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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Adult · #1766507
A girl falls in love with a boy in a new town... Coming back home might be a little hard.
         I never would have imagined that I would fall for someone completely different from me, but I guess it just happens sometime, love chooses you sometimes. That’s how my story starts a new town a new true love, I guess you could say. Coming back to Washington, I guess I thought it would be harder to come back than it was leaving 20years ago. I was wrong, I forgot that all of my friends were adults now; none of them should remember me.


Chapter 1- A New Beginning          

         I walked out of the shower after running a mile up north to see if there was any good food on the way. “Hey hotty” said Marshal my older adopted brother as I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body.

         “Ha Ha,” I said unenthusiastically pushing him into the corner of the wall, shaking the whole house “Whoops” I said with a smile as I walked into my room.

         “Yeah right, you know you want me” Laughed Marshal.

         “Again, as I say everyday YOU WISH!!!” I shouted out of my room. I pulled on my usual timing myself; Black jean shorts a yellow tank top and my Nike high tops. I wrapped the towel around my head and started walking out of my room, when I heard.

         “15 seconds” and a hysterical booming laugh come from down the hall.

         “Oh, shut it Lain” I said with a slight laugh. So if you haven’t figured it out already I am a vampire/ bird kid thing I guess you could say, I live in a house filled with vampires, my three adopted brothers Marshal, Nate, and Lain, my three adopted sisters Kelsey, Jamie, and Natalia, then there are my adopted parents Edward and Beth. That’s about it for our family. Out of all nine of us I’m the only one who is part bird kid, which only means that I can fly. Oh, before I forget my name is Blair.

         “Are you guys ready for school?” Yelled Edward throughout the house, we all screamed ‘yes’ and ran down stairs, I don’t see why we are yelling if we just whisper we can hear each other. Oh so today is our first day at our new school, but I hope nobody will recognize us. Another thing is that Kelsey and Marshal are husband and wife, but for the out world they are brother and sister, then there is Jamie and Lain they are also husband and wife but pretend to be cousins, and Natalia and Nate, they are the cutest two I think personally one reason is because Natalia and I have always been really close in comparison to the rest, like Jamie hates me, and I have no idea why, oh well I guess right? Then Kelsey is very quite I guess she is just trying to focus. The guys and I all get along, I kick their butts though and they get sad, Ha Ha. Oh and some of us have powers I guess you could call them, but Natalia can read minds, Nate can change what someone is thinking about, except the families, then Jamie is extremely beautiful, but I guess that’s not a power, Kelsey can control peoples moods, then there is me, well I can do everything they can do, and I am stronger than all of them, I can make myself look more human than they can because by touching someone doesn’t matter what species, I can adapt their features, for example say I wanted green eyes, then I would have to touch someone who has green eyes and I would adapt that feature, and I don’t have a scent, oh and I can escape from my body and take over other people, and last but not least I can take and give other people different powers. I’m also the only one out of our ‘family’ that doesn’t have a mate, so I believe I’m a loner. It sucks.

         We entered the school together and walked to the office looking at the faces of everyone staring at us, all I can think is ‘yeah, keep looking I know were gorgeous’ then I heard a small laugh from Natalia to quite for any human ears to hear, I just laughed along with her. “Ms. Cadel?”

         I looked up to see the principal in front of me “Yes ma’am” I said with a ‘to-die-for-smile’ as said by Jamie.

         “Here is your schedule, you will be in 9th grade, now go to your homeroom” she said strictly as I took the schedule from her and started walking to the door.

         “Hey Natalia, Nate what classes to you have?” I asked curiously as they handed me there schedules I had every class with them except language and mathematics, I was in geometry and they were in algebra 2, “Ok thanks now let’s see do we have Dr. Mather’s class for homeroom this week?”

         “No Blair we have Mr. Walker this week if you would listen to the principal.”

         “Whoops” I giggled, “Let’s get to class before we get in trouble” I walked to room 201 to find the class staring at the door waiting for us to enter, I knew it would happen so I made sure I walked in behind Natalia and Nate.

         “Hello, I’m sorry what are your names?” Mr. Walker said nicely, I think this teacher is going to be nice, at least I hope.

         “Oh I’m sorry my name is Natalia, this is my cousin Nate and my sister Blair” Natalia said sweetly. I laughed in my mind and she shot me a I’m-going-to-kill-you look, I just laughed harder.

         “Ok well Natalia?”He said her name like a question “and Nate there are two empty desks over there, and um Blair there is a empty seat next to Drake in the back, why don’t you go sit over there, ok.”

