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Rated: 18+ · Other · Dark · #1766090
Final Maxy and Trevor book. This is truly the end.
Chapter 1. Ice and Heat
Unbelievable. Indescribable. Pure, unadulterated, torture. It was the absolutely only way to even begin to explain the frozen hell I was locked in. My teeth chattered like jackhammers, my body quaked like Haiti’s terrible earthquake, and if I could see--my eyes were squeezed way too tight to even begin to--I’m sure my body must be black with frostbite. I have tried to open my eyes occasionally whenever I was cursed with consciousness but all I managed to see was Trevor’s worried face as I writhed on the couch/heating pad. Then darkness managed to consume me once again.
Had I wished for this? It seemed ridiculous that anyone would want to go through this, no matter how in love they are. I mean, not only did it feel like my fingers and toes have crinkled and fallen off, but I couldn’t move. The intense ice had locked my muscles, holding me a prisoner within my own body. How I longed to scream! How I longed to tell Trevor and Minny that the heating pad was as useful as an icemaker at the North Pole. Fuck! Ok, no more thinking about ice.
As if I’d wished hard enough, the blistering ice seemed to melt. No, melt wasn’t the right word. Vanished, maybe. It did not vanish long enough for me to feel overcome with relief, however. In the Ice’s place came a terrifying burst of heat. My limbs suddenly gained movement as I arched my back and let loose a blood-curdling scream. Just like the Ice, the Heat vanished abruptly as well. I lied there, trying to pant on the couch. Trying being the operative word as I suddenly realized no air came in with my frantic gasps.
I started to become hysterical. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. The heat, nor the lack of air, was explained to me. Was I dying? I fisted at empty air and clawed at the couch until one, long shuddering breath got sucked into my eager lungs. Nearly sobbing from relief, I feel back onto the couch with a contented smile on my face. It was a shock to me when my body rejected the air, forcing it back up my throat in soundless coughs. Air repulsed me! Oh, well, that is not the most important thing right now. My eyes opened lazily and scanned the room.
Everything looked pretty much the same, but it was catalogued differently in my sharper mind. Everything was so....significant. I understood what the artist was going for in Trevor’s favorite abstract painting that hung above our bed. It suddenly didn’t look so abstract now. The paint on the walls had looked pale-on-pale, and it still was, but I understood why that scheme was chosen for the house. It gave the wooden knickknack shelves on the walls a more significant role in the rooms. It was pale so it was not looked at, instead diverting the attention to the knickknacks themselves. Wow.
But something in the picture was missing. Where were Minny and Trevor?  I sat up, amazed by how light my muscles felt and by how little effort it took to move them, and quickly darted my eyes around my surroundings. They picked up on the two missing people speaking casually to each other. Huh, they must not have realized I was awake yet. I stood up and walked calmly behind them, and cleared my throat. Minny jumped about three feet in the air, cursing my name at the same time, while Trevor just jumped slightly and put his hand on his non-beating heart.
When Minny recovered, she gave me an icy glare. “Damn Maxy! We have got to put a bell on you! I swear you will be the first person to give a vampire cardiac arrest.” Her eyes widened as she realized I was here, standing, with a non-beating heart, and a vampire. She shrieked in my newly sensitive ears—ouch--and crushed me in her famous hugs. I grinned cheekily at her.
“’Sup?” I asked. She rolled her eyes and I glanced at Trevor. At that moment, my entire being froze. I took in all of his perfect features, from his shaggy, jaw length black hair to his stylish Italian loafers. The beast inside me roared with delight. Mine!
With a snarl that was very new to me, and even shocked me for a second, I shoved Trevor into the near-by wall and attacked his mouth with mine. He growled and switched positions so I was pressed between him and the wall and I jumped slightly to wrap my legs around his waist. My teeth teasingly bit his bottom lip as he groaned. Trevor was just about to cup my ass when Minny ruined the moment.
“YO! STOP DRY HUMPING EACH OTHER LIKE DOGS AND ACT LIKE PEOPLE! MAXY OWES ME A PARTY FOR HER IMMORTALITY AND TREVOR, well, you just annoy me.” Her voice went to normal when she said the last part. I scoffed and Trevor rolled his eyes and set me down. I fixed my ruffled shirt as Trevor ran a hand through his hair. Minny seemed pleased that she got us to listen. “Good. Now, Maxy,” she turned to me, “I am going to the store for a few hours to get stuff for your party. While I’m gone, I’ll need you to think of a theme. We won’t use it, of course, but I don’t want you to feel left out of the planning.” She smiled wryly.
