Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1765315-Spirits-of-the-Emerald-Princess
by Amzy
Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1765315
She thought she was an ordinary girl till she discovered her true identity.
Amarinth Tenderly
Amarinth was out in the airport. She was a thin teenage girl at the age of fifteen, her complexion was porcelain white with a hair of crimson red and her eyes were forest green.
She felt the cold breeze crept on her neck that made her feel uneasy and anxious. She looked up at the sky, it was blue and the sun was burning, then the cold breeze enveloped her once again that made her shiver, she knew why she had the strange feeling.

"It's time to go Miss Amarinth!" A hoarse voice coming from Edmun broke her thoughts , their driver and sort of a butler since he do so many things for her granny. He was waiting at the car door smiling warmly as he opened the door for her. She smiled faintly as she went in.

Amarinth was very silent, she kept on inhaling deeply as she stared at the empty space beside her with a worried expression on her face.

"How was your flight Miss Amarinth?" Edmun asked.
"Quite fine Edmun......" She managed to answer.
"Edmun?.." she croaked.
"Yes Miss Amarinth?"
"How's granny feelin now?" she asked a bit somber and it seems that a tear was forming in her eye.
Edmun looked at her in the rear view mirror .
"She's a brave girl.." he thought.

It was the day before she arrived the city when their principal told her that her grandmother was terribly ill and just after she was informed she hasted to go home.
Yet he hesitated telling the truth.
"She'll be fine Miss Amarinth" he said instead. But she knew that she was dying she felt it even before she was informed but still she was hoping for a miracle . She didn't utter a word. She's obviously worried and afraid.
Her parents died when she was still a baby that her grandmother took care of her ever since. She loves her granny very much and she's scared of loosing her, she was her only family.
"Oh granny" she thought.
"We're here Miss Amarinth!" Edmun said as he stopped the car to wait the gate to be opened when suddenly she rushed out of the car and went inside running.
"Granny? I'm home!!" She yelled as she went.
She saw Mrs. Cherry came out from her grandmother 's bedroom and was surprised to see her running.
"Miss A.." she tried to warn but before she could finish her sentence Amarinth passed ignoring her.
She saw her grandmother lying in bed and she approached her.
"Granny?" She croaked as she slowly hold her granny's had and kissed her forehead. Tears kept on falling now from her eyes, she wiped them slowly for she doesn't want her to see her was crying. "Brave girls don't cry" her granny used to say.
She laid her head on her side and whispered.
"Please don't die.."catching her throat, then suddenly she heard her granny spoke.
"Amarinth my..my..Li'l pr-princess i-is that you-o?"her granny whispered helplessly. She was dying and Amarinth knows.
"Yes granny it's me!" she answered softly.
Her granny tried to smile at her, her face puckered.
I had served your fa-amily well...mmy...pri-inces” she was fighting for her breath.
“Granny don’t talk like that please...you have to get well...you need rest, don’t talk, it’s too much risk..I love you and I don’t wanna loose you okay? Please..”she cried
Her granny shook her head, she opened her mouth to talk, her battle for breath was too much for her.
“I’m so tired now..I-It’s go-oodbye my pri-princess!” she murmured.
“shh, granny don’t talk ,it’s too much risk, you can tell me all you wanna say when you’re well.”
“I wish I-I could stay a little wa-while t-to go back with you my princess?” her lips were still moving but this time no voice came out
She laid her head back to the pillow, her face shrunken and gray. It was her granny’s end of time. She panicked.
“Granny?..NO granny...NO!..graannyy!!” she cried in grief.
“Granny wake up, wake up! Please..please!”. she was terrified her heart lurch and start beating fast. She hugged her tightly while weeping.
Suddenly the doctor came in with Mrs. Cherry.

Three days had passed after her grandmother was buried. Even though she was still mourning she was now ready to face the world alone.
It was midweek of the month of March when it all happened, Amarinth decided not to go back to her boarding school but to stay in Greenshed and continue her studies in the City, so she can visit her granny every day. Even though she knew that her granny would not agree on what she decided.
Change of school atmosphere, it was not really that easy and since it was a very late transfer, after four months she’ll be graduating, but then that’s what she decided so be it.
It was hard for her too, to leave her school and friends there and the school as well loosing an outstanding student, no choice but to let go.

Edmun drove her to her new school, but before going there, amaranth visited her granny’s graveyard to put flowers on her grave.
It wasn’t really easy for her to lose her granny, being left alone, to face the world,to face the world
even though she knew she can do it, she’s mourning deeply.
“Where here now Miss Amarinth!” as he stopped the car, he slowly opened the door for her.