         I smiled my beautiful smile and said “Yes sir.” I walked over to where I think he said ‘Drake sat’ and sat over to him catching his scent and looking at him “Hello, my name is Blair, It’s nice to meet you” I said as nice as I could.

         “Hey I’m Drake Sandrez, It’s nice to meet you too” He said with the most dreamy voice I have ever heard with the most amazing smile, to stop my heart from racing to fast for him to notice I bit the side of my lip hoping he wouldn’t notice as I saw a smile appear on his face I just smiled back, “So how do you like the weather here?” He said sweetly.

         “Making small talk about the weather?” I ask slyly.

         “I guess I am, I’m sorry I’m not usually like this, I guess I just want to get to know you, figure you out.” I blushed and looked down.

         “Only if you let me know more about you” I said sweeter than before.

         “Deal, but you first” He said moving closer to me.


         “Drake, Blair is your conversation more important than my lesson?” ‘YES!!!’ I screamed in my mind and Drake had that smile on his face again ‘wait can he read my mind? No that’s impossible’.

         “No sir” Drake said as I shook my head “we can finish next hour what do you have?” he whispered.

         “Um,” I looked at my schedule “mathematics, you?”

         “What book? I have Geometry”

         “Same here” I whispered. The rest of the hour went by fast as we listened to how we were going to watch Romeo and Juliette next week and the upcoming events. “So, um, Drake when did you move here?” I asked curiously all through last hour I wondered if he could read my mind, because he would glance over at me and smile that hot smile that made my heart speed up, but I can’t read his. It’s so weird.

         “Blair, are you making small talk now?” he asked sarcastically I just glared at him jokingly. ‘Wait did he just say my name, he did he is so dreamy!’

         “Ha Ha, good one” a paused a moment “seriously though when?”

         He didn’t answer for a minute as we walked to my locker, ‘was he really walking me to my locker?’ “What didn’t we agree that I could ask the first question?” I looked at him with the just-answer-me eyes. “Ok fine I moved here about 2 years ago, now can I ask you a question?” I shrugged and looked at him with a sweet smile.

         “Go ahead you can ask-- almost anything” I said cautiously, stuttering on my words. I looked at him curiously wondering what he wanted to ask.

         “So um, never mind” He walked away swiftly, as I chased after him he stopped and looked at me, “I just want to figure you out, you have to tell me what you’re thinking right now.”

         ‘Was he really asking me this?’ “I’m thinking why did you just walk away?” I looked at him shocked that he had to ask, he looked at me mad, ‘why was he mad?’

         “I’m sorry, but I have to go I really wish I could stay, but I have to go” he paused a minute “I’ll see you tomorrow” he started running through the open school doors. I stared as he ran extremely fast, faster than any mortal.

         After we walked into the forest I ran through the cool wind smelling every scent around me, when I smelt elk I started my search it wasn’t long before I decided to go after it, in the grass I knelt down and waited until it looked away then I pounced not making a sound. I bit its neck and it screeched as I bit deeper in and snapped it neck in half to drink it blood. In my family we choose to eat animals instead of humans we think of ourselves as vegetarians ‘it’s a family joke of ours’ I laughed inside. “What are you thinking of?” I heard a voice say as I was digging my teeth in to my victim, I looked up blood dripping down my neck.

         “Who said that?” I yelled out, “Who said that?” I yelled again waiting for an answer. I listened with my vampire ears, and I heard nothing, I smelled around the forest searching for something unusual, but there wasn’t anything, nothing out of the ordinary. I felt a sudden push against me as I fell to the ground; I turned to see who was on top of me, when I realized it was Drake I screamed. “What, what are you doing here?”

         He looked at me and smiled that smile that I just couldn’t resist, I bit my lip looking at him like he was crazy “I’m here to see you, duh” I laughed a little realizing he was still on top of me, I got up and wiped the blood off of my neck.

         “I mean like how did you know where I was?” I looked at him trying to prove a point “Why what I mean how did you know I was out here?” I said extremely curious.

         “Well let’s I listened for your breathing” he paused and looked at me like he messed something up, ‘whoops’. “Then well I listened to your thoughts.”

         I looked at him like he was joking “wait a minute are you an immortal?” I asked more and more curious. I wanted to know more information, was he a vampire like me, or something else.

         “Well I have a question for you then” he said completely seriously.