“Yes, FSM forbid that,” I said, my words dripping in sarcasm as I rolled my eyes. Minny smiled wider and left.
“So, Maxy,” Trevor began, “You were rather animalistic back there. I wouldn’t suppose you still felt that way?” My eyes narrowed and I started pushing him into our room.
“One thing you should know about me Trevor is that I always finish what I started.” Trevor growled and slammed the door shut as we finished where we left off.


Chapter 2: Small World
Trevor was singing an Italian romance song while running his fingers through my thoroughly disheveled hair. Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand a beautiful word he said, so I asked him to translate it to English. He chuckled and shook his head, but obliged.
“You are my only love,
My heart, my everything.
And I promise to keep you here,
From every summer to every spring.
You are my darling,
My angel and my life.
And I promise to love you,
Even after we die.”  His smooth, deep, chocolaty voice was dragged out on the last line and I frowned. “Did it not please you, Amore Mio?”
“No, that’s not it Trevor. I loved it.” I snuggled closer to him for emphasis. “I just don’t like thinking about dying.”
“I see. Well I strongly doubt we will die for a very long time,” he grinned.
“Good. Hey, who wrote that anyway? It’s so beautiful.” Trevor looked down sheepishly and smiled. I gasped. “You wrote that? Oh, Trevor,” I swooned. I picked my head up and gave him a searing kiss. He growled and pulled me closer to his hard, muscular body. Round 2, anybody?
“You know what I always wondered?” I asked dreamily.
“What’s that, love?” Trevor replied.
“Why is it that you are Italian, but your name is American?” He chuckled.
“Trevor Swordman is not my real name. You see, when I first migrated to America in 1945, my name was Giaccomo Toscano. But in Ellis Island, they gave me an American name, which is the one you call me by today. It is also the one I prefer. Giaccomo sounds so...fat butchery.” I laughed out loud at the mental image of my Trevor, or Giaccomo, butchering a piece of meat.
“I don’t know, Trevor, I sort of like the name Giaccomo Toscano. I think I may call you that from now on,” I teased. He narrowed his eyes.
“I’m going to make you regret that.” Trevor rolled on top of me and kissed slowly up my neck. I moaned loudly, making him chuckle. His skilled hands explored my torso, resting on my hips. Then, without warning, he began tickling me mercilessly. I shrieked loudly and began writhing underneath him, laughing hysterically. My legs wrapped around his waist and I rolled on top of him, effectively both stopping his tickling attack and pinning him down.
His eyes widened and his hands found my thighs as I leaned close to his ear and whispered, “Get dressed; I want to go to the mall,” and rolled off of him. He growled and grumbled about “teasing, mean, sexy wives” but complied.
At the mall I dragged Trevor around, giggling every time I smelled a human with a weird scent. This was often. See, it turned out that every human had their own unique scent, which is why it was so easy for vampires to follow them. I widened my eyes as I tried to recall any strange scent on my own once fragile and human body. “Trevor?” I asked.
“Hmm?” He replied, a small smile on his face as he glanced at me.
“What did I smell like as a human?” Trevor sighed and sat me down on a bench.
“You, my sweet love, smelled like an island. Don’t look so confused,” he chuckled, seeing my expression, “Let me explain. Your hair smelled like a soft coconut, your face like rosemary and mint, your body like vanilla, and your breathe like an ocean’s breeze.” He smiled, remembering. I smiled, pleased. “And you still smell that way,” he continued, “A vampire’s scent is the same as what it was as a human. Only stronger. You smell like perfection.” My grin widened to the point of rivaling the Cheshire Cat.
We were in the middle of staring lovingly at each other like that cliché couple in the bad romance novel when suddenly Trevor’s head snapped to my right and froze. “Impossible,” he whispered.


Chapter 3: Sorella e Fratello
I followed Trevor’s eyes to find a small girl staring at him with the same open-mouthed look. Before jealousy could completely surge through my body, I took in her features and realized the similarities between her and Trevor. This petite girl had black, straight hair that traveled down a little past her shoulders, big, almond colored and shaped eyes, a straight little button nose, and full pink lips. A vampire, she was, no doubt about that. But she could be Trevor’s little sister.