“Thank you Edmun” she said.
“My pleasure Miss Amarinth..” he inhaled deeply before he added.
“We will always be here for you Miss, me and Mrs. Cherry” with a consoling smile.
She stared at him gladly for a moment, and then she smiled gently.
“I knew Edmun and I don’t know how to thank you enough”
“Just stay as you are Miss, I will be going now...I’ll fetch you after school!”he replied.
“No Edmun...Thank you I can manage, I'll just ride a bus home...I’ll be fine Edmun” she smiled with assurance, he stared at her for a moment hesitating and nodded in agreement and so he drove away.

She stood at the gate as she surveyed the buildings. As she entered the school, she noticed how quiet the campus was, few students were chattering sitting in the soft grass, she noticed the lovely gardens in the side of the pathways, she just continued walking and looking around, it seemed so peaceful, when suddenly she heard a loud laughter entering the campus that made her look back, there were five girls entered the school. She guessed that they were with the same age with her, they passed by without noticing her, since they were busy talking and laughing with the other girl’s joke except for the other girl who was on deep thoughts that she cannot help but notice. She decided to follow them with the feeling that they might be her classmates. They walked through corridors and noticed how many classrooms were there, she followed them went up a stair and arrived to a hall, there were many students already, some are teasing, putting things to their locker, yelling and laughing. The five girls went inside a room, it was 10-A and now she’s not wrong after all they were her new classmates. As soon as they went inside the room they went silent, that made her feel nervous with the thought the class is already starting and she’s off with a bad start. She took a deep breath before entering the room. She was gladly wrong that when she went in the reason for them being silent is that everyone is busy doing their own thing, some were reading, browsing their laptop, listening to their I-pod, some were daydreaming and sleeping.
Slowly she walked to her preferred seat near the window in the last row, after making herself comfortable o her chair, she peeped outside the window and noticed that there were already many students outside. After a moment she heard some whispering behind her back and she tried to ignore it. After awhile she heard a soft “Hello “ that made her look over her shoulder and saw a girl with a huge smile plastered on her friendly face with a dark violet hair and her hand was in front of her waiting for a handshake, she was the girl who was cracking jokes a moment ago, the one she followed.
“Hello!” she repeated. Amaranth stared at her for a moment.
“I’m Tatiana Chester, you must be our new classmate, welcome to Greenshed Academy” she added sweetly. Amarinth stood up and reached out her hand for a shake.
“Nice to meet you Miss…?”
“Oh Tenderly. Amarinth Tenderly, nice to meet you too miss Chester and thank you” she replied deliberately.
“Ooh you don’t have to be so formal, juz’ call me Ania, I prefer being called that way! Tee hee!” as she sat in front of her while smiling, so she smiled back and so the other four girls approached.
“I’m Sally Syndon, It’s nice to meet you Miss Tenderly” she reached out her hand for a shake.
“So am I, Miss Syndon” she replied, she has a golden wavy hair with black eyes like ebony.
“I’m Irryn Indione, nice to meet you!” she noticed her hair was crystal blue and so her eyes that was almost covered with her arms, she has an odd feeling with her hair it seemed so natural, they shook their hands exchanging warm smiles with each other.
“Nice meeting you, Miss Tenderly, I’m Preseia Syrien” another girl reached out her hand to her, she wore a hair crown on her thick brown hair matching her capturing brown eyes.
“And I’m Raven whettly!” Said the girl that she noticed who were in deep thought awhile back when she first saw them, she left coldly after shaking hands without even looking at her. She was so serious, her hair was deep black and her eyes were red like a ruby jewel, she sensed deep secrets behind those eyes.
And the other students introduced themselves to her as well and welcomed her warmly. They were very friendly that made her comfortable immediately.
The five girls seemed different from all the other students in the class, she has a strange feeling toward, something unexplainable at the same time it made her more comfortable with them.
Hours had passed and time to go home, Amarinth didn’t wait for someone to walk with, she hastily started walking.
When she was out of the school campus, she felt the cold April wind, kissed her cheeks, she felt uneasy that someone was following her that made her stop and looked back but no one was there, she was the only one walking in that street, she heard the rustling leaves instead and so she continued walking, but still she can feel that someone is trying to follow her, she tried to ignore and keep o walking.
She arrived at the cemetery. She was surprised to see the girl who was there that very morning before she went to school was still there. She guessed that the girl had been crying the whole day, she felt sympathy since she knows how it feels of loosing someone you love so dearly. A tear fell from her eyes so she wiped it, when she looked again to where the girl was, she was gone. It was odd that she disappeared so quickly. Out of curiosity she walked to the graveyard were the girl was.
