Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1765284-Book-Untitled-Chapter-2
Rated: E · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1765284
The next chapter in my novel, following the prologue.


Another enjoyable summer day had passed on in Willowston. Days felt like hours to this particular group of kids. The beach was close by, they practically lived next door to each other and places to play basketball or football were all nearby so these kids couldn’t ask for a better life. Willowston is a crimeless community of mostly middle class citizens, disregarding those residing by the beautiful blue lake Washington. The snow fell on an average rate in the winter and the sun licked pleasing sunshine in the summer. The rest of the year seem like it felt like the bustling Washingtonians didn’t appreciate  the few dry months it received because from October to April, a rainless day was uncommon. So the kids tried the best to enjoy the warm weather and the release from Willowston high, which they all lamented in extreme fashion, while it lasted.

         Besides two years, not much has changed about our friends that were once across the state camping. Possibly facial hair maturity and the ability to legally drive their cars wherever they wanted could be mentioned as well. Tom was driving back home from the beach with Jake in the passenger seat and Sam in the back. To the right of the upcoming stop sign was a massive shrub, blocking their view of both the lanes on the other road unable to realize that a speeding civic was milliseconds away from turning the corner. Sam’s curfew was within the next five minutes so Tom decided to wing it lightly press the break and then whip to the right to make the turn. The red Honda nearly caused a fender bender but he slammed on the break in the nick of time. This angered the man so he proceeded to flip the boys off through the sun roof.

         “We dodged a bullet there! That was an accident waiting to happen.” Said Jake, in attempt to quite his beating heart. Tom pulled in front of Sam’s house and let him out. The day came to an end so Jake eventually went home as well. Jake wove his friend goodbye and told him to call him tomorrow. He walked up to his front door and let himself in. After he greeted his parents he and his family had dinner and he headed off to bed. He had an older brother named Devin who was off exploring the world and a little sister, Emily who had recently turned 5 years old.

         After yet another great summer day Jake crawled into his comforting bed. He set his worn out body straight and rested his head carefully on his soft pillow. His room was rather boring. Staring at his poster less plain white walls and ceilings didn’t help in his attempt to fall asleep. Neither did the police siren that, to Jake’s disbelief was slowly getting closer and closer to Jake’s house. Jake put his ear against his window and silenced his breathing to get a better visual on how close the cop actually was to his house. The siren got louder and louder until it drifted towards the left as it turned down the street a block from Jake’s house. Then something incredible happened.

         An extremely frightening sight made Jake shoot clear out of his sheets. His heart had never been pumping blood through his system faster than it had been at that moment. Directly outside Jake’s window was this boy. The expression on this boy’s face was almost equally frightening as Jake’s. He looked scared and alone. That and very unsanitary he was wearing a raggedy ripped up shirt and dirty pear of cargo shorts that were too short for him. This kid looked the same age and build as Jake. Possibly a little bit taller. He had long straight almost raven colored hair and dark eyes that were fixed on Jake.

         Jake slowly slid his window open and whispered, “who are you?” The boy didn’t seem to want to talk. He was speechless and motionless for at least a good ten seconds before Jake had to ask again. “Did you hear me? I asked who you were. Who are you and what are you doing here?”

         “My name is Jonathan.” He replied uncomfortably. I’m here because I don’t have a place to sleep and this house was the closest and safest house I could find to get away from the cops.”

         Weird, despite the tattered outfit, this kid looked like anything but a criminal. But Jake clearly got passed the fact how bad it would look if he was caught housing someone the police were chasing after because he invited the poor kid in. The homeless boy slid through the window and crawled onto Jake’s floor. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a bag of gummy bears out. He ripped the bag open and poured the candy out on Jake’s carpet and didn’t hesitate to vigorously begin to devour his dinner. He stopped to politely ask if Jake wanted some. Jake shook his head.

         “Where do you live?” Jake was curious.

“When my parents were alive I lived in a house about 20 minutes from here. For the past two weeks I have been living in the big toy at Lakeside Park for a week.”

         “That’s terrible! I’m so sorry what happened to your parents.”  Jonathan tried his best to hide that the thought of his parent’s death caused him to feel extreme pain because it wasn’t too long ago when they passed away. “They were on a trip to new Mexico about a month ago when I was called by a family friend saying that they were in a horrible car crash and had died. The guy on the phone told me that I was to be staying with them. When I heard that I immediately hung up the phone. I was too upset to live anywhere else so I just stayed at my house until an orphanage van came to my house to take me away. I sprinted out the back door and have been living at the park ever since. I was very hungry and needed to eat so I went to the Safeway down the street and have been stealing food. For some reason the police were just outside of Safeway so when the store manager caught me stealing food the police saw me running outside of the store and chased me until I hopped the fence in your backyard and came here.”

