who had just gotten a lollipop.

"It seems the fates are on our side tonight." She said turning to the others.

"Did I not tell you that this was meant to be, it's his destiny, which is why fate has brought him here." She said proudly.

Confused the rest of the women stepped forward. Not Jennifer though. She just stood there looking all proud, in her tight black leather pants, black jacket and red undershirt. An outfit which seemed obviously new to me. She stood there admiring herself.

I didn't get to admire her further myself though. The women were all right next to the lead women, about a few feet away from me, blocking Jennifer from my view. They looked at me curiously, like a professor who just got a weird specimen to examine.

Suddenly I could hear various exited children voices, whispering softly inside my head in a language I couldn’t process. It was like mixed hissing sound. I started to feel a light migraine starting to form at the centre of my head. Then it began to grow gradually.

I slapped my hand against my head, wanting it to stop. I couldn’t take it. The migraine was getting worse. It felt like my head wanted to burst, shattering bits and pieces of my brain on the ground. I felt exposed sitting here. These women were al penetrating my head, no wait…not my head, but my soul, yes they were penetrating to the core of my soul taking bits and pieces of information with them.

And then, just as it came, it went. The voices stopped, the migraine disappeared.

I don’t know what information these women took out of me, but whatever it was made some of them restless and nervous. Some were exited and clapping in their hands, others put their hands on their mouth, gasping in awe.

“It’s him...” One of them said.

“He doesn’t look so powerful.” Another said doubtfully.

“He’s cute.” Another remarked.

“You think this is the work of the fates?” one of them yelled from behind, and tried to wriggle to the front of the group to the lead woman.

“Ah, Arianne…my sister, you do not think this is the work of the fates?” The leader asked looking at her sister.
“My dear Minerva, you know the fates do not agree to our methods.” Arianne replied sourly, now quickly approaching the one whom she addressed as Minerva, who to me seemed as the leader of all these women.
“Hmmm, you bring up an interesting point, but nevertheless he is here isn’t he?” Minerva asked, pointing at me.
Arianne shrugged.
“I can see that…” she said.
“But something isn’t right here, tell me you don’t feel it?” Arianne asked a little unsure.
“I feel nothing wrong!” Minerva said confidently.
“The only thing I feel right now is that his time is nearing, and there is not a thing we can do about it.” She said looking at Arianne in a sort of don’t-you-dare-try-and-do-something-about it!
Arianne argued back, but I couldn’t understand what she said. She was speaking so soft I could only hear her whispering to Minerva, who seemed to be getting unhappier by the moment.
While the two women stood there arguing about god knows what, coz I didn’t know what they were talking about, my gaze shifted to the rest of the women (who were following the silent argument between Arianne and Minerva), then to men, who seemed to be oblivious to their surroundings, they just stood there, like bodyguards.
I tried to see what Jennifer was doing, but I couldn’t see her through the crowd of women standing in front of her, blocking her from my view.
“God dammit!” I murmured.
Seeing that the women had forgotten about me for a moment, I took that opportunity to plan my escape out the junkyard.
I lifted my head, feeling pain souring through it like a drummer playing a rock song on my head. With my right hand I scanned the back of my head feeling what I expected. Blood was leaking out of a small cut behind my head.
I looked at my fingers which were smeared with blood. Well that settles it I thought. Death was inescapable for me. Even if I escaped this madness in front of me, I was sure to die. Cutting my head on a rusty old iron was my ticket to death.
After all I had been through with Jennifer. This is how it will end. Me cutting my head on a rusted object and she, joining some kind of cult.
I couldn’t accept it. I didn’t want to accept it. I would rather die than see Jennifer turn towards these barbaric monsters for a better life. But what was there to do? Give in? Go through with whatever they were planning for me. fighting back was out of the question. I was out numbered.
I tried to come up an idea that could help me get Jennifer to safety. Not me, I didn’t think of my safety. Jennifer was priority one!
No matter how hard I thought and thought. I couldn’t come up with an better idea than to just fight for it. It was the only solution I could come up with. It was the only thing I was a little good at. Even with the little training I had at camp, I knew it would be helpless.
Just when I was ready to go for it. I was planning to attack the first guy standing closest to me. I would’ve hit him with a rusty thick round pipe with all my might. Maybe his head would pop of I thought.
Then I would run at the women swinging my pipe wildly in their direction. Hopefully popping some heads of there too.
I knew my plan was hopeless. I knew that by the time I hit the first guy, the others would already be upon me pounding my brains out. But I didn’t care.
I wanted to prove to Jennifer that no matter what situation I was in, I would never give up on life. No matter how hard life sometimes treated us. And I was not going to run like a coward.
I was prepared to fight to the death. My muscles ready for action, I was going to jump up Bruce Lee style and attack with a loud: “AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH.”
But I didn’t get that far, because just when I was about to attack, Jennifer appeared between Arianne and Minerva.
“Hush you two.” She said.
“it’s all clear to me now…” she continued.
“ I know what I must do, and I am very much ready for it.” She said proudly, lifting her chin up a little.
“I’m glad you are.” Minerva said.
“are you sure?” Arianne asked.
“Yes, I’m sure, didn’t I just say I was ready…I won’t even hesitate…I totally understand now why I must do it.” Jennifer said.
“You see Arianne, even if the fates do not agree with our methods, isn’t it obvious that some things are inevitable.” Minerva mentioned.
“Now honey, here you go.” Minerva said, handing a silver knife to Jennifer.
“Now repeat after me…” Minerva continued.
“I Jennifer Wellington…”
“I Jennifer Wellington…”
“hereby strip Lucas Mayne from his soul…”
“hereby strip Lucas Mayne from his soul...”
“And condemns it to the deepest and most evil depths of hell…”
“And condemns it to the deepest and most evil depths of hell…”
“For the greater good of mankind…”
“For the greater good of mankind…”
“And for my love for him!”
“And for my love for him!”
© Copyright 2011 R. Anthony (beany87 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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