         “Um, I think you need to answer my question first because I’m not telling you anything until I get an answer” I said making sure my question came out correct.

         “Well you did already tell me one thing” He smiled and slowly closed the space between us, my back was up against a tree.

         I tried making some space between us when I found there was none left, “and what is that?” I asked in the same tone. Sinking down towards the ground as he followed he put his hands on the tree not making it easy for an escape.

          “Well, you did tell me your name was Blair” He smiled showing his teeth. I smiled as his teeth glistened from the moon light. I lightly hit his shoulder, he didn’t move.

         “Fine, now what are you?” I waited for an answer then replied “Please tell me.”

         He looked at me and moved in closer and whispered “I’m a vampire,” he waited a couple seconds then said “Now tell me what you are beautiful, because I know you aren’t a mortal” He looked at me and revealed his golden eyes in the moon light. I thought about what I should say for a second ‘oh I’m a vampire, bird kid that’s all’ I laughed in side. I felt an odd connection that was going on between our gazes I realized he has been relaxing me this whole entire time. I smiled and realized I haven’t answered yet.

         I looked at him “well, um, I’m a vampire/ bird kid” I looked at him scared of his reaction; he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, ‘what was he thinking?’ I kept asking myself the same question wondering if he was getting any of this.

         He smiled and held the small of my back “that’s amazing, so can you fly?” He smiled pulling me in closer to him. “I mean do have wings?”

         “Well yeah, I can fly, and I do have wings. They are an emerald green with gold sparkles and they stretch about 15 feet” I smiled and looked at his expression it was pure astonishment, I pulled my body up to him, ‘and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking.’ “What are you thinking about?” I asked sweetly and curiously.

         He looked at me and smiled a smile I have never seen before. “I’m thinking about kissing you” he said slyly. I hesitated a minute before I realized I was blushing. “Wait a minute how are you blushing you are a vampire right?” He said confused.

         “Oh, well I have the power to take and give powers, and adapting features, and I can also leave my body and roam in my soul” I laughed a little after I told him this, because he didn’t believe a thing I just said at least his expression didn’t show it. “So I can make myself more like human, and I also don’t have a scent.”

         He looked at me oddly “I can smell you from a yard away, you smell like peaches and roses, It’s beautiful like you” he smiled and put his hand on my neck and kissed it softly. I looked at him and smiled.

         “But I don’t have a scent,” I laughed slightly “nobody in my family can smell me.” I looked at him seriously.

         He smiled at me “But you have the sweetest smell I have ever smelt, I love peaches” He gave a gaze that told me I shouldn’t speak, so I smiled showing all of my teeth, he paused for a minute just looking at me. I realized he was leaning in and kissed my lips softly, I tasted the sweet salty taste of his lips ‘strawberries’ He smiled and kissed me again “Peaches” He laughed making me smile.

Chapter 2- The Killing

         I woke up with a smile remember the night before, thinking about everything that happened making sure it wasn’t a dream, as Natalia walked into my room knowing I was awake I laughed in side knowing she would start laughing with me. As we were on my bed laughing our heads off I decided I wanted to go get dressed so I got up and walked to my closet. My closet was a walk in closet, I have a remote to open all drawers to all of my clothes ‘I laughed at the thought of how complicated it was to get a shirt out.’ Natalia followed me into the closet and pressed some buttons on the remote and two drawers open to the left of me, I pulled out a black tank top and a pair of dark blue jean shorts then put a black and yellow hood over it all, I slipped on some black converse and headed down stairs. “Natalia” I yelled “Come on” I laughed. “Can’t believe you want me to call her down here, you are way too shy” I said to Nate as I laughed again.           

         “Well, that’s not my fault, well never mind I guess it is” I laughed at him while he tried getting that out. Natalia came down stairs to her ‘handsome prince’ I laughed at the thought and Natalia sent me a death stare I just laughed more. I went over to my adopted mother Beth “Um, I’m going to go and hunt, is that alright?”

         She smiled at me “Why? I thought you went hunting last night” I laughed at her confused look. I nodded yes and looked at me confused again “Ok, whatever you say just be back by 7a.m. so that you can head to school, alright?” I nodded again and walked out of the kitchen.

         I felt the wind blowing through my hair then I smelt his scent I thought of where he was I thought of the taste of his kiss ‘strawberries, the sweet taste of strawberries. I can’t believe I kissed Drake I mean I just met him yesterday.’ Thinking made me hungry I smelt around for anything big I searched for elk, ‘my favorite’ I smiled at the thought.

