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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Other · #1766183

The Party incident
Divine was getting ready for Janice’s' party.
She put on a burgundy dress that her aunt Hailee got her as a good-bye present, it was beautiful; Aunt Hailee, you got style.
It was 8:30pm Divine was finally ready.
"Divine?! C’mon get ready"
"Okay dad I'm ready, how do I look"
"Great now let’s go there might be traffic in Newark"
"Alright, alright I'm ready"
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Divine and her father were on their way.
Divine was distracted by the lights and streets of Newark they seemed so attractive.
Finally 9:23 they arrived at Janice Clara's house, the place was already loaded with kids from the school
The music was very loud.
"Have a good time! Bye" shouted Dad
And he left
Divine was relieved that the music was so loud.
"Divine!" shouted Alyson
"Hey Alyson."
"Nice outfit, now come on lets go inside!"
Divine stepped into the house, It was PACKED! With freshmen, sophomore, juniors, and seniors too.
"Divine is that you?"
Divine turned around and saw Mark, and Chris with Grace on his side.
"You look..." Mark began
"Wow." continued Chris
“Super cute!” exclaimed Grace
"Thank you"
I knew that dress was amazing!
"c'mon Divine let’s dance!" shouted Grace
"sure. okay"
First the DJ released a heavy trance song
The whole crowd went crazy, some were even a bit drunk too, those were the Seniors, including Dave
Then he played an old remixed 70’s song.
This made the people even crazier
Last, it relaxed and it played calm soft music, which of course meant slow dancing.
Chris was about to ask Divine if she wanted to dance but was interrupted by her mobile.
Divine stepped outside to get a clearer signal and a quieter area.
The number was unknown
"Hello?" she answered
"meet me behind Janice’s' tree house" the voice said
"who is this?" demanded Divine
The voice hung up.
Divine didn’t know what to do...
Her conscience told her to stay and be safe…
Yeah like people ever listen to their conscience’s these days.
She walked to the tree house until she reached it.
There weren’t many people back there.
"Hello?" she called
"Pst! up here!" a voice called
Divine looked up at a freakishly tall tree.
"Noah? What are you doing here?"
"What? I can't even show up at a party?"
"you know what I mean..."
"come on up here."
"You expect me to climb all 'that', and how did you even get up there?"
"c'mon I'll give you a hand"
It took a while for Divine to climb the tree.
"So exactly what are you doing here?" asked Divine
"didn't I tell you? Janice is my 2nd cousin"
"wow. really?"
"yes really, and she forced me to come here."
"you must get along alot."
"sure, you can put it that way"
"tell me."
"about what?"
"you know what I'm talking about"
"I will tell you but maybe later..."
"You are so..."
Suddenly, there was a blackout.
They both heard gasping and screaming
"What happened? I can't see you Noah" Divine said
"I think the power is out. Here take my hand"
Divine and Noah climbed down the tree
There was not even a single light in the area, the street lights were off too.
Moonlight barely filled in the backyard.
"what is going on?" said a voice, it was Alyson
"Alyson is that you?" said Divine
"Divine? Yeah it’s me."
"I think the power is out"
"stay put."
Divine felt someone grab her hand.
"hey!" she yelped
Divine let go of Noah's hand.
"who are you?!"
Divine yanked her hand away and ran towards the voice of her friends
"guys where are you?"
Suddenly she heard a gunshot.
Divine felt chills running on her back
Shouts for help filled the place
Another gunshot.
and another.
Divine panicked
"Noah! Alyson!"
"were right here"
Relieved. she saw both of them with flashlights in their hands.
"are you alright?" asked Alyson
"yeah I'm fine"
"what happened? I saw someone pull you away" whispered Noah
"I don't know. But I ran, until I heard 3 gunshots"
"we heard them too." said Alyson
"do you think someone's hurt?" asked Divine
"I don't know but let's get outta here before we get hurt" demanded Noah
"I'm not leaving without Chris, Mark, and Grace" protested Alyson
"I'll go look for them" suggested Divine
"we'll come with you, it might be dangerous" said Alyson
"Grace! Mark! Chris!"