Trevor got up, and slowly walked over to the girl, never taking his eyes off of her. It was like he thought as soon as he did, she’d disappear. He cleared his throat and licked his lips, a habit he picked up on his migration to America from lack of water, now used when he was nervous, and put his hand on her shoulder. “M-Mia? Is that really you?” he whispered. Mia’s face broke out into a huge grin as she leaped into Trevor’s arms and yelled.
“GIACCOMO!” She hugged him so tight it must’ve hurt, and was whispering in his ear. My newly improved hearing could pick up a few words. “Giaccomo, mio idioto fratello Giaccomo.”  Fratello. Good. That meant brother. Trevor chuckled and held her closer, a great accomplishment if you ask me.
“Mia, tua vita. Tua vita, mia sorella. Mia bambina sorella.” Well I must’ve been psychic! “Bambina sorella” meant baby sister! Wow. Trevor’s little sister. Small world. Smiling, I walked over to the two still-embracing siblings and waited patiently. I wouldn’t disrupt their little family reunion. From what he had told me, his little sister had “run away” when she was 16. He’d been devastated and that’s when he decided to migrate to America.
Suddenly, Trevor cleared his throat and pulled back gently from the hug. He smiled at her and grabbed my hand, pulling me over. “Mia, parlo inglese?”
“Of course I speak English, you big oaf!” she smiled. “You know, he never was the bright one in the family,” she said addressing me. I laughed lightly. Trevor rolled his eyes and pushed her gently. Mia pouted and stuck her tongue out at him, a gesture Trevor mimicked.
“Anyway, Mia, this is my mate and the love of my existence, Maxima.” I held out my hand.
“Please, call me Maxy.” She shook it and smiled.
“Will do! Please, Maxy, forgive me for staring; I just find it amazing that Giaccomo here found such a beautiful wife! She is your wife, right?” Trevor nodded and I thanked her for the compliment.
“Mia. First of all,” Here comes the lecture. “I go by Trevor Swordman now. Second of all, I don’t think it is that amazing I got her. I, in case you are blind, am gorgeous, magnificent, sexy as all fucking hell! And I—” He was cut off by Mia, who was currently on the floor laughing. I had bit my lip long ago and was silently laughing at how overly cocky and confident he was.
“Oh I just love getting you all riled up, Giac—I mean Trevor. But seriously Maxy, how do you put up with him?”
“He has his moments...” I trailed off smiling.
“Ok. Ew,” she laughed.
“Hey! I’m not that bad,” Trevor pouted.
“Of course you’re not,” I smiled. I kissed him chastely on the lips and he grinned.
“So Mia, please come with us and you shall see....wait for it....our house!” Trevor boomed.
Mia agreed and soon we were all piled in Trevor’s small Cadillac. Trevor had offered to pick up Mia’s car but it turned out, she ran everywhere because of how much she enjoyed the speed. We arrived laughing the entire time and settled on the many couches in the living room. Our errant conversation consisted of catching up and learning. Mia had the gift of illusion, and the ability to make someone so depressed they want to kill themselves. Trevor and I both shivered at that one.
She shared her horrible past of an abusive boyfriend who got mad at her for trying to run away. He had raped her several times in the woods and revealed he was a vampire. He then bit and abandoned her so when she woke, she was confused and forced to roam around alone. Trevor was growling and shaking and I was hugging Mia because of how I could relate. If Mark had not been killed by Trevor, he could still be out there, waiting for me. I shivered.
After our sob fest Trevor concocted the idea of inviting Minny over to meet Mia. I was not sure why, but the idea gave me a feeling of unease. It might’ve been the fact that Mia got a strange, almost evil look in her eye or it could’ve been the fact that her smile, though it seemed sweet, warm, and welcoming, had a deeply hidden malice that you could only make out if you searched hard enough. But whatever it was, I didn’t like it.



Chapter 4: Weird
Trevor invited Minny over and when she got here, things got weird. She got a completely horrorstruck expression on her face, though she hid it well. She walked over hesitantly and with a shaky hand, shook Mia’s. The entire time this little exchange went on Mia had a very smug, almost malicious look on her porcelain face.
“N-nice to m-m-meet you, M-Mia,” Minny said shakily.
“Likewise, Sweetheart,” she replied. Minny stiffened and seemed to get a very defeated look on her face. I pursed my lips as I examined the both of them. Mia gave me a strange, terrifying sense of déjà vu but I hadn’t the slightest idea why.
“So,” Trevor began, a cheery smile on his face, “I was thinking we could all get to know each other or catch up more. Mia? We have an extra guest bedroom with your name on it.” He smiled. It seemed as though he was oblivious to the encounter his sister and best friend had not moments ago.
