Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1765160-MURDER-AT-THE-RECTORY
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Mystery · #1765160
Murder most fowl!
“Murder most fowl.”

A shrill cry shattered the calm evening air. In that moment; life at a quiet country Rectory; would change forever.
“Polly’s been murdered,” Alma gasped.
The Rector Robert Frost raced into the room. His Blood turned cold.
His Wife Alma knelt sobbing beside the lifeless body. Robert knelt beside her a sense of dread sweeping over him.
Apart from an incision at the base of her neck, there was little sign that a felony had occured.
Polly lay peacefully on her side, her deep blue eyes staring at the ceiling.
“We won’t have far to look for the culprits, Its time we paid those gentlemen a visit,”
Robert said grimly.
They both walked forlornly to the sitting room, the door was slightly ajar.
“You did it,” Alma screamed as a dark pair of eyes swept over her.”
“Alma,” Robert said gently, “Its best not make an assumptions until we know the
Mr Asner stared coldly out the window, unmoved by Alma’s outburst. Mr Barnum
Leaned casually against the oak table, if he had committed a murder; he showed no signs of it, his face wearing its usual smug expression.
Mister Barnum scratched his head and opened his mouth, as if about to speak.
Robert sighed and put his arm around his shaking wife.
At that very moment a breathless Gertrude Geller entered the room.
“I heard the scream and came as quickly as I could,” the by now Red faced next door
Neighbor panted.
Her eyes widened in shock as she gazed at Polly.
“It’s to late Gertrude,” Alma cried, “Polly is gone from us now.”
The Rector paced over to Mr. Barnum and gave him a steely stare.
“Where were you going Ten minutes ago Mr. Barnum, you seemed to be in a great hurry. Perhaps you were fleeing the scene of a crime.”
Mr. Barnum looked desperately at Mr. Asner as if seeking some help. Mr. Asner
Turned away, and ignored him.
“You’ve got a guilty look Mr. Barnum,” the Vicar contined.
Mister Barnum shifted uneasily, his eyes began to blink faster, he felt trapped he wanted
To make a run for it now.
“Wait,” Gertrude broke in, I think I know the killer.”
“I went for my nap about Four PM. I remember falling asleep quickly it was so warm
And so very still. I was in a deep sleep. When I thought I heard a cry, it was Polly’s
Voice” … “At first I thought I was dreaming and fell back to sleep. Now I realize it was Polly calling out the name of her Assailant.”
“She screamed, Murder, Murder, Mr … …
Robert and Alma leaned forward as Gertrude unmasked a killer.
“Mr, Asner.”

The Reverend inhaled sharply, and slumped back in his Arm Chair.
“Oh no Gertrude, not Mr Asner.”
Robert shook his head sorrowfully.
Mr Asner remained expressionless. For him Murder was a way of life; a matter of fact.
He knew the game was up for him. It was time to escape, he would face the Music some other time. He dashed out the door and down the Marble Hallway, his Heart pounding. He gave a sigh of relief as the front door was wide open. He exited to the consternation of the pursueing Rector.
Robert called out as Mr. Asner raced down the Muddy Road.
“You wont get away this.”
Mr Asner kept going. He knew it was time to disappear for a while, and ride out the
A cold Autumn sun shone down as they laid Polly to rest. There was no easy way to say goodbye. They looked at the Grave Stone, as a cold frosty wind whipped across the Foggy Marshland.
Robert patted the inscription lovingly and dried his misty eyes.
A dark pair of eyes, watched and waited as they wandered forlornly away.
Mr Asner felt no remorse for his actions. He had hated Polly from the first time he set eyes on her. She had always looked down on him, not affording him the respect he deserved.
He hated her high pitched voice and her pampered lifestyle. His resentment had festered to boiling point. Polly would pay the ultimate price for her indifference. She would leer at him no more …..
Thunder rumbled in the Belly of a low lying cloud, and the first drops of Rain splashed against the last words; to a dear departed friend.


The Ginger Tom Cat emerged from the bushes and sauntered past the grief stricken, Robert and Alma. He swaggered slowly back towards the house.
“Your a very very naughty boy,” Alma scolded as he marched away.
Mr. Asner kept walking. The storm was already abating, It was time for his favorite Arm
Chair. Murder after all, could be a very tiresome business!

                                    THE END
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