"guys, you gotta help us!"
It was Mark
"Mark what's going o......"
"Chris has been shot"

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Goosebumps formed on their arms
"Let’s go, Is he okay?" asked Alyson
"he's out cold, we gotta get him to the hospital" said Mark
They all ran behind Mark...but they froze as soon as they saw...
"Chris!" shouted Alyson
Grace was next to him crying.
"a...are you alright?" asked Noah
Grace just kept whimpering
"Who did this?"
"I don't really know all I saw was a man shouting 'where are they?' at Chris, and shot him.”
"we gotta hurry...he's losing blood"
Grace, Mark, Noah and Alyson carried Chris and started to run. Divine carried a flashlight.
"Were almost there...”
Suddenly they all froze; the hospital was crowded with injured people, most of them were from the party.

Finally the paramedics came and put Chris on the hospital bed and sent him to ER
"sorry kids, you cannot come in"
The rest was forced to wait in the waiting room.
Alyson and Mark were still trying to comfort Grace.
Noah wasn't in the room
Where did he go? She thought
Divine exited the waiting room to go look for Noah
She walked through the hall...suddenly she felt someone grab her
"AH!" she shouted
"shhh!" It was Noah; he covered his hand on her mouth.
Divine yanked his hand away and said: "gee Noah I think there are better ways to talk to a person...”
"sorry about that. But listen, Titus is outside...he must have known we're here"
"oh my god! What are we gonna do?" asked Divine
"I don't know but whatever you do stay with me Ok?"
Divine nodded
"now let's go back to the waiting room" he said
after 45 minutes the doctor came with a sad look.
oh no. thought Divine
"How is he Doctor?" asked Grace
He sighed and said: "your friend Chris is...doing good..."
A sign of relief came to all of them
"can we see him?" asked Grace
"Yes you can, but hurry because he needs his rest. We contacted his parents and they are on their way"
Grace was the first to step in the room
"Chris! Oh I'm so glad your okay"
"Hey man, how are you doin'?" asked Mark
"better. shot in gut." Chris managed to make out those words
"We were so worried, but thank god you’re okay" Divine said
"Harrison?" said Chris
The whole gang looked at Noah
"hey...uh glad your alright" he said
Chris actually smiled; it was a surprise to Divine
They all spent about 15 minutes in the room talking about what happened until Doctor Javier showed up and asked them to leave.
"now what?" asked Alyson
"I'm going home. Come with us guys, we need to relax a bit and start explainin’ to the folks" said Mark
"you’re right Mark" said Alyson and Grace.
"Divine. Noah. C'mon, we'll take a cab"
"oh we'll catch up with you guys" said Divine
Noah had his eyes opened wide.
"whatever you say, goodnight"
after Grace, Alyson and Mark left...
"I'm not going in a cab anymore.” said Divine
"oh. you wanna take the subway then?" said Noah
"sure. But how are we gonna get past Titus?"
They both looked out of the hospital window.
"hey. He's not even out there?" said Divine
"what in the world?"
"come on let's go, we'll be very careful" said Noah
Noah and Divine stepped out of the hospital. They started to walk towards the subway station.
"so far so good" said Divine
They finally reached the subway. Until Divine got a glimpse of Titus following them.
"Crap." said Noah
"he's right behind us, do you think he saw us?"
"well I'm not taking a chance, run for it." said Noah
They both ran as fast as they could down the subway station.
Titus was running too, amazingly he caught up with Noah
"Noah! Look out!" shouted Divine
Noah grabbed a soda can from a kid and threw it on Titus' face, he slowed down a bit
but continued to chase after them
"Divine Split! I'll meet you at track 76." shouted Noah
They both split in two separate ways.
Titus was in the middle trying to take control of himself. He had a quick thought
and ran towards the exit.
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Noah waited at track 76 for Divine to show up.