“I don’t know if that is such a good idea, Trev,” Minny said quietly. Mia shot her an icy glare. Minny backtracked. “I-I mean I’m sure M-Mia is perfectly comfortable in her own home.” Mia’s glare softened just a tad. Why in the hell did Minny seem so terrified of this petite little vampire? Trevor seemed confused.
“Well Mia, it is entirely up to you. Maxy and I would both be delighted to have you.” He looked at me for confirmation. I smiled in a way I hoped was convincing.
“Of course I’ll move in! I have a feeling we will be very close,” she said, staring directly at me.
“Trevor? Maxy? Can I talk to you two for a minute?” We both followed Minny out into the hallway, right outside a vampire’s hearing range. “I don’t trust her. She gives me this vibe and....look just trust me on this one ok? I have never steered you wrong before and I’ve always been right. So please, please, please do not move her in!” By the time Minny’s little speech was done she was panting for unnecessary breath and was grasping Trevor’s shirt. Trevor looked appalled.
“Minny, this is my little sister. I haven’t seen her for almost a century.  And you want me to let her go because of a feeling? Are you insane or just stupid?” Minny and I gasped. Never in my time with Trevor has he ever insulted anyone seriously. But here he was, glaring at Minny with fury as she stared back with hurt, confused eyes. Trevor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Poor Minny looked like she was about to cry. “Look Min I’m sorry. I just miss her so much; you need to understand.” All Minny did was get a cold expression on her face.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she whispered with a glare. She then spun on her heel, and left the house without another word. I turned to Trevor when I heard her Nissan Cube pull out of the driveway.
“Look Trevor, I am extremely happy you found your little sister, but maybe Minny is on to something.” He stared at me as if to say, not you, too. “Listen to me. Maybe you don’t see it but Minny and I sure as hell do. Something’s not right with her, love. I’m fine with her moving in—I’d never deny you that happiness—but all I’m saying is that we should be cautious.” Trevor sighed and kissed my forehead.
“My love, it is unneeded, but if it will make you feel better and will prove my little pocket-sized sister is harmless, then we can be cautious around her.”
“Thank you,” I replied with a small smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned up to kiss him. He returned it with a passion that instantly had my head spinning and my body wanting more, needing more. More. A slow rumbling in my chest told me that I was either softly growling or loudly purring. Whatever it was, Trevor liked it and was returning it with a purr of his own. His strong hands were ghosting over my back, sending shivers up and down my spine.
I was about to push him into the bedroom, or any flat surface nearby, when he suddenly stopped and held me at arm’s length. Trevor chuckled at my pouting face, which he pecked quickly. He placed his hands on my hips and whispered in my ear so close that I could feel his lips on my lobe. I placed my hands on his chest. “You don’t know how much I want to take you into the bedroom and ravish your hot little body, but my sister is currently in the next room, probably scarred for life.” I had a hard time concentrating on his words because of the electricity his lips sent through my body, but when I could understand, I reluctantly nodded and stepped out of his comforting embrace.
When we walked back into the room, Mia was—instead of being disgusted—seemed angry at Trevor. When her eyes turned to me they were even angrier, and I think I even saw a small hint of betrayal. I decided now was a good time to point out her unreasonable anger. “Are you ok Mia? You look a little miffed at us.” She seemed shocked at my observation.
“Nonsense Maxy! I-it just grosses me out a little to hear my brother and his wife making out vigorously in the next room,” she laughed. But it was more of a nervous laugh than anything. I smiled.
“Don’t worry; we won’t scar you anymore for tonight.” Trevor looked like someone had just killed his puppy. He looked so adorable I had to laugh. Mia grimaced and attempted a smile that ended up looking like someone was rubbing their dirty, sweaty feet in her face.
Chapter 5: Enigma
Things just got weirder after that. Mia had continued to be elusive with a hidden malice in her words. An enigma, she is. Minny stopped her frequent visits, and when she did visit, she was unusually somber and jumpy. Trevor had apologized ample times for how he behaved and Minny forgave him, but he still felt unimaginably guilty. Mia, on the other hand, had made it her job to, pardon my French, cock-block the living shit out of me and Trevor. We’d been on a dry spell for the entire time Mia had been with us: an agonizing 3 months. Every time we even got close to having alone time, she would want to go on a family hunting trip, or the mall, or the movies, or she was lonely. It was pissing me off.