         ‘Really elk is your favorite?’ I stopped.

‘What just happened’ I thought to myself ‘who is in my head?’

          ‘It’s Drake, come over north’ I couldn’t believe I was hearing someone else’s thoughts, it must have happened last night. I ran up north making sure I was on the right track, I followed his scent until I saw him, I ran into him making him stumble backwards “Hey” He smiled, “What are you doing hunting this early in the morning aren’t you supposed to be at school?”

         I thought about what time it was ‘whoops’ “I was hungry, and aren’t you supposed to be at school to?” I laughed. “So what are you doing out here?” I asked stretching the ‘you’ He laughed.

         “You know I can hear everything your thinking” He laughed, I blushed bright red. “I’m here because I knew you would come” I smiled.

         ‘He really liked me didn’t he?’ He smiled and nodded then he said “I do really like you, no wait I don’t like you-- I love you.” He smile a romantic sexy smile, I couldn’t resist I bit my lip realizing that he really did love me.

         “Um, I—I don’t know, I mean I just met you yesterday” I looked at him cautiously scared of his reply.

         “I know we just met but I have never felt this way around anyone before, we have something special, I can tell.” I smiled not knowing what to say so I just kissed him biting his lip in between two kisses realizing how much I liked him. He smiled in between each of my kisses apparently reading my mind. I pushed him over a little jumping on top of him kissing his neck.

         I looked down at him after kissing him “I love you too” I smiled and leaned down to kiss him again. It had been an hour since I met up with him today, we were laying in the grass talking about our lives, I explained my family to him, and how I was different I felt like I could tell him anything, we talked for hours, I watched the sun fall and the moon rise. I got up, “I have to go home we can meet up in my room in about 15 minutes” I started running towards my house when I realized he was right behind me, I stopped “wait why are you following me?” asked feeling stupid.

         “You aren’t stupid, and I’m following you because I have no idea where you live” He said slyly.

         “Thanks, oh and I live down the Latigo road” I said before I kissed his check, I ran through the trees feeling the leafs brushing across my legs. I took a deep breath in tasting the sweet forest flavors. I walked into the main room finding Edward, Beth, and Lain watching TV, “Hey, where is Jamie, Kelsey, Natalia, Nate, and Marshal?” I asked curiously.

         “Oh sweetie they went out hunting, why weren’t you at school today?” She asked me seriously, I looked at her scared to answer.

         “Um, I was hanging out with a friend of mine, Drake” I smiled and waited for an answer.

         “Oh, Alright, I’m so glad you have friends now that we are new here” I smiled thankful that she didn’t get mad, I laughed a little inside ‘what was I thinking of, Beth is a very sweet person she is never mean.’

         “Well I’m going up stairs, alright?” I smiled and ran up stairs to my room and decided to change into sweats keeping my tank top and hoodie. I crawled into my bed and turned on my light on my end table and pulled out my diary:

         May 17, 2006

Dear Diary,

         Today was the best day ever; I can’t believe I have finally found someone for me instead of being the loner in the family. I wonder, are we going out???

           “Hey what are you writing about?” I heard a voice say as a question. I looked up to see drake standing over my shoulder reading my diary. I slowly closed my diary and put it in the drawer of my end table, as I looked up at him again.

         “You already know so I don’t have to explain” I said jokingly as I patted my bed for him to sit “So, what do you want to do?” I asked as I laid my head on his shoulder, he looked at me and stroked my soft black and blue hair waiting for an answer.

         “Well we could just stay here and talk or, we could—we could go to the park” He smiled, “I’m sorry I kind of feel like we should get out of here.” I smiled.

         “Don’t be sorry, I think it would be nice to get out of this house sometime, um what park do you want to go to?” I smiled and looked at him when I decided to go to the window and open it.

         “What are you doing, why don’t you just go through the door down stairs?” He asked curiously as I started go out the window. I just looked at him with a smile and dropped down in the dark night air.

         “Because I feel like it” said laughing as he followed me down and wrapped his arms around the small of my back kissing me softly, after I looked up at him and started running towards the park looking around through the misty night air. When I realized it started raining I stopped running and looked behind me, there was nobody behind me, I searched behind me for Drake he wasn’t there I then started panicking, I couldn’t find him. My heart started racing through my chest when I felt a cool hand on my hip turning me around and kissing me more passionately than before, my heart race faster than before. “You scared me,” I smiled and looked at him curious.