“Mr. Edward Hart…died April 23, 1995” she read and the other
“Mrs. Mary Beth Hart…died April 23, 1995” they have the same death date.
“They must be her parents…poor girl!” she thought.
She went back to her granny’s grave. She arranged the flowers and told her about her first day in school like a little child
“But you know what, I really like them, I’m comfortable with them, and it’s so strange to feel that for some reason I’ll always be safe with them around. It’s kinda funny isn’t it granny? Sigh, I miss you gran” Suddenly she heard a familiar voice shouted.
“Hello there!” she looked back quite startled and as she expected whom it was coming from, she saw the five girls approaching, huge smiles were plastered on their faces except Raven whose face was solemn like a stone, Ania waved her hand.
“Did we startle you?” Sally asked. Amarinth just smiled, she was glad to see them.
“Here to visit an acquaintance?” she asked.
“Well actually we’re on our way to visit our dearly friend, then we saw you walking alone so we decided to follow…tee hee!” Ania replied as they sat down beside her, Raven on the other hand stayed standing at their back. “So it was them after all” she thought. When they had read what was written in the grave stone.
“We feel sorry” Sally said softly on behalf as she touched her shoulder in comfort.
“It’s okay, thanks!” she answered and managed to coax a smile unto her lips. After a long silence Amarinth stood up.
“I think I should be goin’ now!” she said
“We would like to walk you home, well, if it’s okay with you” Preseia offered with a hopeful smile on her face.
“Oh, I don’t mind at all” she replied she was glad indeed but then she remembered.
“But I thought you are goin’ to visit a friend?”
“Well yeah after taking you home safely” Sally answered.
“Ooh…thanks but it would be a bother!”
“But then, hey why not come with us for awhile? So that you will meet our friend as well, whaddya think?” Tatiana said, the girls looked to each other, they doesn’t seem to like the idea.
“Oh no thanks, maybe some other time!” she said instead.
But we insist, right girls!” she insisted and the other girls just smiled.
“Well I dunno if...”
“Oh come on!” Ania cut her off
“Let’s get start walkin’” she added instantly
“No buts sweetheart, besides we promised to walk you home didn’t we? Well of course after we go to our friend okay?” she said slyly. Amarinth was left no choice at all. The reason that makes her want to go is that she has a nagging strange feeling about that friend of theirs.
They walked in silence for awhile.
“So why did you transfer anyway?” Irryn asked in curiosity trying to start a conversation.
“Hmm…” she dropped her eyes to the ground. They looked to each other thinking the same thing.
“Oh I guess you don’t have to answer it at all, we understand” Sally said and just smiled back. She never expected that it would be harder to explain why, than she thought it would be.
Three days had passed after her grandmother was buried. Even though she was still mourning she was now ready to face the world alone.
It was midweek of the month of March when it all happened, Amarinth decided not to go back to her boarding school but to stay in Greenshed and continue her studies in the City, so she can visit her granny every day. Even though she knew that her granny would not agree on what she decided.
“Hmm? Amarinth such an odd name you have, isn’t it guys?” Ania suddenly burst out, with sparkling eyes as if she received a present.
“Here we go again…I’m sorry Amarinth dear she doesn’t mean to be rude…” Preseia said.
“Everything is odd for you Ania!” Irryn said
“No really, there something special about this name, it’s not the name itself but the beholder, I can feel it, it enchants me, it will bring greatness!”
Amarinth was bewildered.
“Oh don’t mind her, she’s always like that, she’s full of imagination, she believes in magic, witches, fairies and other magical creature, and when she finds something enchanting for her she will get crazy and obsessed with it, talks like she’s out of the world as if she could foresee things that are impossible. Where in fact, everything to her is out of this world.” And they start laughing loudly
“Hey! You’re exaggerating it Irryn, not all you know!” Ania snapped back.
“Now our new friend here will think I have few lose screws now…hmp!”
“Ooh don’t worry I wouldn’t think such a thing” she assured.
“Good thing you understand me…unlike other people here” she said with her mouth pouting and the laughter went louder.
“And consider them as my besties huh?” she winked at Amarinth, she pretended she was mad with her best friends so it worked they stopped laughing, Amarinth smiled at her.
“Hush, hush Ania darling, we will now stop with pour teasing, we are only showing you how we love you” Preseia said, laughed a little and smiled.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes Ania even though we are always in this sitch we’ll promise not to tease you again, right girls?” Irryn said, she winked to the other girls and they chuckled they were still teasing her.