At this point in time I was trying to seduce Trevor, and I was dangerously close to succeeding. I’d bought sexy, black (his favorite color on me), see-through, lace lingerie and matching panties all for tonight. My current position was straddling Trevor and gently biting his neck. You could practically see his resolve slip away.
“M-Maxy, love, Mia is in the next room. It would disturb her if we did anything. And I—Oh!” he moaned as I nibbled on his jaw line. His arms snaked around my waist pulling me flush against his body. “You’ll be the death of me,” he sighed.
I giggled. “I know. That’s what makes this more fun.” I wiggled my hips for emphasis and laughed as he groaned slightly and his arms wound tighter around me. Trevor growled and rolled on top of me as I smiled at getting what I wanted: him.
About ten minutes later I was soaking in bliss as Trevor worshipped my body in a way only he could. But then I heard the front door slam and Mia’s increasingly annoying voice enter the house.
“Maxy! Trevor! I’m home! Who wants to play Charades?” Trevor sighed and attempted to move from his perch on top of me when I snarled.
“That is it, Trevor! It has been three months, three freaking months, since we’ve made love and it is all because of your cock-blocking sister! I do not care if she is scarred for the rest of her immortal life! We are going to have sex now or so help me I’m hiring a male hooker when you go hunting next week!” Trevor’s eyes widened and his mouth formed a little “O” shape before he hesitantly climbed back on top of me and resumed what he was doing at a more frantic pace.
This time, we were uninterrupted. We both lied content in each other’s arms after about six hours of on-going pleasure. After basking in our combined post-coital bliss-filled haze for about forty-five minutes, Trevor and I decided to hop in the shower and finally acknowledge Mia’s presence.
Once again, Mia seemed furious that Trevor and I had any sort of romantic interaction and even angrier about the fact that we went all the way. As we sat on the couch I spared a glance at Trevor, who still seemed oblivious to his sister’s weird behavior. Mia was silently fuming in her seat, her small hands curling and uncurling as she tried to control her unreasonable anger. Finally, Mia broke the silence.
“Must you two go at it like wild animals all the time?” That was it. Right there. The dam had just broken. I’m not sure who took over my body in that moment but my mind was blank and my only objective was to put this weirdo in her place.
“Ok look. This is the first time in 3 MONTHS THAT WE HAD DONE ANYTHING! EVER SINCE YOU CAME ALONG YOU’VE BEEN PREVENTING ANY ALONE TIME BETWEEN US! GUESS WHAT, PUDDINGPOP? WE. ARE. MARRIED! AND BECAUSE OF THAT, WE. WILL. HAVE. SEX! DEAL WITH IT YOU PRUDE!” With an angry puff I stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door shut, leaving two stunned vampires behind.
It shouldn’t have shocked me that less than two minutes later I heard hushed whispers and the sound of a door being slammed shut, but I found myself perking my ears to hear more. Trevor entered the room and wordlessly sat next to me on our plush, red, king sized bed.
“Trevor, I’m—.” My apology was cut off by Trevor’s finger on my lips.
“Don’t be sorry, Maxy. It’s me who should be sorry. I’ve been ignoring your...needs.”
“It’s not your fault either! Mia is cock-blocking us!” I nearly shouted.
“I know! But I let her. And for that, I am truly and deeply sorry.” Instead of replying, I kissed him. Before we could get too into anything, I pulled back.
“Trevor, have you been noticing how—”
“—how every time we are together she looks furious? Yes, I’ve noticed. I must admit, it is rather strange. Normal siblings would get grossed out and then get over it.” I smiled, despite the tension in the room.
“Exactly! Do you see what I mean about her acting abnormal?” Trevor sighed.
“Yes, I suppose I do. But it doesn’t explain why Minny is so damn terrified of her.” I agreed silently, not really wanting to continue this grim conversation. “Well, Mia is out hunting right now, so let’s just agree to be cautious around her.”
“Alright. Now, tomorrow I’m going to run a few errands and go for a quick hunt. I should only be gone for about three hours, but I’ll take my phone with me just in case.”
“Good. She isn’t dangerous, Maxy, but you enjoy your hunt and I’ll reach you if something happens.” He smiled his entrancing smile and kissed my forehead, before walking into his music room and playing the song he sang to me on his violin. I sighed and lost myself in my thoughts.