         “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, now I have a question for you” he said while he pulled me down to the wet grass floor and kissed me before I could speak. I looked at him with a smile showing my bright white teeth glistening in the moon light, he looked down at me and waited for an answer.

         “Go ahead ask a question—any question?” I smiled and looked at him curiously.

         “Ok how long have you been a vampire?” He asked sweetly; as he slowly leaned down to kiss me. I pulled him down by his collar and kissed him softly.

         “Well, let’s see I became a vampire…” I hesitated “wait, how long have you been a vampire… first?” I looked at him curiously and cautiously.

         He looked at me with a small grin “well I have been a vampire for almost 100 years, and I was changed when I was 17 years old after my mother and father were killed in a plane accident. I was at home with the influenza wondering where my parents were and if I would ever see them again, until my butler told me that they had died on their plane ride to Germany from France. I couldn’t take the pain any longer so I told my butler to kill me, but he wouldn’t instead he bit my neck and turned me.”

         I smiled I felt that we had more of a trust since he told me his life story “I have been a vampire for exactly 62 years, and I got changed when I was 15 years old, I only got changed because I choose to. I got adopted by Beth and Edward; they couldn’t stand the scent of human, so they decided to change me. I had no idea that there was such thing as vampires until that second and I lived with them for two years before.” He smiled looking at me, and kissed up my neck, I turned and kissed him sweet and soft.          

         “So you are a lot younger than me aren’t you?” He asked jokingly, I laughed a little nodding to answer ‘yes, when I realized that he could read my mind, why am I talking I could be making out not talking.’ I jumped about two feet when I heard an hysterical laugh coming from above me, I couldn’t help but start laughing with him as he caught me from my jump, I looked at him as he held me wedding style looking into my light blue eyes, I felt a heat forming on my cheeks, ‘really I was blushing, really?’ He started laughing again and kissed me.

         “Can I stand now?” I asked sarcastically, “and, um what time is it?”

         He checked his watch “It’s 8:30, do you need me to take you home?”He asked sweetly and gave me that smile he did the first day I met him. “Oh, and no you may not.” He smiled and kissed my forehead.

         My heart raced fast “yeah, please” I said as I batted my eyes at him, he just smiled and carried me back to my house and jumped through the window of my bed room, and laid me down on my bed and kissed my cheek and left ‘goodbye.’

         As I got up I remembered my very vivid dream I saw drake we running through the woods together jumping through trees, But some else was there I couldn’t recognize the face of this mystery person as I thought about it I got startled when I heard Natalia walk through my bedroom door, “Hey, what’s up Blair?” She looked faintly surprised that I jumped at her entering my room.

         “Hey NaNa, I guess I’m just thinking what about you?” I looked at her for a brief second “How are things with Nate?” I asked continuing my sentence. I looked at her upset face as she sat next to me one my floor.

         She opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out so she closed it, her hesitation scared me a little but I refused to show it “Um, well things are alright I guess, I have been trying to get into Nate’s head, because he refuses to talk to me, but he has been blocking it, and changing my mind.” She looked at me with depression on her face, I wanted to help her but I didn’t know how. I have never dealt with vampire marriage problems!

         “Well maybe you should try talking to him in human, or I could try getting into his brain of course.” She looked at me wide eyed and smiled her sweet small smile.

         “Oh, please could you, I beg of you, please” She hugged me tight and looked into my bright blue eyes smiling showing all of her teeth. I looked at her cautiously not knowing why, for some reason I felt a little odd.

         We sat on my bed as I read his mind and told her everything he thought through my mind, complicated I know. ‘He’s thinking your beautiful, but he is ashamed of something.’

         I told her this, thinking she would know what he was thinking about, but she looked at me confused and waited for the next thought. ‘He killed a human’ I looked at her with astonishing eyes “did you know about this?” I asked suspiciously. She stared at me like I was joking, as I thought about it again ‘did you know about this?’

         “No, no I didn’t is that why he won’t talk to me?” She looked at me seriously, I thought she was joking.

         “You’re serious?” I asked her as she nodded I looked at her like she was crazy. Her husband killed a human and she’s wondering if that was the reason he didn’t talk to her lately!

         “Yeah, I mean this is serious he won’t talk to me, I’m in a crisis and you’re wondering if I’m serious?”  She looked at me mimicking my expression but taking it a different way. ‘Was she crazy? I cannot believe she doesn’t care that her husband killed someone!’

