Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1766319-The-Slasher-pt-1-3
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Detective · #1766319
"The Slasher" finds is funny to ruin Detective David's life even after killing his family.
Chapter 1

She ran through a puddle and wiped away the rain.  Elizabeth is her name, but the prey is a more proper name for her.  She's been running from "The Slasher"for twenty minutes.  She stumbled over a rock and slid into the mud. 

"Yes you heard right, "The Slasher."  The one who has been hunting down women for years, he's never been caught.  He gets a high off of watching their fear as they run from the predator.  Some times their even raped."  Announced David. 

She turned to face him, crawling away.  He chuckled while holding up his knife, normally it was done by a with a scalpel. 

"The only thing that could be worse is he takes their bodies and leaves them in one of the homes of the detective.  He never accidentally leaves something at the crime scene, it's always meant to tease the police.  How horrible, you go to work thinking everything’s fine.  You plan your day, what your going to eat, and when to get your work done.  Then you come home and is relentlessly attacked by the predator.  You fight for your life and wish to live.  He sedates you and takes you to a mysterious room.  You wake up and find him watching you.  He say "Don't worry, I'll give you a chance"before setting a timer and watching you run."  Added David. 

She cried and her back hit the wall.  Her arm shielded her eyes and she waits, waits for the blood, waits for the pain.  The last thing she hears is"I thought you would be more of a chase."  The rest of the room started to file out as David sat there at his desk.  Slumped over he cleared his forehead of the sweat and sighed. David Haymen is a fairly good looking man, brown hair, brown eyes.  Light tan skin with slight laugh lines imprinted into his face.  He's 5 foot and 9 inches, 32 years in age.  Fairly skinny and doesn't disagree unless you defile the victim in some way. 

He had been trying to crack this case for a year now.  "The Slasher"was good, but he never kept a pattern unless wanted and that frustrated David.  A serial killer, 33 women to be exact.  Just a second ago a few detectives wanted information on the case.  They taunted and mocked and pricked until David exploded with a calm sense of anger.  He told them all the crimson details of the kills and violation he caused for half of them.  David hated it, it just made him sick to his stomach.  The way this man slaughtered these women, just so horrible.  He thought it was just so amazing how he could take a women's life so easily, yet he's never tested it on males.  Well at least so far as they know.  When the bodies are found, their either cut into bits or are left in whole, but only whole when the women have been.... violated in some way that would make a decent person sick.  Just like David himself.

"David you have to come out of there eventually"stated Kelly dryly.

She knocked several times on his door.  This was of the norm, after all David is completely devoted to the case.

"We have another body in the morgue." Kelly added.

He'd normally protest, but I guess this was a exception.  He slammed his hands down and stood from his old dusty desk.  She stepped back as he slammed the door open, pulling on his coat in the process.  She rolled her eyes, that black suit made him look like a total goof.  He glanced over at his partner and grinned.
Kelly Linda is a extremely attractive women, age 33.  Men gawk often and she normally wears curve forming clothes.  Height same as David.  Today she chose to wear a red knee length dress, with red high heels, all of which to match her hair.  Her hair drops to about the middle of her back.  She has a bright white smile, long shapely legs, and blue eyes.  Long eye lashes, very mature and young face, and a great need to smother "The Slasher."

"Lets go, I want to get this bastard"David said. 

Kelly rested her hand on his shoulder waiting for him to look back.

"You can't let it get to you so easily."  Kelly said, her tone soft gentle.

His eyes closed with much concern.  She did always worry about him, never knew why. 

"Don't worry, I'm not caught up in the case.  Just worry about this new victim.  All your concern and worries should go to the next woman, after all this is number 34."  David stated.

Kelly his friend and partner, always listened and follow him.  She knew he was only trying to help, but it's been years now and he can't get a single lead.  If he kept up like this, he might just go insane, isn't that how they all go.  Kelly on the other hand wanted to find him, but she wanted to be the one to slaughter him as he did to all those women.  She felt being her gender it was only natural, if you could call it natural to want to chop some one into tiny little pieces.

"David, I'm not much worried about the case, but to as how your still handling your wife’s death."

His face went dark his hair immediately covered his depression as he looked down to the harsh yellow carpet.