He felt a rush of guilt going down his spine. Why hadn't he told her about Titus?
Noah went to search for Divine. When he passed track 31 he saw Titus searching for them.
Noah saw Divine hiding in an alley. He ran to her.
"Divine! Come. Quick"
They ran back to track 76 and sat down. Breathing anxiously.
"Are you alright?" asked Noah
Divine nodded and said: "Noah, I'm tired of running away from this guy. What does Titus want from me, you or both of us? Maybe we can just give it to him so he can leave us alone. You’re not telling me anything"
Noah remained silent for a while.
Divine stood up: "fine. If your just not gonna tell me....then...maybe I should just go" and she meant it
She started to walk away.
Noah's conscious kept bugging him to go run after her and tell her.
And he did.
"Divine wait."
"What do you want?"
"I wanna tell you, but you'll think I'm crazy"
"tell me."
He grabbed her hand and ran towards a quiet area where no one could hear them.
"alright. Titus isn't from this world...”
Divine raised an eyebrow
"Where is he from?"
"The spiritual one, he is a spirit."
Divine's face turned cold
"one night he escaped from his world to become alive again, he wanted to do it with his wife and kids; they’re all dead too."
"w...w...Wait is he a ghost? what happened...I..?"
"He managed to escape by this"
Noah took out a black necklace with a dark red gem in the middle
"This is a powerful necklace that can make you see, communicate or enter his world. It belonged to my uncle. Titus has the same necklace too but it is with me."
"I have the same necklace too! I'm even wearing it right now"
Divine took off her necklace and gave it to Noah
"Wow. It really does look like mine, but it's fake."
"How do you know?"
"Look real close, it doesn't have the blue sparkle in the red gem"
"Oh. Wait how did you even get yours?" asked Divine
"you see Titus was my uncle’s friend."
Divine had her jaw wide open
"and he died when i was...7, he committed suicide, after killing his wife and kids, so I snatched the necklace from his throat the minute before he died"
"why would you do that?"
"my uncle told me that Titus was evil and did not deserve that necklace, believe me if he had the necklace with him now, the whole world will be in danger"
"I don't know how Titus managed to escape the spirit world, but he is after this"
he pointed at the necklace again.
"oh. okay...Then what explains the dreams I've been having?"
"I’m sorry but I don't have a single clue why this whole thing involves you."
Divine sighed
"don't worry Divine I'm right here, and I promise i won't let anything happen to you"
Divine smiled and looked at her watch 12:30
"Oh my god! It's 12:30! Dad!" exclaimed Divine
"Come on lets go" said Noah
Noah and Divine took the bus home.
They had to walk a little of course to reach Divine's house.
They finally arrived.
"Hey. You wanna come in?" asked Divine
"Thanks, but I gotta go home, I'll see you tomorrow"
"Oh and Noah"
"I don't think you’re crazy"
he smiled and left.

Divine entered the house; it was quiet...except the TV was on
she walked into the family room and saw her dad on the couch asleep.
Divine thought Maybe he'll forget.
She opened her e-mail and had 1 new message
It was from Stacy:

"Hey Divine! How is it going?
How's life in New Jersey? Sorry I didn't get to reply earlier. Homework is tough here.
We all miss you so much!
Your BFF

Divine was too tired to reply to her. She'll do it tomorrow.
But she didn't wanna go to sleep. She didn't know what to do.
After receiving the most shocking, weird news from Noah
Suddenly her mobile rang.
Unknown Number
"Hello?" she answered
"Who is this?" she demanded
No answer.
She hung up...
"weird" she said to herself
Suddenly she heard a tap on her window
She opened it...there was no one there.
someone pulled her outside the window and carried her to a black car
Divine screamed with fear. She was quite dizzy too
"where am I? Let me outta here!"
"shhh. quiet girl I won’t hurt you"
"sorry to bother you now but it won't take much long until your boyfriend shows up"
"Just leave me alone!"
"You are an idiot." said Titus
"Shut the f*** up Titus" she shouted
"Let me out of here!"
