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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · History · #1764476
The story of the Alamo in heroic iambic pentameter
This poem is to be read in iambic pentameter which is done by starting with an unstessed sylible and switching to stessed like shakespere
the unstressed/stressed goes through the whole poem it also contains ten sylibles per line

Heroic iambic pentameter is the regualar iambic pentameter but with every two lines rhyming

The Rebels stand proud and united now.
For their country they do stand tall and prow.
No Enemy can rout these valient men.
With shout and shell Travis declares then,
That men as these shall remain free.
These men looked over the wall and could see,
Santa Anna and his many soldiers.
Over five thousand guns and their gunners,
Fighting the contingent who could not head,
Five men more than eighty and one hundered.
Women and many a child did clear.
This was from warnings of death they did hear.
Jim Bowie, Williem Travies, and Davy,
Worked to ready the men like no navy.
Whiskey and liquer was a very good sight,
As was the moon of yet the next night.
Chance to surrender no man crossed the line.
It took only five days plus about nine.
The Rebels stand now high upon the sky,
With God and all his angels they do fly.

The battle of the Alamo was fought by San Antonio, Texas which was currently Mexican territory. The Mexicans of the time were very hard on the American immagrants and the people formed a rebellion which led to Texas being added to America. 
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