         Jake found it appropriate to offer his house as somewhere this kid could stay for as long as he needed, so he did. He thought about telling his mom right away but he was questioning the reaction of his mother at the sight of a stranger in her son’s room so he decided to wait until the morning. “You can sleep in my bed and I will sleep downstairs.” John told Jake how thankful he was once again and Jake stepped out of the room, turns the light off, walked downstairs and plopped himself on the couch and drifted to sleep.

         When Jake woke up he felt as if an odd dream had just left his mind. Except for last night was far from a dream but it took Jake a couple awkward seconds to realize that. It was the fact that he was sleeping on the couch and not on his bed that made him realize so quickly what had been going on. He observed his surroundings after blinking his way awake suddenly his eyes shot open and he ran upstairs. He had completely forgotten about this strange boy Jonathan in his room. He threw his comforter off his body and sprinted to his room. On his way upstairs he glanced at the clock on the wall, almost noon, there was no way this boy was still asleep. But sure enough there he was lying there in Jake’s bed sound asleep.

         A sudden sigh of relief escaped Jake’s mouth. He found this time to be a perfect opportunity to inform his Mom about this boy in his room. He paced nervously over to his Mom’s room, knocked on her door and then walked in. Jake’s mom was slightly shorter than Jake with shoulder length blonde hair. She put a puzzled look on her face in response to the nerve-racking one on her son’s. As he began to explain the scenario he noticed she wasn’t as surprised or shocked as he expected. He told her how the boy. She put a puzzled look on her face in response to the nerve-racking one on her son’s. As he began to explain the scenario he noticed she wasn’t as surprised or shocked as he expected. He told her how the boy was homeless because his parents died and he was running away from the police and Jake had let him in.

         “That’s horrible, how did his parents die, where did he live before.” Jake told her that his parents died in a car crash in New Mexico about a month ago and that he lived about 20 minutes from here. “Hey, didn’t you guys go on a trip to New Mexico about a month ago.” His Mom stayed quiet for several moments, a look of grave distress waved across her face. “What is this boy’s name?” asked Jake’s Mom who looked anything but shaken about what was going on. “His name is Jonathan.” As soon as His Mom heard that name it was like she had been reminded of something, like she knew who this kid was somehow. The silence was broken yet again. “Mom, what do we do? Are we going to let him stay with us?” His Mom hurried into her room and grabbed a coat then she ran downstairs and put her shoes and before running out the door to her car to take off somewhere she looked up at Jake and yelled, “Yes of course! That is all we can do. He is more than welcome to stay here as long as he wants, make him feel at home I will be home in a couple of hours.” And then she was gone.

         So he did, the nest few days Jake had introduced John or “JT”, as he liked to be called, (Jonathan Thomas) to Tom, Sam and Max. He was fitting in nicely with the four best friends. He had the same humor and energy but was awkwardly quiet at times and often seemed out of the loop because he had just met the boys. He wore Jake’s clothes and ate dinner with the Scotts and was treated greatly by Jake’s parents.

         That Saturday night they were playing this game that they had played for years with a lot of their other friends from school and around the neighborhood. It was kind of like capture the flag but it was played in the woods and throughout the whole neighborhood which was really big. Jake, John and Max were running to find the other team’s base when they turned right down the street at the bottom of their neighborhood. At the end of the street was a dead end with a path leading into the forest. The forest was pretty much the source for all the neighborhood kid’s childhood. But this corner of the forest at the dead end was extremely creepy at night, a mere perfect place to hide a flag from the other team.          

         When they reached the dead end they came to a complete and utter stop. They seemed hesitant to enter the confines of the dark uncanny wood. “Do you think that’s where there flag is?” asked Max. “Only one way to find out” responded Jake as he led the boys through the path. They jogged through the narrow path constantly steeping on branches or running into inconvenient shrubs. The foliage was beginning to close in the boys so they strayed off the path and began to wander into the forest.

         “It’s so dark, I can’t see anything. I hope you guys know where you’re going.” John was unfamiliar to these parts. “Don’t worry JT, we know exactly where…” Max’s sentence was cut short. All three boys were astounded and what they were witnessing. A mysterious green haze was glowing through the trees. The illuminating mist seemed to be getting closer and closer to the boys. They didn’t know what to do they were frightened beyond belief. They all looked at each other and again, looked deep into the mist. Suddenly a light flashed red from deep into the forest. This blinded the boys and knocked them all on their backs. They got up screaming and sprinted out of the forest back onto the path and back onto the road as fast as they ever had in their whole entire life. After they got onto the road they proceeded to run up the street until they lost their breath at a stop sign a block from Jake’s house.