Chapter 6: Prey
There was no right way to accurately describe hunting. It could be exhilarating or terrifying, sometimes both. When I first hunted, I recalled cowering away from a black bear with Trevor laughing at me in the background. Now, I knew that its mighty claws will feel like kitten scratches and its sharp, deadly teeth like a baby teething gently on your finger. Painless.  Now, the hunt was the most exciting thing in the universe. You could feel the brisk wind on every part of your body as you fly through the soft soil of the forest. Trees were easy to dodge if you were careful, and logs and streams could easily be jumped over.
It had always given me a sadistic thrill when I watched an animal twice my size and three times my mass cower in fear when it realized who truly owned the food chain. I was hunting a herd of coyotes, moving silently through the bushes, crouched down with my teeth bared. Thorn bushes felt like velvet as I pushed through them, my body not even giving a little bit at the small needles. Trevor taught me to hunt in the nude. Not only did he like the view, but it makes sure that you don’t keep getting your clothes torn and bloodied. It was the only way I hunted now. My foot crushed a branch. The small herd of carnivores looked up and ran. The hunt had just begun.
Like a bat out of hell I flew after the largest coyote, sometimes jumping up into the trees for leverage. Its mighty paws began to slow down due to exhaustion. Seeing this opportunity, I jumped down from the highest branch in the spruce I was in, and fell atop its tawny back, paralyzing it immediately. It began to whimper as I smiled a cruel and evil smile. But I was too thirsty to play games. I quickly tore the skin and fur from the animal, not wanting to have to cough up another fur ball, and bit into its jugular, draining it of its sweet ambrosia. I continued with my hunt after burying the carcass.
Three bears and two deer later, I was full and content. My clothes were still under the bush at the edge of the forest and I dressed in a hurried fashion. Minny had decided not to throw me a party after all, so I had to return everything she bought. Lazy little shit. Checking my watch, I saw that I had about two hours to get to the Party City three hours away. Fan-freaking-tastic. I realized how negative I’d been, rolled my eyes, and started the long drive thirty miles over the speed limit of fifty-five. I’m a bad girl.
It turned out the store was closer than I thought, and I got there with five minutes to spare. The supplies were returned without incident and soon I was pulling into our driveway. It was eerily quiet when I got inside.
“Hello? Trevor? Mia? Is anyone home?” I called, peering around each corner and into each room. My eyes fell on a single piece of folded paper with Trevor’s elegant script on it. My name was on the top. As silently as a mouse, I tiptoe over slowly, before snatching it up quickly and scanning the page.
Dear Maxima, it began. He said my full name. That can’t be good.
I’m sorry to have to do this in letter form, but I have more important things to do. I am also rather short on time so let me be blunt. I don’t love you. At least, not anymore. Sure, at first I did, but really it was all about the sex. Did you really think I could fall for you that quickly? Well, you know what they say about blondes. Our run was fun while it lasted, but I’m onto my next quest. You can keep the house. Thank you for being the next notch on my bedpost.
P.S: You came off a little desperate there, Sweetie.
The letter fell from my trembling hands as I froze. He was gone. He was really, really gone. I should have known I didn’t deserve him. All I was worth was a quick fuck, and nothing more. I was never anything more. Worthless, useless, dead. Why was I so stupid? I should have known I didn’t deserve happiness! Mark was right, I was nothing more than a selfish idiot.
A sharp, piercing scream woke me from my thoughts. It took me a second to realize the sound was coming from me. I was screaming, sobbing, crying, anything to get rid of this nightmare. No tears fell from my eyes, and although I hated air, I was hyperventilating. The feeling was akin to dry-heaving. You tried and tried, but nothing came out except empty, painful coughs.
Suddenly, I heard movement behind me, coming towards me. I looked up, hoping to see Trevor, but was met with the suddenly kind eyes of Mia. She didn’t speak, but crouched down next to me and hugged me, rocked me, like I did the first day we met. All animosity forgotten, I clung on to her like a lifeline, speaking incoherently as Mia shushed me and stroked my hair.
“He was right, you know,” Mia said. I looked up at her questioningly. “You don’t deserve him. Trevor is so much better than you. You don’t deserve anything good, you rotten bitch.” I struggled to get out of her arms, but she smiled gently and held me tighter, like she was comforting me and not hurting me further. “How could a nice, decent guy like him want filthy, dirty trash like you? It didn’t make sense. Don’t be so shocked he left, Maxima. Be grateful it lasted as long as it did,” she sneered. Only, her voice was off. It was deeper, manlier, and reminded me of the first voice I ever loved. Mark’s.