         “O.K. let me take this slowly for you to understand, O.K.?” She nodded helplessly “Now, you’re husband Nate has killed someone” I waited for her to process this information. “Now do you understand why, him not talking to you isn’t that big of a deal?” Her eyes shot open finally getting it.

         “Oh my god!” she started hyperventilating “Who was it?” Natalia asked trying to calm herself down. I just smiled and shook my head.

         “You’re crazy, did you know that?” Now she thought I was insane, “He killed someone we don’t know, and you are so slow at taking in things.”

         She looked at me as if she was going to kill me, but I couldn’t help it I just laughed harder as I feel to the cold wooden floor, seeing that this would make her laugh. ‘My pain. Of all things!’ We lay on the floor laughing feeling like it has been days, finding out that it had only been about 30 minutes. We got about an hour later and decided to go hunting.

         The cool wind blowing through my partly opened wings felt so good since I haven’t pulled them out in over a week. I slowly jumped off a cliff letting myself drop about 15 feet opening my wings and having the wind catch them was a great, sensational feeling that I have been waiting to feel for the past week. It seems that time has gone by so fast since we moved back to Washington. I wondered where Drake was, it has been almost a half of a week since I have even seen him. I would cry at the thought of not seeing him for so long, if I only had the ability to cry. I ran for about three miles feeling some ones presence through the old oak trees near Canada, I stopped in my path and looked around being extremely quiet, only another vampire could hear my small whisper. “Hello, is anyone there?”

         “Hi, Blair” I heard a voice say in a low tone that I had never heard before.

         “Who is that?” I asked curiously taking caution in my every word. I waited for another reply, but this time there wasn’t one. “Hello?”

         I heard crackling leaves from the forest floor, there were deep footsteps slowly coming closer, I turned around to see a dark skinned, black haired guy standing there looking at me as if I were his best friend. “Who are you?” I asked sweetly trying to be nice “and how do you know who I am?”

         He looked at me with a smile, “Hello Blair, my name is Riley, it’s nice to finally meet you, I know you because I have been watching you for a little while now, and uh, never mind, it’s too soon to be discussing this.” I looked at him curiously.

“Wait a minute what are you?” I paused for a minute “You can’t be human, you heard my whisper, and you’re not a vampire” I said knowingly. He looked into my eyes feeling like he was trying to get me, I looked away and waited for his response.

“You’re a smart girl, and your right, I’m not human nor vampire.” He looked at me not so deeply this time, I in hailed thanking god he didn’t do that again.

“Well then, what are you?” I asked thinking he would have told me before.

“You’re not going to believe me, I can feel it. Your tense, you don’t trust me, do you?” He asked seriously now putting me on the spot. I slowly grew more furious, was he going to tell me or not?”

“Answer my question first” I said wisely. He paused and thought about his words carefully, choosing each individual word. He then looked at me and nodded.

“Alright, I’m an animal, I am a shape shifting man, who can turn himself in to a wolf” I looked at him like he was joking, he had to be. “I am a werewolf” he said before waiting for my response.

I stood there shocked, ‘he was serious’ I always heard there were werewolves out there, but I never thought I would ever come face to face with one. Riley stood there waiting for my response looking at me like he has known me for years “Hmm… So you’re a werewolf? Are you going to try killing me now or something?” I asked being sarcastic.

He looked at me with a grin; “Well that is an intriguing idea, but no” I look at him serious ‘he wasn’t going to kill me? Was he a werewolf on pot?’

“Why aren’t you going to kill me? Aren’t we like immortal enemies?” I asked. He looked at me confused, ‘wait a minute didn’t he know that I was a vampire?’

“Um no, you’re a human” he said confused. ‘So he does think I was a human’ I laughed at the thought. He looked at me more confused than ever.

I shook my head “Ok, I’m a vampire/ bird kid” I paused “I am not a human!” I laughed a small laugh as he looked at me shocked. “What?” I asked quietly.

“How are you a bird kid?” Riley asked completely amazed, right now he reminded me of Drake, the first time I told him the bird kid part. I smiled at the thought of Drake, but it had seemed so long ago since I last saw him I began shaking as the blood started to rush through my body, I was scared at what might happen next, I felt an urge to run, just run and never stop. I tried to control myself, knowing that if I let this go too far I could kill Riley. I didn’t know what was happening I wanted Drake, but something told me Riley was who I wanted. “Are you alright?” Riley asked scared he looked at me shocked as I slowly unfolded my gleaming wings.

© Copyright 2011 JoDan17 (jodan17 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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