         “What was that?” John was panting as he spoke. “I have no idea. Guys, we have to keep running. We can go to my house. What if whatever made that flash of red light is coming after us.” So the boys ran to Jake’s house. They went along the side of his house in through his window. His room was on the first floor so they slid through and fell onto his floor. Still panting they tried to make words for what they just saw. They couldn’t be still there beating hearts so they stayed silent why they could.

         Jake broke the silence, “I’ve never seen anything like that. The green mist was scary enough but then I saw this red light that just flashed. After that I ran and I was too afraid to look back.” 

“That was unbelievable” John muttered. “What do you think it was? The thing that caused the flash?”

                       “Whatever it was it was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I think we should go to sleep and forget about it.” Said Max as comforting as he could. “I agree” and so they tried their best to let it leave there minds so they could go to sleep.

         The next morning, Jake was awoken by a phone call from Tom. It sounded urgent, Tom wanted Jake, Max and JT over at his house this instance. Jake woke the other boys up and they walked over there. It was early in the morning but the boys desperately wished to tell Tom about what happened the night before but as soon as they walked in the door it seemed like Tom’s information he was just about to bestow was more important than the mysterious mist seen by the four boys the night before.

         “Tom, we have something to tell you!” Tom interrupted Jake before he could spit another syllable. “So do I, you wouldn’t believe what I saw last night. Come into my room.” Tom led the boys into his room and sat on his bed and began to speak again. “I was just about to join you guys outside and play capture the flag with you but I looked out the window and saw a strange light in the sky. Out my window all it looked like was a star but it was close and it was moving towards me. I looked through my telescope and it was a UFO.”

         The four other boys weren’t surprised. Tom claimed he witnessed a UFO through his telescope almost a year ago and ever since he spends a lot of his time researching aliens and UFO through books, the internet and TV shows on history channel. “No guys really, it was flashing red and it crashed in the forest. I’m telling the truth!”

         “In the forest at the end of our neighborhood?” asked Jake with his eyes nearly reaching the end of his sockets. Tom nodded his head. Jake explained him, Max and JT’s encounter. He explained the green mist coming from the forest and the red flash of light that blinded the boys and made them run back up the street.”

         “That’s it! You guys were entering the crash site of the UFO. The red flash of light, the mist, they were coming from a crashed alien spaceship.”

         This all seemed so unlikely to the other boys. But this time they did not completely shrug off Tom and his radical suggestion, because of what they witnessed and how it had affected their opinion.

         “You guys have to believe me. These things exist. Aliens have been visiting this planet since the beginning of time. I’m going to make believers out of you guys if it’s the last thing I do. Let me show you my research, some of the stuff I have found is incredible.”

         “Another time Tom, I say we focus on finding out what this thing really is” Jake was desperately curious to finding out what this was. “You know what I say?” Tom had this enlightened look in his eye. “I say that we go back tonight and see what you guys saw!”

         “Yes! Let’s meet here at around midnight tonight and go down to the forest and see what that red light is.” Yet again these boys imagination’s sparked a great idea. This could be yet another adventure for these boys to embark on, only this time it could be dangerous. 

         So, as planned Jake, John, Max and Sam, who was informed later about what had happened because he had Sunday service to attend to that morning, all left there respective houses around midnight and met in Tom’s backyard. Jake, Sam and Tom all had flashlights. They dressed in mostly black and were discussing their plan before they left.

         “If you get lost then come back to the top of the street and wait for everyone else. Also, whatever you do, do not get on the craft. We have no idea what powers these aliens hold.’ Tom ranted off about his ridiculous theories.

         Off they went, they slowly jogged down the street, passed the stop sign and down the hill until they reached the right turn to the street at the bottom of the neighborhood. They glanced briefly at each other and kept moving along. Once they got to the dead end, Jake led the way with his flashlight with Max at the rear. They slowed their pace way down through the narrow path. The path soon ended, as it did before, so they strayed from it but stayed close by. The flashlights were helpful; they were shining straight and bright in front of the boy’s path. Then the light caught something, all five boys saw it together, they halted dead in their tracks at the sight of the thing four of them least wanted to see.