“Well that’s good to know there is no backing out with you promise since we have a witness today, right?” Ania glanced at Amarinth with a mischievous smile.
“Yes Ania darling” they answered in unison, Amarinth smiled and nodded. She glanced at Raven who was on her own world, their eyes meet.
“Oh well so much for that, I wanna tell you some things!” distracting her, Tatiana went on while putting her arm on her shoulder.
“Guys are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Sally whispered.
“You bit Sally!” Irryn and Preseia said in unison.
“You see it’s about our secret” Ania continued. Amarinth was surprised.
“You really don’t have to tell me if it’s your group’s secret you know!”
“No it’s okay, I insist besides they won’t mind me telling you about it!” she said smiling as she looked back at them.
“Yeah right, coz it’s not really much of a secret, no big deal, it’s just our group name she made” Irryn said.
“Hey I’m supposed to say what our secret is all about and correction, it’s not just a “group name”, it’s as special as we are!” Ania snapped.
“Oh yeah right!” the other girls giggled a bit, she glanced at Raven again, she doesn’t talk with them, laugh with them, she didn’t even saw her smile the whole day, she is really weird she thought, having her own world and it seems that the whole group don’t mind about it, well maybe she has some problems or she just don’t like talking at all and having fun with her friends, but the thing that she can’t keep off from her mind is that she seemed to be hiding something that she is trying to protect. Ania noticed her.
“Oh don’t mind her, she’s always like that ever since, but it doesn’t mean that she’s unfriendly she’s just feeling awkward, she’s a bit shy you know” Ania broke her thoughts, she just nodded.
“Well as I was saying, the name of our group is “SPIRIT”...Isn’t that cool?! I know it may sound a bit creepy but that’s what makes it cool it came from our name initials” Ania said with a smile from ear to ear and a twinkle in her eyes.
“Yeah it’s pretty cool!” she agreed. Of course S for Sally, P for Preseia, I for Irryn, R for Raven, another I for…who? Oh maybe …she thought.
“And wanna know the exciting part? She dreamed about it, that she should create it!” Preseia said.
“And that we are going to be some kind of super heroes or something” Irryn added.
“Well in a different world or I should say on a bizarre world, some world that don’t exist” Sally added too.
“You really don’t believe me guys? It wasn’t just a simple dream it was more like a premonition you know, or something but it’s true I’m telling you besides I knew you guys believe you just don’t admit it, and to think you agreed about calling our group “SPIRIT” though”
“We’re here!” Raven said before the girls could react. That surprised Amarinth to hear her voice after a long day of silence
“Oh gosh! I didn’t notice” Ania was surprised.
“How could you possibly when you were busy talking non-stop!” Raven replied coldly. She looked at her talking seriously without even an expression on her face.
“Welcome to the Hart Mansion” Irryn said.

Ingela Hart

It was a huge house, just like Irryn said “A mansion” indeed, that is obviously well maintained, as she surveyed the structure of the mansion she noticed at the left side has traces of being burnt and somehow has an eerie feeling about that portion of the Mansion, she wondered considering that everything is being maintained except that part wasn’t renewed. The traces wasn’t fresh anymore it seems that it had been there a long time ago so it was odd indeed why it wasn’t reconstructed it must bear a significance.
A hoarse voice broke her thoughts.
“Come on in Ladies” An old man was awaiting inside the gate greeted them, at the age of mid 60’s like Edmun. And so they walked inside, she can smell the fragrance of magnolias that fills the air and the lovely jasmines oleanders. There were other flowers as well such as beds of different colors of roses, golden yellow, white, blue, red and pink. They were landscaped beautifully and in the center was a huge lovely fountain. The door opened instantly.
“Oh ladies, Miss Hart just arrived a moment ago, she’s upstairs, as expected.” A woman at mid 60’s said with a slight smile formed on her lips, a worried smile.
“Come in, come in…thank God you came, I was really worried that you couldn’t make it” she added
“You worry too much Mrs. Chason, you know we always make time for her. Tee hee!” Ania said as they sat down on the soft couch.
“I can’t help worrying dear, even though this happens every year, I still don’t get used to it especially that Mrs. Hart is out of the city!”
Leave it to us Mrs. Chason…and oh would you be so kind giving us some snacks, kinda famished…thank you Mrs. Chason.” She added.
“Oh yes, yes, right away ladies…”
When she was gone, Sally stared at Ania with narrowed eyebrows.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” she pretended not to understand.
“Sigh…Ania dear, you are being impolite again” Preseia said.
“Well I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, it’s just I haven’t eatin’ any enough food today, I didn’t eat this morning, darn that alarm clock of mine” she reasoned.