"That bastard raped and murdered my beloved Annie, but that won't effect how much I hate him.  I always hated him this much.  The only difference is, that nothings stopping me from leaving the files, the case."

That stabbed her, the case, the files.  He talked about her as if she was some burden, some useless being.  She knew better then that, she knew he loved her more then life it's self.  The only reason he said those things was that he left her after a fight.  He went got a couple of drinks and stayed the night at a buddies house, really unusual for him.  He awoke pounding headache, gagging feeling, terrible breathe, and a worry for his loved one.  He stretched and climbed from the floor, not to mention pulled out the slice of pizza from his hair.(messy friend)  He walked home tired and confused.  He fiddled with the keys and finally managed to open the beautiful door.  But what he saw then was something no one should have to see.  His trembling hand came to his gaping mouth.  He tried to cover up his gasp and horrid tears, but how could he.  Annie sat limply in one of the kitchen chairs.  Blond hair matted in a forest of blood, eyes wide open full of fear, skin pale and lifeless.  Her body uncovered to show what he truly did to her.  Bruises trailed her legs, inner thighs, arms, and upper chest.  Blood surrounded the chair and dripped from her arms.  One large gash slid over her carotid artery and that was that.  She looked up as if hoping to god that she would live.  He sank to his knees and tried not to scream as streams relieved from his large openings called eyes.  His hand dropped to his side and he dropped the keys.  It pondered the ground with clings of metal.  He stayed that way for hours, not answering his phone.  Kelly became worried after several turned down calls and went to find him.  She opened the door and found the mess that was David.  She dropped to his level and embraced him in her arms.  He weeped, he truly wept for the first time in years, since his daughter died from a fatal disease.  The only thing he wondered to this day was, how can do that and not feel guilt?

"I know, but you can't be handling this very well, it's only been three months and your going straight emotionless"she stated.

Chapter 2

A few words from The Slashers thoughts.

She sees the the darkness and feels so comfortable tell I have in her in my grasp.  Such a easy thing, women are weak.  I can take them one by one by the simplest of methods.  They try to scream, but I force their mouths shut.  Their hearts race and they fight to free themselves.  It's such a great feeling, the thrill.  It's sad though when my toy doesn't move anymore.  I throw them out then and find a new toy, then the thrills there again.

Sadly another toy is broken, that's number 35.  She's broken like glass now, already chopped the pieces.  She was once named Sierra Montey, I named her pray number 35.  This will be a perfect gift for Haymen.  I wonder why Detective Haymen didn't like my last gift.  She may have been broken, but she still looked pretty.  Before I could leave with her file open I needed to leave a hint.  So as I walked out of the room I left the working student, female, dead.  The blood pouring off the edges and one of the files pulled out with my name on it., The Slasher.  With that I took the files out and placed one thin sheet of paper as a message to Haymen and  maybe even Linda.

David walked into the autopsy turning in amazement and sickness.  The Slasher really had some fun with this one, lots of fun.  He sat down in a chair, he only wanted to hear.  He couldn't force himself to look at this woman’s remains.  Her body was torn up and covered in mud with a mixture of blood.  She laid emotionless and unmoving on the table.  The doctor that signed up for the autopsy waited patiently by her. 

“Her carotid artery cut with a jagged blade and her femur bruised immensely.”  Kelly stated.  David looked away once again, oh did she love to tease him.

The doctor cleared his throat and looked over to Kelly.  She nodded and he began his examination.

“Femur bone seems to be fractured.” His hands moved up to her face and neck.  “Bruising to the left cheek causing eye to swell shut.  I guess that the knife to cut her artery could have been any normal kitchen blade.  It leaves some jagged edges as she said, but it could only be hesitation.”  The doctors eyes scrolled up and faced David.

David hand still pressed hard on his lips didn't say anything.  The doctor presumed with another clearing in his throat.  His hand immediately from the corpse and grabbed a scalpel.

“I wouldn't normally use this tool, but I'm in a hurry”he said, while cutting slowly into a bump on her side.

He stuck his fingers into the small incision and pulled out what looked like a bullet.

“Are you sure your supposed to do that?”asked Kelly.

“If you want a suspect yes”the doctor said.

He then left without a word, that was odd.  David watched him with a careful eye tell the doors shut.

“Kelly did you see that?”