“M-Mark,” I rasped out.
“So you finally figured it out. Yes, it’s me, lovely. Well, sorta. I’ll explain that later. I have never been human, always a demon. Yes, demon. I have been around for a millennia, content with the fear I bestowed into people. But I hate to break it to ya, Maxy, but my name isn’t even Mark. That wasn’t even my real body! Camouflage, my pet, a disguise.  I can change forms, but in due time you will see my true being.” I stared at him open-mouthed, and he continued his rant, a smile upon his female face.
“Your darling Mark did exist. You see, I create illusions. So I turned into you and found your Mark one day while he was at the gym. I had to kiss him, gross, but soon he was following me into an alley like a little lost puppy. Boy, did that man love you! I can still remember his pathetic screams for mercy as I forced the life out of his body with a single touch. ‘Please! This will hurt my wife so much! Have mercy! I can’t die! I can’t leave her!’” He mocked in Mark’s voice. “But he died in the end, and I changed into his body. I lived in his body. But more on that later. We are leaving. Trevor should be home soon and you have to write a letter dumping him.”
“He already left me, you son of a bitch!” I screamed. Mia/Mark/Demon threw his head back (I assumed it’s a man) and laughed.
“Oh, no he didn’t. That was an illusion. I wrote that letter with his handwriting and sent him to hunt. Just to add salt to your wounds. Look at the letter again.” I did, and saw that the once elegant calligraphy that belonged to my husband had changed into a messy scrawl. I gasped and backed away, falling on my hands and knees, before glaring harshly at the beast in my bedroom, unable to speak because of the fury I felt. Since, I had no proper name for the beast, I’ll call him Demon.
“I hope you die!” I said viciously through my teeth. Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek. He had slapped me.
“That is no way to speak to your master! Remember, I have the power to kill both you and Trevor and Minny by just my touch. You will do as I say, or you all die.” I looked down as a sign of submission. Trevor and Minny will live, even if I have to be Demon’s slave yet again.
“Forgive me, Master,” I whispered, my voice laced with defeat. I was weak, but I knew that I deserved it, even if I didn’t know why.
“Good girl. Now, I will not be changing out of this body, so yours is safe from me, for now. I really can’t believe you didn’t figure it out earlier! The anger and even my sob-story! ‘Abusive boyfriend who got mad at me for trying to run away?’ Guess you are that stupid. But don’t worry, I will give you mercy. You don’t have to write the letter, I simply made it so the letter replaced your name with his, and his handwriting with yours. Now let’s go.” I followed him out of the house, my head down and my lower lip trembling. I was walking towards my worst nightmare, and I didn’t even put up a fight.


Chapter 7: Fight
Six months had passed since I walked away from my life with Demon, and I had fallen back into the rut I had escaped all those years ago. I walked around my old house with him naked, cooked him dinner, only left the house to hunt under his supervision, and did everything he asked. Since he was still in his female body for some reason, he couldn’t rape me, but he did force me to perform slutty strip teases for him. He also would make me pleasure myself in front of him. It never failed to sicken me.
I was never particularly upset with the idea of being a slave. I was used to it, and as far as I had learned, I deserved it. Also, I was saving the lives of those I loved most.
It was a pretty normal day so far, and I was sweeping the floor, lost in space. Then, the front door was literally torn open, and the love of my life and my best friend/sister ran in. Trevor found me and soon I was swept up in his arms and being kissed like there was no tomorrow. “Maxy, my love, my life! I can’t believe I actually found you! Minny! You were right about where she was! She’s here, she’s really here. Let’s go love. Mia can’t hurt you anymore.”
“Trevor, listen she’s not Mia! She’s Mark!” I yelled.
“I know, love, I know. Minny told me that much. But come on, let’s talk about this later.” He tugged at my arm, but my feet planted themselves on the floor.
“I am not leaving with you, Trevor. Mark is my master. He owns me.”
“Maxy! No, no, no! He doesn’t own you! Please, don’t be like this!” I lowered my eyes.
“I deserve it,” I whispered. Minny ran over to hug me and was about to say something, when I heard a slow clapping noise. Clap...clap...clap. Demon stepped out from the shadows with a cocky smirk on his face. Or, her face.
“Well, well, well. Look who found out where I hid my little pet.” Trevor growled and pushed me behind him. “Like you think you can stop me? I’m a demon, you imbecile! Much stronger than a vampire. Oh, I almost forgot! Now that Trevor is here, I can get out of his sister’s skin.” Demon stood up straighter and closed his eyes in concentration. There was a loud ripping sound and in Demon’s place, was Mia.