“Who are you kidding? It’s your everyday excuse” Irryn argued.
“Oh is it?”
“You're pissing me off Ania” Sally snapped.
Suddenly Mrs. Chason appeared with other maids carrying their snack.
“Sorry to keep you waiting ladies”
“It’s okay!”Sally replied in behalf.
“Pizza...yummy! I love pizza”she shouted excitedly no denying that she was hungry, she took the pizza out of the maid’s hand.
“Ania!” Irryn snapped, she just looked at her with tongue out.
“Easy dear…juz don’t mind her” Preseia said calmly.
“yeah right, she’s really impossible” Ania just smiled impishly and start digging
“Amarinth dear sorry about how they are acting, they’re like Tom and Jerry” Preseia said.
“Yeah, I can see that” she giggled as she watched them making faces to each other. After eating Preseia stood up and said.
“We better go upstairs now, I think she’s not gonna show herself up!” as she start walking up to the stairs, so they followed her.
When they reached the spiral stairs, she saw the huge portrait on the wall that caught her attention, a family portrait. What caught her most is the little girl on the center, no doubt she was the girl in the cemetery with her parents.
“That’s Ingela with her mom and dad!” Ania said behind her. She nodded. There were many paintings and portraits on the plastered on the magnificent designed walls. They reached the end of the stairs. There were two corridors they went left. They passed a few rooms, suddenly a gust of wind passed by giving her an eerie feeling. No one was uttering a word only the topping of their footsteps was heard, when they came to the part that was different, this time the walls has no paintings nor portraits, no more magnificent design instead was a gray and ruined walls a sign of being burn, the part of the mansion where she saw outside, Amarinth thought. Suddenly, they heard someone was crying coming from the last room in the end of the corridor, as they went on the crying become louder.
“Oh daddy…Mommy…sniff…I-I’m so-sorry…I-I didn’t mean to do it, I didn’t mean to…sniff sniff, to hurt you! I swear” the voice said.
“Ella dear!” Preseia called as they went near the door.
“Preseia?” a soft voice cried almost choking.
“Yes, Ella dear, it’s me, where here to visit and we brought a new friend with us.”
She saw a girl lying on a large space dusty floor facing to the wall. The room was huge, empty, dusty and cobwebs everywhere, the rays of the sun coming from the holes gives a little light to the cold eerie room.
The girl stood up instantly and ran to Preseia like a little child asking for comfort from a mother. She embraced Preseia tightly as she kept on crying.
“I didn’t mean to Pres, please tell them…sniff, sniff” She said almost a whisper begging.
“I know, hush, hush, Ella dear” she replied as she tapped her back soothingly.
“Dry you tears now sweetie let’s go to your room now” She added deliberately, Ingela nodded. They followed them until they reach to the end and watched them went to the right. It made her quite confused they didn’t even bother saying anything nor try following them till they reach her room, it’s as if they know what was about to happen, like it happened many times already, she noticed that there were something on their expressions that tells her that they also wondering, aside from being worried with their friend.
They anticipated after awhile when with a sudden Raven start walking.
“Where are you going?” Irryn asked.
“Downstairs, it will take an hour or so before they show up I don’t have an intention waiting that long while standing” she said dully without even looking backing. They agreed with her so they followed them, she wanted to ask but she didn’t have the courage, it was something private she thought.
Before following them, she looked back to the empty corridor, she felt something coming from Ingela’s chamber that made her shiver a little, a feeling she can’t explain.
“Wanna come?”Ania said that startled her. When they reached the living room Ania threw herself on the couch lazily.
There was silence for a moment.
“Well anyway, Amarinth we’re sorry that you saw our friend acting weird, you shouldn’t have seen her like that!” Sally spoke.
“It’s okay, I should be the one to be sorry” She replied awkwardly, thinking that she was a stranger who barged into the house, she shouldn’t be witnessing something private, she was itching to ask them though.
“You see it’s her parent’s death anniversary today!” Ania said suddenly.
“Oh I see, poor girl!” She said sympathetically, she just remembered what she had read in the graveyard.
“Yeah we too, indeed we feel sorry for her loss!” Irryn said promptly.
“Her parents died in a fire accident when she was six years old, the last room where we went first was her parents room and near it was hers” Irryn stated.
“How terrible” she thought.
“It was said that the fire started when a lightning struck their window and the whole room was on fire, while her parents were deep asleep…little Ingela woke up the whole mansion with a terrifying scream when the fire walked to her room, miraculously she was unharmed but for her parents it was too late” Sally added.
“That’s terribly awful!” She said with aghast.