         There, in the confines of a scorched portion of land and obliterated foliage used as a landing site, was a crashed fuselage and all its majestic yet conspicuous beauty staring at the boy’s bewildered faces. It was probably 50 feet in diameter and saucer shaped. The dark almost luminescent surface was be traced with what seemed like gold unfamiliar writing all along the side of it. What looked like a landing pad was unfortunately outstretched and opening the confines of the unknown craft to the four curious teenagers. A green haze was emitting from the bottom of the saucer but no blinding red flash of light had exiled yet.

         “This is remarkable!” Max was certainly intrigued at what they had found. “I got to hand it to you Tom; this certainly makes a believer out of me.”

                                                                                               “We have got to see what’s inside. We have to be careful though, and were going in together.” Jake looked at his four friends. His audacity was going to be the death of him someday. Sam looked extremely frightened, John just as astounded as the other boys, and Tom, he was numb. But suddenly he just started walking towards the entrance to the ship. Unanimously the other four kids followed.

         When Jake walked in after Tom the inside seemed remarkably greater in size, although, to the boy’s surprise, it was not a complicated anfractuosity and looked rather simply constructed for aerodynamics and certainly not for comfort. There was a left and right but it eventually was a circle with a shaft in the middle. It looked like it was made for 2 maybe 3 people because at the end of the circle was two chair-like dents in the floor. The seats were facing a window and in front of the seats was what looked like a control panel, but a demolished one. Blinking red and blue lights flickered as smoke arose from the smashed ship. The ship also looked as if it were made for beings that were merely three maybe three and a half feet tall. So, Jake had to crawl around the side of the ship. When he got to the front he saw Tom who was also on his hands and knees, observing the smashed panel of flickering lights and knobs. When they turned around they realized all five boys couldn’t exactly fit comfortably in the craft. They were all crammed so Sam, who volunteered to exit, and Max both left the craft. As for the shaft in the middle, it was cylinder shaped and could fit one of these 3 foot beings at most. The shaft had a door that would slide open towards the front of the ship.

         “What are you waiting for slide it open JT” Tom couldn’t help himself. John slid the door open and inside looked very strange. It was certainly were the saucer was steered because there was what appeared to be a steering wheel shaped thing that would control the ship but it looked as if the pilot would have to stand up to steer it and at the top was a miniscule translucent dome that the head of the driver would go so he could pilot the craft.

         “This is incredible. We have to tell everyone about this!” “No! We have to keep this a secret no matter what we don’t know what this information could do in the wrong hands. Plus, we wouldn’t want the government trying to cover it up would we?” Tom interrupted Jake’s thirst for notoriety to express his own self proclaimed opinion on the matter.

         Just before they all crawled their way out, John spotted a small knob on the side of the cylinder shaped shaft. He pulled the knob and it opened a compartment. Inside this compartment, John found a black Enchiridion. He was amazed at his discovery so he placed it to the side so he could reach in and grab what else was in store for him in this secret compartment, a marvelous golden disc. Very heavy, pure carat gold, it was shiny and had mysterious depictions all over it. A feeling of immense wonder was bestowed upon Jonathan. This disc was a truly selcouth object to John so he grabbed both of them and crawled his way out.

         “I still can’t believe this is real, I still can’t believe that UFO’s exist. It’s not just that we found a remarkable craft; this is bigger than that! Tom was right all along extra-terrestrials are not myths. They visit this planet clearly often for the chances of us finding a crashed fuselage to be high. All I have been taught by the catholic faith has been a lie. This is unbelievable.”

                             “You’re jumping to rational conclusions Sam! I say we go back up to our houses sleep on it and discuss what we want to make of this tomorrow.” Said Max

         “I agree, and in the meantime say nothing to your parents or anyone about this, okay!” The fact this was kept secret was important to Tom.

                                                                                              “We can decide what to do in the morning, come over when you guys wake up.” With Jake’s last words the boys ran up the street passed the stop sign and parted. When Jake and John were finally alone John revealed his findings.

                                  “You wouldn’t believe what I found.” He brought out the mysterious black handbook and the surely centuries old golden disc.

                                                                                                              “That’s amazing, where did you find that?”

“I know right, it was in the shaft in the middle of the ship. The book is in an entirely different language. I have never seen anything like it. Markings of the same language are on the disc and I think the UFO as well.”

         “This is incredible! We have to show Tom that tomorrow. Put it under my bed make sure it’s safe, we have no idea what it could do.”          

         JT nodded his head and put the black book and the alien disc under Jake’s bed. Then the boys fell asleep astounded at what they had just discovered.

© Copyright 2011 Keenan Scott (keenan.scott20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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