“David he's a medical student, he doesn't know how these things normally go.  Give it a second a better doctor will be here”Kelly clarified.

David looked away disapproving.  She sighed from his stubborn attitude and chuckled slightly.

“So why did only a medical student sign up for.... this project?”asked David.

Kelly sat down beside him on the floor and smiled up to him.

“Your such a freak”she teased.

“Yeah sure and so why did only a medical student join us here today?”

“It's just he needs experience OK-”she interrupted from going any further by David's loud mouth phone. 

He pulled it eyeing the message sent to him.  His skeptical look changed into sadness, to horror in a second.  Kelly took the phone from his hands and looked at the picture that lay on the screen from, unknown source named The Slasher.

The picture held a medical student bleeding profusely in a chair by some files.  Her face laid on the desk and her arms dropped lifelessly to her sides.  Black hair, Asian,  Kelly gasped and grabbed his arm.  David still feeling ill from the uncertain amount of blood followed her lead.  She ripped him out of the room dashing out of the building.  Kelly obviously knew where to go, but would they be there in time.

Kelly knocked repeatedly on the screen door.  David still unable to catch his breathe grabbed the frame.  Pushing his head down and looking through the porch boards he sighed.

“Kelly we don't even know if she's here.”

“That's not what I'm looking for!”she growled, while slamming the door free.

David jumped back and fell unsteadily on his back.  Kelly laughed, but her demeanor quickly changed to a serious soul.  Picking up David by his arm and she pointed to the door.  Rolling his eyes he pulled out his hand gun and pointed it through the door.

“Roll your eyes as you please, but he might be in there.”


“The Slasher you ninny,”

Doing as if regulation, well it is, he moved closely to the wall.  The last door in the everlasting hallway he nudged open with his shoulder.  What lay inside was the Asian medical student.  David immediately ran past the hallway to a nearby restroom.  Kelly watching him waddle like a penguin just shrugged it off and walked in looking for that suspicious file in the picture.  It was clear he had left a long while ago, but she knew he would of left them a clue.  Walking over to the cabinet full of files she found a file on the floor.  Opening it she found everything that was Sierra Montey.  Right at that point she understood that the medical student was sadly number 36.  On the opposite side of the medical student she saw something sticking up.  Walking over and around her Kelly found another file.  Of course you named it, The Slasher's.  She opened it what laid inside was  a letter.  On that letter it said”hope you like my gift, for Haymen's birthday.”

Chapter 3

After a very traumatizing day of exposed remains David went home.  Walking eagerly into the bathroom he tripped over is old  red rug.  Hitting face first he wondered why he never got rid of that dreaded rug.  Quickly a shade of green was brought to his face when he thought why; wife.  Slamming his fist hard on the old fabricated wish.  He didn't know how to feel, he didn't know how to just let it go.  He knew she would want him to move on, but was that true.  He wanted to find a way to take out his energy of anger, hate, disturbance.  Did he fail her or did he succeed?

Closing his eyes neatly shut and stumbled to his feet.  Clutching the wall in utter defeat his hands  became eerily weak.  Taking one step at a time watching his every move, making no mistakes.  Taking great measures not make a error.  After a milestone of forced steps he arrived out of the restroom and into his bedroom.  Looking at the old worn out thing it reminded him of “her.”

Kelly had gone to get rest a while before David did.  She slept in a nicely fit packet of  fabric.  One big heavy blue quilt tucked in under her.  Waking up the pounding on her door she pulled on her robe and walked to the door.  Tying it on her way, stupid frilly pink. 

Lets just say Kelly really wasn’t a fan of pink.  Pink was something she truly despised.  She really only hated it for she thought it made her look more vulnerable.  Even though she wouldn't be able to fight of even a child she didn't like looking it.  Pink also was found with stupid logos on it, like the robe.  The robe held a “naughty”over the left breast; how undignified.  Kelly may of looked like a total dude magnet, but she had even her standards. 

Unlatching the easy push and pull lock she pulled her door open.  A freshly dressed man stood outside in a black suit; much like David's.  Natural red hair was plopped on top of his scalp, just enough to cover his ears.  A sharp, happy, featured faced carved into his face.  The only thing that show he was even over 18 at the most was a little scar on his  left cheek.  A random pretty boy he could be described, but something was off about him.  A frightening sense that he has been through more then just a childhood.  Maybe it was just everyone’s reaction to a to a clean cut young man that hardly showed his face.  Hand in pocket and right one laying on his side.