“And the astonishing part was that night it wasn’t raining or any storm coming, but that night a loud thunder was heard in the city followed by frightening lightning appeared in the mansion striking the bedroom of her parent” Ania added as she took her cell phone and browse it.
“Here it is, it says on the newspaper, that according to the witness, “T’was like any other night, I was sleeping on my box when I was awakened suddenly by a loud thunder nd after that I can’t believe what I saw before my eyes, a lightning was forming, it was like dancing and suddenly it struck the mansion, and that’s how the fire started, I’ve never been so terrified in my whole llife before last night I want to call for help, but I cannot move from where I was, I was trembling, I froze!” Nobody believed him though since he just a beggar around the corner, ad according to the Weather department they were sure that there wasn’t any storm coming and to add the beggar said that it didn’t last for five minutes it lasted a minute, he said it was dancing with the rumbling of the thunder that sounded like a harp that was playing a playful tune, then disappeared and appeared again that seemed to be sorry. Of course they didn’t believe it such an impossible statement. It was an unexplainable incident ever happened in the city”.
“After that she suffered a trauma, every time there is thunder and lightning, she won’t stop screaming and nobody can restrain” Sally said with pity on her eyes.
“And once she screams the lightning would stop and disappear and as far as I can remember I guess you’ve noticed it we haven’t heard any thunder or lightning for ages” Ania exclaimed with wonder, And she couldn’t refuse to ponder on that thought.
“Every time that happens her Aunt Alice has no choice but let her be injected to sleep, we visit her every day since we have been friends since before her parents died!” Irryn said ignoring what Ania said.
“And to think that she’s blaming herself with the death of her parents, especially during night time, we can’t blame her to feel that way and we felt so helpless”
“Four years she suffered, poor Ingela she was in darkness, she has to stay in the house all the time, until…”
“Until we met Preseia, we were surprised one day to see her sweet smile again” Irryn added promptly.
“At last we saw hope that day, and I do believe that magic has something to do with it!” Ania seemed to be very excited with what she was saying, and something shows that she knew something, she noticed it. She was thinking how open they could be, sharing to her the story of their friend, she was feeling guilty, she was a stranger yet she knew the story already just in an hour, a story that Ingela shouldn’t be proud of.
“What are trying to say Aia? That Preseia has some sort og magic powers? Oh puh-lease Ania don’t be ridiculous, it only exist in fairy tales? Only magic tricks exist in this world” Sally said but there was something in her expression, Amarinth thought that she wanted to believe Ania’s theory since they all don’t know how she could do that.
“Still I believe””
“Did I hear someone said “magic powers?” a sweet voice said. They all looked back. It was Ingela with Preseia goin down.
“When are you gonna leave you fantasy world and start living in reality, Ania dear?” Preseia added with a smirk and Ingela chuckled. She can see how happy she was.
“And you must be Amarinth Tenderly, Pres told me ‘bout you!” so she stood up to reach her hand for a hand shake.
“It’s so nice to meet you!” she said.
“Nice to meet you too, you can call me Ella if you want, I won’t mind at all” she replied with a twinkle on her gray eyes that matches her ash colored thick hair, she noticed how thin and pale she was, but her cheeks were pink, and she has this sweetest and soft voice.
“I don’t mean to disturb but juz wanna say that I’ll be goin ahead, good thing you’re ok now Ingela you’re such a troublesome!” Raven said coldly with a blunt expression, as she stood up and start walking. She was surprised to her say that to a friend.
“But what’s the rush? Ingela asked ignoring the cold words.
“Work!” she replied plainly.
“But I thought your part time is tonight?” she added instantly, but she didn’t answer she simply waved her hand before leaving the room.
“I heard she has a new job” Irryn informed.
“A new job? Again?”Ania exclaimed.
“No way! She’s such a multi-worker, how many work is she in now? Five? Six or was it seven already, she works as a waitress, a sales lady, a cashier, a newspaper girl during weekends and a milk delivery girl and a babysitter, gee men, I wonder how she can still study in that sitch?” Ania wondered.
“And her new job is in a bakeshop around the corner, near the Academy” Irryn said.
“Yeah considering that she’s in the list of top five overall most outstanding students in school!” Irryn added with admiration. Amarinth was surprised to hear that she can’t believe how Raven could possibly work so hard and study at the same time.
“Poor girl, since her father died she has to work hard to feed her siblings and to med her sick stepmom” Peseia said with pity.
“Why can’t she simply accept our help?!” Ingela said
“It’s her pride that’s stopping her!” Ania replied stoutly. She thought that it explains everything why Raven is like that.