Divine kicked and shouted but it was worthless.
"George." said Titus to a tall muscular man
George nodded and cut a piece of duct tape and put it over Divine's mouth. He also did with her ankles and hands.
Divine struggled but nothing worked
Her mobile ranged and silence occurred in the car.
"Let her answer it George"
George peeled off the tape covering her mouth and put the phone on speaker.
"Hello?" it was Noah
"Divine where are you? I heard shouting near your house."
Titus took the phone and said: "she's with me...The Shack. If you wanna see her.
"Noah don't listen to him it's a trap!"
Titus hung up
"you son of a....."
Titus interrupted "now, now Kid haven't your parents raised you with manners"
The car drove off.
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Noah freaked out. He wanted to teach Titus a lesson
He wanted to kill Titus so badly....too bad that he already killed himself.
With no warning he escaped the house and headed to 'the shack'.
'The shack' is an old abandoned warehouse where some people say the most odd things happen.
On his way, Noah thought about what Titus really wanted this time.
It didn't sound like he wanted the necklace this time....oh and Divine said that it was a trap. He thought
But Noah didn't care, all he wanted was to reach 'The Shack'
Noah entered the warehouse.
It was Dark and foggy that time, and very cold too.
"Titus!" he shouted
"right on time" came out Titus from nowhere
"Where is she?"
"I'll tell you but first the charm"
"fine you want it? here..." Noah pulled out the necklace from his pocket.
"But first let me see her"
"as you like" Titus cried
They both walked outside the warehouse on the empty streets...to a little cabin.
Titus unlocked the door and entered the cabin....
"She's in there" said Titus pointing at a closet door
"If you are lying you’re not getting the necklace. I mean it"
Noah opened the door...Divine was on the floor, blindfolded
"Divine!" Noah removed her blindfold
"Divine are you alright?"
She nodded
"Let's get outta here"
"whoa whoa, wait you still owe me something don't ya?" said Titus
Noah gave him a cold look in the eye. Then he had a quick thought
"You know what?" said Noah
"here you can have it...”
"Noah!?" exclaimed Divine
Noah took out the necklace from his pocket and handed it over to Titus
Titus had his eyebrow raised
"Just leave us alone." said Noah
"You got it kid...” He replied
Titus led them both to the exit
As soon as they were out Divine said: "Noah! Why Did you..."
"shhh!" he cried "I gave him the fake one! Your necklace"
"It was that or you woulda had your grave inside"
"Fine. Let's just go home, He's gonna find out that it's fake sooner or later"
"I know" said Noah “and I think I have a plan"
"What?" said Divine
"Come with me"
"New York"
"No Way! Why?"
"It will be safer there with my pa"
"For how long?"
"I don't know, until it gets safer"
"And leave my dad here in New Jersey!? No!"
"Look Titus already knows where you live.........and he might kill you once he finds out about the necklace!!"
"But what do I say to him??"
"In the winter break.....tell him you’re going to stay at your friend’s house"
"I don't know...."
"Divine I don't want anything bad to happen. Our lives are in danger, I promised
to protect you"
"Fine. I'll try. Just...I wanna go home"
"let’s go now"
The two of them reached Divine's house.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"me too. night"
"well actually morning it's 6:30, one hour and we'll go to school"
"I'll see you in an hour"

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Divine entered the house...thankfully her dad was still asleep; she was still in her party clothes
She changed to get ready for school; she was not going to go back asleep again. She wore Jeans and a white shirt that said: Angelic 'yeah that made sense alright. She thought.
She sat down and waited...and waited
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Noah reached his house by 6:45; The house was silenced when he came in...
He knew that he wouldn’t have a problem getting into trouble, no one really
cared where he went or came...his stepmother is a crazy woman that goes on dates every
day with different men, His older sister is one of those suck ups who's with her friends no matter how many times you beg her to come home at least once for dinner, and his little sis Jessica is stuck in the middle.