Her eyes were open in sheer terror, but they were blank. Her clothes were covered in blood, but it was dry. The most terrifying thing was her mouth, which was open in a silent scream. This Mia, obviously the real one, was dead and fell to the floor. Trevor screamed and dropped to his knees next to her, cradling the corpse and silently sobbing. I didn’t comfort him; he made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want to be touched. Demon was back then. He was tall and buff, with a tan skin complexion and a crew cut. He....he looked like Minny.
“Now that I am comfortable again, let’s get down to business. You see, your friend Minny here isn’t who she says she is. She’s a demon, like me.” I gasped and Minny changed form, but only a little bit. She grew black horns, a black tail, and small black wings that looked like a bat’s and started at her lower back. But on her face was one of pure terror and sadness, and I knew she didn’t keep it from us to hurt us. “There. You look so much better in your true form, my daughter.” This time, both Trevor and I gasped. “Yes, Minny is my daughter. Isn’t that right, Sweetheart?” It all made sense now. Why Minny was so scared of Mia, and why she didn’t want her to move in. She was protecting us from her own father.  It also explained why she always beat Trevor when they wrestled.
“I don’t have a father,” Minny said, her voice strong and confident. “You are nothing to me. You have tormented me for years—years!—just to punish me for escaping your abusive ways.” Minny was shaking now. “You followed my friendship with Trevor, and you went after my future best friend all to teach me a lesson! You, Mickey Velez, are pathetic and filth and you most certainly are not my father!” Mickey flew at Minny, pinning her to the door.
“I should kill you for saying that!” he spat.
“But you can’t! Not without a fight!” Minny taunted. She kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying across the room and into the staircase. He snarled and lunged at her, arm outstretched. I grabbed Trevor and pulled him to the wall, out of the way of the fight. I knew it only took one lethal touch of the skin for someone to die.
Minny danced around him, punching and kicking where she could. Mickey was snarling, reaching for Minny whenever she got close enough. I wondered briefly why Mickey didn’t move, when I realized his legs and feet seemed frozen. Minny had frozen him! That was her mysterious other gift. But then, Minny made a mistake: she got cocky. She stopped paying attention and didn’t get out of the way in time. Her father had grabbed her arm.
She gasped and tried desperately to pry his hand off of her, but it was no use. Minny dropped to floor, her mouth in the shape of an “o” and that was it. My best friend was dead. I screamed, and so did Trevor, but his was more like a roar.
Before I could stop him, Trevor had lunged at Mickey, knocking him to the floor. All I could feel was horror as I watched the two fight each other, but Mickey obviously had the upper hand. It was over before it started. I ran over to Trevor’s twitching body on the floor and cradled his head in my lap. He smiled slightly, and reached up weakly to softly caress my cheek. “I love you, my silly, gorgeous girl, I....love....you.” He closed his eyes.
Chapter 8: Even After We Die
“Trevor? Trevor! Please Trevor no!” I cried, clinging on to his lifeless body. I heard a dark chuckle and whipped my head around, staring at Mickey with pained eyes.
“Oh, goodbye is such a sweet sorrow,” he said, badly quoting Shakespeare with a grin on his face. “I’m afraid he’s dead, and so will you. You see, Maxima, when a vampire’s soul mate dies, so does the vampire. And as much as I hate to admit it, Trevor is—pardon me—was your soul mate. So you will get weaker and weaker, and then you will just...die. Isn’t it fantastic?” I stood up. Suddenly, I got a strange rush of power, and I knew I could kill him. It was as if my body was on autopilot and I knew what my gift was: mind control.
“Kneel,” I said. He kneeled, confused. I coughed slightly. “Burn yourself.” He took out a lighter and slowly burned his hands. I stumbled and fell to the ground, coughing and gasping. It wasn’t long now. I had to end this. So, with as much strength as I could muster, I spoke again. “Die.” And just like that, Mickey Velez was no more. I coughed again and crawled over to Trevor’s empty body, and snuggled into his arm. By this time, I was paralyzed, unable to move anything other than my mouth. So, I did the only thing I could do. I sang for my lost love.
“You are my only love,
My heart, my everything.
And I promise to keep you here,
From every summer to every spring.
You are my darling,
My angel and my life.
And I promise to love you,
Even after we... die.”
© Copyright 2011 Winter Sommours (maxytrevor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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