“Even though I still admire her for being a hard worker and responsible, she never neglected her family especially her stepmom, and she didn’t stop going to school” they nodded in agreement.

And so the day was getting over, Ingela offered her a ride, she hesitated, but Ingela insisted that she can’t refuse at all, it was becoming a habit that she cannot refuse to them.
“Sorry guys we have to use the limo, it’s the only available" Ingela said apologizing, it's so happen that she hates riding a limousine.
“Are you kidding me? Limo is cool” Ania said as she pressed a button in the remote control she was holding and a cone of ice cream appeared.
“And I love ice cream! Do you guys want some?” as she give the others too without waiting their answers
“By the way where do you live Amarinth?” Ingela asked.
“McHille Village” One of the luxurious subdivisions in the city. Without noticing they arrived at their destination.
“Wanna come in to have some tea?” she offered.
“Gee thanks, but I have an appointment, maybe some other time…I’m sorry, I would really love to” Ingela said apologizing.
“Me too, I have an errand, sorry…maybe tomorrow perhaps?” Irryn said
“Me too dear I have to accompany Ella, see yah at school tomorrow then.
“Tomorrow it is, see you!” Sally said as they all agreed.
“Oh okay no problem, thanks for the ride Ella”
“Anytime” she replied
“Oh well, I guess I’m the only one who can stay a bit and have some tea, I guess I’m the first one to discover her world then” Annia smirked.
“Bye!” and so they drove off

Tatiana was amazed when she entered the house, it was huge inside but outside it doesn’t look that way. The ceiling and walls has unusual but fascinating design. In the living room there was a small fountain in the center table that has a weird looking live vine plant. She also noticed the big emerald chandelier hanged.
“Wow! Cool place Rinth”
“It feels like a different world!” she exclaimed.
“And who’s the designer?”
“Oh it’s a secret!” she doesn’t want to sound like she was bluffing if she told her that she was the one who designed it.
“Oh come on! Well okay fine then”
She was more astounded when they entered her room.
“Oh my it’s so-so green!” Amarinth can’t help but chuckled.
“Feel yourself at home”
“You seem to be really pretty crazy with green!” as she surveyed her room
“He! He! Well, it’s pretty obvious” as she blushed.
“Where is your bathroom?
“It’s over there!”
“Oh my gosh!!” she yelled.
“What? What is it?” as she ran to her
“You bathroom is awesome girl!!”
“Oh, you scared me, I thought you…never mind”
The bathroom was tiled with forest green, a crystal green bath tub as welll as the toilet bowl. A strange vine seems to be releasing a relaxing aroma.
“Are you always that exaggerated?” she asked as she chuckled.
“Not always!” she replied instantly as she laughed.
She continued looking around, appreciating every single thing in the room until she got tired that she throw herself to the soft green bed.
“Gee, I feel like a princess in this room!" she sat beside her. She can’t help but notice that she was thinking of something else.
“What is it? Still wondering?” Ania asked.
“Huh? Ahm sort of…”
“Believe it or not I feel the same way sweetheart, I guess not only me but the others as well, nobody has the courage to ask, perhaps we are all waiting for them to tell us…well when they’re ready”
“Do you really believe in magic powers Ania?” she asked suddenly.
“Yep! I sure do, and I do believe that Pres has, no doubt about it!”
“What made you say so?”
“It’s a feeling, you may really think I’m weird but that’s how I feel” she laughed.
“I talk too much, I just can’t help it. Well anyway a little flashback might convince you that I’m not bluffing. You see the four of us had been best friends since we were babies to exaggerate, me, Ella, Irryn and Sally. We met Pres in kindergarten, she was a total loner, and we even thought that she was dumb, she doesn’t talk, she doesn’t play with us or any kids, she was so weird she plays alone or keep herself in a corner and watch everyone having fun, or rather play with her imaginary friend”
“Imaginary friends?”
“Yeps! You see, we followed her one day after school, we were already in grade school that time, sort of spying thing we were really curious. We followed her went to the public playground making sure we weren’t noticed. We can’t believe how happy she was she was laughing and talking with some whom she’s the only one who can see, and the first time that we heard her voice. We looked to each other for a sec and looked back to Pres, and she was gone, she was nowhere to be found we felt goose bumps and start running and screaming”
“Just like that, that was the last time we saw her, we thought that she was abducted with her imaginary friends, we didn’t go back to that playground anymore, ever since it happened.”
“After for some years she came back totally a different person, now she’s our best friend.”