He quickly got dressed for school and decided to take short nap. Unlike Divine who is still
freaked out about what had happened...
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An hour later...

Alyson ran as quick as a cheetah to Divine and said
"Divine! I called you last night? Where were you?"
"Oh. I'm sorry I must have put the mobile on silent by accident.”
"how's Chris?" she asked
"Oh he's doing well, will be back in school by next week" said Alyson
While they were both in the hallway, Mark and Grace came to them and said:
"Hey. I called you last night but you didn't..."
"sorry, phone on silent. My bad"
"what happened yesterday was not normal. I'm just saying, there's something going on, it's weird"
"Like what Grace?" asked Alyson
"The way that man came up to Chris and started to shout at him..."
"Well the police are on it, there gonna find out who is this guy...” said Mark
I don't think they will. Thought Divine
"there's something weird too Divine."
"what Mark?"
"Me n’ Grace saw you n’ Noah running, and not only that, we actually saw that man too, I think you called him.....Titus?"
Everyone looked at Divine
"That's impossible, I went home by bus the minute you left, and maybe you saw a guy that looked like Tit...I mean that man"
"I think she's lying." Said Mark
"You and Noah must be up to something." said Grace
Alyson just stood there, shocked
"You have been acting strange lately" said Mark
"Admit it Divine, you got something to do with why Chris is hurt don't ya?" said Mark
"No! I promise!"
"I think she told Noah to do it."
"That's impossible he wasn't even in the party!"
They all looked at Alyson for a moment
"excuse me I gotta go." she said
"Alyson wait" Grace and Mark ran after her
Divine felt hurt. Not only from Grace and Mark, but from Noah too.
He was the one that put her in this mess. She felt angry and mostly.....used.
Speaking of whom.....
Noah showed up.
"Hey, Noah listen"
Noah remained silent
"Noah you’re not even listening to me! Noah? This is a joke right?"
Noah did not speak a word he just stood there.
"You don't care do you? All you care is about yourself; I don't even know why you dragged me into this situation. Why don't you just leave me alone?"
Noah remained silent
The bell rang
"I gotta go now. Good-bye"
"wait." He finally spoke
"Follow me."
"Follow me."
Noah led Divine into a room that had boilers and steam engines in it.
"what is this place?"
With no warning he grabbed Divine by her arms and said: "Who are you?"
"Noah what are you doing?"
"Who are you!" he shouted this time and tightened his grip on her arms
"Ow! Noah that hurts let go of me!"
"NOAH! Stop it! Please!"
Noah said: "TELL ME!"
"Noah, what is wrong with you? What are you talking about?"
"I saw you yesterday with Titus! You entered the portal! How could you!"
"Noah! What's gotten in to you? I was home remember? At 6:30? I Didn't go out!"
"I saw you!"
"You must have seen the wrong person!"
Noah gave her the cold look.
"Let. Me. GO!" she struggled but he was too powerful
"You are crazy! You really are!" She said
"Tell me now Divine, Tell me that you’re not lying!"
"I'M NOT! I swear! Noah stop it!"
Suddenly he carried her on his back.
she kicked and screamed. But nothing worked
Finally Noah put her down on a chair
He grabbed a rope and tied her to it.
"You idiot! What the hell is going on?!" struggling
"shut up." he said
"No. Untie me NOW!"
"I said shut up!"
"NO! Now release me!"
Divine didn't even bother struggling. How could he do that to her?
Noah suddenly fell to the ground...he rolled and trembled...Divine thought he was having a seizure.
But he wasn't...a green light formed around him that made Divine hysterical.
He kicked and shouted too. Until he got up and managed to take control of himself. The green light vanished.
Noah kept on rubbing his head from pain when he looked at Divine and said: "What are you doing here? What the..."
"Stay away from me." She demanded
"What? who did this to you?"
Noah could not believe it. How could he have done such a horrible thing like that?
"Really? I don't remember"
"Well you did and now you’re freaking me out, Untie me now."
He did so.
Divine stood up and kept on staring at him.