“Oh, I didn't think you would be at this hour.”  Kelly stated with a high blush.

She started pressing her toe to the ground in a teenage crush way.  She looked up to him with a cheesy grin.  Taking the door in a passing he pressed it completely open.    Kelly just stepped back and let him enter.  Just one swift move, just like actors in movies.

“Kelly, I haven't seen you in a month.”  The man told her in a sincere statement.

Backing up further as if leading him somewhere he followed.  Arms wavering mindlessly as if following his owner.

“Jake.  Your finally home.”

“Kelly I missed you so much.”

Kelly stops in her tracks and lets him wonder like fool into her embrace.  Slightly taller then her; just so his chin lain on her head.  A perfect match.  Kelly's arms wrapped around Jake's waist and grasped eagerly at the back of his shirt.  His arms not daring to touch her like she's forbidden fruit.

Jake Daniel was his name.  A perfect person.  He got perfect grades all through school, perfect collage, prefect teeth.  Jake was actually in the same school as Kelly, just different subjects.  He wanted to be a lawyer and she wanted to be a detective.  He left a month ago for a job and ended up staying a little longer then planned.

“Oh so sweet.  It's bitter how much you care.”  Daniel stated.

Kelly smacked his arm; making him confused.

“Don't talk like that around me.”  Kelly commanded him.

Chuckling Jake finally took the chance and entangled his arms around her.  Small hands he had, like a woman.  Kelly single mindlessly snuggled into his jacket.  Waiting for the moment just to tear of the clothes that concealed his beautiful chest, but before she could do anything her phone began to ring in the bedroom.  Sighing she drop her arms and stomped off to the bedroom.

Lifting it to her ear David shot in. 


“David, I can hear you, you don't have to yell.”

“How did you know it was me?”

“Because your the only retard that would call me at this time in the morning, shouting my name no doubt.”

David and Jake both could hear the irritation in her voice.  Like she was about to slam a fist into the wall; happened before.  With a humming moan in displeasure David responded quickly.

“That's true, um...  I have big news on the case.”

David sitting at his own desk at home after giving up on sleep.  Shoveling through papers of his favorite cereal killer.

“I just got a phone call from the police, they got another victim, but not only that.  I was looking through last years files and the lab forgot to tell us about the figure prints on the knife they found.”

Stopping he flipped the next page and scanned it with exhausted eyes.

“Yes?”  Kelly said in anticipation.

“K-k-kelly.”  David shakily pronounced her name.

“David are you OK?”

“J-jenny is i-in here.”

“In what David.”

“The Slasher's file.”

Kelly knowing exactly what he was talking about sat on the floor defeated.

“David we didn't want you to be too upset so we-”

“So what!  You didn't bother to tell me that my own daughter was raped and murdered by the same man that did the same to my wife!”

“David it's not-”

“I don't want to hear your crap!”

Hanging up the phone David shattered it on the floor and broke into tears.  Laying his head down on the desk letting salty water seep into the papers splattered over his desk.  Uncontrollable sniffles busted through the silence called his home, her home.  Jenny Haymen was a young girl at the age of  12 when she was murder.  What made him so upset though was that especially did something as unusual only for David; after all “The Slasher” was a lot of things, but not a pedophile.  “The Slasher” after all liked the thrill, but the maturity of the women he killed.

Kelly massaged her temples in frustration.  Jake could see it and in utter helplessness entered the room just so that the tension would ease.  Kelly inattentive of her surroundings just ignored his silent gesture and looked at the blinking number on her phone.  This was familiar, David after all often had nothing to do at two in the morning.  Finally dismissing herself from the pain she shut it with her finger and set it down on the bed.  Looking up Kelly realized Jake was in the room and looked the other way in full embarrassment.

“So whats up?”

“David has some new evidence on “the special case.”


Walking further in he sits beside her on the floor.  Putting his arm around her own he chuckles.

“What's so funny?”

“Your so adorable when your upset.”
© Copyright 2011 VioletShadows (narutonuttcase at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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