“Isn’t that a bewitching story? Well at first we were surprised that she was the loner Pres we used to know who disappeared into thin air and it’s still a mystery, well we never asked her though, maybe one of this days I will” Amarinth listened intently
“And take note, I could still recall when we first brought her to Ella’s house, she was acting strange that she disappeared suddenly, I guess it was her habit, we found her outside standing and staring at the fountain, she was pale and quite shocked as if she saw something or felt something, whatever it was. The next day we were surprised, she didn’t come to school we thought she was abducted again but when we went to Ella, she was already there talking with her in the living room, she was pale thin and looked really fragile but there was shine in her face that we missed so much, that was the day she was back to normal, well not totally well since every death anniversary of her parents the trauma comes back and a Li'l chat with Pres everything is back to normal”
“Gee, I shouldn’t be telling you this!” Amarinth blushed half bemused.
“Oh and you must be wondering about Rave” she was actually thinking about her.
“Hers is a different story, since we’re talking about this stuff, I guess it won’t hurt telling you, we met her in first year junior high, her family just moved in the city, she’s really weird, doesn’t talk that much. We never actually met her family yet, all we know is that her father died and she’s taking care of her sick stepmother and her two siblings, she’s the breadwinner you see, she’s really mysterious to me” suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“Come in” Amarinth said. Mrs. Cherry went inside.
“Sorry to keep you waiting Miss Amarinth” as she put the try on the table and poured some tea.
“It’s Okay, thank you!”
“Is there anything else Miss”
“No more, thank you Mrs. Cherry”
“My pleasure Miss” She closed the door behind her gently.
After sipping some and a small bite of cookie, Ania said quite addled.
“I don’t get it!”
“He! He! The truth is I really haven’t told anyone about this, It’s just I felt like telling you all this stuff without hesitation, well you seem to be trusted so no worries...”
“Thanks then”
“Welcome…tee hee!” as she glanced to the emerald clock.
“No way! Am I wrong or it’s seven o’clock already? Oh my gosh! I have to go now Rinth, I would love to come here again” as she grabbed her bag.
“I’ll be glad then. I’ll ask Edmun to drive you home safely!
“Gee thanks, don’t bother though, I have to take some errands, thanks anyway”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep, thanks bye! See you at school!”
“Oh okay then, bye!” she waved back. She waited until Ania disappeared from her sight then she went back into the house.

The Dream

Amarinth can't stop thinking that night of what she had known about her new friends in just a day. They seem to be special. And she noticed something about Ania she knew more than she acts or say, she thought.
She took off her eyeglasses then her contact lenses. She combed her crimson red hair. She noticed her eyes again without her contacts.
“Why is my right eye has to be different with my left?” She asked herself again.
She remembered when she was little she used to ask her grandmother.
“Granny why is my right eye yellow while my left is green?”
“Coz, you are a very special girl my princess!” her granny answered.
“What especial granny? Why am I special?”
“Because you are born to be, you’ll understand when you grow up, my child!”
“I'm a grown up now gran, still I don’t understand!” she told herself.
Since then she started using contact lenses to cover the true color of her eyes.
After combing her hair she went to her bed immediately, she took her grandmother’s picture and kissed it goodnight and then she opened her locket and kissed her parents goodnight like she always do before closing her eyes. She tried to sleep but she couldn't then suddenly out of the blue she remembered the story her granny used to tell her every time she can't sleep.
The story was about a kingdom where jewels, gold and silver are everywhere to be found and aren’t really that important, what matters most was love, peace, unity and justice. It was like other fairy tale stories, the kingdom was invaded by an evil witch princess who uses black magic, she had a duel with the king and before the king died he was able to summon the six ancient great warriors who will save the kingdom by the witch‘s wrath. She ruled the kingdom and captured all the people who were devoted to the late king. The story was unfinished that left her a lot of questions.
“Could the six ancient great warriors really will be able to defeat the black magic of the witch princess?” then she remembered.
“But, they will appear after three hundred years, what if they won't appear, their only hope? What will become of the kingdom, it will surely be doomed, and what happened to the baby princess that had been escaped by a faithful servant? Will she go back and claim the throne or had vanished forever?” she end up missing granny that she felt like crying, she tried not closed her eyes tightly, she tried counting sheep’s and fell asleep right away.
When she opened her eyes, she was taken aback that she found herself standing in the edge of a cliff, she took a few steps back, and she tried looking down, it wasn’t so high and saw people working in a filed under the scorching sun.
“Where am I? I must be dreaming!” she gasped. She looked around then to the sky. It was deep blue and was more amused to see the moon, two moons.
“Moon on midday? And not only one but two! How could that be possible? Granny’s story must have gotten into my head too much!”
© Copyright 2011 Amzy (dianthusamzy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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