"So you don't remember any of this right?"
He shook his head.
"what did I exactly do?" he asked
"Well. You dragged me into here started to shout at me, carried me, dropped me on the chair, tied me up, and then you fell and started to act like you had a seizure with a green light that formed around you. That's about it."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to I couldn't...."
"W...W...Wait so you REALLY weren't in control?"
"I'm really scared now, terrified actually."
"I didn't know what I was doin’, honest. I would never do those things to you.
“ And why was I shouting at you?"
"I don’t know, you were saying some weird stuff like you’ve never seen, or known me from before
“What exactly did I say?”
“You were like: 'Who are you' and that you saw me yesterday with Titus ...that I entered the 'portal'"
"I don’t know what happened, I'm scared too myself. It’s the first time this happens.
“Let's just get outta here"
When they both exited the room, Mr. Kline was behind them.
"Stop." he said
Noah and Divine turned around slowly
"What were you both doing down there?"
"She dropped her necklace by accident and I helped her look for it, but don't worry we found it. Now excuse us we gotta go to Math class, don't want the teacher waiting."
"Wait." said Mr. Kline
"well Where is the necklace?" he said
"It's right here." Noah took out the necklace his uncle gave him and showed it to Mr. Kline
"see. We found it" he said, and put it back in his pocket
"Give me the necklace" Said Mr. Kline
"What? Why?" he said
"I can confiscate whatever I want, Whenever I want"
"Hand it in."
Noah gave him the necklace.
"You may head on to class now, except for Miss Davis. I need you in my office now."
Noah looked at Divine who nodded and left.
As soon as they Mr. Kline and Divine went into the office, he asked her to have a seat.
"Divine. I just need to know more about you that's all. I will ask you some questions"
"What's your father's name?"
"Your Mother's?"
"They are both separated now isn't that right?"
"Wait. Why are you asking me this?"
"Your Father forgot to fill out the Family information Form, now please answer my question"
"oh, uh yes, they are separated, and I live with my Dad"
"Do you have any siblings? Or is it just you."
"well Um I have an older brother who lives with my mother in Canada."
"What is his name?"
"Daniel. Daniel Davis. That's what my Dad told me"
"how old is he?"
"um he's a year older than me, sophomore; 15"
Divine and Mr. Kline had a quite long conversation.
Finally they were finished.
"alright Miss Davis, that's all, you may head on to class."
Divine exited the office and saw Noah.
"What happened?" he said
"nothing, Mr. Kline only asked me questions about my family. He said that my dad forgot to fill out the family information form."
"that's weird."
"Mr. Kline never asks us anything about our family and there's no such thing as a 'Family info form'"
"No way."
"yes way, now there's something going on here." Noah Gasped and said:"Divine Listen!"
Divine and Noah were eavesdropping on Mr. Kline this is what they heard:
"So You got me all the information I need Kline, right?"
"yes, Now get out of here and do not come back I do not need anyone to know that you're here."
"you got it"
"Alright, now here's the necklace and the file. Her picture is in it. Now scram Titus"
"TITUS?!?!?!?!?!" shouted both Noah and Divine
"Crap." said Noah
"What the heck is going on?"
"No worries Kline, I'll be outta here in less than a second but one more favor..."
"Could you bring the boy in here for a second?"
"No. Absolutely not. I will not have you harm any of my students"
"Harm? I wouldn't hurt a fly!"
"Come on Kline! I promise I won't hurt him"
"Alright. But you DO NOT threaten him, or I WILL call the police"
"You got it"
Divine kept on staring at Noah...He was shocked as well
"Noah don't go in there. Hide"
"don't worry. I...I'll be alright." he lied.
As expected Mr. Kline came out of the office.
"Noah, I need you for a moment"
Divine had a worried look, Noah told her to relax.

"Harrison, I have someone who wants to talk to you, don't worry I'll be in the other room if you need me"
Noah nodded
Mr. Kline left.
"Noah Jacob Harrison, so that's your full name right?" said Titus sitting in Mr. Kline's chair.
Noah remained silent.
"You know. I brought you here to show you that. No matter how hard you try, you can't win."
"The necklace swap wasn't clever at all. Don'cha think?"
Noah imagined himself attacking Titus this instant, but he overcame his wants.
"Come on boy say something!"
Noah did not speak a word.
Instead he stood up and headed towards the door.
Titus got up instantly and ran towards Noah.
Noah did not run. He ignored him and started to open the door, before he continued Titus grabbed him and put his arm around his neck.
Titus said: "you're not getting away that easy, George! Dave! come 'ere quick!"
Noah struggled to catch air.
George and another guy named Dave rushed over.
"Take him to the car...we're going to my house...careful he's a tough one"
They nodded and headed towards them.
Noah was struggling and kicking everything around him causing noise and mishaps.
Suddenly Mr. Kline entered the room: "What in the world is going on here? What's this ruckus!?"
They all froze
"aha! I knew I couldn't trust you, leave the boy alone! NOW!" he shouted
"You know Kline, aren't there things you wish to have in life?" Said Titus
"Well I Know what I want.....and you're certainly not letting me have it Kline...I'm sorry but It leaves me no choice but..."
Titus pulled out his gun.
"No. What are you doing?! Stop it please!" said Mr. Kline
"Bye-Bye old man"
Mr. Kline fell on the ground causing a large boom on the ground.
Divine was still eavesdropping, when she rushed and opened the door.
"Mr. Kline! Noah!" she shouted
"ah! Wonderful, the girl has come to join us!" said Titus
"Stop it! Just stop it!"
"Now now, settle down"
He came closer and started to streak her soft dark-brown hair.
"It's alright. I got what I need......but let me ask you a question."
"who dragged you into this situation? I didn't even know you."
Everyone in the room looked at Noah who George had seized his arm around him.
"You see. It was him all along." said Titus
"You had nothing to do with this...Right? c'mon answer me. Don't hesitate."
Divine did not speak a word.
"It's alright now. We'll talk later. I understand" Said Titus
Divine looked into Noah's eyes, all she read was GUILT in them. He felt sorry.
"Dave?" called out Titus
As usual he nodded and grabbed Divine's arms gently, they all headed to the Jeep.
Divine didn't even bother struggling or making a move. She was thinking about what Titus said.
Noah and Divine sat in the back trunk; their arms bound.
While the rest was up front.
"Divine?" called Noah
She didn't answer.
"Divine please."

30 minutes later...

Noah saw a sign that said |New York City| 15 Km ahead
"Hey didn't you say that we were going to your house?" he asked Titus
"Right. My place. In Brooklyn."
"Shut up we're almost there." he said
"Divine. Please answer me. I..."
Not a word.
"Face it kid. She's too upset to even talk. It's your fault ya know." said George
Noah didn't argue. He was right it was his fault.
As soon as they got there. Titus opened the door to his apartment George and Dave took Noah and Divine to the basement and locked the door.
Though they were both untied, Divine didn't even move. Not a sound she made.
She sat in a corner, head on the wall. absent-minded.
Noah came close to her.
"you okay?" he asked
Who am I kidding? He thought. Of course she's not okay.
He held her hand and said: "It's not your fault. It's mine."

20 minutes later...
Dave opened the door and gave them blankets, 2 pillows and 2 slices of pizza.
"go to sleep" he said “you guys look exhausted"
As soon as he left and locked the door Noah tried to open the windows. but they were sealed and so tiny a mouse couldn't even pass through it.
It was 12:43pm.....
Divine was still in her position. But she had her eyes shut this time. She was asleep.
Noah carried her to the sofa and drew a blanket on her.
He felt terrible.
I should of never done this to her. He thought
Noah felt dizzy. He was tired as well. He went to sleep.
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The next day....
Titus opened the door and saw them asleep.
"rise and shine kid...you’re gonna go do me something"
Noah woke up. He wanted to kick Titus in the (you don't wanna know).
"What do you want?" he said
"Okay. This is what I want you to do"
"Noah. There's this old woodshop down the corner, I need you to ask for Jack. Jack Keller. Tell him to give you the key. He'll know"
"and what if I say no?" said Noah
"Well you see kid. I don't do 'No' okay? I'll introduce you to my friend Bob over there" he pointed to a chainsaw
"So anyway...I will have George and Dave watch you. So remember any false move from you and you'll have a play date with Bob. 'kay?"
"What about Divine?"
"don't worry ’bout her, she'll be fine"
Titus led him to the exit and said: "remember. My guys will be watching you. And do not talk to anyone you don't know"
"Who are you? My mother?" said Noah
"shut up and move kid!"
Noah walked down the sidewalk to reach the woodshop.
There's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to escape now. He thought.
He thought right. Dave and George were out there somewhere and he didn't wanna risk it.
He reached the store. It only said |WOODSHOP|
He entered it. No one was there.
"Hello? Anyone ‘ere?"
A tall red headed old man came down the stairs. Noah figured that he was Jack Keller.
"you Jack?"
"yes .What do you want?" he said
"uh. The key?"
"follow me." he said
He led Noah to a huge old bookshelf and took out a box. He blew on it and dust filled in the air.
"Here, Take this"
Noah didn't even bother opening the box; He was watched
There was something suspicious going on.
Noah returned back to the apartment.
Titus opened the door.
"well done kid."
Titus took him back to the basement and locked the door.
He sat on the ground. Divine was still asleep.
It's 1:30 pm. He thought. She should be awake by now.
Noah gave Divine a slight shake.
"Divine. Wake up."
She did not respond
"Divine come on. Wake up"
She was breathing but she was in deep sleep.
Suddenly Noah fell to the ground. He rolled, trembled and screamed.
Divine woke up violently in shock. She screamed.
His eyes turned grey, dark grey.
He ran around in circles until he found the exit door. He started to kick it until it opened. Titus, George and Dave ran downstairs.
"What the hell is going on here!" shouted Titus
"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DID IT! IT WAS YOU! WHY! WHY! WHY!" he shouted at Titus
"GEORGE! DAVE! Throw him back!"
Dave carried Noah from his arms, while George from his legs.
They swung him twice and threw him to the ground. It made a huge 'oof!' sound.
Noah shrieked in pain. But he managed to take control of himself. He attacked Dave and George.
"Get off me!" they both shouted.
Titus picked Divine up by her shoulders and said: "What happened?!"
"I...I don't know...I woke up and saw a green light around him. Then he fell and started to roll and scream and...."
Suddenly Noah ran towards Titus and attacked him, he dropped Divine and started to punch, kick and struggle but amazingly Noah was more powerful.
Noah stopped and fell to the ground the green light appeared again for a second but then it vanished.
He was moaning from pain...
"Owww. My head...”
Everybody came closer to him staring at him with curiosity.
"What?" asked Noah
"Whadya mean what?!" Shouted Titus with his deep voice.
"Titus. He doesn't remember." said Divine
"How do you know?"
"Trust me this isn't the first time this happens"
"It happened before?" he asked
"It sure did."
"L...let’s go boys" he ordered Dave and George.
They left and locked the door. Twice.
Divine sat close to him.
"You don't remember do you?" she said
"Noah. I'm scared. I wanna go home" she started to cry.
Noah hugged her tightly.
"I'm sorry." he said
"I should’ve never dragged you into this."
A teardrop came down his cheek.
"I promise. I promise we will get out of here. And never ever come back. I promise"
"I love you Divine. I really do."
Divine stopped crying and looked at him. She kissed his cheek.
They turned red.
"I love you too."
They both smiled at each other.
Suddenly Titus came in; interrupting.
"Alrighty now." he said
"Dave! George!" he called out. "We’re goin to the woods...The portal"
"The what?" asked Divine
"You'll see."
¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨)¸.•'¸.•*'¨) ¸.•*

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